A werewolf problem

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I look up and see Luke and Jace. When Luke got here I have no idea.

I stop washing the dishes. "Okay," I sigh, "What's the problem?" "The pack wolves are getting taken," Luke says. "What do you mean taken," I ask. "I mean, every time someone from the pack would go on border patrol they would disappear," he says. "How do you know," Jace asks. "Someone who hasn't gone out told me after they had no choice" Luke answers. "Why didn't they have a choice" I ask. "Maia and bat were taken. They have no alpha or beta now and they came to me" he says. I nod. "Okay, we were going to come to your house anyway tomorrow so could we just come talk over what to do tomorrow" Jace says. Luke nods. "Okay I will see you tomorrow then" he says. He leaves the kitchen.

After I finally finish washing dishes I ask jace, "where's Grace?" "With Alec. As soon as she saw him she reached for him and started crying until he held her" Jace answers. "Alec may just have to move into the castle with us if she gets too attached to him" I joke. "I know it's a terrible problem" he says sarcastically. I giggle.

"I'm going to get ready for bed" I say. "I will try and pry Grace from Alec" Jace says. "Good luck" I say as I walk out of the kitchen.

I go get changed and ready for bed. Jace finally comes back with Grace after a while. She is crying. Poor baby.

"Come here baby"I say and take her from jace. I bounce her up and down and try to calm her down. It eventually works. "Shh... good girl. Lets get you changed and we can get you in the bed too" I say. I set her on my bed and change her clothes. By this time she has quit crying completely and is just looking at me. Cookie walks in and sees Grace on the bed. Grace sees her and gasps. Cookie comes over to Grace and stays right beside her. "Well I know if we ever need a babysitter for her we have plenty of people and a dog who would be willing" I say. I pick her up and put her in her bassinet and Cookie still stays next to Graces bed on the floor. "The Cookie babysitter might be cheaper" Jace says. "Yeah really" I say.

I change into something to sleep in. Something that's soft. Once I finish washing my face jace says "So I've been thinking." "That's never good" I say. "I've been thinking about this whole wolf getting taken thing" he says. "I don't know who would take them or why" I say. "Me neither" he says back. "I mean who would possibly want to kidnap a bunch of werewolves" I ask. "I don't know Clare, I just don't know" he says. "It doesn't make any sense" I say. "No it doesn't but we will figure this out. We have to. Its part of our job" he says. I nod and say "I know."

"Come on, I will read to you" I say. He jumps in the bed fast. I giggle and grab the book from his duffle bag. I get in the bed next to him after seeing Grace asleep and cookie almost there on the floor. I open to the first chapter and tell jace "this book is where it all gets good." I open to the first page and read, "the villagers of little Hangelton still called it 'the Riddle House' even though it had been many years since the Riddle family had lived there. It stood on a hill overlooking the village, some of its windows boarded, tiles missing from its roof, and ivy spreading unchecked over its face. Once a fine looking manor, and easily the largest and grandest building for miles around, the Riddle House was now damp, derelict, and unoccupied. ..." I read and stop at chapter 5. "I thought you said it gets good in this book" he says. "It does. You just have to give it a little longer" I say. "Whatever you say" he says. I close the book and set it on the nightstand beside me.

"Lets go to bed. We can figure out this whole thing tomorrow" Jace says. I nod and lay down. He does too and wraps his arms around me pulling me against him. This makes me happy.


When I wake up it's 8:15. Grace slept the whole night which I'm thankful for. Jace is just waking up too. I guess we are waking up early is because we are so used to it we just automatically wake up at this time. I roll out of the bed and get Grace up. She is very happy this morning which I am thankful for too.

I go downstairs with jace following and start making Grace a bottle. "So what are we gonna do with this child while we are at moms" I ask. Jace shrugs. "I guess we could take her with us" he says. "I guess so. Maybe mom can watch her. I'm sure she's been wanting to" I say. I watch Grace as she drinks her bottle. Deciding she's done Grace rejects the bottle only having drank half the bottle. I set the rest of the bottle on the table. Cookie and bear come walking in looking panicked and worried. As soon as cookie sees Grace she relaxes and collapses at my feet. Bear curls up and lays at jace's feet.

I get up and get the box of fruit loops and set it on the table while holding Grace with one arm. "What do you want for breakfast" I ask jace. "Fruit loops are fine" he says. "That's cute, you think I'm sharing my food" I laugh. "Fine I will have Frosted Flakes" he says. I get out the box and the milk. I set them on the table along with two bowls. I shift Grace over to my left arm and pour my cereal and milk in my bowl. Grace reaches down and squirms to try and get to cookie. I set her down so she is lying next to Cookie. Cookie gets excited at this and she makes Grace laugh. I don't think I can ever get tired of that sound right now.

Maryse comes in next. "Good morning guys" she says. She starts making herself some breakfast. "Why is Grace on the floor" she asks looking at Grace. "Her and cookie are kinda attached and she wanted cookie" I say. "I don't know if that's such a good idea. What if Grace hurts herself or cookie hurts Grace" Maryse asks worried. "Cookie wouldn't hurt her on purpose besides we aren't going to leave her alone" Jace says. Maryse finishes making herself some scrambled eggs and sits down to eat with us.

I hear Grace sneeze and bubbles appear all over the kitchen. "Why bubbles," Maryse asks. Me and jace both shrug.

Alice and Isabelle come in next and make their breakfast and sit with us. "Hey guys" Alice says. "Why didn't y'all do anything for Christmas" Izzy asks. "Well we would have but we didn't for different reasons" I say. "Like what" she asks. "Well one reason is we were really busy. Another reason is that Clary was very pregnant at Christmas time" Jace says. "That's understandable. But you need to do something next Christmas" she says. "We will, And we will have Grace too" I say. "That's true" Alice says smiling.

"Alice are you coming with us" I ask. "Yeah I was planning to" she says. "Where are you going" Izzy asks. "Mom and Luke's house. Me and jace have to talk to Luke first then we are going to watch movies in the theater room" I say. "I thought your mom said he was working" Alice asks. "He probably is but he is probably just going in late " I say. We all finish our breakfast and go upstairs to change and get ready for today.

I change into a long sleeved black shirt and jeans with boots and a belt to go around my waist. And I put a cream cover overtop. (Outfit below except without the scarf, purse and watch) "Why do you always have to look so cute" Jace says. I look over my shoulder at him. "I just do" I say. "Well you look adorable" he says. "I'm still not tall" I say. "I think you should have given up being taller a while ago. You are a little taller with those boots though" he says. "Thanks So now I am 5 foot 3" I say sarcastically.

I get Grace from her bed and change her diaper and clothes. I put her into a blue and white onesie. She squeals and kicks. She is very happy and is in a very good mood today I can tell. I grab her diaper bag and put the movies in it along with Graces things. I wait for jace to finish getting ready and then we both leave and go to my car. Alice comes out soon after while jace is putting Grace in her car seat. Cookie is whining at the door inside the institute to get into the garage. I realize what she wants so desperately. I let her in the garage and into the back of the car. She looks over the backseat and sees Grace. She seems to relax and lays down so none of us can see her. Alice sits in the middle next to Grace and jace in the passenger next to me. I pull out of the institute and start to head over to moms house.

On the way here cookie makes Grace laugh by popping up every once and a while on the way there. It makes me smile just how small and cute it is.

When we get to Mom and Luke's house everyone is the same they were yesterday morning. Mom making breakfast and Luke and Jonathan eating breakfast. "Hey guys we decided we would bless you all with my presence" Jace says deciding to make an entrance. Mom sighs and shakes her head. She continues to make breakfast. "Why does it have to be your presence I thought it would be someone important" Jonathan says.

"Anyway, Mom I was wondering if you wanted to watch Grace? I know you haven't got to be with her as much" I say. "I'd love to" she says. She finishes making the breakfast which I notice is cinnamon rolls and jace grabs a bunch and I see Jonathan is scarfing some down as well. I know it's because of me but oh well.

After they finish eating I give Grace to mom and Alice and Jonathan go somewhere in the house since it's too cold outside to go out there. I made sure to tell mom to let cookie stay with her since we would all have to pay if cookie and Grace were separated. We will see how long she lets Cookie stay with Grace. Mom is not a dog person.

When it's just me, jace, and Luke left I ask "Do you have any idea who took them?" "No idea. But my question is how are we going to find them to get them back" he says. "We will have to figure that out but first you" I say. Luke looks shocked. "Me?" "Yeah. When was the last time you shifted" I ask. "It's been a while Why" he asks. "You can change if you need to. Just don't go too far that whoever is taking them to get you until we can figure all this out" I say. He nods and says "the full moon is tonight so I can't really control that tonight." "Okay well just try and be careful" Jace finally says. He's been quiet for a while.

  "I've been thinking," Jace says. "Ah oh" Luke says. Jace rolls his eyes but continues, "we cant risk sending out anymore wolves because we don't want the pack to get taken anymore. So why not just send me?" "Jace no" Luke says. "Think about it, no one else can change into any animal by their own choice or free will. If they try and use silver it won't affect me like normal werewolves. I will get in there find out what they are doing with all of the pack members, where they are keeping them and find a way to let you know" he says. "Jace that's fine but how will we be able to communicate with you? When you change into an animal you can't use your normal voice you sound like an animal" I say.

I feel a force against me and I close my eyes. The first and only thing I see is a rune that doesn't exist. I try and memorize the pattern and design of it. It disappears and I open my eyes. I grab my stele from my pocket and grab jaces arm. He and Luke both look at me weird while I draw the rune. When im done it glows for a second. 'How in the world am I going to convince them this will work' I hear in my head. "I have no doubt this will work now" I say. Jace looks shocked that I said that and Luke just looks confused. "Did you just-" Jace asks. "Yes I did. Now draw the same rune on me that I drew on you" I say. "I don't know what it looks like. I cant see it" he says. I draw the rune I saw and draw it on a blank sheet of paper and he copies it on me. 'This will work we just have to figure out how to do it' I think. He nods and smiles knowing what I thought. "Can someone please explain to me what is going on" Luke asks. "This rune," I say showing him the rune jace put in my collarbone, "lets you read the persons mind of who you put it on. This will help with what we will do to get the pack members back." "Well that's all good but how do we know the rune with work when he has changed" Luke says back. "That's a good point. I've never thought about it" I say and look at jace. "We better find out now verses when I actually go in" Jace says. He stands up and changes into a wolf. He sits down on the floor. 'Can you hear me' I ask to jace. 'Now I know this will work' he says back to me. Jace changes back to himself. "Does it work" Luke asks. "Yeah" I say. "Good So This will work" he says. "I hope" I say.

Jem, Tessa, and Alec come through the front door. "Whatever you are planning to do jace, it's a bad idea" jem says. "How did you know I was going to do something" Jace asks. "It's like a sixth sense for us to know when a you are going to do something that could be dangerous" Tessa says. "Obviously since the three of you are here at once" I say. "Hear me out on this one and tell me what you think" Jace says. "Okay then talk" Alec says. They all sit down with us. "Me and Clary were told last night that someone has been taking the werewolves in the New York pack. From what it sounds like they tried to fix this on their own until they had no choice to tell us. When Maia and Bat, their alpha and beta, went missing that's when we were told. I've decided I am going to be the one to go undercover and find out what they are doing to the pack and where they are. I will contact Clary and that's when you guys come in" Jace says. "Good plan. Sounds like you have thought this over. One problem, how will you contact Clary when you will be in wolf form" jem asks. I move my hair so the new rune on my collarbone is showing. "This rune lets me talk to jace and hear what he's thinking. He has the same one so he can talk to me too" I say.

"Well, if you are going to go undercover you will need help and be trained. Believe it or not I have been in your position more than once" Tessa says. "Really who did you have to be" Alec asks. "Well one time I had to be Camille Belcourt, I'm sure you know who she is. I also had to be a prostitute one time" she says. That last one surprised me. "Not one of the boys best ideas letting the girls be bait but they didn't stay too far from them. But half the time William was passed out in a bar" jem says. "So we will help you practice for going out" Tessa says. "Fine" Jace says. "How do you know the rune will work when you are in wolf form" Alec asks. "We made sure it would work" I say. They nod. "I've got to go back to work but I will go to the institute later" Tessa says.

Luke leaves for work not long after. Me and jace go down to the theater room. I put the movie in and grab the remote. I sit down in the big theater chair next to jace and turn the tv on. I switch over to the dvr and turn on the movie. We used to watch movies all the time together when it was just me and him living here before we moved to Idris.

"You know I don't think Alec could stand the second movie" Jace says. I look over at him. "Why" I ask. "Well for one I don't think he's into this stuff and the acromanchulas would freak him out" he says. "True" I say. Alec has a huge fear of spiders.

We watch the three movies. It takes a while but we watch the three of them. "Where's peves" Jace asks. "They didn't put him in the movie. They should have but they didn't" I say. He shrugs. We watch a little tv after this.

"I guess you should go out tomorrow since they are probably expecting a werewolf to come out tonight because of the full moon and I don't want you in more danger than you already will be" I say. "Clary," Jace says, "I will be fine. I won't go until tomorrow anyway. I want planning on doing it until tomorrow anyway." "I know jace I just worry" I say. At this point we are both looking at each other. "Stop worrying. I'm a big boy and I can take care of myself" he says. "I know" I say.

We both go upstairs and I see mom playing with Grace and Grace is giggling at her. Jonathan and Alice are now downstairs too. "Jonathan" I start. He looks at me. "You want to stay at the institute tonight? You don't have to but if you want to you can" I suggest. "Yeah sure. Is that okay with you mom" he asks. "I guess so" mom says.

"Alice can I talk to you and Clary for a minute" Mom asks. We both go over to see Mom. "Alice I wanted to tell you to be careful" Mom says. Not this again. "What do you mean" Alice asks. "I want you to be careful with Jonathan. Morgansterns can be dangerous" mom says. "But-" Alice starts. "But Jonathan has changed I know. Morgansterns can still be dangerous. Be careful with yourself and Jonathan. He doesn't have demon blood anymore and you are the first girl he actually likes. I don't want to see either of you get hurt. I was the same about Clary and jace. I wasn't to crazy about her dating him. But I eventually let her be with him" mom says. Alice looks at me. "Is that true Clary" she asks. I nod and say "Yeah, for the longest time we would fight since I wanted to be with jace but she didn't like me being with him. We would go back and forth against each other for so long." "I won't hurt Jonathan, not on purpose anyway, and I will be careful" Alice says. "Good, i don't want either of you getting hurt" mom says.

We all leave moms house not long after. Halfway down the road it starts snowing. "Oh man" I say. The light turns red and I stop. "It's a good thing we brought my car. Your wouldn't be able to go in the snow like mine" I say to jace. I put the car in four wheeled drive. When the light turns green we head back to the institute. There are times when there's some trouble because of the ice, but we all make it in one piece. When we get back I start making dinner.

Tessa shows up at the institute not long after we have all had dinner. I give Grace to Alice. The two of us try and get him ready for tomorrow the best we know how. "I will come back tomorrow before you leave" Tessa says. Jace shifts back. We say goodbye to Tessa and she leaves.

We all hang out together until someone, aka jace, gets tired. Jonathan finds an empty unused bedroom. I get Grace changed and in her tiny cot.

I cant help but think about tomorrow. What if something goes wrong? What if jace can never figure out who is taking the pack members? What if we are too late? What if the plan fails and nobody takes jace tomorrow?

"Clary!" Im brought out of my thoughts by my name being yelled. I look over at jace. He wraps his arms around me from behind. "Stop worrying love. This plan will work. We will go over to the packs hideout and we will find out where the others were taken. When the hunters see me they won't be able to resist taking me. I will find out where they are keeping them" he says. "How can you be so sure about all of this" I ask. "Because I know I have you. There isn't anything I believe in more than us" he says. I smile and lean my head against him. "Okay" I say.

Grace starts making a noise for attention. Jace picks her up. "Well hello little princess" he says. She looks up happy at her daddy, I can see it in her eyes. She still hasn't smiled at anyone. Not cookie, me, jace, Alec, anyone but she will eventually. Its just gonna take time. She's probably just trying to get used to the new world and people around her. It will be crazy for poor little Grace when we bring her back home.

Someone knocks on the door. I go answer it while jace holds Grace. It's Jonathan. "Hey clary am I interrupting" he asks. "Yes" Jace calls. "No, Grace is just wanting attention. Whatcha need" I ask. "Can I know what's going on" he asks. I look at him a second but before I can say anything he says "Clary I'm not stupid I know something is going on. Something that has to do with you, jace, Luke, and maybe Tessa since she came earlier." I look back at jace. "Come on in Jonathan. I will explain everything" Jace says. I move over and Jonathan walks in. Jace is leaning against the wall holding Grace. I close the door so it's just us four in here. "It doesn't have anything to do with Tessa. She was just here helping me get ready for tomorrow. What's been happening is the New York werewolf pack members have been disappearing. While they are out on border patrol at night someone takes them. We don't know who is doing it. I am going tomorrow night and will be staging as one of the werewolves. I will try and find out what they are doing to them and where they are" Jace says. "It's dangerous" is all Jonathan says. "We know. But we have a way to keep in contact even when he is in wolf form. If he ever gets in trouble or something happens I will know and we will come to the rescue" I say. Jonathan nods. "I'm glad you are doing it then" he says. "Me too, and I will figure out who took them. I don't know how long it will take but I will figure it out" Jace says. "Good. I guess I will see you guys tomorrow then" Jonathan says. Jace nods and Jonathan leaves the room. I close the door behind him.

"You ready for bed yet little miss" Jace asks looking at Grace. She yawns. Her mouth making a tiny 'o'. He sets her down gently in her little cot.

"You better go to bed too sir. I don't know how well you will be able to get sleep or anything when you are gone" I say. "Awh Clary, do I really have to" he whines. "Yes jace you need to. I cant have you out there not being able to sleep and exhausted" I say. He sighs but gets in the bed. I do too. We eventually fall asleep.


I get up change and get Grace up and downstairs. I start making her bottle. Jace is still asleep and he will probably need it. I sit down and feed Grace. "Hey clary" I hear Alice say. "Oh good morning Alice" I say back to her. She starts getting things out to make chocolate chip muffins. "How is Grace this morning" she asks. "She's good. She was real happy to see me first this morning. She squealed and I was worried she would wake jace up" I say. "Is that where he is, still asleep" she asks. I nod. "I'm surprised you haven't been sleeping in" she says, "has Grace been waking you up?" "No. She has before but in the middle of the night and then she goes back to sleep" I say. "That's good. I remember my mom telling me that I used to wake her up all night. I hope you don't mind, I told her about Grace" she says. "I don't mind. I'm sure I was that way too when I was a baby. I just got lucky with a baby that sleeps a lot of the time" I say. "Yeah you are" she says.

She starts mixing the ingredients together. "Alice could you watch Grace later today? Me and jace have to go talk to some people for tonight" I ask. "I can" she says. "Thank you. I don't think you should have any trouble with her but cookie will be here anyway" I say. "Okay" She says as she puts the mix in the muffin cups. She sticks it in the oven.

"You want to go get some coffee later" I ask her. "As in before or after you leave with jace" she asks. "Before" I say. "Yeah sure. If feels weird for me to be calling you two by just your first names" she says. "Clary and jace aren't our first names. They are nicknames. But I know what you mean" I say.

Grace finally finishes her bottle after taking her precious time. "We could always get the coffee tomorrow and do something else so we are not rushed on time" I tell Alice. "Yeah that sounds good. Either way" she says.

Alice comes and sits down with me while waiting for the muffins. "Okay, So what was going on with your mom when she came storming into the living room 2 days ago mad at jace and Jonathan" she asks. "Well you know how I was kidnapped by the seelie queen at the beginning of December" I ask. She nods. "I guess they didn't tell her and it made her mad" I say. "That I get but what about the whole Jonathan Christopher thing" she asks. "Oh, well, that's both of their names. You weren't at the coronation were you" I ask. She shakes her head. "I was in the castle but not the same room" she explains. "Well when we were both crowned they called us both by our first names. King Jonathan and Queen Clarissa. Jonathan Christopher is both of their names. My brother is the real one though. We never knew jace as anything else" I say. "So how come they have the same name" she asks. "Valentine. He named jace that after he was born. He raised jace to believe that his name was Jonathan Wayland, but it really wasn't. He raised jace in the wayland manor house and Jonathan in another house at the same time" I explain. "That's confusing" she says. "I know" I say.

She checks the muffins and takes them out of the oven. It immediately starts smelling good in here. I hear many feet come down the hallway and appear in the kitchen. It's Alec, magnus, Jonathan, jace, and Isabelle. "I smell food" Izzy says. "Good to know all of your noses work" I say.

They all go and grab one of the hot muffins. They don't know they just got pulled out of the oven. Alec tries to eat one first. "When did these come out of the oven" he asks. "Just before you got in here" Alice says. "That explains why it's burning my tongue off" he says and leaves the muffin on the counter. They all follow him and set their muffins on the counter to cool off.

"How's the princess this morning" magnus asks. "She's good. Very happy. She squealed when she saw me this morning. I was worried she was going to wake jace up" I say. "She did but I went back to sleep" Jace says. "Look what you did" I say to Grace. She squeals again. She looks around her like she's looking for someone. Who that is, I'm not sure yet. Her eyes stop at someone and she gasps. Her little eyes light up and she squeals again. I follow who she's looking at. It's Jonathan. He looks at me confused and shocked. I shrug. He sits beside me and I give Grace to him. "Since when" Alec asks. "Don't know, but I'm not complaining" Jonathan says and he looks down at Grace. Her eyes soften when she looks up at him. "She's so tiny" he says. "How much have you actually held her" Alice asks. "Only the first day she was born" Jonathan says looking into his nieces eyes. "Well maybe you will have more time with her since me and jace are leaving her with you and Alice" I say. "Really," he asks "why?" "Me and jace are going to the the New York werewolf pack house later and I am trusting you two to watch Grace" I answer. They nod and Jonathan just loves on his little niece he hasn't gotten a chance to hold and love on yet.

I make myself some coffee and grab a muffin. The others do too once they realize they are not so hot anymore. After everyone has eaten jace decides to go get changed and we leave after that to the wolf pack house.

The ride there is quiet. Luke is planning on meeting us there. We need to find out where they have been disappearing.

When we get there we walk inside. They all look at us the moment we walk in the door. "We didn't think you would really come" one of them says. "Of course we did. We are going to make sure you get your alpha, beta, and other pack members back" I say. "How long have Mia and Bat been missing" Jace asks. "About three days sir" one of the ones here says. "Why didn't you tell us sooner" I ask. "We figured we would be alright and be able to last without them. Then another of our members went missing and we couldn't do it anymore. We called Luke to see what he would do. He told us he would talk to you two but we never expected you would actually come or do anything" someone says. "You are lucky we have been in town since the 7th" I say.

"Excuse me for asking ma'am, but have you had your baby" a girl asks. One of the boys here smacks her arm. "Makayla! Don't ask that" the boy asks. "It's alright. And yes I have had my baby" I say. Something about her looks familiar like I have met her before. But where? "I knew it. Makayla Christfield. You used to go to the same high school I did" I say. "Yeah, hi clary" she says.

"When have the wolves been disappearing" Jace asks changing the subject back. "Every time we someone goes out on patrol sir" another one answers. "Until we can get them back no one goes out. We cant risk anyone getting taken" Jace says. "But what about protecting the mundanes" someone asks. "They will survive until we can make sure you are all safe. We can have someone watch over the city until then" Jace says. "Okay, Just please bring Maia and Bat back" Makayla says. "We will" I say.

Luke walks in. "What did I miss" he asks. "Not much" I say.

"So, do you know where they have been disappearing" I ask. "Over in Greenpoint usually" a young boy says. He looks about 16 maybe 17. "We will check there tonight. Remember what jace said, nobody goes out in wolf form until all of this gets fixed. If anything else happens or you have anything else to tell us we are staying at the institute" I say. "We will thank you" someone says. "Of course" Jace says and the three of us leave.

"Well That was easy enough. Now we know where to drop jace off" Luke says once we are out by where our two cars are. "No ones dropping me off anywhere. I need to act like I'm on a normal patrol of the area so I will get there myself" jace says. "You sure" Luke asks. "Positive. If we want this plan of ours to work I need to get out there by myself" he says. "Alright" Luke says. "Luke, do you know what time they usually go on patrol" I ask. "7 why?" He answers. "That's what time jace is gonna be out then" I say. "Wait what" Jace says. "Yeah if you are going to be out there you will leave before 7 so they can take you, you can talk to me whenever" I say. "I know, I just wish I didn't have to leave so early" Jace says. "I know" I say.

"Well come on, let's go get lunch then we can head back to the institute" Luke suggests. We all get in our cars and head over to get something to eat. We stop at a McDonald's and go through the drive through to get something to eat. Jace gets a Big Mac and I get a normal cheeseburger and we head back to he institute.

When we get back and up the elevator cookie and bear run past us playing. "It's going to be hard for Grace when we come back to the castle, you know meeting everyone and I mean everyone, and seeing everything new" Jace says. "I know I kinda feel bad for the poor little girl" I say. "Where is she" Luke asks. "With Jonathan and Alice. She really wanted Jonathan this morning so she's probably still with him" I say. "That's cute" Luke says.

The rest of the day we don't do much. I make spaghetti for dinner and mom, Tessa, jem, and Logan come. They made sure that Logan was just fine and not going to affect Grace. Baby's get sick too easily.

We all go down to the training room to say goodbye. "Bye jace, you be careful and let Clary know if something happens" Tessa says. "I will" he says. Everyone says goodbye to jace knowing he could be gone for who knows how long.

Jace gives me a hug and kisses Graces little head before changing. He changes into a black wolf. Not quite like Luke's wolf but this one is spotless and pretty. Jace is pure black.

When I open the door the ground is covered in snow and it's very cold outside. Jace takes a few steps outside and sniffs the air. He walks around some more before disappearing from our sight.

Grace decides she wants Jonathan again. I give her to my brother and the rest of us go upstairs and go our own ways. I go help Alice in the kitchen. "Have you heard anything" she asks. "No but he did just leave and it takes a while to get all the way to Greenpoint" I say. "That's true" Alice says. I have a feeling everyone will be asking me that same question tonight. We finish cleaning the kitchen and I sit at the table. I look out the window. I know he's out there just not sure what has happened yet.

After an hour of sitting here I get tired, bored, and worried. I lay my head on the table. 'Clary' I hear in my head. My head jerks up. A flood of relief comes over me from just hearing from him. 'Jace?' I ask back. 'It's me. Who else? I've been all over Greenpoint' he says. 'And' I ask. 'Nothing has hap-' I hear. Nothing else comes after that. I start to worry. I don't know what in the world just happened and it starting to freak me out. I have to calm myself down and know that he has got to be alright. I mean Alec hasn't gone crazy saying his parbatai has died again.

I leave the kitchen and find Alec. He's in the library looking through the shelves. "Alec are you alright" I ask. He looks at me weirdly. "Fine why" he ask. "Nothing, Jaces connection just cut off when he was talking to me" I say. "He probably was just taken like we hoped would happen" he says. "That sounds weird the way you say it but yeah that's probably what happened" I say. "Don't worry Clary, I'm sure he's fine. If I feel something I will let you know" he tells me. "Okay, thank you Alec. I will see you later" I say and leave the library.

Every time I see someone in the institute, wherever I am, they ask me if I heard anything from jace. I hate this feeling and everyone bugging me and asking me the same question. I just need a moment of peace. The greenhouse is probably the quietest place in the institute for me to be at right now. I walk up the stairs all the way to the greenhouse and open the door. I sit on one of the bottom steps of the spiral staircase. It's so quiet and peaceful up here.

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