32 | hem and haw

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Surprise! Early update and also the longest chapter of the book. I hope you enjoy it.


"We need to talk," Ruhaani spoke as soon as she had shut the door and walked up to his large work desk in their room.

Aadarsh looked up from the physical document he had been reading.

"You haven't spoken to me since yesterday morning, Aadarsh." She reminded him when he looked at her like he had no clue what she was talking about.

"As far as I remember, we spoke." He lowered his gaze back to the papers.

Ruhaani walked around the table and stood by his chair. She placed her left palm over the paper he was reading. "Good Morning, Good Night, Okay, Fine, Noted, Alright, Okay, I have some work, not now. Did I miss any meaningful words?"

Aadarsh sighed, staring at the back of her palm that was now obstructing the paragraph he had been reading. She had a hideous shade of pink nail paint on her fingernails, identical to the one Mukti had showed him on his toe nails sometime back.

"Oh wait, do you plan to runaway to another city and return a changed man again? Is that the plan?" She asked mockingly.

Pressing his lips tightly together he looked up to her, with a sharp glare. "Hands off the document." He ordered. If someone told him the simple woman he had met a few months back in a restaurant would turn out to be a bold daring bossy person, he would have called it a poor joke.

She stood stubbornly neither replying nor complying, just simmering his blood. His gaze remained steady on her chocolate brown eyes, while his hand moved to hers. His fingers curled around her wrist and lifted her hand off the paper, quite effortlessly despite her resistance. "Perhaps, you should learn to behave." He scowled.

"I could say the same to you. You're back to ignoring me, again!" Her reply was swift and sharp as always.

The truth in her words angered him. He stood up from his chair, towering over her. "I am not." Yes, he was. He knew he was.

His nascent lust for her was alarming. Every time she was around he was reminded of that moment in the backyard. Every time she looked at him, he was reminded of their constant conflict; they barely ever came to the same page easily. While the former lured him closer to her the latter made him want to run the other way.

It bothered him, troubled him.

He would never be good enough for her. She would always find just faults, because that—he had come to an epiphany the previous afternoon— was her nature. Belittling him.

However, he had zero tolerance for that. Ruhaani was no exception. He didn't like to be belittled. He didn't like to be spoken back to.

"You can't ignore me every time we have a disagreement. It's unhealthy. Everyone at home knows we had a falling out. Even Nirvan asked me, why we both were not talking to each other."

That was exaggeration on her end. They didn't talk much either way, especially around the kids. "I am not ignoring you." He said plainly, lying through his teeth.

Ruhaani scoffed, "Really? So, now you're denying it." Annoyance oozed from her tone.

Aadarsh yanked her hand closer to himself, causing her body to jerk closer to his. "What do you want Ruhaani? You want me to talk to you twenty-four into seven? Oh wait, perhaps you want me to listen to every shortcoming you find in me, every flaw, everything I do wrong, every insult." He snapped.

Ruhaani blinked taken aback. Gently shaking her head, she said, "I don't insult you. I never have." Ruhaani tried to keep her voice even but barely managed. Aadarsh's anger always made her nervous. It made her heart pound so hard that she feared it may not survive long enough. His dark eyes, the piercing gaze, his strong grip on her hand, everything made her uncomfortable. She slowly tried releasing her hand from his hold.

Aadarsh blinked and then continued to search her usually expressive eyes. She meant those words. However he still found it hard to believe her. She did insult him, in unusual ways, never straight to the face. Her denial didn't make the bitterness go away. His gaze lowered to her hand in his hold as she tried to rotate her wrist and free it from his grip.

He immediately let her hand go, apprehending he was still holding it. His gaze darting back to her eyes in sudden awareness, realizing how close they were. There bodies might have not been pressed together but there was hardly a few centimetres of distance between their clothing. A dangerously small distance that tempted him to push front and feel up her body.

Ruhaani gulped, looking away when his gaze remained stuck on her. It was bizarre. In one moment they were angry and in the other the anger was replaced by something powerful yet inexplicable. Something hot, tempting and yet seemingly forbidden.

Aadarsh took a step back. The back of his knees hitting the chair, causing it to roll away by a few inches. This was precisely why he preferred ignoring her.

"I just..." Ruhaani paused as her dry throat could barely deliver the words her brain sent. She cleared her throat after swallowing and spoke again. "It's not going to work this way. You.."

"You always say that." He pointed out, turning himself away from her, towards the table. He had never been so desperate. He had never felt so helplessly frustrated. He couldn't get a grasp of his own feelings. In one second he wanted to defy every boundary and claim the rights of a husband and in the other he wanted to have nothing to do with her, no complication, no closeness.

"If we're always going to fight, no one is going to be happy, Aadarsh. Not you. Not me. Not the family we vowed to raise together." She reasoned.

"You're putting the blame on me now." He spoke, his gaze on the paper weight he was toying with to distract himself from his unwanted thoughts. He wasn't going to look at her. It was easier to reason with her without having to look at her face and wonder how her mouth would taste.

"You started this." She pointed out, tired of his stubborn behaviour.

"I just asked you to keep me in loop when you take decisions about Pari. I hate to break it to you, but you are passively keeping a wall between her and me." He snapped his head in her direction and then just as quickly looked away.

Ruhaani blinked, unable to digest those words. That was very far from the truth. If they had a relationship today, it was because of Pari. "Then you're mistaken. I married you because I wanted Pari to have a father."

He turned to her, his gaze meeting hers. "I know. But it's just..." he looked away unsure. What was he even trying to say?

"I am sorry." Ruhaani said, closing her eyes for a few seconds. They were going nowhere with the continuous blame game. "I am sorry, if I made you feel that way with any of my actions. It was not my intention at all."

Aadarsh suddenly felt small before her. He stared at her, as she looked at him with earnestness in her eyes. He saw two ways from here. One, he could apologize and bandage the crack in their relationship. Other, keep up the stubborn attitude and make her lose hope in him. The latter would be hard, would be a bit beneath him, but it would fracture their relationship, which would aid in his goal to have nothing to do with her.

The former, on the other side, would help him keep his respect in her eyes, it would mean going back to their normal—rushed mornings but laid back evenings with the family, engaging dinner time conversations with everyone, and bedtime chatter with just her. In between all of that having the satisfaction of getting on her nerves. It was so much more better to annoy her than to ignore her.

"Fine, apology accepted."

Ruhaani's lips parted and eyes grew a wee bit wide. She folded her arms, looking at him expectantly.

"What?" He uttered.

"You have been ignoring me. You fought too. You need to say sorry too."

Aadarsh exhaled deeply. "If you say so..."

She narrowed her eyes at him. "Say it like you mean it." Her authoritative voice matched the intensity the gleam in her eyes.

Aadarsh's lips quirked up. He took a step forward towards her. She blinked , straightening up. He took another two steps and covered the distance between them, such that he stood before her while the table was behind her. Ruhaani leaned back feeling trapped between his body and the table.

Aadarsh placed his arms on either side of the table, encouraged by her evident nervousness. A sudden amusement made his eyes shine. "You want me to apologize for ignoring you?" He asked in a low voice, each word evenly spaced in time.

Ruhaani gulped, her eyelashes fluttering. It was so hard to focus on his face. She didn't know what to pay attention to—his lips that moved or his eyes that were pinned on her. She bobbed her head, even a single word, a single 'yes' seemed to be difficult to say.

"Okay. I am sorry for..." he tilted his head, moving his lips closer to her ears. His eyes monetarily closing taking in her usual fruity scent. "...ignoring you."

Ruhaani blinked, swallowing hard. She couldn't understand what was happening. She could feel his hot breath on her ear. Heat spread out on her cheeks and neck. She stood motionless, scared that a little movement from her and her body would make contact with his. His last two words were said in a lower decibel, an almost whisper. It forced her to part her lips to take in air because she had forgotten out to breathe normally.

Simple words made her stomach coil and breathing labored.

"Is it good enough Mrs. Sehgal?" He asked, pulling back. His tongue pressing against his cheek on the inside, to hold back the smile.

Ruhaani stared at him. She shouldn't have reacted to anything. He was mocking her. This wasn't a sincere apology, it couldn't possibly be. Not if it was coming from him to her.

"Hmm?" He quirked up his brow.

Ruhaani hadn't recovered from whatever this was, that was happening between them. But she had found enough brain cells to respond instead of making a complete fool out of herself. "Not sincere enough Mister Sehgal, but I didn't expect much. So, I will let it pass. The next time you decide to be immature and ignore me, I won't initiate a truce."

The corners of Aadarsh's lips shifted slightly, he resisted the smile trying to force it's way to his lips. "So, you are sure there will be next time, that is after this ...apology?"

"It's you, Aadarsh. You'll definitely screw up." She was glad her confidence tank was filling up.

A half smile made it to his lips before he inched closer to her. His lips inches away from her. "I don't make same mistakes twice."

"Of course, why would you, there are always new ones to commit," she bit back, her confidence slowly inching to a full tank, despite their closeness.

Aadarsh smiled instantly, "We will see, until then rest assured, I will remember to not ignore you." He pressed his lips against her cheeks making her react. She almost gasped, taking in a sharp audible inhale. He pulled back just as quickly as he had advanced.

She snapped her head to meet his eyes. Shock written all over her face. She opened her mouth to perhaps say something but then shut it immediately. She was quite literally dumbfounded. Aadarsh relished the moment.

He slowly inched away from her. "Now, if you've had enough of my attention, I have some work to get done."

Ruhaani couldn't say anything. She nodded and fled from the scene as soon as he gave her a free way.

Aadarsh grinned moving back to his chair. He grabbed the handle pulled it back into his place and sat on it. Satisfied.

Later that night, Ruhaani stared at her reflection on the mirror after changing into her night clothes. She didn't want to go out into their bedroom. She had ignored Aadarsh after that moment they had shared.

It was an irony really!

Her ignoring was nothing like his ignoring. She refused to meet his eyes. Perhaps scared of finding his amusement at successfully reducing her to a brushing mess. She still couldn't make sense of everything that had happened.

First, he had said sorry. Second, he had used 'Mrs. Sehgal' to address her. Third, he had kissed her on the cheek, willingly. His flip between cold, brooding to hot & smiling twisted her nerves. It made no sense. No matter how much she thought she was understanding him, he stayed unpredictable as always.

She decided to ignore the kiss altogether. It was better than questioning it. She had never been as nervous as she was now, when it came to getting in the same bed with him.

Aadarsh stared at the slowly moving fan. He was reflecting on his every interaction with Ruhaani since the evening. He loved teasing her. It was like release of endorphins for him.

Perhaps kissing her on the cheek had been him stretching it a but far. Not that he regretted it. It wasn't a lip lock. That would have been disaster.

Ruhaani refused to even meet his eyes since then. Was she angry? Was she shy? Was she uncomfortable? He couldn't guess what was it.

A part of him, actually, dreaded facing her. Ruhaani was the kind who'd not sit quietly but instead question and talk it out. He had no answers if she'd ask him why had he done that? Saying he was her husband would be a jerk move.

His thoughts and feelings were all over the place. He definitely didn't feel anything close to a real liking for her. He liked her in a platonic way. Like she was good for his family, good mother and good person in general.

He was broken out of his thoughts when she walked around the bed in the dark, and climbed the other side of the bed. He took a deep breath.

"Good night," she said softly.

Aadarsh blinked and slowly turned to look at her. She placed the pillow between them and then adjusted her pillow. After sparing him a glance, she slowly lay her head on the pillow.

"Good night," he repeated, turning away. She might have just placed a pillow between them but he knew what that meant, she was drawing a line between them.

Keeping the physical distance had always been his plan. Especially after knowing how easily likeable she was. But she had entered a marriage knowing what it meant. Then why was she placing a darned pillow between them?


The Saturday had come way too soon. Aadarsh didn't know if he should be happy or disappointed at how things were between him and Ruhaani. They pretended that everything was normal outside their room. But inside their room or when they were in only each other's company there was a noisy silence. The tension between them was thick, it was like they were counting until a bomb went off. Ruhaani didn't react to anything that she usually would have reacted too.

Aadarsh wondered if it was her getting back at him or that moment by the desk had changed their equation. It was driving him crazy. There was something off with Ruhaani and he didn't know what it was. He needed to know what it was.

He walked into the room, making his way straight to the wardrobe. He was ready for the wedding reception. He had chosen his black tux. He had been playing with Pari, when she had accidentally stained his white shirt with her chocolate coated fingers. The good thing was he had three other plain white shirts.

His steps halted abruptly as he saw the sight before him. Ruhaani was in the middle of the wardrobe, standing by the ottoman, looking in the mirror dressed in a underskirt and silver blouse. She was wrapping the saree around her skirt.

"Shit," he muttered and instantly her gaze flew to his, shocked. "I thought you were in Ashvi's room." He explained, his gaze drifting down from the base of her neck to her bosom. The brown colored blouse clung to her breasts highlighting their shape quite significantly.

Ruhaani had heat flood her cheeks. She raised the saree to cover her front realizing his gaze on her.

Quickly catching her discomfort by her gesture, Aadarsh turned around. "Sorry," he muttered. He pulled the hanger that had his other white shirt and walked out. He slid the door of the walk-in-wardrobe shut, drawing out air of his parted lips.

He walked to the bed and threw the hanger on it. He removed his waistcoat and then his shirt. His mind unable to get rid of the sight it had registered a minute back. Aadarsh's jaw muscles tightened as he remembered how she covered herself. She was always so uncomfortable around him. Like he'd pounce on her and have his way with her without her permission.

Ruhaani closed her eyes, breathing heavily. She had been having a hard time fighting her attraction for Aadarsh, especially after that kiss. Sleeping in the same bed every night made things worse. She had daydreams and wet dreams. She had been hyper sensitive to his every action. It was driving her insane.

For a minute she had thought it had been a dream. Aadarsh had never barged into the changing space before when he knew she might be using it. In fact, he was always out of the room when she changed. She had been in Ashvi's room, who was helping her with the make-up. But to drape the saree she had returned to their room and was glad to find it empty for her privacy.

But if it was a dream, he would have been doing more than just seeing. Definitely not turning around and leaving, murmuring an apology.

With much effort, Ruhaani finally managed to drape the saree and be ready. She was late by more than fifteen minutes. She stepped out of the lift, ready to leave. She knew better than to take steps, especially when she didn't have him around to hold her hand.

She heard a whistle and her cheeks flamed up instantly. She turned to Abhi, with reprimanding gaze.

"You look gorgeous, Bhabhs!"

Ruhaani forced a smile. "Whistling is inappropriate, Abhi," she muttered, her gaze meeting her husband's as he gave her a full look.

Aadarsh had to agree with Abhi. She looked perfect. Perhaps it was the mocha brown satin silk saree she had draped around her very tastefully. Her hair left open and curled fir a change.

"I was doing it on behalf of Bhai, he can't whistle."

Ruhaani managed a small smile, turning to Abhi. He was a bit too enthusiastic about everything.

"I am ready to go if you are," Aadarsh spoke up.

"Yes," she said. He nodded and walked away.

Abhi turned to his brother and then back to his sister-in-law. "Trouble in paradise?"

"Nothing like that," She dismissed his doubt. "It's your brother. I guess he's pissed that I am late."

"Hmm, then I better not delau you any further ," he smiled. "Have fun!"

Ruhaani forced a smile. The last thing she wanted was to be in a car with Aadarsh. "Please make sure the kids sleep on time. And please, don't give ice cream to any of them. They will ask for it because they know it's there. Tell them you ate it." Dai Jaan was away to see her sick relative, so Abhi was in charge. Ruhaani was a bit skeptical about leaving the kids in his care, he was one of them at most times.

"Of course, I will eat it first and then tell them it's over." He grinned.

"There's too much. You better not eat it all. You'll end up with a bad throat."

"Okay Boss. I will also not have any or perhaps a scoop or two. Now get going before your husband returns to shout at us."

Ruhaani smiled and made her way out. She settled in the car that had been waiting for her. She placed her bedazzled purse on her lap and turned to fasten the seatbelt.

He glanced at her and then plugged a pen drive into the music system.

"What's on the pen-drive?" Ruhaani asked. Small talk was the best way to ease tension in a confined space.


"I didn't know." Ruhaani muttered sarcastically.

Aadarsh finally felt normalcy return. "You keep connecting to your Bluetooth, it takes more battery and is a hassle. So I bought a pendrive of preloaded songs." He spoke as he drove the car past the open gates.

Ruhaani noticed that the music was playing but nothing was heard. She slowly turned the knob that increased the volume.

"Bade Acche Lagte Hain," The song softly played. She smiled. It was such a heart-warming song with so much simplicity.

Aadarsh glanced at her as she hummed along with the song. She hadn't complained about the AC temperature that as usual was lower than what she preferred. Either she didn't feel cold today or was ignoring it. The winters were almost gone, the days were sunnier, perhaps it was the reason why she didn't protest.

Her phone's ring tone broke the noiseless music. "It's work," She said picking it up. His fingers immediately reached the volume control to lower the volume, at the same time as hers. Her fingers landed on his. She immediately pulled back. He blinked, turning the volume down.

"Hi Srini!"


"Yes, I have sent it forward."


"No, there's no error. It's correct. That wasn't supposed to be part of it. The idea was rejected in the last review meeting."


"Srini, I get your point. But we followed the procedure. I know you and her had a disagreement. I had put both your ideas to vote. The majority preferred hers. It's not favouritism, it's usual procedure."


"I understand, but that's how it works. I don't understand why you're bringing this up now at this hour. I have already pushed the final presentation to the other teams for review. At this point there's little that's in my control. We can modify and use your idea for another product."


"Sure, bye."

Aadarsh who had no option other than to listen was enlightened a bit. She almost never brought work home. She was thoroughly professional in the manner she spoke but had little assertiveness.

"all okay?"

"Hmm, the usual conflicts."

"You approve whatever ideas you were talking of?"

"No, the team does. I just consolidate and finalize." She answered. Her thoughts back on her work.

"You could have been a bit more assertive."

Ruhaani turned to look at him. "You don't even know anything. How can you say that?" She asked in disbelief.


"Right, I don't have experience at all. And I have not been working in this place for the past three years."

Aadarsh sighed. She went around ordering him. However where she had to be a little more sharp and assertive, she was talking sweetly.

He increased the volume, indicating that the conversation was over.

After handing the car key to valet, Aadarsh walked around the car and stood beside the open door with the big bouquet of flowers in his hand. Ruhaani ran her fingers over the pleats of her saree and looked up at him.


She nodded, watching him keenly as he moved the bouquet to he left hand and offered her his arm. She wrapped her arm around his and stepped away from the car. She turned to thank the man who shut the car door for her.

The premise was huge. It was an open lawn wedding reception at a five star hotel. They walked towards the archway made of flowers. A long green carpet ran to the inside of the lawn.

Aadarsh tried to match his steps with her unusually small ones. She was walking unbearably slow today.

"You're tall enough, why do you wear heels?" He asked noticing the three inch heels that brought her to almost his height. Still an inch or two below his head. Perhaps those extra inches were the reason why she was slow.

"To match your height." She said looking at the white flowers that made the arbour.

"Always so competitive," he muttered.

Ruhaani smiled at his remark while noticing the other guests. She was glad she wore the simple diamond necklace Aadarsh had given her instead of ditching a neck piece altogether. He had given her two options, one a very fancy golden necklace and earrings set studded with diamonds, another a simpler golden chain of gold with a diamond locket. Both were from the collection of jewellery she had been bestowed with at their wedding.

The women around wore jewellery that were the kind that displayed in jeweller's storefronts. The same went for their outfits. She had chosen a very sophisticated saree she had thought, but seeing the women around who wore designer lehengas and saree, she was beginning to question her choice.

"Am I under-dressed for the event?" She tilted her head towards him, speaking softly, only for him to hear her.

Aadarsh's eyes widened a bit and then he blinked. She had definitely not said undressed. "What?"

Ruhaani turned to look at him. "Is the saree too simple for the occasion?"

His gaze drifted down to her plain but glossy satin silk saree. "No, it's fine." He couldn't possible be honest and tell her it was a tad bit plain.

"Okay," she mumbled looking ahead, noticing a woman in a bedazzled deep green saree. God she was gorgeous. Her eyes went from woman to woman, noticing how they were dressed elegantly, their hairdos done with style. Now she understood why Ashvi had been stressing her to call a hair stylist at home and wear something more nicer. Perhaps next time she should take some of that girl's advice. Definitely not all of it.

Soon they mingled with the crowd. Aadarsh occasionally introduced her to people and she smiled greeting them, striking some small talk. Some wished them on their new marriage. They had completed two months now, time was galloping away.

About twenty minutes later they finally went up on the stage to wish the newlyweds. As they got off the stage, she felt his arm around her waist to support her. His fingers pressed against her skin.

"I need to meet a few more people, and then we can go have dinner." He said, turning to her side, his lips near her face and then lead her ahead.

"Sure." She uttered, trying not to focus on his hand that didn't leave her. "I feel like I have crashed someone's wedding. I don't know anyone here." She spoke to give her mind some work other than focusing on her husband's hand.

"There are a few faces here who attended our wedding reception." He informed her.

"Mr. Singh for instance," he said pointing his gaze to the man who stood across from them.

Ruhaani looked towards the man. She didn't recognize him at all. Aadarsh stopped a server carrying a huge round tray of drinks.

"Champagne sir," the waiter informed.

Aadarsh nodded and picked the flute glass. "Ruhaani?" He said offering her the drink.

Ruhaani smiled and looked at the tray that had identical looking sparkling clear fluid in all glasses. She was thirsty so she picked up one glass.

"Champagne has alcohol right?" She turned and asked Aadarsh while he was already sipping from the glass. She expected soft drinks to be served, who serves expensive champagne on a wedding reception?

"Hmm," He shook his head, "but this is definitely not champagne. It's just sparkling white wine not champagne."

"Oh, how do..."

"Aadarsh Sehgal!" someone called behind him. Ruhaani smiled at the man politely as they looked at that person.

"Ah, Vasant Sehgal!" He wore a tight smile.

"Not happy to see your uncle, huh?" The man commented with a dry laugh and turned to Ruhaani. "So this is the newest addition to the family?"

Ruhaani forced a smile on her lips. She wondered if it was the same uncle that Shelly Bua had brought up a few days back. "Hello, namaste," she said joining her hands and greeting the man.

"Namaste beta. Good that we are finally being introduced. But what is this, I am your husband's Chachu, and you only say namaste?"

Ruhaani maintained the smile and stepped forward with the intention to bend forward and touch his feet, but paused when Aadarsh's hand held hers. It didn't take her time to read Aadarsh's face. It was written with annoyance.

"Why are you doing this drama?" He gritted through his teeth.

"Oh come on, Aadarsh. Aren't we family? And drama is always a part of it, isn't it now?"

Aadarsh forced a smile, looking around. "We are definitely not family, not after you the shit you pulled years back. As for the drama, I would prefer we keep that inside the courtroom."

Ruhaani blinked sinking in the situation, as Aadarsh gently let go off her hand.

"Come on, Aadi," The man placed a hand on his shoulder. "We can talk and settle it out of court if you wish. After all family matters. I mean look, we have a new daughter-in-law and I haven't given her my blessings yet."

"My wife doesn't seek your blessings." Aadarsh muttered, forcing a smile on his lips, as he gently held the man's hand that was on his blazer and dropped it. "I would like to keep things in court because as far as I see, there's no settlement to be made here. I believe it's an open and shut case. Perhaps if you would have come knocking to my door to ask for money, I would have considered some charity but you chose to summon me to court. I will see you there."

The man's showy smile disappeared.

"You're flying to high in the sky Aadarsh, it's time you come back on the ground. Consider this my offer to make peace. If we go to war, it's going to be ugly."

"I have always been a warrior, I know how it works."

"Think of it Aadarsh. You haven't been as clean as your reputation. We all know what goes down to make businesses run. There are four kids behind you. If there's going to be war, there are going to be consequences. I can't promise if it's only going to be you bearing the brunt."

Aadarsh took a step towards him, he was furious. Ruhaani instinctively held his arm, scared that he might drive his fisted hand into the man's face. "If we are doing warnings then let me make it clear too, if you come at my family, I come at yours. I hear your daughter's wedding is due in a few months to the heir of Grewal Steel. I wonder if the Grewals are aware of your double standards."

The man looked angered at his warning. "Well, then we'll see you in court." Saying that the man walked away.

Ruhaani gulped observing Aadarsh as he downed all the contents of the glass.


"I need to use the washroom." He excused himself away from her, handing her the empty glass. He didn't want to explain everything to her in the moment. He needed some time to digest and make note of probable hints he had picked up from the other Sehgal's words. That man either had some dirt on him or it was an empty warning. The confidence in his words made Aadarsh suspicious.

Ruhaani placed both the glasses on an empty tray. Hers untouched and his empty. She couldn't believe she had just witnessed a confrontation. A cold feeling moved down her spine thinking of being on the receiving end of Aadarsh's wrath.

If she thought Aadarsh was rude to her, she was wrong. The intensity of the rage in his eyes had been scary. He was nothing like that with her. She didn't know what court case the two men were talking about, but it was something big if it made them forget that they came from the same lineage, if they were ready to threaten each other's loved ones.

You haven't been as clean as your reputation.

If you come at my family, I come at yours.

Ruhaani took a seat at an empty table nearby after requesting a water to bring her some water. She looked over her shoulder towards the building where Aadarsh had walked off.

"Mrs. Sehgal,"

Ruhaani looked up from her phone. A tall man roughly her age stood before the table with a smile. She didn't recognize him. However, she wore the smile. "Hello,"

"You probably don't recognize me," he said pulling the chair beside her. He sat on it turning to her. "I am Devashish, the COO of Sehgal & Sons."

"Oh," was all Ruhaani could get out if her mouth. That meant he worked quite closely with Aadarsh.

"Hadn't got a chance to introduce myself to you yet. And well, your husband didn't approve my leaves to attend your wedding, in fact added quite a lot to my responsibilities."

Ruhaani smiled. "I can understand why."

"Hmm, speaking of the devil. Where is he?"

"Uh," Ruhaani looked over her shoulder. "Restroom." She smiled answering.

"Right. So, how is it like to be Mrs. Aadarsh Sehgal?" He asked wearing an amused smile, ignoring his phone that beeped thrice in a row. He had a very charming aura, quite opposite of Aadarsh's intimidating one.

"Splendid." Ruhaani answered with a smile. Where was Aadarsh?

"Oh come on. I am not buying that. I have been working with him for like...four years now... I know him. Splendid is hard to digest."

"You do?" Ruhaani asked.

"Oh absolutely I do."

"You do what?" A third voice came. They both turned to find Aadarsh approaching closer.

"I enjoy working with you," Devashish smiled, calmly. Any other man would shift uncomfortably at Aadarsh's tone.

"We were just having a little introduction." He added.

Aadarsh gave the man a steady gaze. His hand resting on Ruhaani's shoulder. "I hope that's done, we plan to have dinner."

Ruhaani looked up at her husband and then at Devashish. The man rose from his chair. "I would have loved to join but..." he waved his phone in hand. "Seems like I have work to get done."

"Good." Aadarsh nodded, offering his hand to his wife, "Shall we Ruhaani?"

She quietly took it. Her mind at the verge of exploding with the questions and her curiosity.

"Are you okay?" She asked as they walked away from the table.

"Ruhaani," a voice from behind called her. She turned and Devashish stood there with a smile. "Your earring, you dropped it," he said coming forward.

Ruhaani's hand reached to her ears, she hadn't sensed the missing weight. Before she could step forward to retrieve the piece of jewellery, Aadarsh had beat her to it. He took the earring from him and handed it to her. Ruhaani looked between the men. Devashish looked amused, thoroughly entertained while Aadarsh was his brooding self.

Either Aadarsh was in a really bad mood post the confrontation with his uncle or he had some issues with Devashish. The latter was absurd given the two men worked together.

"sorry, I didn't realize," Ruhaani said as she wore the earring. It most definitely was expensive.

"Not an issue."

"He works with you?" She sought a confirmation.

"Yes, why?"

"Just... seemed odd the way you behaved."

"Yeah, I was a bit pissed at him about work."

"Good to know it's not just me who has to deal with your pissed self."

Despite the troubling thoughts in his mind and anger the evening had brewed, his lips curled up and a small smile made an appearance.

• — • — •

I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter, as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Next : Thursday

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