Chapter 2: Lockdown

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Third Person POV 

Y/N glared at the person in front of him. A girl in in a black and red dress while holding her sword in hand. 

Y/N: Raven. 
He growls as he closes the door. 

Raven: Y-Y/N. 
She stutters as she looks at him. 

Raven: Come back to Beacon. 
She said with tearful eyes. 

Y/N: Why should I. 
He said as he glares at her. 

Raven: I-I-I...
She struggle to answer as she looks at him. 

Y/N: Hmm. 
He said as he walks to his car. 

Raven: COME BACK! 
She yells to him. 

Y/N: Why should I. 
He said as he turns to his side. 

Raven: IT was a mistake! 
She yells at him as tears ran down her cheeks. 

Y/N: A fatal mistake. 
He said as he opens the door to only see Raven throw her sword in front of the door. 

Y/N sighs as he grabs the blade and throws it towards her. Raven grabs it as she skids back a little. 

Y/N: Why do you want me to come back. 
He said as he closed his door, leaving the sleeping Amanda in the car. 

Raven: Because we all miss you! 
She yells to him. 

Y/N: Hmm. Oh really now. Tell me, did you when you were with that toy of yours. 
He spat at her. 

Raven: I-I-I-I
She struggles to finish as she looks down. 

Y/N: Don't tell you miss me when you were with Tai. 
He said as he walk away.

Raven grabs his arm as she looks at him with tears .

Raven: P-P-Please. Come back. 
She begs as she looks at him with tears in hand. 

Y/N: No. 
He kicks her in the stomach. 

Raven skids across the ground as she held her stomach in pain before seeing him drive away. 

Raven: Y/N! 
She yells as she held her hand out towards him. 

Raven: D-D-Don't leave me.
She begs, tears ran down her cheeks. 

Y/N's POV 

I heard the engine run as I continued to drive down the road. Only one thought going through my head as I drove. 

"Did she really love me then." 

"Did Raven love me before all of this." 
I said to myself as I looked to the side and saw the photo. 

A photo of the two of us. 

"Hmm. That's all in the past." 
I said as I continued to drive out of Vale. 

I looked in the mirror as I saw the school. Seeing the school as memories of Troy and the others flash in my head. 

"Goodbye Summer." 
I said to myself. 

Third Person POV 

Y/N continues to drive as Amanda shift in her sleep. As he continued to drive, he saw a woman running through the fores as a group of men followed her. 

Y/N: Son of a bitch. 
He said as he parked the car and got out. 

Amanda: W-W-Where are you going? 
She asks as she looks at him with fear. 

Y/N: Just stay in the car. 
He said as he closes the door and locks it. 

Y/N slowly walked into the forest as he heard branches snapping and breaking from afar. 

Y/N: Let's see what happens. 
He said as he walks into the forest. 

To stranger 

The stranger ran through the forest as she had chains around her arms while she panted heavily. Her faunas ears flipping as she hears branches snapping behind her. 

???: There she is! Get her! 

The men continued to follow her as she ran, her legs trembling from the amount of running. 

As she continued to run, a rope suddenly wrapped around her leg and she fell onto the ground. She slowly got up as her chains bit into her skin as she groaned in pain. 

???? AH! 
She screams in pain as the men grabbed by the chain, choking as they pinned her up against the tree. 

Man 1: What should we do boys? 

Man 2: Give me that. She gets it after smashing a bottle over my head. 
He growls as he grabs the rope and whips it against her, causing to scream in pain. Tears running down her cheeks. 


He screams as his arm was blasted off. 

Man 1: What the fuck! 
He yells as he holds his gun high, looking to see Y/N slowly walking towards them. 

His green mask glowing in the dark forest as the woman sob quietly.Only hearing loud thuds come closer them. 

Man 1: WHO ARE YOU! 
He yells to him. 

The other held his arm as he continued to scream in pain. 


The 2nd man fell onto the floor as his head was blasted off. 

Man 1: WHO ARE YOU!? 
He yells as he points his gun the faunas woman. 

Y/N slowly walks closer as his mask glows brightly, the man's eyes wideing in fear. 

Man 1: I-I-It's you. 


The man was shot in the shoulder as he dropped his gun, screaming in pain before being grabbed Y/N. 

Y/N: Hmm. Typical men. Enslaving faunas women for your own desires. Disgusting. 
He said as he tightens his hold on his throat. 

Man: Y-Y-Y-You're him. 
He said in fear. 

Man: L-L-Lockdown. 
He said in fear. 

Y/N: Good. 
He said as he throws him to a tree, earning a crack from his back. 

Y/N slowly looks to the girl as she looks at him with fear. 

Y/N: Close your eyes.
He said as he walks to the man, his hook blade slowly forming in hand. 

Y/N: Hmm. Faunas. Humans. Like children. And I got to clean it up. There is one way you'll survive. Tell me. Where are the others. Where are the other faunas camps. 
He said as he stomps onto the man's chest. 

Man: P-P-Please. 
He begs. 


Y/N stabs the man through the shoulder as he screams. 

Y/N: Where are the camps. 
He said coldly as he grabs by the throat. 

Man: I-I-In Menagerie! Menagerie! 
He yells at him. 

Y/N: Good. 
He said as he raised his blade up. 

Man: W-W-What are you doing? 

Y/N: Killing monsters. 


Y/N stabs him through the throat and slowly pulls it out before walking to the woman, who was shaking in fear. 

Y/N: It's okay. 
He said as he cuts her rope. 

Y/N: What's your name? 
He said as he cuts her binds. 

???: K-K-Kali Belladonna. 

Here is chapter 2 of Better Left Dead! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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