▪︎ PROLOGUE ▪︎ The Great Escape

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Their footsteps were echoing off the damp, earthen walls closing around them. Roots dangled from the ceiling like those similar, familiar being a bad choice of words, huge monstrous claws ready to grab them and tear them apart like pieces of fragile fabrics. As they passed by, the plants' safe grip to the earth were brushing against the group of Trolls' colorful, magic hair. They were running away from danger in the underground tunnels as fast as they could, their heart pouding in their chest was hurting like numerous stabs by the second; their breathe was quickened by the panic they felt, their tails following their trails.

The group was suppose to stay together, quiet, like their trusted leader, King Peppy had said they should: yet she felt so terrified when she had realized that some Trolls couldn't keep up with the rest.

Princess Viva, just 13 years old, was at the end of the group, pushing the last slower trolls forward to follow the group escaping by the roots of their once prison. Her ears kept twitching to the sounds of what could have been the bergens' searches above their heads as well as the tip of her tail standing still, afraid any mouvement would be signing up for death; if they kept quiet, they wouldn't get notice, right ? But what if they DID get notice ? Perharps Bergens' smell was developed to hunt them down more efficacely ? Then what ?

She didn't wanted to think about it...

- Hurry up ! She pushed a troll to keep moving foward; turning around to a tunnel to the left.

- Princess Viva ! Princess Viva !!

Her attention got taken away from her previous task as she heard the male troll calling her royal title. A purple skinned troll with green apple hair had rush to her, if she didn't know him personally a princess had for task as well to know every one of her people's name;

- What is it, Basil ?

The tail of the troll was wrapped around his left leg, covering a scratch on his knee. Viva thought it might have been the reason of his fear, but the troll opened his arms to welcome something in his embrace, she shifted slightly;

- King Peppy asked to carry the Princess, he requested.

She was not dumb, neither blind; she knew Basil was not talking about her when mentionning a Princess. Viva was tall enough on both of her feet to carry herself alone without the help of anyone, but someone else wasn't; way too small to even say anything else than "Dada". What Basil was there for was inside of her nest of hair; a small troll, pink skin just like her; her little sister, Princess Poppy hidden away from the scary world out there. Viva would do anything in her power to keep her safe and the oldest was a brave trolling, untouched by the dramatic events this night would bring to her... perharps they would soon destroy her.

That wasn't the point.

Not right now.

Right now she had to keep the one she loves safe.

- P-Poppy ? She stuttered out, surprised.

- Yes ! Basil nodded, his fingers curling open and close as a gesture to give him the baby, He requested that she would be at the front of the group, I'll carry her there safely, I promise !

Viva hesitated, but at the same time, she had to trust her father... she bit her lower lip, reaching into her hair; her hands came out holding safely the sides of a small baby troll, the happiest of all.

Princess Poppy made an annoyed whimper since she had been woke up immediately shushed down by her protective older sister. Seeing a familiar face, she calmed down and brightened up; playfully, Viva tickled the tip of her magenta nose, the baby giggled softly, nibbling her finger. While being way much older, that didn't make their bond any less strong.

- Are you sure ? She looked up at Basil, not so certain of letting go of Poppy, She was pretty safe with me, is something wrong ?

Something wrong ? Other than the bergens having found out that they were escaping ? Other than obvious traces on the walls, foundations of the tunnels collapsing ? Of course no one thought it was important to tell the Trolls behind what was going on... The princess held her little sister in front of her, taking in the image of this innocent baby troll. The one that had no idea of the freedom she was being carried to, and the darkness in which she was leaving her sister.

- Okay.... I'll see you later, Poppy ! She smiled to the baby, Basil is going to take you safely to daddy, okay ?

The little one took a second, blinking, then blew a playful raspberry, giggling in the most heartfelt way.

Rassured, Viva kissed her forehead, and then so soflty gave the safety of her little sister to Basil.

- She's going to be okay, Basil patted Viva's hair before running away.

- Bai bai ! Poppy made a grabby hand above his shoulder.

Viva felt a pinch in her heart, almost immediately wanting to run after them to hug Poppy just one more time before having to say see you later— but then it happened.

The earth started to shake.

Viva practically lost her balance, dirt flew over the dark area, forming a cloud of dust and blinding the trolls that were in the tunnels. She coughed loudly in the crook of her arm, her eyes were shut tight so no particules would get into her eyes and blind her as well. She heard yelling, shouts and cries of fears up ahead. Being the caring future leader that she was, the pink troll sprinted to where the call of her people was coming from; what was going on ?

- Is everybody okay ?? She made her way through the crowd of Trolls to see what was the problem they had to face.

- We're never going to make it outta here !...

- We're all gonna die !!...

- Daddy !! My daddy is on the other side !! DADDY !!

...on the other side ?

Viva finally managed to make her way between the Trolls, the one that would be now known as the ones who were left behind.

... Her eyes grew wide when she met first with a wall of impenetrable, massive rocks.

The panicked cries were shut down to whimpers and despair. Adults were quiet, kids were calling for their parents, elders had just accepted their fate... Viva had just understood the hard truth that had collapsed on her shoulders just like the tunnels.

She was their Queen now.

She would have cried ugly tears, she would have panic like all the other trollings calling for their lost family members and maybe tear her vocal chords, she would have fell on both of her exhausted knees, defeated. Yet she didn't have the right to this luxury; she couldn't cry. She couldn't scream her pain, try and bruise her skin while trying to push the rocks out of her way to her family; she had to be strong for the ones who couldn't. She had to be their leader.

She blinked away a single tear, then turned around to the group and faced them with what was left of her courage; her heart squeezed in pain, this was about a third of the whole tribe that originally habitated the Troll Tree. All left behind, all forgotten.

...Had her father forgot about her ? Left her behind ?

Not the time, not the moment, she had to take these trolls to safety first ! She just simply couldn't let the bergens, monsters, get their deadly claws on their tails ! This wouldn't be fair, or be acceptable. If she was now their queen, it also meant that she had to be their hero.

- TROLLS ! She called for their attention, Let's not loose hope ! W-We can still find a way out of here !

She earned thousands of words of worries from her people, and she did her best to calm them down... she felt her heart pang heavily inside her rib cage, using her bones like drums. She got everyone in a straight line, organised; they had to keep moving foward ! They had to take another way than the original one planned; passing through the now filled with gravel tunnel was impossible and therefor their only chance of survival was to stick together and find another exit to join the other trolls and King Peppy.

The tunnels were still trembling with the huge steps of the monsters above them as the Trolls sprinted quietly through the underground path. Some trollings were holding tightly into an adult's tail so they wouldn't get lost along the way, elders were being guided by the most caring of the group, even one traveler was blind ! Viva, meanwhile, was at the front of the herd, standing proud, without a single tear rolling down her cheeks.

- This way ! Viva gestured for the group as she saw another earth pipe that seemed to be going up away from the bergens, Come on Trolls ! We're almost—


Coming from the roof and percing its way through the ground, a large pointy tool blocked their way. Their life now in danger, the Trolls didn't wait more and screaming, ran to the deeper underground tunnels in hope to find a shelter.

Few of them, a group of 7 or so, got blocked by a shovel, and startled, took the total opposite direction that Viva had requested to take. Panicked for their lives, she searched help from a dark blue troll with light blue hair, if someone could be a great leader, it would be Mira;

- MIRA ! Take these Trolls to safety, through this tunnel ! I'm going to get the others !

- Yes, Princess Viva ! The woman nodded, courageous she took the lead; C'mon guys, this way !

The trolls followed the brave one and Viva stayed behind; without taking the right amount of time to even realize how dangerous and unplanified the actions she was taking were, her tail had left the spot on which she had been standing on a few seconds ago and where now, rocks had fell down and blocked half of the way.

- NO ! Viva warned the group of terrified Trolls when she saw them walking out of the tunnel by the hole were the light was seen, NOT THAT WAY !

These tunnels ends would lead them directly to traps the bergens had installed to capture them and bring them back direction; a Trollstice dinner meal. She had the time to grab one younger troll's hand and pulling back before the rest of the group that had taken this tunnel got suddendly lifted out of the tunnel, screaming out loud since they were now prisonners of solid linen bags.

- YOU ! She said at the little boy she had just saved the life from, Why didn't you followed the rest of the group ?? Stay here, hide ! I'll get the others !

She had never seen him before; a light blue skinned troll with green roots and yellow hair, younger than her by at least 2 years and wearing what seemed like BroZone merch. His blue pearls were widened in shock, staring at her... only one thing got her to stop for a second, and look at him as well, and it wasn't because she had recognized him, no not at all;

There was simply, not a single tear rolling down on this one's face either.

She blinked, and then shook her head; she had to go and help these captured Trolls. She gripped on a rock and using her strenghts, pulled herself out of the shelter.

The light blinded her for a few seconds since the change was so sudden. Blinking a few times, the pink troll ran to hide behind a root. A few feets away was the group of Bergens, cheering as they were holding the bag with her people held inside like treats.

- So how do we help them ?

She nearly screamed her lungs out but held back just in time when she heard the low whisper right next to her. The kid she had just saved the life of was right by her side, the tip of his tail slightly brushing on the dead grass as he was attentive to all the sounds around them. Viva frowned, frustrated, she had to hold herself from pushing him right back inside of the tunnel;

- What are you doing ?? I told you to stay in the tunnel ! She reminded the  troll.

- But Princess Viva, I—

- No ! She said on a harsh tone, I don't need some kid in my hair !

She climbed on the tree, hoping to get a better view of the area this way. The male troll followed her, climbing almost as fast as her, he spitted out some dust when Viva almost fell down.

- I'm not just a kid ! He took a stronger grip, like offended she wouldn't take him seriously, My name is Clay !

- Yeah sure, like you're a miStEr or whatever ! Get back in the tunnel, Mr.Clay ! She mocked him.

Using her foot, she pushed this just met Mr.Clay's face away from her as a clear sign to get back to safety and rushed to another tree branch above the monsters' heads, ignoring his quiet complains; she could see the bergens fight for the treats, the Trolls kicking and screaming inside of their bag and begging to be set free. Viva looked around the place, the vines hanging from the sad trees of the forest. She needed a plan, and after spotting what she would use to accomplish the needed steps...


A huge war cry, and a flash of yellow, green and blue and the bergen's eyebrows hair were pulled up in a painful way because none other than Clay was on top of his forehead. There was a common cry coming from the bag that had just dropped on the ground, opening and letting the group free.

- RUN ! She yelled at the trolls, Hey- HEY !! WHAT ARE YOU– CLAY !! Viva yelled at the kid, finally using just his name.

- I'M TRYING TO HELP— the young troll yelled back.

- YOU'RE NOT- WELL YOU ARE- YOU'RE GONNA GET KILLED !! She said the obvious.

This stupid kid was making everything so complicated ! Since she had screamed so loudly, the other bergen that had fell on the ground saw her up in the tree. Roaring, he reached toward the princess, forgetting about the other trolls escaping, but Viva was a born warrior; she wouldn't let this bergen dare and take hold of her !

She jumped off the branch as well, fighting off the bergen that got too close to the escaping trolls. Not even knowing what Clay was up too, her hair was her best weapon, using it to defend her self and the tunnel entrance.

Eventually, her teeth then sank deep into its skin and the creature shook her off violently. The action actually threw her off and she fell on Clay on the way, taking him down in her fall; both of their bodies bounced on a mushroom and finished their race rolling on the ground.

She felt her whole body ring like a bell, the pain going in waves and resonating in her bones. The shadows of the unconsious attempted to cover her vision like a blanket but she was lucky enough that some stupid kid had followed her here, and had decided that he should help her be a hero;

- Princess Viva !... VIVA !

Clay was shaking her shoulder, and she opened her pink eyes, noticing that he had practically lifted her up to carry her away. The bergen was towering them, and the fear spread like a wild fire in her brain, sending a shot of adrenaline in her blood that woke her up completely. She shook Clay off and pushed him foward;

- RUN ! She yelled at him.

Both sprinted the fastest they could at the tunnel entrance, Viva had to do a quick turn to avoid their giant claws closing on the void.

- HURRY UP, HURRY UP ! Clay had slowed down and pushed her inside of the tunnel before him.

The two trolls rolled themselves in ball of hair and slided in the tunnels like two colorful golf balls. The large hand tried to dig through the earth to find them, making the walls start to crack, to break down on them like the sky falls on someone's shoulder. Both trolls held each other, certain, convinced that their life were gonna end this way: crushed and then eaten alive.

A wall fell down.

Clay cried out, his eyes shutting close; but Viva only saw a way to freedom. Grabbing his hand, she pulled him out to the tunnel that had just formed, away from the claws still looking for them... They ran, they ran for a while, an enternity, and finally, Viva heard the rage of the monsters calming down, to be replaced by her people's voices, worried about them.

Clay suddendly tripped on a rock and feel face first on the ground. Viva went back to lift him up; the tunnel was starting to shake more intensely now and she had no other choice; tearing apart her vocal chords seeing it start to fall in pieces behind them, it was obviously now about to crush them both to death;

- HELPP !! She begged, pulling Clay's arm on her back to support him, unable to climb the last rock to get both of them out, WE'RE HERE !! HELP !!

Their tails were interwined and trembling. Viva made some painful steps toward the light, the sound of help itself on their way moved closer and soon, she felt hands pulling them out of the destroyed entrance, back to real safe heaven as the earth collapsed behind them, blocking the way to BergenTown.

The survivors were all gathered around the roots of the tree where all was left of the entrance was rocks and dirt. Some trolls helped them up, making sure they were alright and safe; the group of Trolls that had been captured thanked Viva sincerely;

- I thought I was done for !...

- You saved us !...

Clay had just got the help from a coral colored troll that he pushed off with a disgusted expression. His tail flicked in annoyance and he turned his attention to the princess instead, walking up to her and the group that was praising her and cleared his throat;

- ... Heeeyyy guyysss!! Soooo I know we're all celebrating the fact that Viva saved us and alllll buuutttt just wanna kinda clarifyyy and put out there thaaaat I helped too–

- YOU !! Everyone flinched at the authority coming from the young troll, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING ?? YOU ALMOST GOT BOTH OF US KILL OUT THERE !

- I d-didn't mean to ! Clay's tail found refuge between his legs.

- I TOLD YOU TO STAY HIDDEN ! Her tail was angrily wagging, in comparaison to Clay's immobile one, Why wouldn't you just LISTEN to me ?? You don't know ANYTHING, you're just a KID !!

Clay had the audacity to look up at her, his blue eyes examinated her from the tip of her hair down to her toes. He popped his lips;

- ... You're a kid too— he pointed out.

She grew quiet for a good minute, she had been protecting so many of her people that she had forgot herself that what Clay was saying was the truth; she was just a kid. The pink troll's ears dropped down as she turned around, overly now aware of those Trolls waiting for her orders. The pressure was immense... how would she even take care of so many Trolls ?

She looked back at the troll, not just seeing some idiot anymore.

- Well I— I can't be a kid... they need a leader.

Clay looked at all the trolls staring at them, he nervously walked up to her, leaning foward to meet her gaze even if he was smaller than her, puberty hadn't hit him yet. He gave her a gentle smile, trying to cheer her up;

- Well... you don't have to do it alone ! His tail was wagging like similar to a puppy, I could help you !

She frowned in confusion; more help ? After he basically almost got them rolled up in the middle of a deadly dangerous type of situation ?

- ...What ?

- Yeah ! I could... take care of the boring stuff so then you can take care of the fun stuff !

She blinked at him; was he serious ?

- I'm sorry— what about any of this is fun to you ?

The blue skinned troll moved up, placing his palm on his chest as if he was trully concerned about her opinion of him;

- Fun ? Nothing about this is fun ! I mean— I know nothing about fun ! I'm all about serious ! You said it yourself; I'm Mr.Clay !

Then something clicked in her brain; with the way he was moving around, to his short smiles and the color of his eyes; she felt stupid that she hadn't realized who he was before just now. Smirking, she crossed her arms on her chest;

- Righhht, " Clay the Fun Boy " knows nothing about fun, hm ?

His anonymity being gone, the revealed ex-boyband member's hair turned pale; yet the Trolls were so exhausted there were no huge crowd forming around him. Clay had never really been that much of a fan of that much attention on him.

Thinking she had win the little banter, Viva made a gesture for the Trolls to start walking; they still had to find a place to pass the night safely at. Clay took a moment to run up to her, not ready to leave her alone just yet;

- Hey ! HEY ! Viva, wait !!

- Princess Viva ! She corrected him.

- Urggghhhhh, he overreacted, acting as if he was melting on the ground, IT'S TOO LONGGG, and just Viva is prettier— Or I could come up with a nickname... how 'bout Veev ?

- Mr.Clay, she mocked smiling to him, I would request you kindly to go bother someone else !

- Why are you trying to get rid of me ?

- BECAUSEEE, you're annoying—

- I'm nooot ! I'm boring, there's a difference !

He finally catched up with the princess, attempting to hold tails together. She slapped him with her tail tuft and he let go, not quite ready to make a new friend yet;

- What's wrong with you ? She walked away.

Clay had a stop, hesitating to follow her. He looked above his shoulder, back at the destroyed tunnels... he blinked away some daring to fall tears as he thought back at who he had left behind forever that night.

He followed Viva, he couldn't stay in the past.

- Hey, you're stuck with me anyway, he said in a serious tone, joining her side, so why don't you just give me a chance ?

He didn't see it, but Viva's lips slowly formed a smile.

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