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Merry Christmas guys!! Hope it's great!!

I wake up to feeling something heavy on my legs and my shoulders shaking. "Mommy daddy get up. Santa came" I hear. I open my eyes and see Braxton on top of me. "I was trying to be careful of the babies," he says. "You did good Braxton. You didn't hit my tummy. Thank you for being careful" I say to him.

Jace and I get out of the bed and the kids lead the way to the living room where the room is filled with toys and presents. "Mommy, daddy look, Santa got me a Barbie dream house" Grace squeals.

I smile at her and sit down on one of the chairs in the living room. "Ready to open some presents," I ask. "Yeah" they both yell. "Sit on the floor," I say and they both do as told. I give Grace her first one. She opens it up. "It's so cute" she squeals. "What is it," Jace asks. she shows it to him. "It's a Lil gleemers. It lights up, makes sounds and there are different ways you can play with it" I tell them both.

"Your turn Braxton," I tell him and hand him his first present. Braxton rips through his. "Its a fort," he says. "Yes, but you have to put it together," I tell him.

Grace goes next and she gets a Crayola art inspiration case. She likes to color so I figured she could use this than my nice stuff in my art room.

It continues like this the rest of the morning. Grace and Braxton get some clothes but mostly toys from me and Jace. Grace got some Barbie dolls to go with her dream house from Santa. She also got a Juno elephant game. Something called Rainbow sandland from Jace. I have not idea what it is but I think she will like it. She also got a sprinkle art shaker. I think you can make different designs with it but it makes whatever you make sparkly so she will definitely like that. Braxton got a robot, a k'nex imagine building set, a lego Jerrasic world set and a rush hour traffic game. They got other toys as well from us and Santa.

I start making breakfast casserole like I usually do on Christmas. When it finally comes out of the oven I wait for it to cool down then take the pan to the table for the other three to serve themselves. I feed the dogs and we all sit down at the table. "Did you two get enough presents?" Jace asks. "Yeah. Will we get to see uncle Simon, aunt Isabelle later, uncle Magnus and uncle Alec later" Braxton asks. "I'm sure bud, they will want to see you guys and see what toys you got" I answer him. We will go with Alice, Jonathan, Ash, and Zillah to mom and Luke's house later tonight. "Wait, mommy and daddy didn't get any presents" Grace points out. "I got your daddy one, I can give it to him after we eat," I tell her. "What about mommy? Didn't you get her anything daddy? I did" Braxton asks. Braxton got me something?

After we all finish eating breakfast Braxton runs upstairs and brings me back down a small box. Jace gives me his too. "Open mine first mommy," Braxton says. I take the bow off of the box and unwrap it. inside is a teddy bear and a small wooden box that says "I love that you're my mom". I grin at the present from Braxton. "Do you like it, mommy?" Braxton asks worry laced in his voice. "I love it, thank you, Braxton," I say and give him a hug.

I open Jaces present next. It's in a white box. I open the box to see a narrow long box that says Forever Love on it. I look at him confused. "Just open the box," he says. I open the box. "Oh Jace, it's beautiful," I say. It's a bright red shiny rose dipped in gold. "I'm glad you like it," he says. "I love it," I say and give him a kiss. "Yucky" Grace says and scrunches up her nose.

I giggle at her and I reach over and get Jaces present from under the tree. I hand the large box to him. He opens it. There are two large wooden crates in the wrapping. Both crates hold different things. "Wooden crates," he asks. "Open the crates" I instruct. He opens the top one. He smiles and laughs. "It's a beer crate" he chuckles. "Yeah, now open the second one," I tell him. The second one has a separate white box on the inside. He opens the white box. "A soccer jersey, just like my old one," he asks. "Yeah, I figured I would make that old one you probably won't fit in anymore and make a newer version of it. There is also some other stuff in there too" I tell him. He looks through the box. "I like this idea you came up with Clary, its different. Thank you" he says. "You're welcome," I say. "Now you two need to go put your new things in your rooms," Jace tells them.

(I tried to create a jersey online and get a picture but I couldn't manage to do it so I guess just use your imagination)

They take their things and go up to their rooms and Jace and I clean up. There is a knock on the door. "I get it" Braxton yells and runs down the stairs. He opens the door. "Unca Magnus" he yells. Magnus, Alec and their boys come inside. "Nice PJs," Alec says to Jace. "Don't hate on snoopy" Jace says and we both continue cleaning the room up. "There is some leftover breakfast casserole in the dining room if you guys want some" I offer. They take my offer and get some breakfast casserole.

When they come back with their plates Magnus says "Merry Christmas guys." "Merry Christmas Magnus," I say. "Did you do presents?" Alec asks. "Yep" I confirm. "We've got a couple presents for them too," Alec says. "Hi, aunt clary. Look what papa and daddy gave me" max says and shows me his new pirate book. "That's awesome max," I say smiling. "What about you rafe," Jace asks. "Zapatos," he says grinning and jumps up and down. "What does that mean," I ask. I don't understand Spanish. "Shoes. We got him a pair of light-up tennis shoes. He put them on as soon as he could. As you can see he is still having a hard time understanding English but he is trying" Magnus clarifies. "And I'm still struggling to learn Spanish. Why is it so hard" Alec says. "Wish I could tell you. I struggled in French. It took a while but I got it" I tell Alec.

I sit down on the couch in the living room. "Grace, Braxton" I call. They come down to us. "Yes mommy," Braxton asks. "Don't you guys want to open presents from uncle Alec and uncle Magnus?" I ask. "Yes please," Grace says. "Alright, come here boys" I call max and Rafael. They come in here and I hand them their presents. They both open their presents at the same time. "It's so cute," max says. Max and Rafael both got pillow pets. "What did you get," Magnus asks. They take their presents out of the boxes and show Magnus and Alec. Max got a giraffe and Rafael got a fox.

Magnus gives Grace and Braxton their presents. They open them and say thank you to Alec and Magnus. Braxton got tickets to a monster truck show. Grace got some Disney dress-up costumes. "Thank you," they both say to Alec and Magnus. Alec and Magnus hang out a little longer then they leave.

Jace and I relax for a few minutes in the living room with river and cookie. The kids are upstairs, probably playing. There is another knock on the door and Jace goes and opens it. Simon and Isabelle come into the living room. Isabelle is holding her new one-month-old baby boy. "You brought Dylan. Can I hold him" I ask? Isabelle hands me her baby. Dylan was born last month so he's not that old. "Hi, baby Dylan" I coo. "Has he been good" Jace asks. "He wakes up every four hours wanting to get fed or just held so we are both exhausted" Simon admits. "We don't mind taking him for a little while if you want to rest" I offer. "We don't," Jace asks. I elbow him. "Of course. You guys need rest too. Just go back home and rest for a while and we can keep Dylan" Jace offers. "You guys are the best," Isabelle says. "If you get tired of him you know where to bring him back," Simon says. "He'll be fine. Go rest. We will bring him back later today" I reassure them. "We will go see grace and Braxton first," Simon says and they go upstairs to see Grace and Braxton. They stay for a little while and then they leave Dylan here to go back to their house.

Jace and I relax in the living room for a few hours and I keep holding Dylan. He has been quiet for a good while so that's good. "You missed that part with Braxton. The waking up every four hours and never getting rest. Enjoy the rest while you can because after February you won't get any for a while" I tell him. "But Grace didn't wake up like that," he says. "I know but Braxton did. Grace was good even as a newborn baby. We got lucky with our first. Braxton was like any other normal newborn baby" I tell him. "I can't wait," he says sarcastically.

I giggle and feel the baby kick. "Oh," I say suddenly as I feel more than one kick. Probably more than one baby making their presence known. "Oh, I'm quite aware there is more than one of you in there," I say to my babies. "Huh," Jace asks. "The babies are kicking. I think more than one is trying to make themselves known" I clarify. "Our babies. I still can't believe you are having triplets" he says. "Neither can I. I've never heard of a shadowhunter having triplets before. I could be wrong but I've never seen in the shadowhunter history books record of a shadowhunter having triplets" I say. "You're special clary. You could possibly be the first to have them" he says. "I feel so honored," I say sarcastically and roll my eyes. These babies are really making me more exhausted than my other two pregnancies. I've had worse food cravings, worse morning sickness and I have tended to not feel good some days. The babies are taking quite a toll on my body. I haven't told anyone though. Probably not the smartest thing to do. It may not be the best thing for me to make a portal tonight but I need to get my family to New York.

"What would you like for lunch," Jace asks. "I don't care. I need to go get changed though. Could you take Dylan" I ask? He nods and I hand him Simon and Isabelle's son. I go into the bedroom and change into some leggings, boots and a cardigan. I braid my hair and go back out to the living room and take Dylan so Jace can change too. Jace just makes grilled cheese and soup for lunch.

Alice POV

I clean up the kitchen and living room. Zillah managed to open some presents herself. We made sure if they were wrapped, it was done loosely and she had fun with the bags. It made us all smile seeing her ripping bags and paper to get to the boxes and toys.

"Alice we need some more food for the week. Do you want to go or should I" Jonathan asks as he comes in the living room. "I'll go and take ash with me so I shes some more hands carrying stuff. Make a list and I will pick up what they have" I tell him. "Alright, he says and goes into the kitchen.

I go up to ashes room and he is putting his things away. "I'm going to the farmers market in a few minutes. Do you want to come with me" I ask? "Sure but are they open," he asks. "Yeah, most shadowhunters here in Idris don't celebrate Christmas so their stores are open," I tell him. "Oh. I'll get changed then and we can go" he says I go downstairs and change as well into a light blue sweater, jeans, and boots. I put my hair up in a bun and go out to the kitchen and Jonathan hands me a list of things we need for the week. I squat down and kiss zillah head. "I'll be back baby," I tell her. She shakes around her baby toys.

Ash comes down from his room and we both leave our house. "When will we see aunt clary and the others," he asks. "We will see Clary Jace, Braxton and Grace later tonight. We are going to New York tonight" I tell him. "Did you have a good Christmas morning?" I ask. "Mhm. I've never experienced Christmas before. I didn't know what to expect but I actually liked it" he says. "I'm glad," I say.

We continue walking down the path and eventually enter the city. "Are you going to deliver aunt clary's triplets? I heard you did Grace and Braxton" ash asks. "I did help deliver Grace and Braxton. I don't know yet about the triplets though" I answer. "When will they be here," he asks. "February sometime" I answer. I don't know the exact date they are going to come.

"I liked going to see aunt Lucy," he says. "I'm glad. It was good getting to go back to UGA again. It's been a few years since I've been there" I say. I graduated back in 2013 so I haven't been there in 5 years. "When did you graduate," he asks. "I graduated in 2013. It was a great four years there" I say. "It's big," he says. "It is. It's also one of the biggest party schools in America, but it's also hard to get into" I tell him. "I see what you did at college," he teases. I chuckle and say "I did go to parties, I won't lie. I did graduate and get a psychology degree" I say. "What would that do," he asks. "There's a therapist version of psychology but I did the one to help with mental illness. I mean, I could be a therapist, I studied that too" I explain. "Why," he asks. "I don't know. It just always interested me and I also want to help people" I say.

We get to the market and go inside. "So we need more apples first," I say and we go over to the fruit section since that is first on the list. We get half the things on the list and someone comes up to me. "Are you Mrs. Alice?" he asks me. The boy has red hair and a thick French accent. "Yes," I say. "I need to schedule a meeting with you. I was told I would need to come to you" he says. I nod and turn to ash. "Why don't you go and get some of the things on this list. I will come to find you in a few minutes" I tell him and hand him the list and the bag we use when going grocery shopping. He takes the things from me and walks off to find the things on the list. I turn back to the boy. "What do you want," I ask. "I need to meet with the king and queen. I went to the castle but they told me they weren't there and to talk to you in order to be able to meet with them" he says. "Yes, you would. "I need a reason for the meeting to put it on the books," I say. "Its a question about my cousin," he says. "Alright, and your name," I say and I write it down on a scratch sheet of paper. "Leon Verlac," he says. "Why does that last name sound familiar. "How about you come Tuesday at 10:00 in the morning," I say. "Sure" he agrees. Alright. When I get home I will put it in the planner" I tell him and g flip to another plain sheet of paper and write 'Let him in the gates. He has a scheduled meeting with the king and queen on Tuesday the 31st at 10:00 am.' "Take this with you and hand it to the guards at the gate and they will know what it means and will let you in. When you get in the castle show it to one of the servants posted at the entrance hall and they will show you where to go from there" I instruct him. He nods. "Good, see you Tuesday morning," I tell him. "Thank you," he says. "You're welcome. Now if you will excuse me I need to go find my son" I say and walk off and find ash.

We buy all of the groceries and start walking home. "What was that about," he asks me. "He just wanted to schedule a meeting with Clary and Jace at the castle. Why he doesn't just come on Monday is beyond me. Anyone is allowed to come to the castle on Mondays because Mondays you can come and ask a question or have a problem told" I tell ash. "Do aunt clary and uncle Jace do anything if the people have a problem to tell?" he asks. "If they can," I say.

We eventually get home and spend some more time relaxing and clary, Jace, Braxton, and Grace get here at seven o'clock. "Ready to go to New York," Clary asks. "Yeah," I say and pick up Zillah and her diaper bag. I grab some of the presents and Jonathan grabs the others. Grace takes ashes hand and we all leave the house and I lock it up behind us. Clary draws a portal and the eight of us go through.

We end up in front of Jocelyn and Luke's house and we go right in. "Mom" clary calls and we walk into the living room. I grab my phone and dial my brothers' number. "Alice," he asks. "Hey, peter. Merry Christmas" I say. "Merry Christmas. How are you calling from your phone? There is no way a cell phone could work in Idris" he asks. "That's because I am in New York at the moment. We came to see Jonathan and Clary's parents and little brother" I tell him. "You should come to my house. Meet little Oliver. Mom, Dad, and Lucy are here too. They decided they would spend Christmas at my house this year" he says. "I'd love to. Just text me your address. You don't mind if Ash comes too do you" I ask. "No" he answers simply. "Alright. I'll let you know when we leave to head over" I say. "Alright, see you soon," he says and hangs up the phone. I go into the living room where everyone else is.

The first thing I noticed is Carson. "Carson, what happened to your arm," I ask. It's in a blue cast. "I broke it," he tells me. "Been there" clary says. "You broke your arm," Jonathan asks. "Yeah, when I was little Simon and I were playing during the summer at the farmhouse and I fell out of a tree and broke my arm. I was ten" she tells us all. "Well, Carson slipped on the driveway. It was icey and he slipped and broke his arm" Jocelyn tells us. "Did you guys not put salt on it?" she asks. "We did but parts were still slippery," Luke says.

I walk over to Jonathan while everyone else is talking. "I was talking to my brother a few minutes ago. He told me that my parents and sister are all at his house for Christmas. I want to go see them sometime today before we go home" I tell him. "Okay, we can go in a little bit before we eat and do presents here," he says. "Alright," I agree.

Jonathan sets Zillah down on the rug and gives her a few toys to play with to keep her busy. "Have you guys seen Isabelle and Simon's new baby boy?" Clary asks. "No," Jocelyn says. "He is so cute. His name is Dylan and he is adorable" Clary says gushing over Simon and Isabelle's baby. "We need to go to Idris sometime and see him. I haven't seen Simon and Isabelle since the party and that was before Dylan was born" Jocelyn says. "We took Dylan for a few hours so Simon and Isabelle could rest since they say he tends to get up every 3 or four hours," Jace says. "I bet they needed that then," Luke says. "Yeah, Clary and Carson woke up quite often," Jocelyn says. "So did Braxton. He would scream all the time. For the longest time, I just kept a little bed for him in my room so if he did wake up in the middle of the night I wouldn't have to physically get out of my room and go down to his" Clary says.

"What did you get for Christmas Carson" clary asks. "I get to go to Disney" he says excitedly. He shows us all his Mickey mouse stuffed animal and park cards. "You're going to have so much fun Carson" I tell him.

"You want to go now," Jonathan asks me. "Sure," I say. "We are going to go to my brothers' house for a few minutes. He said my parents and sister are all there" I tell everyone. "Take my car then. It has good traction against snow and ice" Clary says and gets her car keys and hands it to me. "Do you want to come to Ash?" I ask. "Okay," he says and picks Zillah up. "We will be back in a little while," I say and the four of us leave the house. I start up Clary's car and Jonathan puts Zillah in the baby car seat that never got taken out when Carson was a baby.

Once everyone is in I drive us to the address that peter sent me. It is about 25 minutes away. We all get out and go inside Jonathan holding onto Zillah. "Hey, guys," I say walking into the living room where everyone is. My parents get excited to see me and rush over and give me a hug. "We didn't know you guys would be here," mom says. "We came over to spend a few hours with Jonathan's parents and we figured we would stop by for a little bit," I say. "Well I am happy to see you, all of you," dad says.

"Ash" I hear lucy say excitedly as she runs and jumps on his back. "Lucy" dad scolds. "Sorry," she says but she wraps her arms around his neck. "You must be ash, Lucy has told us about you. Don't worry, we don't mind that you are part faerie" mom says. "How old are you ash," dad asks curiously. "I am 15," ash says. "And you can hold up Lucy," mom asks sounding impressed. "Mhm," Ash hums.

"Does she crawl?" mom asks talking about zillah. "Yeah, all the time" I answer. Ash lets go of Lucy and she gets on the ground. Jonathan sets Zillah on the ground and she crawls over to me and looks up. "She's so precious, I have missed her," mom says. "She is teething so she tends to put everything in her mouth," I tell them all. "What do you think of having a little sister, Ash," Aubrey asks as she walks in with a sleeping baby. "I like it. I never thought I would have a sibling but I like having a little sister. Even if she is my half-sibling" Ash says. "That's good," Aubrey says.

"I already sent out your Christmas presents, they should hopefully be at your house later tonight," mom tells us. "Oh mom, you didn't need to get us anything," I tell her. "Of course I did," she says. "There's something in there for you too Ash," she tells him. "For me," he asks shocked. "Yeah, I couldn't leave you out. You are part of the family now too" she says. He smiles. I am glad my parents are alright with Ash. Sure he is not my biological son but he has been through a lot and needs to have a family.

"I have something to tell all of you," I say. They all look at me. No one but Jonathan knows what I am going to tell them. "I have decided I am going to go back to school. I want to be a GP. I think it would be helpful now that I have kids. I mean the silent brothers can be a bit intimidating to go to and ask for help. Augusta University has a good medical program. That's where I will go" I tell them all. "But isn't that like over ten years," Peter asks. "It would be but I've got some I've my years covered since I got my psychology degree. So really I will only be gone from home for 6 years" I explain. "But will you come home," Ash asks. "Of course. It won't be every day but I will come home, it will be on breaks and during the summer" I answer. "But what about your job with Clary and Jace" dad asks. "I don't know. I still want to work for them but I don't know how all that's going to happen if I'm gone 90 percent of the time, they have my number so they can call me if they need me" I say. The worst-case scenario is I only work at the castle in the summer if they will let me and hunt as a normal shadowhunter and live of the allowance the clave gives me. "When would you start," Aubrey asks me. "Not till the fall. I want to have enough time to get things settled at work and at home before I leave" I answer. "But Alice, I thought shadowhunters cant use mundane medicine," dad says. "We can't. But I figured I could use all the other ways to help when someone is sick like treatment and other things" I say.

"Did you know Carson broke his arm peter?" Jonathan asks. "Yeah, Maia called Luke and he said he was at the hospital and when she asked why he told her Carson broke his arm," peter says. "Wait, your little brother Carson," mom asks. "Yeah," Jonathan says. "How did he break his arm," she asks. "Luke said he slipped on their driveway and broke his arm," peter says. "Poor Carson," mom says. "I know" I agree with her.

"Did your sister come too Jonathan?" dad asks. "Yeah, clary and Jace came. The brought grace and Braxton too. They are at mom and Luke's house now though" Jonathan says. "We have never met Grace or Braxton," Lucy says. "Oh that's right you haven't. They are so wonderful. I am so happy Grace is finally home. I don't know how you might get to meet them. I don't know if you guys should go with us back to Jocelyn and Luke's" I say smiling at the mention of the two kids. "Will we ever be able to meet them?" mom asks. "I don't know. I don't know if Jocelyn and Luke would want more people over" I say. "I can call him and ask" peter offers. He leaves the room and calls Luke. "Is Braxton the one clary was pregnant with when I came over to spend two weeks at your house, Alice?" Lucy asks. "Yeah, that was with Braxton. Wow has it been that long since you've been over? Just a heads up clary's pregnant again guys" I answer and tell them. I can't believe it's been five years since Lucy has been over. "Again," mom asks. "Yeah, Grace and Braxton are excited," Jonathan says. Peter comes back in and says "he said we could all come over for a little while." "Alright then. Whoever is coming with me needs to come on" I say and pick up zillah who is playing on the floor.

I put zillah in the baby car seat. Lucy gets in the back with ash and Jonathan and I get in and I drive us over to Jocelyn and Luke's house. I get zillah out and Jonathan, Lucy, ash and I go inside. "Jo-jo" Carson says grinning and runs to Jonathan. Mom, Dad, Peter, and Aubrey get here next. "Wow Carson is so big," mom says. "Yeah, he still loves Jonathan more than ever," I say. "That's sweet," she says and we go in the living room.

"Oh my goodness. Clary, she looks just like you" mom says. "She does look a lot like me. Grace, Braxton can you say hi" clary asks. "Hi," they both say and I set zillah on the floor with some of the toys I brought with us. "Do you know what you are having Clary?" Aubrey asks. "Yeah, triplets. Two boys and a girl" clary answers. "Wow," mom says. "I know. It scares me but I know I have plenty of help if I need it" clary says honestly. "Yes you sure do," Jace says coming and sitting next to her with a beer in his hand. "Really? The kids are right there" she says talking about the drink in his hand. "Yes," he says and Jonathan does the same sitting next to me too. "You're not helping," I say. "I know," he says.

Clary's POV

They all visit for a little while and then go back to Peter and Aubrey's house. "I'm hungry," Braxton says. "Alright. I think the prime rib is ready anyway. Everyone come and make your plates" mom says and we all get up and go make our plate and go sit at the long dining room table. "When are we opening presents," Grace asks. "After you eat," I tell her.

"So what did you guys watch last night," Jace asks. "We watched home alone and later we will probably watch a Christmas story," Jonathan says. "What did you think of home alone, ash," Luke asks. "I liked it. It was really funny" ash says. "It is" he agrees.

"I guess now is a good time to tell you all. I am going away in the fall to go back to school. I'm going to school back in Georgia" Alice announces. "Why are you leaving Alice? Do you not like us anymore" Carson asks. "Of course I do Carson. I think it is a good idea to go back to school, especially now that I have kids" she says. "Where are you going," mom asks. "I'm going to be going to Augusta university," she says. "What will you be studying," mom asks. "Medicine. I want to be a general physician. I figured even though shadowhunters cant use mundane medicine I can still use what I learn to help the treatment if any of my kids or family gets sick. Plus it's all mundanes that work at the castle, so I can help them too" Alice says. "I think that plan sounds good" mom agrees with Alice. "But what about zillah? Are you leaving her or taking her with you" I ask. "I'll leave her home with Jonathan and ash. I mean I will be back on breaks just not 24/7 like I'm used to" she says. "How long will you be gone for aunt Alice," Grace asks. "Six years. But as I said I will come back. And the time zone is the same as here in New York. You can call me if you want to guys" Alice says.

We all finish eating and go back into the living room and grace, Braxton, and ash get their presents. They all rip them open and grace got an American girl doll named Rebecca. "She's so pretty! Thank you nana! Thank you, papa" Grace says grinning. "You're welcome Grace," mom says.

Braxton got a remote control monster truck. "Whoa! It's so cool, thanks nana and papa" Braxton says.

"What did you get ash," Jace asks. Ash opens his present. "It's a beanbag," he says and pulls out the large blue beanbag. "You can put that in your room ash," Alice says.

Everyone else opens their presents and I get mine last. Mom hands me two presents from her and Luke since I got mine from everyone else already. "Open the small one first" mom says. I open the small box and I roll my eyes at what is inside. "Really mom? Really? Why would you get me these" I ask not at all amused by what she gave me? "What is it," Jace asks. "A new set of retainers" I answer. "Yes really. I paid a lot of money and when Jace told me you had apparently lost them I got you a new set. If they don't fit I am not afraid to take you back and get them refit" she says. I look to Jace and say "You traitor." "Hey in my defense she had to explain to me what retainers were and I also didn't expect for her to get you more," Jace says putting his hands up in surrender. "Okay, okay, open the other one," Luke says. I open my bigger present. There is some baby stuff for my little triplets, some art supplies and things for my art room, and some star wars socks and a Darth Vader alarm clock. "Thanks, guys. This present is much better" I thank them.

We all go back into the living room. "Clary, about the triplets, I talked to my doctor and you would need to have a c-section when you have triplets. I don't remember why but she said c sections are needed when you have triplets" mom tells me. "I don't know anything about c-sections though," I say. "They aren't bad I promise. You are given that epidural and I was given anesthesia so I don't feel anything but you won't get that. You will have a scar forever but it's not that noticeable unless you point it out. I had a c-section with Carson" mom tells us. "What's that," Jonathan asks. "It's where a doctor cuts into your abdomen in order to remove a baby," Alice tells him. "Ew" he says. "Well you asked," she says. "How big is the scar," I ask for whenever I have to have one. The slightly moves down the waistband of her pants and shows me a scar about four inches long. I guess I'm going to have one like that then. "You won't be able to see what they are doing clary. They put something up so you can't" mom tells me. "Yeah but it was the grosses thing I ever saw" Luke says and she smacks his arm. "I'm kidding! Kinda" he says.

We all visit with each other then my family and Jonathan goes back to Idris and to our own houses. "Alright you two, it's past your bedtime. To get ready for bed and we will come to tuck you in" I say and they both take their new presents upstairs to their rooms. Jace and I go into our room and get ready for bed and go upstairs to tuck grace and Braxton in. "Did you have a good Christmas, my little prince?" I ask Braxton as he gets under the covers. "Yes, mommy. Do you still like the present I gave you" he asks? "I sure do Braxton. That was so sweet of you Braxton" I say. "I love you, mommy," he says. "I love you too baby. Good night my little prince" I say and kiss his head. I tuck Grace in and Jace and I both go back down to our room.

We both get in the bed and Jace pulls me to him and we cuddle. "Jace I've been thinking," I say. "About what," he asks. "About what mom told me. I think I want to go through it alone. I know you are allowed to have someone with you as support but I don't want you seeing all that. It's different than what I have done in the past" I say. He stops running his fingers through my hair and I look up at him. "But clary, I don't want you to have to go through it alone," he says. "I know, but I will be fine though. You don't really want to see my insides do you" I joke. "No, I guess not. I will make sure and be there when you get out" he says. "I know you will. I want Grace and Braxton there too" I say. "We will all be there," he says. I smile and kiss his shoulder. "Merry Christmas Jace," I say. "Merry Christmas clary," he says. I close and go to sleep.

Did you guys like the chapter?

What do you think of grace and Braxtons Christmas presents? I couldn't put pictures of every toy they got because apparently there is a picture limit.

Did you guys like the present Jace got clary?

Did you like Braxtons' gift for clary?

What do you think of Leon verlacs appearance?

What do you think of the news of Alice going away to college to be a doctor?

What do you think of clary having to have a c-section for the birth of her triplets?

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