21 | new home

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It had been two days since they were back in their city. The exhaustion from all the wedding functions was slowly fading. Ruhaani had stayed at her uncle's place for the two nights after finishing the homecoming rituals at the Sehgal house. She had finally moved her stuff into the Sehgal household on the Saturday.

She had assistance from DJ, Badi Bua and Mukti. Their excitement hadn't worn off yet. While Badi Bua had helped her with arranging her stuff into the wardrobe—a walk-in wardrobe that she still had to get used to—DJ had helped with other tasks like sending the wedding dresses to dry clean, arranging her footwear in the the shoe rack, arranging Pari's clothes. Mukti had been very helpful to keep Pari away from them. Pari wanted to arrange her own clothes, which only meant her clothes being scattered or dumped and more work for them.

It had been quite an eventful morning. Thankfully, Aadarsh was off to take care of his work, even on the Saturday, which she by now knew was unusual. Yet Ruhaani wasn't surprised. He was either avoiding her or perhaps he actually was catching up with work. Badi Bua was disappointed with that. However Ruhaani was glad. It was easier with him not around somehow.

Her uncle and aunt had wanted to accompany her to help, but she had flatly refused. It finally felt nice to be able to assert her choice on them. They had been moderately kind to her all along but now their words and actions had suddenly become soaked in sugar solution. She wasn't a fool to not understand what they had in mind.

Slowly everyone was getting back to their regular life. The kids had attended school on the previous day. Ashvi was also back to attending college regularly. From Monday life would go back to normal for everyone except her. She had time until Wednesday to get back to work. Ashvi had a half day at college and had joined them for lunch. 

Presently, it was a perfect winter evening to stay indoors. The family members had all gathered for the evening tea and snacks. Ashvi had decided to display the images and videos from the functions on the television screen in the TV room area—that was an extension of the living hall with a wooden partition in between to make it a bit more private—and everyone had made themselves comfortable on the couches.

Ruhaani smiled as she watched the video of the dance performances of the Sehgal siblings. She had no clue Aadarsh was that good a dancer until he had walked onto the stage in middle of Abhi and Rohan's performance on the song Kukkad, the peppy number from the movie Student Of The Year. It was a surprise element in their performance that successfully had had all jaws dropping. Ruhaani had to admit, his performance with his brothers was much better than the minute long slow ballroom dance that they both had performed on the stage.

Her gaze shifted from the wide screen television to Mukti, as the girl shifted closer to her under her long shawl. The evening was particularly cold, so Ruhaani had decided to wrap herself in a shawl. Pari had chosen to slip inside the warmth of the cloth and sit on her lap and snuggle while she watched the television still not completely out from her afternoon nap. Mukti had been watching them intently, almost wistfully.

Ruhaani had called Mukti to snuggle with them. Her heart went out to the little girl as she wore a happy smile and slipped inside the shawl sitting close to her almost hugging her. Ruhaani had wrapped her right arm around her. It was so unfair that the girl never knew what it was like to have a mother. She had never known the feeling of simply hugging a mother without reason. The feel of a mother's garment, the peculiar smell of that one person, the warmth of that one person who brought you into the world.

Ruhaani's gaze went around the room to Nirvan. The boy sat on a ottoman watching the television intently. His attention was dedicated to the video playing. It was almost as though he was memorizing every bit if it, seeing every bit of it closely. Nirvan almost never expressed emotions of attachment. He would never initiate a hug, quite a bit like her. He wouldn't hold a hand unless it was extremely necessary. Mukti would quickly seize any opportunity to be showered with affection but Nirvan, he steered clear from it. 

"Gosh, look at these boys!" Badi Bua commented as she sipped the hot ginger tea, "it feels like yesterday that they were tiny running around the house always up to some mischief."

"I have to agreed to that," Dai Jaan commented. "Time passes so quickly," she added, as her hands were busy knitting a sweater. Ruhaani had never seen the woman idle. She always found something or the other to do. Ruhaani looked up to her so much.

"It was only your Ro and Aadi, the chief mischief makers. They always made me the sacrificial lamb." Abhi commented.

"Yeah, of course, like you do to me!" Ashvi remarked and the ladies chuckled. Abhi who sat on the carpet just in front of his Bua picked up a cushion and hurled it towards her. 

"Bua!" Ashvi whined.

Badi Bua smacked Abhi on the back. "Why do you annoy her!"

"I annoy her? Reality check Bua, this young lady is the villain and I am the victim."

"Really, I.." Ashvi began arguing.

"Offo, keep quiet you both. Let us watch."

"Yes, please." Nirvan added without bothering to look back at them.

Ruhaani smiled. She could get used to this. The family was adorable. They loved each other in their own unique ways. Some of them could be a bit difficult to deal with at times but they together made a very warm and loving family. A family she was now a part of. 

The video ended and the next one played. It was the dance performance of the kids. Nirvan was hopeless at dance, contrary to both his elder brothers. But both Mukti and Pari were like bubbling excitement. Mukti danced well, she remembered almost all the steps of the choreography but Pari was very clumsily imitating her. Still it was the cutest performance of the evening.

* * *

Aadarsh was surprised as he walked into a very empty and quiet living hall. "Where are the others?" He asked the housemaid who had opened the door for him.

"They are in the TV room, Bhaiya."

He nodded. "Badi Bua is still here right?"

"Yes, she will be staying for dinner."

"And Ashvi, is she home?"

"Yes. She's with the others."

He nodded. "I will have a cup of ginger tea, strong."

She nodded. He placed his bag on the sofa and headed to the common washroom. A minute later he was walking towards the wooden partition that separated the dining area from the TV room. There had always been just one television in the house. His mother had a strict policy of no TV in the bedroom. He had kept it that way even after her.

He stood at the end of the wooden partition and peeped inside the rectangular room. Videos from the wedding were playing on the screen right in front of his eyes. His gaze moved around the sofas. It was heartwarming to see them all smiling. His gaze eagerly moved to the extreme right of the room.

Ruhaani sat with Mukti nestled close beside her, and Pari on her lap. All three of them wrapped in a  single shawl like it was a substitute for a blanket. His lips immediately curled up at the sight of the little girl who rested her head against her mother's chest and had her eyes glued to the TV. She was probably sleepy. Her hair as usual was a mess. There was something about the little girl that made him want to pick her up in her arms and twirl her. 

No one had noticed his presence yet. His gaze moved to his youngest sister, as she murmured something to which Ruhaani smiled looking at her. It was then that he noticed Ruhaani's arm around her. He watched on as Ruhaani beamed at her warmly saying something to her and then she leaned and placed a kiss on her forehead. He swallowed the lump forming in his throat. This was what he had always wished for his younger siblings. Someone like Ruhaani. Someone who could fill the void the absence of a mother had left in their lives.

Mukti looked so damn happy. Aadarsh knew that happiness. That joy of having someone to hug, of having someone shower their affection on you. A mother's touch, a mother's warmth, a mother's smile, a mother's love. Even if Ruhaani was just a mother figure for her, it was sufficient. At least the little girl would have someone to run to with trial issues, someone to talk to about girl issues, someone to pamper her like a mother would. Someone Ashvi despite being the elder sister could never be.

His gaze shifted to Nirvan who as always preferred sitting isolated on an ottoman than with others. He was sure Ruhaani would win his heart too. It would take time for sure and it would take efforts—efforts he was sure Ruhaani would happily put—but eventually Nirvan would cave in, and open up to her. He hoped his conviction was proved to be true.

Once again his gaze went back to Ruhaani. He was almost envious of her. She had lost her parents and then her husband and she was still so optimistic. How could she be happy? How could she still wear her heart on her sleeve? How could she still be... kind, loving and hopeful? He was envious of how she made a place for herself in everyone's heart in so little time. Why did she have it so easy when they had both been through bitter losses? Why did some people always have it easy and the others suffer endlessly even if the wound was of the past?

He was envious of her courage to be herself despite everything, of  ot letting anything deter her from being herself without any fear.

"Arey, Aadarsh!" Badi Bua's voice brought him out of his thoughts and made him look away from Ruhaani towards her.  "When did you come?"

"Yo Bro!" Abhi smiled.

"Just now," Aadarsh said with a polite smile.

"I am disappointed. You went to office on the day when your wife was moving in. Not done Aadarsh." Badi Bua complained.

"Bua it was important. You know I don't go to office on weekends unless it's important," he said walking forward to ruffle Nirvan's hair. "Why are you sitting so close tot he TV again?" He spoke in his ears, bending forward.

"Ugh!" Nirvan groaned and got up. He pushed the ottoman behind, before sitting on it again. "Happy?"

Aadarsh sighed, as the boy's attention went back to the TV. Nirvan hated being disturbed. He slowly turned, noticing that the most easily accessible place to sit was in between his sister and his wife.

"We just saw our performance!" Abhi remarked. Aadarsh smiled at him and noticed he could sit beside Abhi on the carpet too. However, it would seem very rude. He walked towards his wife.

"Hi," he said with a smile.

"Hi," Ruhaani regarded him with a smile. Her gaze slowly taking in his attire. He wore a pair of black trousers and a peanut brown pullover. He was almost always dressed in monochromes. It suited him. As he sat she noticed him pull up the sleeves of his sweater, till a little below the elbow. Her gaze caught the fine layer of hair on his arm that was visibly two shades darker than the skin on his face.

He settled beside her, noticing her straighten up a bit. The awkwardness was unbearable at times, like right now.

"Let me get you some tea," Dai Jaan spoke up preparing to leave aside her knitting work.

"I already told Sakshi, Dai Jaan. Please sit." He said quickly.

"Yeah, the best performance is yet to come!" Abhi remarked, stretching his hand to pick a biscuit from the small center table, he had a cup in hand that had to be coffee.

"Hey, Pari," Aadarsh said softly turning to his daughter.

"Hi," she said softly looking at him with her doe shaped eyes.


She shook her head.

"Madam just woke up some time back." Ruhaani said.

He gazed up at the girl's mother. "So, I hope everything was smooth?" He asked in a hushed voice.

"Everything?" Ruhaani repeated softly, just loud enough for him to hear.

"The shifting I mean." He said quietly, looking at her. 

"Oh yeah." A smile drew on her face as she answered. "Just fine."

"I put my clothes next to yours." Pari said suddenly, snapping her head in his direction. 

"Oh, did you get enough space?"

"Yes, mumma made the space."

"That's nice." Aadarsh responded, momentarily looking up at Ruhaani.

"The toys bag mumma will open tomorrow. Then I will show you my kitchen set and my teddies, my colors and my drawing book. And my dancing swan." Pari spoke suddenly wide awake.

"Okay," Aadarsh answered with a smile, before turning to the househelp who had bought his tea. He took the saucer and the cup. Ruhaani couldn't help but notice how a vein in his forearm, and three at the back of his plam, became prominent as he stretched his arm to take the saucer in his hand. She blinked once before lowering her gaze to her daughter.

"Are you drinking tea?" Pari asked.

"Yes,"  he answered.

She smacked her palm on the forehead. "You will also become dark."

Ruhaani chuckled noticing Aadarsh's lips curled a bit. "Okay, Madam ji!" She told her daughter. "shall we tell Didi to get your milk now?"

The little one turned to her mother and then took her lips closer to her ears. "Chocolate biscuit," she whispered.

"Haww, then tooth fairy will take your teeth away." Ruhaani muttered.

"But Muku didi said I will get new ones later." Pari argued 

"What new ones?" Aadarsh asked sipping his tea, looking back at her.

The little girl turned to him and flashed her teeth, stretching the corners of her mouth, and then trying her best to keep her teeth on display, uttered "teeth". Aadarsh couldn't help but smile.

"Yes, you will obviously!" He answered as a matter of fact and took the cup to his lips.

"See," Pari said turning to her mom, "I can eat chocolate biscuit."

"Pari, doctor aunty had explained naa, cavity in your tooth that will give you tooth pain. Then you will cry."

"No. Promise I won't cry. Please, please, please."

Aadarsh looked at Ruhaani. He had no clue how she hadn't melted already. If she wasn't letting her eat the chocolate biscuit, he was definitely going to sneak one and give it to her. 

"Okay, only one," Ruhaani bargained.

"Ten," Pari argued, holing up all her ten fingers.

"Fine then ,no chocolate cream biscuit."

"Okay, five?" Pari asked tilting her head to the side.

Ruhaani shook her head in a negative.

"Two?" The little girl said pouting.

"One," the mother stuck to her condition.

"Two," Pari pleaded.


"Two it is!" Aadarsh said. He turned to the househelp who had been waiting for them to come to a conclusion, her gaze time and again going to the television.  "Sakshi," he called and she turned to him, a little fluttered.

"Get some warm milk and two chocolate cream biscuits for Pari."

"Okay, bhaiya," she took the instructions and walked away hurriedly.

He turned with a smile to Pari, who had slipped out of her mother's lap to sit in between them. Her curious gaze was back on the television. He shifted the cup in his left hand and used the fingers of his right hand to push back the soft locks of hair that had fallen over the little girl's forehead. She mindlessly repeated gis action pushing her hair away from her eyes.

The video on the television had captured Ruhaani's interest but she didn't miss to notice Aadarsh's gesture from the corner of her eyes. It made her smile. The man might be a stone heart when it came to her but not for Pari. The man was expressive in both words and gestures with her daughter. Her attention went back to the video on the television. It was that of the short dance she had with him.

Like a proper gentleman he offered his hand. As soon as her hand slipped into his, he took a step closer and tugged her towards himself. It had hardly made her feel anything back then, but now as she saw it on the screen it looked almost romantic. They had looked into each other's eyes, and it had stayed that way until the short music clip ended. Ruhaani was transported back to that moment.

She had worn a navy blue evening gown that had had sequin embroidery was woven of lace. It was a off shoulder neck pattern with sleeves that ended a little ahead of her elbow and were made of the soft lace. She was in love with that dress. Her hair had been done up in an artistic bun with curls. Long sparkling earrings adorned her ears. She never knew she could also look so damn gorgeous.

He was no far behind dress in a proper tuxedo with a blue bow tie that was color coordinated with her dress. 

Aadarsh raised the cup to his lips, his gaze on the television. The video made the entire thing look romantic with the galaxy animation in the background and the soft light on them. The reality was far from it. He was awkward and he could bet his fortune on the fact that she was nervous. Yet, somehow they had looked at each other through the dance. He had to admit that she was in her best look that night.

He heard some restrained giggles and turned to his left to find the others looking towards them. "What?" He asked narrowing his eyes.

"Nothing at all," Abhi remarked with amusement and they all looked back at the television with wide smiles. Aadarsh sighed and turned to Ruhaani to find her looking at him. The moment their gazes met she quickly looked ahead at the television. He quietly drank his tea. That was weird. And this was just the beginning.

* * *

Ruhaani looked at Aadarsh as a sudden silence fell in the living room. Badi Bua had left a few minutes back, Phupha Ji had come to pick her up. The dinner was done and it was quite late. Ashvi and Abhi had been arguing on something that didn't quite reach a conclusion so they both had quit the debate causing the silence.  The kids were in the TV room area. And as usual, Aadarsh didn't have anything to talk with her.

"Time to go to bed, kids!" Dai Jaan announced ushering them out of the TV room. 

"Pari will sleep in our room, right?" Mukti asked.

"Uh, no Mukti. She'll sleep with me...with us." Ruhaani said and corrected glancing at Aadarsh.

"Yeah, I have to to tell her a bedtime story!" Aadarsh said quickly, more to remind Pari of it so that she didn't want to stay with Mukti. Abhi chuckled at it only to get a glare from his brother.

"Yes, I will sleep with Papa!" She said walking over to him and held his hand. Ruhaani beamed at that. Pari asserted her rights with full confidence on him. She was surprised, that she had no hesitation talking to Aadarsh or for that matter holding his hand. She was generally a shy kid. However with Aadarsh she had warmed up quickly. 

Her smile widened as Aadarsh quickly swept her off the floor and carried her in his arms. The girl smiled and kissed his cheek. Perhaps that was a deal that had made. Every time Aadarsh picked her up, she would kiss his cheek. Ruhaani had noticed that a few times now. Pari absolutely loved being carried. However, she was in her fast growing years and Ruhaani found it hard to hold her up for a long time. It was good that she had a father now, with muscles good enough to lift the little girl up like she weighed nothing.

"But, your new bed is in our room."  Nirvan spoke up.

"She'll sleep there when she grows up, okay?" Aadarsh answered. "Come on, let's all go to bed."Aadarsh said with an air of finality and walked up the stairs with Pari in his arms.

"Can she sleep with us tomorrow?" Mukti asked following him up with Nirvan trailing behind her.

"DJ, seven o'clock tomorrow. I need to work out." Ashvi said.

"Okay, sweetheart, your alarm is set for seven. You Abhi?"

"I am sleeping in!"

"Nine it is." She spoke to herself.

"Yaar, DJ, Sundays are for sleeping."

"Of course, but sleeping beyond nine makes you a devil!"

"He already is one!" Ashvi called out as she began climbing up the stairs.

"Look whose talking!" Abhi immediately retorted.

"Shove your demons under the bed before sleeping Bhai, good night!" She called out, and jogged up the stairs.

"Na na na.." Abhi mimicked her tone before walking over and hugging DJ. "Good night, DJ. Ten please?"

"Nine, Abhi. Your bhabhi is making breakfast tomorrow!" DJ said with a smile glancing Ruhaani who had been watching them.

"Oh," he said surprised turning towards Ruhaani. "Then I have to wake up early."

Ruhaani smiled. "You can sleep in, I will make sure to save some for you."

"Oh no, dear, don't spoil them. Breakfast is always had together just like dinner. And tomorrow is going to be your first time cooking for them. He'll have to wake up early!"

"Of course," Abhi said with a smile, "anything for Bhabhi Jaan."

"Ahaa, Ruhaani, this one is the smartest of the lot  especially when it comes to buttering people. Be aware." DJ smiled, pulling Abhi's cheeks.

"You were right about the smart part, DJ!"

"Chal, go sleep. Your alarm will go off at none tomorrow!"

"Ok Madam!" He said with a smile, walking over to Ruhaani. "Let me escort you up the stairs, Bhabhs!"

Ruhaani smiled, nodding. She turned to Dai jaan, "thank you for everything Dai Jaan, good night!"

"Good night," the lady smiled and walked towards the kitchen. 

"So, I was thinking..." Abhi began, "maybe we can be friends? Like partners in crime kinda friends."

"Well, that depends on what type of crime you'd want me to be an accomplice in," Ruhaani answered as they began climbing up the stairs.

"I don't know...maybe irritating Bhai, it's ultimate fun."

Ruhaani chuckled turning to him. "Is that allowed?"

"Oh, well, you're a Sehgal now, so you get the privilege. But of course, you will need me to know how your husband functions. There's no one who knows Bhai better than me."

"Well then, I think k I should take up your offer." She smiled.

"Definitely. But partnership should be fare. So you'll help me at times and at times I will help you. Actually most times."

Ruhaani smiled. Now she understood why Badi Bua had said that Abhi was the most entertaining one among the siblings. "How on earth can I be of help to you Sir?"

"Girl stuff you know. Bhaiya doesn't give me advice on women matters, Ashvi's advice is too teenage and DJ's is to old-fashioned. So I think you can help me there."

Ruhaani smiled,"Okay Abhi, I take your offer."

Abhi smiled turning to her as they reach up the stairs. "This will prove to be the best decision of your life. On a serious note, I would really like to be the best devar. I know, we might have started with a bit of unpleasantness with your uncle trying to make me his son-in-law and my protectiveness over Bhai, but I really want to start afresh."

Ruhaani smiled. It was the first time she felt Abhi was speaking right from his heart. "I would like that, Abhi."

"Okay, then Bhabhs... I hope it's okay of I call you that cause honestly, Bhabhi feels like a eighties thing to say."

"Sure, I won't mind if you call me by name."

"Oh no, I don't want to get roasted by the elders of this family. Bhabhs it is."


"Cool, good night then. See you at breakfast then."

"Good night!" She wished.

"Oh and, Bhaiya doesn't eats spicy food."

"Yeah, I know that."

"And he likes..."

"Parathas for breakfast?" She guessed, something both DJ and Badi Bua had hammered into her memory.

"Wow, look at you all ready to conquer his heart huh?" He smiled.

Ruhaani's smiled widened and cheeks slowly warmed up. "Good night, Abhi!" Saying that she walked over to her new room. Leaving behind a widely grinning Abhi. The Sehgals were definitely a peculiar breed, each coming with its own set of surprises. At least life wouldn't be monotonous and boring like her husband, Ruhaani thought to herself. 

• — • — •

Aplogies for the late update, I thought the update was scheduled for Saturday.

Excited to read your comments and thoughts. What do you think their married life is going to look like? 

Next : Tuesday


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