Gender reveal

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I open my eyes and look at Jace and I yawn. He smiles at me. "Good morning love. Did you sleep well" he asks. "Yes, you," I ask. "Mhm," he hums and kisses me. "I'd say so. You are in a good mood this morning" I tell him. "I just can't wait to find out about our baby tonight," he says smiling. I smile back. "Me too. Now come on, we have to get ready and meet the rest of our family at breakfast" I tell him.

I get out of the bed and go into my closet. I had Olivia make me some new maternity clothes so now I have some in my closet now since Isabelle has my old ones.

I put on a black shirt with a white cardigan. I slide on some leggings with it. I struggle but manage to put on some socks and some booties.

I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. I feel the baby kick and I smile. I can't wait for tonight. We let Alice plan the whole thing. Jace comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me. "You look beautiful," Jace says. I smile at him through the mirror. "I'm pregnant and it's cold outside. I'm not exactly positive you are right but thank you" I tell him. He kisses the top of my head and takes my hand in his.

We walk down to the dining room and see my parents and the Carstairs and kit. Tessa is holding her 2-month-old baby girl. "Aw Tessa she is so cute," I tell her. "Isn't she" mom agrees. "What's her name," Jace asks. "Wilhelmina, but we all call her mina," Jem tells us. "She's so cute" I compliment.

The servants bring out the food and set it all on the table. "Where's Alec and Magnus and the boys" Jace asks. "They are at the lightwood manor. They are coming back later" Luke tells us. "I'm glad they are using that house" I comment.

Charlotte and Christopher bring Grace and Braxton in. "Hi, peter. How is Aubrey" I ask. We brought peter here for Alice. She doesn't know he came. They haven't seen or talked to each other in a long time so I figured they would like to see each other again. "She's good. She figured she should stay home since she is due to have a baby next month, but she wanted to come" she says. "That's exciting. Do you know what it's going to be" I ask? "A little boy. We still need a name for him" he says. "That will be good," I say.

"Where's jo jo," Carson asks. "He's coming Carson. It may be a little while though" Luke tells him. "But where is he," Carson asks. "His house" Luke answers. "Is ash coming too?" Logan asks. "Most likely" Tessa answers. "Who is ash," Peter asks. "Jonathan's son. But I think you should ask Jonathan to give you the whole story before you start making accusations and getting the wrong idea" mom tells him. "Who is jo jo," he asks. "Jonathan. Carson and Braxton couldn't say Jonathan when they were little so they just called him jo jo" I explain. "I can see where his name would be hard for a baby to say," Peter says.

After we all eat breakfast the kids go to play. Alice walks down the hallway. "I told you not to go to that bar last night. It's your fault for not listening. You are lucky ash was there and knew to not drink so much" she says. "I know," Jonathan says. Alice finally looks our way. "Peter," she says with a big smile. She rushes up and hugs him. "What are you doing here," she asks. "Clary brought me here," he tells his sister. "Thank you clary" Alice thanks me. I smile at her.

"Is Alec and Magnus here?" I ask. "They didn't come with us. They might be back at the lightwood manor still" Jonathan says. "Where is ash," I ask. "Home with zillah. He is going to come by with her later" Jonathan says. "Oh okay, Carson is looking for you, Jonathan. You should go find him before he starts going anywhere else he could get lost" I tell my brother. "I'll go find Carson," Jonathan says. He walks away to go find Carson.

"I need to go make sure people are getting ready for tonight. It's going to be outside in the back" Alice says. "I will come too, see if I can help," Peter says. Alice and peter walk off to check on things around here.

Jace and I walk around some and Grace Braxton and, Logan and Emily run up to us. "Can we go to the park?" Grace asks. It's Saturday so Grace and Braxton are off of school. "I don't see why not, Grace. We need to make sure Charlotte and Christopher go with you" Jace says to her. We find Charlotte and Christopher in Grace and Braxtons rooms making their beds. "When you are done the kids want to go to the park. I told them you had to take them so they have someone to go with them" Jace tells the two of them. "We should be able to take them shortly. We were just going to finish cleaning their bedrooms up" Charlotte says. "Alright," I say.

A little while later Magnus, Alec, Max and Rafael get here. "Charlotte and Christopher are going to take the other kids to the park. You two should go too" I tell max and rafe. "Can we" they ask Alec and Magnus. "Yeah, go find the other" Alec says and the boys run off to find Grace, Braxton, Logan, and Emily.

"Magnus I want you to check again, make sure it's still the same," I tell him. "Biscuit-" he starts. "Please, just do it," I ask. "Alright" he says. His magic appears and he puts his hand over my baby bump. "Yes biscuit, it's still the same," Magnus says and removes his hand. "I just wanted to make sure. I can't wait to find out" I say. I'm so excited for tonight to find out about my baby. "I think it will certainly be a surprise," he says.

"Have you seen Tessas baby?" Jace asks. "No," Magnus says. "I think she's here somewhere. If not they are in the city" I tell him. "I will have to go find them," Magnus says.

Magnus leaves to go find Tessa. "What do you want it to be," Alec asks. "I don't really care" I answer. "What about you," he asks Jace. "I want another girl," Jace says. He wants another daddy's girl. "Magnus didn't tell you what it's going to be, did he," I ask Alec. "No, he won't tell me," Alec says. "I'm glad you are back Alec," I say.

Charlotte and Christopher take the kids to the park. Jace and I walk into the library. Jace hasn't left my side since I became pregnant. He says he wants to make sure I am okay and happy.

I grab a book and sit down on the sofa. Jace sits behind me on the sofa. I read the book for a few hours. I feel the baby kick. I gasp but look down. "What's wrong? Are you okay" Jace asks? "I'm fine. The baby kicked. It caught me off guard" I reassure him. "Oh good," he says. I take his hand and set it over my baby bump and feel the baby kick again. "That's our baby," he says and kisses the top of my head. "Our baby" I repeat. I am happy we will have another baby and can give Grace and Braxton a little brother or sister.

I set the book down and look at him. "You really want another girl," I ask. "Mhm, I want another girl to be a daddy's girl. But if it's not a girl that's okay too" he says. "I don't really care what the baby is. I just can't wait till it's here and for tonight" I say.

The blackthorns are supposed to be coming tonight. "I can't wait to see Emma, I haven't seen her in forever," I say excitedly.

We go to lunch and after I decide to take a nap. I can try to get as much rest as possible before the party tonight.


"Clary, clary wake up" I hear. I open my eyes and see Jace sitting on the edge of the bed beside me. "You need to get ready for the party. Jonathan, Alice, and Peter are going back to the Morganstern manor to get ready for tonight. You need to get ready now too, it is your party" Jace says. "I know it is, I'm still tired though" I whine. "I will have the cooks make you up something to help you stay awake. Now go get dressed and I will go down to the kitchen" he says. I get out of the bed as he leaves the room. I go into the closet and look for what I was planning on wearing tonight. I pull out the maxi dress that I had Olivia make for me. It has pink and blue flowers. It has half sleeves for if it gets cool later tonight. I put some flats on with it.

(I know it may not look like it, but it is a maternity maxi dress I promise. I thought it was cute enough for a gender reveal party)
Jace comes back in the bedroom with a smoothie. he hands it to me. "What's in it," I ask. "Its a chocolate, banana and peanut butter smoothie. Just drink it, they said it should help keep you awake" he tells me. I drink the smoothie. "This is good," I say. "I'm glad, I am going to get dressed and ready for tonight," Jace says and goes into the closet. I drink the rest of my smoothie. Jace comes from the closet dressed and ready to head down. He is dressed in a white long-sleeved shirt with a dark green jacket. He is wearing some black pants and a pair of vans.

"Are you awake now?" he asks. "Yes, the smoothie helped. should we go down now or wait" I ask. "I think Alice wanted us to wait and she would send someone to get us," Jace says. "What about Grace and Braxton," I ask. "I think they are going to come up here and the four of us go down together" Jace answers.

Charlotte and Christopher bring Grace and Braxton up. "You two look so cute," I tell them. Grace is wearing a pink dress and Braxton is wearing a blue shirt with some shorts and suspenders.

"You look good too mommy," Braxton says. He is so sweet. "Thank you, Braxton" I thank him. I sit down on the couch in here and Jace sits beside me. He starts rubbing my shoulders. "Mm, that feels good" I moan. "You are tense," he says. "I know" I answer. I lean back into him and enjoy the massage and enjoy the peace with my little four-person family.

A little while later I get up and go out on the balcony. It looks good outside. There is a gazebo set up, there is tables set up, snacks. There is a knock on the door. I go back inside leaving the door open and Jace opens it. Oliver is on the other side. "Alice sent me to come to get you four," he says. "Alright" I say. I hold Jace and Braxtons hands and we walk out and Jace holds Graces hand.

We get outside and everyone is here. All the blackthorns included all eight. I look around and spot Emma. "Emma" I call. She turns around and sees me. She runs up to me and engulfs me in a big hug. "I've missed you," she says. I pull back and look at her. "I've missed you too. You need to call Emma, I'm serious" I tell her. "I would but we don't have the castle phone number to call," she tells me. "Come on, I'll get you the number. I would tell you now but I don't memorize it" I tell her. I go over to Jace. "I will be back, I'm going to take Emma inside real quick," I tell him. I figure he would want to know where I am if he notices I'm missing. I take Emma inside and we go to my office. "Where are we," she asks looking around the room. "Mine and Jace's office," I tell her. I go behind the desk and push buttons on the phone and find the phone number. I write it down and hand her the paper. "Thanks, nice office by the way," she says. "Thanks. It's a little messy" I apologize for the mess. "It's okay, I'm used to a mess living will all of the blackthorns," she says. We leave the office and I shut the door behind me so no one wanders in without me, Jace or Alice knowing.

"Are you excited to find out what your baby is going to be tonight?" she asks. "I am so excited. We didn't know about Braxton and with Grace, we found out right away. I wanted to be surprised with this one" I tell her. "Well I've been to the city recently and I have heard people talking about it. They are saying something about looking in the sky for what it's going to be. What are they talking about" she asks? "Tonight we are going to do fireworks. Blue if the baby is a boy or pink it's a girl, I guess somehow word got out to them that that's what we are doing" I explain. "I like that idea. Is that how we will find out tonight" she asks. "We are doing a cake too. The inside will be pink or blue. I think there are two different cakes, for if anyone wants a different flavor than vanilla" I tell her. "Good idea," she says.

We go back outside and the dogs run past us and river tackles Sadie. "You have all these dogs," Emma asks. "No, just river and cookie. Cookie is the big white and black one and river is the one that just tackled Sadie. Jem and Tessa have one. Mom, Luke, and Carson have one. Simon and Isabelle have one too. When the siblings get together they love to play with each other" I tell her. "That's cute, wheres Grace and Braxton," she asks. "Somewhere around here. Grace is in a little pink dress and Braxton is in a blue shirt and shorts" I tell her. "That's cute, do they get along pretty well," she asks. "Pretty much" I answer.

"That's good. Who's that talking to mark" she asks. I look over and smile. "That's ash, Jonathan's son. Ash is part faerie too ash is part of Sebastian and the seeker queens fling. Ash is not like either of them though, he is a good kid" I tell her. "Are you sure? That's a terrible pair to have a kid. He could be like a younger version of valentine" she says. "He's not Emma. Ash is good. I've seen it, Grace loves him. Jonathan and Alice have seen it too, so have the other members of my family. We trust him" I tell her. I see zillah crawl over to ash and he picks her up. "I don't know..." she trails off. "Just give him a chance Emma. That's all he wants" I say. "Alright, I'll try," she says.

After a while of talking with each other and having fun two servants bring out two cakes. Braxton drags me up to the table with the cakes. He is just as excited about finding out about his new sibling as the rest of us, meaning Jace, me, and Grace. "Do it mommy" he says jumping up and down. I take the knife and cut the cake. It's blue. "It's a boy," I say. Everyone else gets excited. I set the piece on a plate and cut the rest of the cake. Today we are allowed to eat dessert before dinner. I cut the rest of the cake and set it on the table. Everyone gets their cake.

"I really want some pickles and mashed potatoes," I say out loud to no one in particular. "I will tell someone and see if they can make it in time for dinner," Alice says. "Thanks," I say. I've been having some weird cravings again with this little boy. Now that I know I'm having a boy again I can't wait. I need to start preparing.

"It's another boy," mom says excitedly. "I know, I'm so excited," I say. "Did you want a boy?" she asks "I like having a mommas boy, but I wouldn't mind having another little girl?" I say. "Maryse and I had two boys, now it is your turn," mom says. "Yeah, but I didn't have a boy, then a girl, then another boy," I say. "That's true" she agrees.

A servant brings me a plate of pickles and mashed potatoes. "Ew, pickles and mashed potatoes," Jonathan says. "Yeah, I've been craving pickles and mashed potatoes all day. I've been holding back but I couldn't take it anymore, I had to have pickles and mashed potatoes" I tell him. I dip the pickle in the mashed potato and eat it.

The servants bring out regular dinner and everyone eats and enjoys themselves. After a while, it's time for fireworks. We all take a seat on the grass and wait. The blue fireworks start. Magnus puts his finger up towards the sky and writes something. Then plus 2 more appear in the sky beside the blue fireworks written in green letters. "Magnus, what does that mean? I thought it was just the one boy" I ask. "No biscuit, it's triplets. Two boys and a girl" he tells me. "T-triplets," I ask. "Yes," he confirms. How on earth am I going to be able to give birth and raise triplets?

Suddenly there are pink fireworks. Pink fireworks are added on to the blue ones, they look good together though. "Magnus you must be mistaken. There is no way we could possibly have triplets" Jace says. "I promise you, I am not. I felt four heartbeats and was able to distinguish out two boys and one girl" Magnus answers. I pass out at all of this. It's just too overwhelming.


"She's waking up" I hear Alec's voice say. I open my eyes and I remember why I passed out. I'm having triplets. I sit up. "Triplets, I am having triplets. I cant have triplets" I mumble. "Clary look at me," Magnus says. I look up at him. Even sitting down he's taller than me. "Yes you are having triplets, but we are all here for you. Whatever you need biscuit" he says. "Thanks, Magnus," I say. "Yeah plus, you have me," Jace says. "I'm doomed" I whine. "I'm a great help," he says and walks away. Everyone moves away and ash helps me up.

After a little while, it gets late and everyone heads either back to their homes or to their rooms for bed.

I get ready for bed and sit in the bed and am shortly joined by Jace. "I can't believe I'm having triplets. How am I going to do it" I ask? "You're going to be fine clary. We will figure this out. We will get through this just like we always do. I promise" he says and kisses my forehead. "I know you're right, it's just a lot to take in. I am just shocked that I am going to have triplets in February" I say. "It's surprising to me too," he says. The door cracks open. "Daddy" Graces voice asks. "Mommy," Braxtons little voice asks. "What are you two still doing up," Jace asks. Technically they both should be in their beds. They walk into the room. "Shut the door," I tell them and I sit up. "We want to sleep with you," Braxton says. "Fine, come on up," I say. They both climb up the end of the bed and cookie jumps up too. Grace and Braxton get in the middle of the bed under the covers. "Hi mommy," Braxton says and I can make out that gap-tooth grin of his. "Hi, Braxton. You need to go to bed" I say. I look over and Jace and Grace are both asleep. Grace is holding on to Jace like a lifeline. Just like she used to do when she was a baby. "Nite nite mommy," Braxton says. "Good tight Braxton," I say. I kiss his little head and lie down and go to sleep.

Did you like the chapter?

Are you excited about the triplets?

Did you expect it?

Any name ideas for the girl? I have the boys names picked out.

Do you guys like that Braxton and Grace climbed in bed with them at the end of the chapter?

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