Chapter 14: Future Plans

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Third Person POV 


A man crashed into the ground as Blitzwing glared at a man in cuffs. 

Blitzwing: Get to work. 
He ordered as the man slowly got up. 

Man: Fucking animal lover. 
The man spat at him. 

Blitzwing: Get to work unless you want to become Shockwave's next guinea pig. 
He said as the man quickly ran to his post. 

Blitzwing: Good. 
He said with a grin as another approached him. 

Blitzwing: What is it Starscream. 
He said as he turned towards Starscream. 

Starscream: How are things here. 

Blitzwing: Same as usual. Prisoners screaming that they'll get out and kill more of the residents here. 
He answered as Starscream looked at him blankly. 

Starscream: Hmm. 
He hummed as he looked at the prisoners working. 

???: Hey! I'm not going to work with some animal in this damn place! 
A prisoner yelled as the two looked at him. 

Prisoner: I'm not going to work with a man who sleeps with an animal! 
He yelled as Blitzwing pulled out a handgun. 


The prisoner fell to the ground as the prisoners looked at Blitzwing with fear. 

Blitzwing: Anybody else? 
He asked as the prisoners quickly went back to work. 

Starscream: Human pirate. One of the first when we arrived. 

Blitzwing: Yes. One of the many that screamed that they'll get out and drag the children into a dark alley.

Starscream: Good thing you've got rid of him. 

Blitzwing: Hardly. I would impaled him on a pike.
He said as he put his handgun back into his holster. 

Starscream: What are they even doing here. 

Blitzwing: They are building a wall.

Starscream: I see. Menagerie needs more defenses. 

Blitzwing: It does. Without Soundwave and Shockwave, this place would have already fallen. 

To Knock-out 

Knockout: Here we go. 
He said as he wrapped a bandage around a resident's leg. 

Knockout: Take these and you'll be fine. 
He said as he held a packet in his hand. 

Resident: Oh okay. Thank you doctor. 
They said as a nurse walked into the room and took them out of hte room. 

Knockout: Lovely. We get settled in and a pirate group attacks us. 
He said with annoyance as Soundwave walked into the room. 

Knockout: Oh how can-, oh. It's you. 
He said as he looked at Soundwave with a packet in hand. 

Knockout: What is it. 
He said as Soundwave held the packet up, revealing its content. 

Knockout: Plans for the desert region? 
He asked as he grabbed it before scanning through it .

Knockout: What is Shockwave going to plan on doing out there in the desert regions? Build a cyborg to do that? 

To Blake 

Blake: Mama? When is daddy going to come back? 
She asked as she tugged at Kali's dress. 

Kali: He'll come back soon baby. 
She said as she was cooking. 

Blake: When? 
She asked once again. 

Kali: Soon baby. 
She answered as she continued to cook. 

???: Hey. I'm going to get going. 
A voice said as Kali turned around to see Summer. 

Blake: Aww... already? 
She asked with sad eyes. 

Summer: Yeah little girl. 
She said as she pat her head. 

Blake: Will we see you again auntie? 
She asked as she looked at her. 

Summer: Yeah. We'll see each other again. 
She said with a smile. 

Blake: Yeah! 
She yelled with a smile and hugged her. 

Summer: I'll miss you Blake. 
She said as Blake hugged her tightly. 

Blake: I'll miss you too auntie. 
She said with a smile before letting go of Summer. 

Kali: Goodbye Summer. It was nice meeting you. 
She said as she shook her hand. 

Summer: Take care of Y/N. 
She said before walking out the door as Blake followed her. 

Blake: Bye auntie! 

Somewhere Else 

Y/N stood in a large room as a man gasped for air, attempting to pry his hands off of his throat. 

Y/N: Where is Amanda. 
He said as the man gasped for air. 

Man: P-P-Please. 
He gasped for air as Y/N glared at him before throwing him into a wall. 

Man: I-I-I don't know. Please. 
He begged as he crawled away from Y/N. 

Y/N: Where is Silas. 
He said as he pulled out a dagger. 

Man: Please... I don'-AHHH! 
He screamed in pain as Y/N shoved his dagger through the man's shoulder. 

Y/N: Where is he. Tell me. Where can I find Silas. 

Man: I-I-I don't know.

???: I do. 
A familiar voice said as Y/N growled before turning around to see a familiar face. 

Y/N: Raven. 

Here is chapter 14 of Better Left Dead! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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