Alice leaves

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August 14th

Alice POV

I wake up to my alarm clock going off. I roll over and turn it off. I groan and just lay in the bed. I leave for Georgia tonight. I still have some things to Augusta up. I'm going to go in the afternoon and make sure things will be okay with Clary taking over my job before I leave.

After a while of laying in my warm bed, I get up. I go upstairs and wake Zillah up. I change her diaper and take her downstairs. I set her in her high chair and turn to go into the kitchen. "No" she yells. "Huh," I ask. "Momma," she says and puts her arms up. I sigh and pick her back up.

I make pancakes. I make 18 pancakes for all three of us to share. While I let them cool down I get out some cheerios and fruit and set Zillah down in her high chair and sit down across from her. I pour some Cheerios on the tray and start cutting up some bananas and pears and set them down on her tray too. She eats the cheerios first then the fruit. "Do you like bananas, baby?" I ask. "Nanas" she repeats. "Yes Zillah, these are Bananas" I confirm and point to the bananas on her tray.

She eats the rest of her food on her tray. "Daddy," she says and lifts her arms in the air after seeing Jonathan walk into the room. He comes over to her and picks her up. "Did you sleep in at all?" he asks me. "Yeah, some. I didn't let myself oversleep though since I still need to pack the rest of my things and start on some laundry before I leave. I made a bunch of pancakes though" I tell him. I make myself a plate and I make Jonathan a plate of pancakes too and set them on the table.

"Do you want some milk or water, baby girl?" Jonathan asks. She just looks up at him. He pulls a green sippy cup out of the cabinet and gets some milk out of the small refrigerator. He fills it up with milk, sets her back in her high chair, and hands her the sippy cup. He sits down across from me.

I start eating my pancakes. "Has ash come down yet?" Jon asks. "I haven't seen him. He is probably still asleep" I answer. He nods and eats his pancakes. "We are going to miss you," he says. "I know, I will come home as much as I can. I will miss you guys too. So much. You can always call me. I will be at the same time as your mom and Luke and the other people in New York" I say.

We both eat breakfast and talk about other things. "Can you wash the dishes? I can go feed Scout and Chance" I ask. "Yeah, I can wash our plates off," Jonathan says. "Thanks," I say and go to the closet and scoop feed into two red buckets. I go ahead and make the two horses dinner buckets too. The horses' meal buckets are color-coordinated. Red for breakfast and blue for dinner. I leave the dinner buckets in the closet and carry the breakfast ones outside. "Chance, Scout" I call. They both come trotting over. I hang the buckets up on the hooks and put the halters over their heads. I tie them each to the rope hanging on the wall of the half shed so they can eat. I close the gates behind them. I see Denali looking at me from the other side of the yard. Denali keeps her distance from everyone except Ash. When Ash is outside then she will go over and someone else can pet her when Ash is right beside her.

I go inside the house and go into my bedroom. I change into a dark green sleeveless top and jeans and some sandals.

I lean up against the kitchen counter beside Jonathan. "Are you ever going to build an actual barn or stall for those three?" I ask. "I don't know maybe," he says. Jonathan is in no way a builder of any kind but at least he could expand on the shed a little bit. He is smart, he can figure out how to do it.

I hear Ash walk into the kitchen. "Hey," I say. "Hey," he says back. "Ah," Zillah says and reaches for Ash. He picks her up. "She is just making her way to all of us" I comment. "I made pancakes ash. Go ahead and eat what you want and you two can save the rest for another day" I tell him. He starts making a plate full of pancakes. A big box appears on the kitchen island. I open the box. I know it's From my mom. There's a note on the top. It says 'Alice, I know you are leaving later. I want to give you a few things before you leave and give some things to the boys. I know they will be taking care of little Zillah while you are gone. I would come to help them if I could but I can't come to Idris. I'm sure Jocelyn would help if they need it. I will try and call your phone later when I think you have left for Augusta Georgia by then. I love you, honey. Good luck with going back to school. -mom'.

I start looking through the box. I pull out a small few things for me. There are some family pictures from growing up, and a few small meals already prepared. There are a few other supplies I will need for my new apartment as well. There are some things for Zillah and my boys as well. I take my things and take them to my room where my suitcase is and a few boxes are. I set some things down and go back into the kitchen.

Ash finishes his pancakes and the two of us go out to the backyard. I see the horses have finished eating and go unhook them from the shed and let them go freely into the backyard. I see Ash petting on Denali. I go over to them. "Hey," I say. "Hey mom," he says. "You will take care of yourself and Zillah for me won't you while I am gone," I ask. "Of course, I will Mom. Dad too. Do you think I need to get a job to help out while you are gone" he asks. "I don't think you need to worry about that, Ash. I know Clary and Jace will still let you four live here and will take care of you guys. You will need to go on a hunting trip sometimes probably to keep up the money and status of still being a shadowhunter" I tell him. "I will for sure," he says. "That's my boy," I say to him. Ash may not be my biological son but I feel like he is one of my own. "Go make Denali some breakfast and feed her. She has to eat too you know. I will stay out here with her and the boys" I tell Ash. He goes into the house. When Ash is not out here, Denali pretty much keeps to herself and wanders away from any person, Chance and Scout. The only one she likes is Ash.

Ash eventually comes back out and puts the horse food in the shed and leads her to the half-open shed. "I need to go finish packing my things. Are you staying out here" I ask him. "I probably will. What time are you leaving" he asks. "Not until 6:00. I will get there at 1:00 that way I can put my things away somewhat and get my schedule from the school before classes start in a couple of days" I explain. "Get there at 1:00," he asks. "Right now Georgia is six hours behind our time. I will be starting the afternoon over but without my family" I explain. "Oh," he says. "Well I will be inside packing the rest of my things up if you need me," I tell him

I go inside the house. I go over to my bedroom and start packing some more of my clothes. I pack the rest of the winter clothes I think I will need. The winter is weird in Georgia. It's like half winter half spring. Some days will be cold and then the next will be warm to hot. So I pretty much have winter and summer-like clothes in my suitcase. I put the things Mom sent me in a cardboard box. I add more things to the box too.

By the time I finish packing my things, it's lunchtime. I go into the kitchen and make myself a ham and cheese sandwich. Before I can take a bite I hear Zillah's little voice say "Momma." I follow the sound of her voice repeating "momma" to her room where she is playing in her pop-up tent and jungle gym. "What are you doing little girl," I ask. I crouch down and she crawls to the tunnel so I can't see her. I hear her giggle. "Where did she go," I ask playing with her. She giggles again. "I guess I need to take Zillah's nightie and elephant with me since she has disappeared" I tease. She crawls to the ball pit open area and becomes visible. "No" she yells. "I won't, I won't baby," I say. She goes back into the tunnels and I see her go into the different pop-up tents. She has different toys in each of the pop-up tents. The pop-up tents and tunnels and balls for the ball pit were a present from Jocelyn and Luke. Zillah loves it.

I sit on the floor while she plays with her toys in the pop-up tents and then she crawls into one of the tunnels and hides in there where I can't see her. "Where did my baby Zillah go," I ask. She giggles. "Where did my baby go? She is missing. Did she leave me" I ask. She stays quiet. "Zillah where did you go," I call. I hear shuffling and she pops up out of the ball pit. She is giggling. Her blonde hair is a mess because of the static from the balls surrounding her. "Boo," she says. I smile at her. "There is my little girl," I say. She giggles some more. "Scare you," she asks. "You did Zil. Do you want to go to eat lunch" I ask. "Yes, pease," she says. Although her favorite word most of the time is "no", I made sure she does have some manners and knows yes please, and thank you.  I pick her up and bring her downstairs. Jonathan and Ash are probably downstairs training. I make some mac and cheese for the two of us. There ends up being some leftover so I leave it in the pot for if the boys want some later. I make a bowl for myself and a small one for Zillah. I eat my bowl and feed her at the same time.

After an hour when we both finish eating, I hear the boys come up. "What is for lunch," Ash asks. "Make yourself something. There are some mac and cheese in the pot and I made this ham and cheese sandwich I don't want if anyone wants to have it" I say. Ash takes the ham and cheese sandwich and they both scoop themselves a little bit of mac and cheese on their plates. I stand up just as they sit down. "Where are you going," Jonathan asks. "I'm just washing out the bowls," I say and

I go to the sink. I wash the bowls I used for Zillah and me and I put them away. "Do you want some water Zillah?" I ask. "Yes, pease," she says. I fill a sippy cup with water and bring it to her. I get myself some water and sit down with the rest of my family.

We all talk and enjoy our time together for one last lunch for a few months. When they are done too I take Zillah upstairs and lie her down in her crib for a nap. "Take a nap sweet girl. One of us will come to get you in an hour or so" I tell her. I cover her up with a blanket. She looks up at me. I lean over and kiss her head. I turn the witchlight out and leave her room so she can take a nap.

I go downstairs and sit with Jonathan on the couch. I lie my head on his shoulder. We sit in quiet for a while. "Do you want to go for a ride together? One last real ride together before you leave and we don't see each other until the end of November" Jonathan asks. "I would like that. I will go tell Ash to stay here and watch over the place just in case Zillah wakes up before one of us gets back" I tell him. "I will wait for you here that way we can get Chance and Scout ready together," Jonathan says.

I get up and go upstairs. Ash is sitting in the blue beanbag he got for Christmas. "Jonathan and I are going to go for a ride on Chance and Scout. We would bring you too but someone needs to stay here with Zillah. She is down for her nap so just stay home just in case she wakes up or something" I tell him. "Okay, that's fine," he says. I go downstairs and grab Scout's saddle pad and saddle and his bridle. "Are you coming?" I ask Jonathan, going back into the living room. "Yeah," he says getting up. He gets Chances things and we go outside. I brush Scout down, tack him up, and wait in the front yard for him.

Jonathan eventually gets to the front yard. We both get on our horses. "Try and keep up," he says and takes off on Chance down the path. I chase after him on Scout. He leads us to a spot on the brocelyn plain not terribly far from the city but far enough for us to have our own time alone. I stop Scout and Jonathan stops Chance too and stands across from me. "I am going to miss this," I say. "Me too. What are we going to do without you" he says. "You will be alright Jonathan. I know you will. You can always call me, okay? I am only four hours behind the time here. I am sure Clary or anyone at the castle will help you take care of Zillah for you if you need it or need a break" I say. "No, I won't. I have never had to make it without you. Since I came back to life I have never had to be without you" he says. "You will. I will be back before you know it. These three months will go by quicker than you think they will" I say. I will miss all of my family. Whether they know it or not. I take my feet out of the stirrups and I lie back on Scout's back. I stare up at the sky. The blue sky that is in Idris.

I lie here on Scouts back for a while enjoying the hot weather. "I need to get to the castle. I am just going to check on things and make sure Clary is getting settled in okay. I will be back home in time to make a small dinner then Clary, Jace, and the kids should be at the house to say bye and send me to Augusta Georgia" I tell him. "Okay then. Go on and I will head home and we will both be home when you come back" he says. I smile at him and head the way into the city. I make it through the castle gates and the guards nod at me as I go through. I let Scout in the back in one of the pastures with Trapper and Major.

I go into the back doors of the castle and go to what was my office but is currently Clary's office. I walk in and see Clary looking through drawers and everything looking confused. I smile and silently laugh at her. "Need help with something," I ask. She looks up at me. "Thank the angel you are here. I can't find that binder. You know with the schedule and everything and all the list of things to be done for you and everything" she asks, "Oh, it's here" I say and look through the filing cabinet and pull out the binder with the planner. I place it on the desk. "Thanks. Are you packed yet" she asks me. "Yep, I am all packed. I just came to make sure you are all set and don't need anything before I am gone before you are left doing my job" I tell her. "I think I can figure things out, I am just having a hard time remembering where everything is," she says. "Oh okay. All binders are kept in this cabinet up here and planners are in this drawer here and important papers are in this drawer" I explain and show her where everything important is again.

I sit with her as she works in case she has any questions or needs anything. It eventually gets time for me to head home to make dinner. "I will head home now and make the boys some dinner and I guess I will see you guys in a short while, " I tell Clary. "Alright, see you soon," she says. I get up and go outside and tack scout back up and go home to my family.

When I get home I look through the kitchen and see what I could make that everyone could eat. I make a chicken stir fry for dinner. I go ahead and make three plates and a bowl for Zillah. "Dinner is ready" I call out to the others in the house. Ash comes in first holding Zillah and Jonathan not far behind. Ash puts Zillah in the high chair and we all sit down. "Are you going to eat dinner later Mom too?" Ash asks. "Why would you do that," Jonathan asks. "Because where I am going is 6 hours behind us here" I explain to Jonathan. "I don't think I will eat an actual dinner, maybe a snack or something," I say to Ash.

We all eat and I pour some more water for myself and sit back down with the others. "Wait, who is going to wash our clothes," Ash asks. I laugh. "Well, you could either figure it out yourselves, or you could go all the way to the castle to have someone wash them. I am sure Clary and Jace will let you get your clothes and things cleaned there while I am gone. It is not hard really. You get the bucket in the back closet and fill it up with water and soap and scrub until the clothes are cleaned. Just hang them up outside to dry. It is time-consuming since you have to wash each article of clothes by hand but doable" I answer. That is one thing I will be happy to not have to do when I go off to school again. I won't have to wash my clothes by hand and will be able to use an actual washing machine and dryer again.

"I want you to take Echo with you to Augusta so you have some kind of protection," Jonathan says. "I wish I could. I can't" I say. "Why not," Ash asks. "Wolf dogs are illegal in Georgia" I answer. "Oh," Ash says. "Yeah, as much as I want to take Echo with me I can't. I can protect myself through Jonathan. Thank you for your concern though" I say,

I feed Zillah her noodles and after we all eat until we are full I put the leftovers in a bag and put it in the small refrigerator in the kitchen so that they can have the rest another day. I get my suitcase and two boxes and bring them to the front door and leave them there because when Clary gets here I will be going through a portal in the front yard.

I hold Zillah as I sit on the sofa. There is a knock on the door and Jonathan lets in Clary, Jace,  Braxton, and Grace. I hand Zillah to Ash. "Bye Aunt Alice," Grace says and hugs me. "Goodbye, sweet girl. You be good and listen to your momma and daddy and miss Charlotte for me, okay" I tell her and hug her back. When she lets me go she looks up at me. "I will," she says. Braxton comes up to me and hugs me too and I hug him back. "You be a good boy okay Braxton and listen to your parents and Christopher too, okay? You have to help take care of the triplets for me too okay" I tell him. "I will," he says.

I hug Jace next. "I will miss you too Jace," I say to him. "Of course you will. Who wouldn't miss seeing me every day" Jace says. I just smile and shake my head. I hug Clary next. "Take care of the castle for me Clary. If you need anything call me, okay? If anyone gives you any trouble let me know and I will deal with them when I get back" I tell her. She smiles at me. "I will. Take care of yourself, Alice. We love you" she says. "I love you guys too," I tell her.

I hug Ash next. "You take care of yourself and your sister alright," I tell him. He nods but does not say anything. "I love you," I tell him and hug him again. "I love you too Mom," he says. I take Zillah from him and she looks up at me. I know she doesn't know what is going on. "I love you too my little girl. I will miss you so much" I say and kiss her little head. "No," she says. "I love you Zillah, I will see you in November," I tell her. I am going to miss my baby girl so much.

I hug Jonathan. "I am going to miss you so much," I say not letting him go yet. "I am going to miss you more," he says giving me one last squeeze. "You will take care of Zillah and Ash right," I say. "Of course. Now go and start that doctor's school. We will see you when you get back for breaks" Jonathan says.

I smile at him and grab my suitcase and box full of things for my apartment. When we get out the front door Clary draws a portal for me. I reposition my things in my arms. I wave to the others and turn and go through the portal.

I end up in front of a building that says 'Main Office'. I go inside and set my things down on the floor and walk up to the desk. "I have an apartment set up and already picked out. But I need the keys and everything to it" I tell the man behind the desk and he looks up at me behind his desk. "What's your name beautiful," he asks. "Alice Morganstern," I tell him and he types my name in. "Yep, you are in 6C one bedroom 1 bath," he says. "That's right" I confirm. "Here are your keys. Do you need me to show you to it" he asks. "Sure," I say.

He stands up and leads me outside and through a courtyard and to a building marked C. He leads me to number 6. I set down the cardboard box and I unlock the door. I pick up the box again and he opens the door and motions me inside. "Thank you," I say and walk in first. "It already has the basic necessities and furniture. We will start payment charges for your apartment tomorrow" he tells me" "Thank you." "No problem Mrs. Morganstern. If you need anything don't hesitate to ask. Here is my card. My name is Zachary too" he tells me. "Thanks," I say. You're welcome. I will leave you to get settled in," he tells me and leaves closing the door behind him.

I look around at my new apartment and once I have an idea where everything is I start unpacking my things. It only takes an hour and 15 minutes to unpack everything. It is funny how it takes longer to pack things than to unpack. When I am done I sit down on the couch in the small living room. I text my mom letting her know I made it to my apartment and unpacked.

The next thing I know, my mom is calling to Facetime me. I accept the call and I see her. "Hi, Mom," I say smiling at her. "Hi, Alice. You made it" she asks. "I did. I am all unpacked and everything. Now I just have to relive the afternoon again" I tell her. "That's great. "You said goodbye to Jonathan, Ash, and Zillah right," she asks. "Of course. I am going to miss them all very much but I know I will get to see them when I go home for breaks and during the summer" I tell her. "That's true," she says.

"Well can I see around your apartment," she asks. "Sure," I say and flip the camera around and show her all the rooms of my small apartment. "It's nice," she says when I am done. I sit back on the couch.

"Alice, your dad and I have talked. We know you are a grown adult but we still want to take care of you while we can" she says. "What are you saying mom," I ask. "We are going to send you a credit card and you can charge whatever you may need on it. We want to help you while you are away from your family back in shadowhunter country" she says. "Thank you, Mom, so much. That means a lot that you guys are willing to help me. Yeah, back home we don't have to pay taxes and things to live in the country as long as we do our job as shadowhunters and go on hunts and missions occasionally. That is one of the good things our king and Queen have done" I say. "Who was it Kyle, that Peter had said was their king and queen," Mom asks looking over to where I can't see but I know she is talking to my dad. I hear his faint voice in the background. "Oh yeah, Peter said that Clary and Jace Herondale are the king and Queen. Is all of that true" she asks. "Yeah, it is" I confirm. "Cool. Is there like an actual castle and everything in your shadowhunter country" she asks. "Yeah, they have one. It is fairly new actually" I tell her. "Cool," she says.

"Text me your address and I will send the Credit card today. I want you to go ahead and buy yourself a car and other things you will need," Mom says. "Thank you, Mom, I appreciate it," I say.

"Did you get my package earlier Alice?" she asks. "I did, Thank you for that Mom. I know the boys will need all the help they can get with Zillah and everything in there will help them. I put the things in there that are for me in my suitcase and brought them here with me" I tell her. "Good, I am glad it all made it to you guys before you left. I switched to a warlock at the shadow market since you said faeries weren't reliable and tend to be bad news sometimes" she says. "I am glad to hear you switched. It is not that faeries are bad they just have a way of twisting the things they say" I say to my mom. "But they can't lie," she says. "That is true, they can't. They tend to twist the things they say. If you are not careful you can end up in a lifetime of servitude in faerie. It has happened before. If that were to happen there is no way out for you most of the time" I tell her. "Oh. If you don't mind me asking, what all happened with Ash? How was he born and conceived then? Was Jonathan stuck in faerie servitude for some time? You don't have to answer if you don't want to" she asks. "It's fine. I can tell you part of the story at least. Once upon a time when Jonathan was younger, before I came along into his life he had a fling I guess you could call it with a powerful faerie. Growing up though Ash didn't know his real parents you see. He was taken from his mother when he was a baby but eventually got away later when he was a teenager and old enough to know he wasn't where he was supposed to grow up" I tell my mom. "Oh, my goodness Alice. Is Ash alright? Did he get hurt? Who took him? Do you know" she asks. "Yeah, and he is fine. He wasn't hurt. He grew up actually in a place where, even though he was kidnapped as a little kid, he was treated quite well. The only reason the person took him was because the person had a grudge against his birth mother. She had taken something from him so he was going to retaliate and take something from her" I say. "Oh my goodness, Alice. I still can't believe that happened to that poor boy. I sure hope you and Jonathan are keeping him safe" she says. "Of course Mom. He is safe and happy back home. Idris is probably the safest place he could be" I tell her. "Well good. I am glad to hear that" she says. Maybe I shouldn't have told her all those things about Ash. If I do end up getting in trouble or told off for telling her those things that weren't mine to tell then so be it. I will take the heat for it.

"Are you going to continue to send packages back home to Jonathan and Ash even though I am not there?" I ask. "I don't know yet," she says. "Oh, okay. I wasn't sure" I say back. "Hey, mom. Please don't let anyone know I told you what happened with Ash and Jonathan and that faerie" I say to her. "Sure, Alice. I won't mention it to anyone unless one of them tells me themselves" she says. "Thanks, Mom," I say. "Sure Alice," she says.

"I will let you go, mom. I need to go over to the city and the school and get my schedule. I think classes should hopefully start for me pretty soon" I say. "Alright, I will let you go. I am glad you made it safe" she says. "Thanks, mom. I love you. I will talk to you soon, okay" I say. "Alright, I love you too baby. Bye," she says. "Bye Mom," I say and she hangs up the call.

I grab my keys and my purse and leave my new apartment locking behind me and go into the city and walk around.

Clary POV

I go upstairs to Jace and I's bedroom. I got Grace in the bed eventually but Braxton disappeared. Jace is putting the triplets to bed in their cribs. I enter my bedroom and look around. "Braxton" I call. "Momma" I hear his little voice say. "Where are you Braxton," I ask. "In here," he says. Well, that answer helps a lot. I follow the sound of his voice to the closet and he is sitting on the stairs.

I squat down in front of him so I am at eye level with Braxton. "What is wrong baby" I ask him. "What is that" he asks. "What is what baby" I ask. "That," he says pointing to the picture of Jace and I on our dresser. "This," I say picking the picture up and bringing it over and sitting next to him on the stairs. "Yeah. When was that" he asks. "Our wedding day, Braxton. Do you want to see other pictures too" I ask. He nods. I grab the photo album on the coffee table in front of the fireplace and go back to sit on the stairs with him.

I open the book and show him all of the pictures he wants to see. "You looked pretty momma" he compliments. "Awe thank you, Braxton," I say smiling at him. "Why wasn't I there" he asks. "Well, you weren't born yet Brax. Grace wasn't either if it makes you feel any better" I tell him.

He starts crying. "Oh, Braxton," I say and set him in my lap. "What is wrong my little prince," I ask. "I want to see," he says. "See what Braxton, you saw the pictures. "I want to see you in your dress. I wasn't there. My momma doesn't want me there" he cries into my shoulder. I rub his back. What is he talking about? I didn't want him there. "What do you mean Braxton? You weren't there because you were not born yet. If you had been would have had you there" I tell him honestly. "Promise," he asks. "I promise Braxton," I tell him. He leans into me and I rub his back. I know he is tired. He tends to cry sometimes when he is tired. "I wanna see your dress Mommy," he says. "Oh Braxton," I say and giggle a little "I don't know if it still fits quite like it did when I first got married. I mean I have had 5 kids since then." He starts crying. "Shh... it's okay baby" I coo and keep rubbing his back and try and get him to calm down. "I can still try it on again if you want to see it. We will have to go to New York though since that is where it is currently" I tell him. "Yo-You will" he hiccups still crying slightly. "Yes Braxton, if it means that much to you, I will try the dress on again," I say to him. He lies his head on my lap and I set the picture back on the dresser and just hold him to me.

When I think he has calmed down I stand up and walk out of the closet and Jace is in the bathroom getting ready for bed for the night. I carry Braxton out of our room and down to his. "Which pajamas do you want to wear buddy," I ask still holding him in my arms. "Dinosaur," he says. I get his dinosaur pajamas out of the drawer and get him ready for bed and tuck him in. "Goodnight my little prince. Get some sleep. I love you" I say smiling down at him. "Momma, when can I see you in your dress" he asks. "I am not sure yet Braxton. I will talk to your dad and figure it out" I tell him. "Okay, I love you, Mommy," he says and snuggles under the sheets and blankets. I kiss his head and leave his room turning the light out behind me.

I go up to Jace and Is room. I get ready for bed and climb into my warm bed. "Why was he up here" Jace asks while playing with my hair. "I am not sure. He got so upset though when he saw our wedding pictures since he wasn't there" I tell him. "But why does he care so much? Sure it was the second-best day of my life, but I don't see why he is so upset over not being born until after we got married" he says. "I don't either. I told him I would try on the dress again" I say. "But why" he asks. "He wanted to see it in person so I said I would try it on again. When I told him it may not fit or look the same he started crying. I didn't know what to do Jace" I say. "It's alright Clary. I bet you will still look just as beautiful in it as before" he says and kisses my head. I smile and look up at him.

I remember one small thing Jace said. "Wait, what do you mean second best day of your life" I ask. "Yep, second best day. It will always come right after the day I killed my first demon" he says. I giggle. "Whatever you say," I say and close my eyes. "Goodnight my love" I hear Jace say before I fall into deep sleep.

Alice POV

When it comes to 6:00 here I go over to a Starbucks. I got my college schedule and walked around the campus to get somewhat of an idea of where I am going. I get a protein box and a caramel macchiato. I am not hungry for a full meal since I ate a real dinner back home before I came here. When my drink is ready I put my protein box in my purse and take my drink and head back to my apartment.

When I get back to my apartment I turn on the TV and eat my apple slices, grapes, and boiled egg that comes in the protein box. I will need to go get a bookbag tomorrow. I was right, my classes do start on Monday. I text the address to my new apartment before I completely forget about what she had asked of me earlier.

I watch TV until it gets to be 9:30. It is already dark outside. I start getting ready for bed. I am tired because back home it's 3:30 in the morning. I have tried to stay up as long as I can to help myself adjust to the time difference. When I am finally in my pajamas and ready for bed I turn all the lights out in the apartment and lie in the bed. I stare up at the ceiling. It feels weird being all alone again. I haven't slept in a bed by myself in years. I pull my phone over to me. I search for something to help me feel not alone and less stressed and get comfortable being alone again on Google. Of course, pets come up as well but I don't need a pet. I see something called a weighted blanket. It looks like a good idea. It is worth a shot. It can tend to run on the pricey side but if it helps maybe it can be worth it.

I will have to find one of these blankets tomorrow maybe. I close my eyes and try to sleep and eventually do.

I'm back!! We'll sort of. I will try to write what I can when I can.

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It's going to be kind of lonely without Alice in the chapters for a while, won't it?

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