a few days before the wedding

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"Rise and shine Clary" jace says. I groan and roll over So my back is facing him. "Come on get up. After breakfast we can pack then head over to Los Angeles" he says. I feel him kiss the side of my head. "Will you get up now" he asks. I sigh. "I guess so, since you asked nicely" I say. I get out of the bed and brush my teeth then go into the closet to change. "Do you think it's cold or warm in Los Angeles" I ask. "Probably warm" jace says. I pick out a black and white shirt with a black skirt.

Jace and I go down to breakfast and the servants bring us our breakfast. "Alice and Jonathan are coming at the same time this morning" I tell him. "Okay, Alec, Isabelle, Simon and Magnus are coming so we can go over together to LA" jace adds. "Yeah, and I guess we will find out about the others in New York" I say. "Yeah that sounds good" jace says. "We have to get our cars from the institute and from moms house. I guess we can ask them then when we get there" I say. "That sounds better" he says.

"Are we going to stay at a hotel or the LA institute" I ask. "Our best option is the hotel. The institute would be fine. I don't know how the blackthorns would be around Jonathan. We should just go to a hotel" he says. "Yeah" I say. "But I didn't book us a hotel room. Did you" he asks. "No but as soon as the invitations were sent out and Alice told me Alec, Magnus, Max, Simon, Izzy, Mom, Luke, Carson and the csrstairs are all coming, I had tessa book us all a hotel down there" I tell him. "So is she like your personal assistant" he asks. "No, but I figured it would be easier that way if we do it like that. Plus I talked to her a few days ago and we are charging all the rooms to the Herondale designs credit card. I have one but since she booked the rooms and stuff she is putting it on her business credit card" I tell him. "Can I have one of those credit cards" he asks. "Nope" I say.

After breakfast we go over to find Charlotte. We find her talking to Oliver down in the kitchen. "Charlotte, Oliver. Can we talk to you two for just a minute" jace asks. They come over to us. "We've decided to put you two in charge while we are gone. It should only be for about a week. Alice will he gone longer though" I tell them. "Okay, thanks for trusting us to take care of the castle. We won't let you guys down" Oliver says. "We know you guys won't. We trust you. If things go smoothly this time we might let you both be in charge the next time we are all out of the country" jace says. "You can count on us" Charlotte says. "Thanks guys. Now if you will excuse us, we have to go pack" I say. Jace and I leave the servants in the kitchen and go up to our room.

We get our suitcases out and we start packing. "I heard Alice ask you yesterday if you would sing at the wedding" jace says from above me. "Yeah" I say. "So are you going to" he asks. "Yeah, I'm gonna tell her I will do it if I get a minute alone. Jonathan doesn't know yet but I'm sure he has guessed that she asked me" I say. "Maybe. I think you should. I think you can learn the song in a few days. Do you know what it is" he asks me. "Yeah, I already know parts of the song just have to figure out the rest of it" I tell him. "You can do it Clary, I know you can" he says. "Thanks" I say.

We both finish packing. "So what are we doing with Riv and Chrissie" he asks. "Good question, we can't take the girls with us, I doubt the hotel allows dogs" I say. "Probably not. I guess we can just leave them here. I'm sure Jonathan will do the same with bear except bear will come here" jace says. "Probably. I'm sure the people here will make sure they are all taken care of" I say. "Yeah" he says.

River and Chrissie walk in the bedroom just as we are zipping up our suitcases. "River" I say. They both stop and look at me. "We are leaving for a while, you gonna be okay" I ask her. She whines. Chrissie walks over and lays down on her dog bed. "We need to get river her own bed" Jace says. "We do. Maybe while we are down there we can get her one" I say. "Yeah" he says. I pet on river and sit down in front of her on the couch. "We'll be back riv. It's only for a few days. You will have Chrissie here with you" I tell river.

I pet on her until jace says "Jonathan and Alice will be here soon." We both grab our suitcases and leave the bedroom. Chrissie stays on the bed and river follows us out. We reach the back of the castle just as Jonathan, bear and Alice get here. "You guys are leaving bear here" I ask. "Yeah" Jonathan says. They get off and when they untack their horses they let them out in the pasture with autumn and major. "Are you guys ready" I ask. "Yeah" Alice says. "Are you staying at your parents house or a hotel like us" I ask. "At my parents house. But I want you guys to meet echo. I'd also like to do other stuff while we are in Los Angeles though" she says. "I'd love to meet echo" I say.

Alec, Isabelle, Magnus and Simon get here a little later. I open a portal and we all go through. We are all at mom and Luke's house. "Magnus you want to take them to the institute for their cars then we can all head over to LA" I ask. "Sure biscuit" he says. He opens a portal and the others go in.

Jonathan, Jace, Alice and I go inside mom and Luke's house. "Hey" I say when I see mom. "Hey" she says. "You guys ready to go to LA" Luke asks. "Yeah, Alec and Izzy went to get theirs cars from the institute then we are heading over after they get here" jace tells them.

"Jo jo" I hear Carson yell. He runs over and hugs Jonathan's leg. "Hey Carson" he says and picks up our little brother. "Don't leave Jo Jo" Carson says. "I'm not leaving Carson" Jonathan tells Carson. "Good. I want to show you my cars" he says. "Okay" Jonathan says and walks upstairs with Carson. I text tessa and tell her to come here and we can all head out together.

I sit on the couch and watch tv with the others while we wait on Tessa, Jem, Simon, Alec, Magnus and Izzy. When they get here we go outside. "We're gonna do this like we usually do. Alice do you want to take my car" I ask. "How do you do this" Tessa asks confused. "I open a portal. Someone goes through first in their car and texts or calls me when they get through, then the rest of you go through one at a time in your cars. Then I go through last and close it behind me" I tell tessa. "Yeah sure I'll take your car" Alice says. I toss her my keys. Jonathan gets in my car with Alice and the others get in theirs. "Izzy you want to go first" I ask her. "Okay" she says. I open it up and she drives through with Simon in the passenger seat. A minute later she texts me saying she made it and is in front of a hotel. I send Alec through next, then jace, then Tessa, then mom. I wait a minute before sending each person through then I go last closing it behind me.

"You got a new car tessa" I ask as she gets out of a new car. "Yeah, you like it" she asks. "Yeah it's nice" I tell her. "What year is it" I ask. "2019" she tells me. It's a black car. It's really nice. "It's a Chevy Tahoe" she tells me. " I like it" I say.

(This is the kind of car I want)

"I love it tessa. It's really nice" I say. "I love it. It's got some really cool stuff in it" she says. "I bet with it being a 2019" I say.

We all go inside the hotel and check in. "Whenever you want me to, I can drive you to your house Alice" I say. "I can just get Lucy to come pick me up" she says. We all get our room keys and head up to our rooms. Jonathan's room is right next to jace and I's. The door connecting us is open.

"Lucy's here to pick me up" Alice tells us a little while later. "Come here" I say. I grab her wedding dress I hung up on the back of the bathroom door. She comes over and I hand her the dress. "I'm trusting you to take this home with you. If you mess it up before Thursday, we can't fix it" I say. She nods quickly. "I've got it. Nothing's gonna touch it" she says. I hand her the dress. It's in a blue dress bag. "It better not" I say. I worked hard on that dress and I don't want it to get messed up. I would keep it in here but I don't trust Jonathan around it. She doesn't want him to see it yet.

She leaves go down to Lucy and go home. After a few minutes Jonathan comes to our room. "Jace" Jonathan says.  "What" jace asks. Jonathan walks in and stands in the doorway. "I need your help to get a real wedding ring. I told her I'd get her a real one" Jonathan says. "Okay, I'll help you" jace says. He grabs his car keys. "We will be back Clary" jace says. He and Jonathan head out.

Jace POV

Jonathan and I get in my car. "You want to try zales" I ask. There's one not far from the hotel. "I guess, I don't know what that is" he says. "A jewelry store. They have nice engagement rings" I explain. I pull into zales. "Where did you get Clary's ring" he asks. "Kay. Where we got Alices charm bracelet" I tell him. "Oh, I gotcha. Let's go see if we can find something for Alice" he says.

We walk in. "You want a big diamond or a smaller one" I ask when we walk inside. "I have no idea. Lets see what they have first" he says.

We go to the counter and start looking at rings. "How can I help you today" a salesman says. "I need an engagement ring" Jonathan says. "Our smaller diamond rings are here" the man shows us. "I don't know what she'd like" Jonathan says. "Let's see the bigger diamonds" I say. The guys leaves and comes back with a collection of rings with bigger diamonds. "It's up to you man. What about this one. It's not too big but it's not super small either" I suggest. "I like it" he says. We look through some more rings similar to it till we find one. It's a big diamond ring. I pay for it and we head back to the hotel.

When we get back his phone rings. He sits on his bed. "Hey Alice" he says. "Yeah, I'll come. You will have to come pick me up though" Jonathan says. It goes quiet for a minute then he says "love you too". "Okay bye" and hangs up the phone.

"I'm hungry" jace whines. "I'm getting kinda hungry too, you want to go somewhere to eat" I ask. "Yes" he says. "Let me just call Alice and ask what's good to eat around here" I tell him.

I call Alices phone. The picks upon the third ring. "Hey clary" she says. "Hey, what's a good place to eat around here" I ask her. "Depends on what you want. But first do you want nice or regular kind of style food" she asks. "Just regular I guess" I say. "If you want sandwiches there's canters deli. There's carneys, which is hot dogs and cheeseburgers. There's Pinces tacos, which is basically Mexican food. There's five Star Chinese food. Whichever you guys want" she tells me. I turn to jace. "You want sandwiches, hotdogs, cheeseburgers, Mexican food or Chinese food" I ask him. "Cheeseburgers" he answers. I put the phone back to my ear. "Carney's it is" I say. "Okay, do you mind if I meet you there? I'm getting hungry too" she asks. "Of course you can" I say. "Thanks. I'll leave for Carney's soon" she says. "Okay, us too" I say. "See you then" she says. "Okay, bye alice" I say. "Bye Clary" she says and hangs up the phone. (These are real restaurants to eat at in LA. I've never been there but I looked them up)

"Jonathan you hungry" I ask and I go into his room. "Yeah" he says. "Jace and I are going to get some food. Alice said she was going to meet us there. You want to come" I ask. "Yeah I'll come" he says. "You ready jace" I ask. "Yeah" he says. "The three of us leave our hotel rooms and get in my car. I put the directions in my phone and head over.

I order a bacon cheeseburger for myself. Jace gets a double cheese cheeseburgers. Jonathan gets two chili dogs. When we sit down Alice gets here. She orders and sits with us. We wait for our food. "Oh, this is for you" Jonathan says and hands Alice a small box. "I told you I'd get you a real ring" Jonathan says. She opens the box and gasps. "It's beautiful" she says. "I didn't know which one you'd like so I just picked one hoping you'd like it" he says. He takes it out of the box and slips it on her ring finger. She moves the Morganstern family ring over to her index finger on her left hand. "I love it Jonathan. Thank you" she says smiling.

Alice is sitting beside me. I look over at the ring. It's so pretty. Jace and Jonathan did a good job picking it out.

"Are your parents home" jace asks Alice. "No, dads at work and I'm not sure where mom is. Only Lucy, Peter and Aubrey are home" Alice tells us. "You have another sister" he asks. "No, Aubrey is Peters wife" Alice clarifies. "Oh okay" jace says.

We talk and eat and before we all leave to go out separate ways Alice says "I'll be here around 5:30 to pick you up." "Okay, I'll be ready by then" Jonathan says. She gets in her car and drives off. The three of us get in my car and I take us back to the hotel.

We open the door to jace and I's room am the three of us walk in. "So why is Alice picking you up around 5:30" I ask. "Her parents want me to come to their house for dinner" he says.

Jace and I sit on our bed watching tv. After a while Jonathan gets ready for the dinner with Alices family.

Jonathan POV

My phone goes off. Alice texted me. 'I'm here. I brought the Porsche'. I grab my room key and say "bye guys."

Alice and I make it to her large house. "Mom made some good food for tonight" she says. "Sounds good. With all that money your parents have why don't you have a chef to cook for you guys" I ask. "Sometimes we do. I guess she just gave him the night off" she tells me. "Oh okay" I say.

"Dinners ready" Alices mom calls. We both go in the dining room and the rest of her family comes in.

"How are you Jonathan" Alices mom asks. "I'm good. How are you" I ask. "I'm good. I'm glad you guys were able to let her come home for the wedding" she says. "Yeah" I say.

"Is your sister here" her dad asks. "Clary's here" I say. "What about that cute husband of hers" Lucy asks. "Jace is here too. The rest of our family is here too. Jaces brother and sister and a close but distant family members of his, my mom, stepdad and little brother are here too" I tell them. "Clary? Clary fray is your sister" Aubrey asks. "Yeah. But she's not Clary fray anymore, she's Clary Herondale" I tell her. "That's so cool. I wish I knew her" Aubrey says. "They will all be at the wedding" I tell her.

"So how come you turned my daughter into a shadowhunter like you" Alices dad asks me. "Technically I didn't change her myself, she drank from the cup to be turned. Before when she said she wanted to become one I asked her multiple times if she was sure, she said yes every time" I tell her father. "It's dangerous out there. She could get killed" her father points out. "Yes I know. She hasn't even been on a mission yet. If she ever goes out I promise to go with her or she's not going. I would do anything to keep her safe" I tell him. "I don't want you going back with him. He's going to put you in danger" her dad says. "That's not fair" Alice says. "It is too. I don't want you to get killed" her dad says. "I don't either Alice.So I'm going with you on any hunting trip you go on" I tell her. "Very well then You have to go with her then" is all her dad says to me. "Dad I know what I was doing when I was training to ascend. I know I may not come back but I will be alright. I may not even go on many missions. I may just stay home and work" Alice says.

"What's a shadowhunter" Aubrey asks. "We are half angel half human" I say. "That's so cool. Why are you called shadowhunters" she asks. "I don't know if you want to know that answer"  Alice warns her. "Why? Can't you tell me" she asks. "I can, I just don't want to scare you" Alice says. "Alice we can't" I warn her. "You're right. If one of you tell her we can't get in trouble. We aren't allowed to tell people about us" my fiancé says. "Long story short, they hunt demons without us being able to see" Lucy says. "Oh" Aubrey says. "We do have a group in Switzerland so you guys should be protected" I tell her. "So are you guys immortal" Aubrey asks. "No, we are half human so we can die" I tell her.

"So hows Switzerland been Peter" Lucy asks. "It's been good. Its very pretty over there" alices older brother tells us. "You guys should come visit sometime. We'd love to have you guys over sometime" Aubrey says. "I'd love to. Maybe sometime during winter break we can come over" Lucy says. "It will be cold but sure you can" Peter says. "Will there be snow" Lucy asks. "Yeah" Aubrey says. "Lucy, have you ever seen snow" I ask. "It doesn't snow here often. If you go further northern California there's snow in the winter" she answers. "It snows all the time where we live in the winter" Alice says.

"Where exactly on the globe do you guys live" Alices dad asks. "It's between Germany France and Switzerland. If you found it it would be hard for you to get in. It's surrounded by wards to keep mundanes from wandering in and mountains" I say. "But there's nothing between Germany, France and Switzerland" Peter says. "Exactly. It's a small country but it's nice. There's so much protection that there's no way for you guys or any mundanes to wander in. If you were to wander in, you would be sent to one of the surrounding countries" I say. "Then how did alice get there a few years ago" her mom asks. "Portal remember. A downworlder got me and brought me through a portal to Idris" Alice says.

We both spend time with her family then she drives me back to the hotel. "I'll see you tomorrow" I say when we get there. "Okay. I love you" she says. I smile and say "I love you too. Goodnight" I say. "Goodnight" she says.

I go up to my hotel room. I hear Carson crying in the room across from mine. I knock on the door and mom opens it for me. I go in and Carson is sitting in the bed. "Jo jo" he says and holds his hands up. I pick him up. "What's wrong bud" I ask. "You left. I don't want you to leave" he cries. "It's okay Carson. I'm not leaving anymore tonight. Do you want to sleep in my room with me tonight" I ask. He nods. I look at mom and luke. "Is it okay if he sleeps with me tonight" I ask. "I guess. Are you sure you want him too though" Luke asks. "Yeah, I don't care" I say. "Carson, you can sleep with me tonight okay bud. I need you to stop crying though okay" I say. He wipes his tears with his little hands. "Go get your pajamas on and we can go over to my room okay" I say. He nods.

I set him down. He looks through his bag and pulls out some pajamas. Mom helps him get them on and he looks at me. He's wearing grey pajamas with fire trucks. I smile at him and he takes my hand.

I lead him out of mom and lukes room and into my room. He sits on my bed. I kneel down in front of him. "You alright now carson" I ask. He nods. I put on a pair of pajama pants and get into bed.

"Where's Clary" Carson asks. "In her room with Jace" I say. "Can I go see clary" he asks. "No Carson" I say. "Why not" he asks. "She's probably getting ready to go to sleep. You will see her in the morning" I say. "Okay, can we watch tv until bed time" he asks. "Yeah, what do you want to watch" I ask. "I don't know" he says. "I look through the tv until we find the kids channel. Mom would kill me if she found out I let a one year old watch things that's on normal tv that coulf have bad things on it for a one year old. "You want to watch 'Blaze and the monster machines'" I ask. Its what's on nick jr right now. "Yes please" he says. I turn it on and we watch it until about 10:00.

When he falls asleep I turn the tv off and go into clarys room. Shes sitting in the bed with jace watching tv. I close my bedroom door so I don't wake up carson. "Mom cant know" I say. "She cant know what" clary asks. "I let carson stay up until 10:00" I tell them. "Don't do that" Clary says. "I don't know much about one year olds, but I'm pretty sure he will wake you up bright and early tomorrow morning, so get ready" Jace says. "Carson is in your room tonight" clary asks. "Yeah" I say. "Why" she asks. "Because he was crying because I wasn't here when they ate dinner" I tell her. "Awh, that's sad" she says.

"So Jonathan, where are you taking alice for the honeymoon" Jace asks. Clary and I exchange a look. She helped me pick where to take alice for the honeymoon. "Disneyworld" I say. "Really? How'd you pick Disneyworld" Jace asks. "I asked clary were she has always wanted to go. She said Disneyworld" I tell him. He looks at clary. "You have" he asks. "Yeah, mom didn't have the money to take me to Disneyworld so I never go to go but I've always wanted to go. I was able to pull a few strings and call a few people over at Disney and get them the room in the cinderella castle. It's by invitation only but I got them in there. I would still go to Disneyworld if I get the chance. Its a really nice room in the castle. I may never get the chance to let anyone stay in there" I say. "Thanks clary" I say. She goes on her phone and eventually shows me the room. "This is the cinderella suite" she says. "Wow, that's really nice. Can my room in the castle look like this" I ask. She laughs. "It is and no" she says. "Worth a try. She will hopefully love it. Thanks for doing this clary" I say. "No problem" she says. I hand her her phone back.

"I'm going to bed if carson is going to wake me up early" I say. "Okay, goodnight Jonathan" clary says. "Goodnight clary" I say. I go into my room and lie beside carson and go to sleep.

What do you think about the ring Jonathan picked out for Alice. Do you guys like it?

Do you like the place where Jonathan and Alice are going on their honeymoon?

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