Going back to the castle

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I wake up to a crying Grace. I look at the alarm clock. It says 9:20. I get out of the bed and check on her. I realize she needs a diaper change. I change her diaper and change her clothes. I put her in a little purple onesie that has a fox on it that I got from target. Jace wakes up as soon as I finish getting her ready. "Morning sunshine. Get dressed and we can go get breakfast before we go to moms house" I tell him. "It's so early" he says. "Yeah well starting tomorrow we have to go back to our old routine and get up at 8:15" I say. He groans and gets up. He goes into the bathroom. I hear the shower start and I get myself dressed and changed. When I am putting my shoes on he comes out of the bathroom dressed and ready. "Lets go" he says. "Let me just see if Alice will take Grace while we are gone" I say.

                                       I go down the hall to Alice's room. I knock on her door. She opens it. "Hey can you watch Grace for a little bit? Me and jace have to take our cars back to moms house. We were going to go somewhere for breakfast. I'm hoping Starbucks since there's one on the way" I say. "Yeah of course" she says. She takes my baby from my arms and tickles Graces little tummy. Grace giggles. "Thanks Alice" I say. "No problem. Have fun" she says. "Thanks" I tell her and walk back to our room. "Okay let's go" I say to jace. "Clary your scar is starting to disappear" he says. "Really" I ask. "Yeah" he says. "Good, I'm glad" I say.

When we get into the garage jace asks "where do you want to go to get breakfast?" "I was thinking we could go to Starbucks since it's on the way. It would be quick and easy. You could get your hot chocolate and I could get my coffee" I say. "Do they have food" he asks. "Yeah" I say. "Good we can go there then as long as they have food" he says. "Well okay then" I say happy to get my way. I get in my Ford Explorer and jace gets in his silver comaro. I pull out of the garage and jace follows.

When we get to the Starbucks there's already a line. We get in the line and he gets his hot chocolate and a bacon, egg, and Gouda sandwich. I get a black coffee and a blueberry muffin. We get our stuff and find a table. He got a tall and I got a grande. "I should have gotten a bigger one" he says. "Probably" I say.

"Jace what does Tessa do" I ask. "For a job" he asks. I nod. "She's a CEO" he says. "What company" I ask. I take a sip of my coffee. "Verizon" he says. "You're kidding" I ask. "No" he says. "Wow. That's incredible" I say. "Jem said she works from home so she rarely has to actually go in to the office" Jace says. "That's so cool" I say.

I drink the rest of my coffee. I've already finished my muffin.
The moment we step outside Starbucks there are paparazzi everywhere.

They are all saying my name and different things I can't make out. Jace takes my hand and looks down at me. I smile up at him and we both walk to our cars. I get in mine and jace in his.

I call his phone. "Hey how did they find us, more specifically you" he asks. "I have no idea. I don't even know why I am back with the paparazzi trying to find me" I say. "Me neither. Lets just go to Jocelyn and Luke's. How do we get there from here" he asks. "I will show you. Just follow me. We should be safe at moms house" I say. "Okay, you lead" he says. "Okay" I say and hang up. I pull out of Starbucks. I put on the song wanted dead or alive by bon jovi.

   I step out of my car I find out the paparazzi followed us. I just try and ignore them as I make walk into moms house. Jace comes in behind me and I close and lock the door.

                                      "What in the world you guys" Luke asks. "I'm not going outside unless we are in moms car" I say. "Um... Okay" he says. We go in the kitchen where mom and Jonathan are. Jonathan is sitting at the table eating fruit loops. I see his bag on the floor. "Are you guys ready to go back to the castle" mom asks. "Not Really but we better start trying to fix this mess up before it gets worse" Jace says. "What was going on outside. You two cane running in the house" mom says. "Uh Yeah. Remember how I had that interview and photo shoot and it was on the website" I say. She nods. "Well we went to Starbucks for breakfast and when we walked out there was paparazzi everywhere. It was like high school all over again. When we got here they had followed us" I say. "Wow okay" mom says. "Wait high school all over again" Jonathan asks confused. "Yeah when I first took the job as a designer the news spread like wildfire. We would get off the bus and paparazzi would be there" I tell him. "Wow" he says.

                                        Jonathan finishes eating then we all get into moms car. "Did you have fun in your car on the way here" jace asks. "Yes I did" I say. "What happened in the car" Jonathan asks. "Clary was having fun dancing in the car by herself" Jace says. "Uh huh" mom says. We pull out of the garage. "Man you guys weren't kidding" mom says. The first thing we see is all the paparazzi that followed us trying to find me.

Mom keeps going out of the driveway and we head on the road to the institute. "Where's my niece" Jonathan asks. "At the institute. Alice is helping take care of her since I know mom doesn't have a baby seat in her car and it takes too long to move it from my car to moms and back to mine" I say.

When we make it to the institute we get out of the car. Mom doesn't park in the garage since she doesn't have a garage door opener so she parks on the road in front of the institute. The moment we step out I realize we were followed again. "They just don't give up do they" Jonathan says. "Nope" I say. We walk in the doors of the institute and hurry to the elevator. The doors open and we pile in. "At least we are safe here" I say. "Yeah" mom says.

                                           When the doors open Logan runs up to me. "Clary don't go" he says. "It's alright Logan. Just wait till your birthday then you can come stay with me Okay" I say. He nods. I see church laying on the ground. "Save me from mean cat" Logan says. I pick him up. "Hey church where is everyone" I ask. He gets up and starts walking down the hall. We all follow him. Logan clings onto my neck.

                                   He leads us to the library. I let Logan down.

"Clary look at this" Isabelle says excited. I walk over and look. It's the same dress I made in 11th grade before my career even started. "That's the same dress from" I start. She cuts me off by saying "11th grade I know. Now it's on sale again and I can finally get it. Oh and look at this" she says. She clicks the other tab. "You and jace are everywhere" she says. It's true. There's pictures the paparazzi got of me and jace everywhere we were today. Sitting together in Starbucks, leaving Starbucks, me in the car on the way to moms house, everything from this morning. "Yeah the paparazzi popped up again when we were getting breakfast. It may delay our trip back to Idris for a few hours" I say.

"Izzy my laptop was packed up. Why is it out again" I ask. She doesn't answer. I hear Grace make a noise. I look over. She is reaching for Jonathan. He takes her in his arms.

                                        I pull out my phone and call Maia. "Hello" she answers. "Hey Maia it's Clary. We are leaving in a few hours. Our vacation got cut a little short. I know you said you wanted to see Grace sometime while we are here" I say. "Oh my gosh yes! Do I come to the institute" she asks. "Yes. Just let me know when you get here and I will let you in" I say. Downworlders can't get in the institute unless allowed by a shadowhunter or someone with angel blood. "Okay. I will start heading that way" she says. "Okay" I say and hang up. "Why did you call Maia" Jace asks. "She wanted to meet Grace while we are here" I say. "Oh" he says.

I get a text a little while later and see that Maia is letting me know she is here. "Um Jonathan, do you want to give Grace to Alice. Maia is here And it may be a bad idea for you to be in the same room. Sebastian kinda killed her boyfriend" I say. "Yeah I will just be in Alice's room" he says. He passes Grace to Alice and leaves the room. I go downstairs and let Maia in the institute. "Where is she" Maia asks. "In the library. Everyone is up there" I say. She nods.

We go into the library. Alice hands me my baby girl who is sucking on her two middle fingers. I pull them gently out of her mouth. I walk back over to where Maia is. "Aww she is so cute. Hi little princess. Are you guys doing anything at the castle for her" Maia asks. "Maybe in a few months. We want her to be okay with the people at the castle and get a little older before we do anything big" Jace says. Maia nods. "She's so cute" Maia says. I smile and look down at the small baby in my arms. She yawns and closes her eyes. "Luke told us he was taking your position as alpha" I say. "Yeah if that's alright I'm going to be beta. It's just a lot of work" she says. "It's alright" I say. "Good. I know it sounds crazy but when you guys rescued us I thought I saw Sebastian" Maia says. I turn my head and look at the others. They all look at me. "Maia, That wasn't Sebastian. You saw my brother but not Sebastian" I say. "Where is he" she snarls "I'm gonna kill him for what he did to Jordan." "Maia you will not hurt my brother. He doesn't have demon blood anymore" I say. "How do I know I can believe you" she asks. "Because I have learned to trust him. And you know how hard it can be for me" Isabelle says. Maia just nods "Okay well I should get going" she says. "Okay" I say. She leaves the institute.

Alec goes and gets Jonathan. Luke gets here a little later after Maia leaves. "Hey you can probably take Bears tape off his ears" Luke says. He goes over to bear and starts taking the tape off. Bear whines but all the tape comes off eventually. His ears fall. Poor baby bear. "So when are you guys leaving" Luke asks. I look out the window and see the backyard looks clear. "The backyard looks clear so we can go now" I say. They grab their bags. I grab mine and Graces in or hand and hold her in another. We all head outside. We give hugs to mom, Luke, Maryse, Tessa, jem, and Logan. "Bye bye clary" Logan says. "Bye logan. I will see you on your birthday" I say to him. He nods. "Magnus can you open a portal my hands are full" I ask him. He starts a portal. I take Cookies leash in the hand that has mine and Graces duffle bag. Jonathan takes Bears.

                                        We all walk through the portal and end up at the castle. "We should probably head home and let you guys start fixing all of this" Alec says. "Okay. But until we can undo the curfew you should probably stay inside past 7:30 I don't want to see you three in the prison cells" Jace says. "Yeah we will" Magnus says. "Okay good. You will know once we fix it" I say. "Clary we should go on another beach trip" Isabelle says. "We don't have time usually. But I will see" I say. She nods. "Now we would have someone to take the fourth room if we get another 4 bedroom" I say. "Yeah that's true now that we have Jonathan back" Magnus says. They leave to go to their house in Alicante.

The moment we walk in it's crazy. Servants, maids and other people who are supposed to be here are either getting yelled at or are rushing around. It's chaotic. "I told you" Simon says. "You were right" I say.

"Okay everyone who is not supposed to be here get out" jace says loud enough for everyone to hear. Everyone just freezes in place. I can see the servants and people who are supposed to be here relax some knowing we are back. It is so quiet you could probably hear a pin drop. "So all of you live here" jace says. "Well no but you are not supposed to be here" someone says. "Well we decided to come back early" jace says. "Okay everyone who does not live and work here get out" I say repeating jace. No one moves. "That was not a request" I say. A bunch of people leave now.

"You did it Simon" Charlotte says happy. "Yeah now are you all okay" I ask. "Yes ma'am. We are now that you are back" she says. "Good now where is Jia penhallow and Robert lightwood" I ask. "In there bedrooms ma'am. Would you like us to bring them to you" Charlotte asks. "Yes please. In the throne room" I say. Charlotte and another woman leaves down the hall. "Someone bring our crowns please" jace asks. "I've got it" Alice says and leaves to go get them. "Jonathan if you want you can go to your bedroom and wait there till we are done with the consul and inquisitor you can" Jace says. Jonathan nods. "Do you want me to take Grace" he asks. "Please, we will come back for her" I say and pass my daughter to my brother. He takes her and leaves. "I will take your bags" Oliver says and he takes my bag, Graces bag, and jaces bag.

Me and jace head to the throne room. It looks different. There are two new thrones replacing our old ones. There are also two statues of lions on the outside of the two thrones.

"Where do you want me to go" Simon asks. "Can you stay in here si? That way we have someone trained" I ask. Simon nods and stands at one of the walls. Me and jace take a seat. Alice comes in a few minutes later. I notice my crown is different. It's new and pretty and it's still silver. We put them on and she leaves.

Robert and Jia come in. "How? How are you back? You aren't supposed to be back till the end of the month" Robert asks. They are both shocked to see us here. "We came back early. What have you done to the people of Idris and the people in our castle" Jace demands. "I have no idea what you are talking about" Jia lies. "Oh that's bull crap. You know exactly what I am talking about. Letting random people into our castle and overworking the people who actually live here. Oh and the curfew you both decided to put of the people of Idris. Does any of that ring a bell" Jace says. Robert and Jia avoid making eye contact with us. "Yes" Jia says quietly. "I thought it would" jace says. "What you both Did was horrible. Now you have put more work on us than is necessary" I say. "We are sorry Queen Clary" Robert says with his head still down. "Yeah you better be. We put you both in charge because we thought you could handle it but apparently cannot" jace says. "Please let us make up for this" Jia says. "No! You have done enough already. Get out of our castle and don't come back unless we call for you" I say. They both look up at us. "But what about my Granddaughter? Shouldn't I at least get to see her" Robert asks. "You both will when we have her announcement party" I tell them. They both nod. "Simon will you lead these two off of the castle grounds" I say. "Yes queen clary" Simon says and leads the consul and inquisitor out. "I'm glad Simon brought us back" jace says. "Me too" I say. "Lets go see our baby girl" I say. We both smile and go walk out of the throne room and to Jonathan's room.

When we get to his room he is sitting on his bed and looking down at the small baby in his arms. She squeals and kicks. It makes me smile the way she loves him.  I'm glad she does and he doesn't have to worry about her hating him because of Sebastian. Bear is curled up on the floor and Cookie is on the bed next to Jonathan and Grace.

Jonathan looks up at us. "That didn't take long" he says. "No it didn't" I say. "Nice crown" he says looking at me. "Oh yeah thanks. I've never seen it before so I guess the clave did something good while we were gone" I say. "Hey Jonathan do you want to stay with her for a little longer while we go check out her room and our room" jace asks. "Yeah sure" Jonathan says.

We walk out of Jonathan's room and go open the passageway to ours and now Graces room. I see the new bedroom door and open it. It's cute. The walls are pink with Graces initials painted on them in black. The room is set up the way I had it though. "It looks so nice" I say. "Yeah I'm glad she is closer to our room" jace says. "Me too. She's going to love it in here" I say. "I think so too" jace says.

We leave her room and walk up the spiral staircase to where our room is. "I'm sorry, we couldn't keep them out" the guards posted outside our room says. They open the doors for us and we walk in. "Thank you you can go" I tell the guards. They head down the stairs.

The moment we do I wish I hadn't. There are two people in the bed making out and angel knows what else. "Man we have to sleep in that bed" I whine quietly. "You having fun" jace asks. They freeze and look at us. "Oh no, by all means keep going" jace says amused. The man gets dressed and gets out of the bed but the woman stays in the bed but covers herself up. "What are you doing here" he asks. "What are you doing in my bed" jace asks. "We were invited to live here from the consul and inquisitor for the month. We decided we didn't want one of those rooms we wanted the royal suite" he says. "Well you don't have it anymore. You have five minutes for both of you to get out before I am getting someone to take you out of here" jace says. "Lets go check on Grace" he says. I take his hand and we walk out of our bedroom.

We find a maid in the hallway. "In about 10 minuets can you go upstairs and wash our sheets in our bed" I ask. "Yes queen clary. Would you both like for me to take your crowns to Alice" the woman asks. "Yes please" I say. Me and jace hand our two crowns to her and she walks off with them. We go to Jonathan's room. "Hey" I say. "Hey" Jonathan says. "You want to see her new room" I ask. "Yeah does it look much different from the way it was" Jonathan asks. "Yeah come see" jace says. We show him to Graces new room. "Oh this is cute" Jonathan says. "I thought so too. It's Graces nap time" I say. Jonathan puts her in her crib. "Was your room normal for the most part" Jonathan asks. "Yeah but we had a little surprise when we got in there" I say. "What do you mean" he asks. "Well when we got there there was two people in our bed doing you know what" jace says. "Please tell me your joking" Jonathan says. "Nope" I say. "Wow" Jonathan says. "I know. Hey their times up let's go make sure they're gone" I say. "I will stay with Grace" Jonathan says. We leave him in Graces nursery.

Me and jace go up the stairs and enter our bedroom. They are gone. "Good they're gone" jace says. I grab our bags and start unpacking them in the big closet. I toss him his bag. "I don't know where you want your stuff so I'm letting you unpack your stuff" I tell him. He goes upstairs and unpacks his stuff like I said.

"Well I'm going to walk around and make sure people are okay now that we are back" jace says. "Okay I will be around here somewhere" I say. We leave the bedroom and go our separate ways. He goes down the hall and I go into the nursery. "Hey Jonathan do you want to go out to the barn with me" I ask him. "Uh yeah sure but what about Grace" he asks. "She should be fine. There is enough people around here that someone is bound to hear her if she cries before we get back" I say. "Okay then lets go" he says.

We both walk out of the nursery and soon the castle. We head side by side to the barn. I go to autumn. She is happy to see me.

"You are going to ride her? Clary she's like twice your size" Jonathan says. "Yes Jonathan" I say. I leave her stall and go get the stuff so I can ride her. Jonathan goes and gets domino. He starts getting him ready too. When I  finish I walk autumn out of the barn first and get on. Jonathan comes out a few minutes later. "We should get you a horse of your own" I tell him. "That sounds nice" Jonathan says.

He gets on domino. We both go for a ride.

Jace POV
                                           I went and checked on a bunch of people here to make sure they were okay now that the people the clave let in are gone. Most of them said yes they are just exhausted from all the work. I told them not to worry about having to do much and that I am sorry their vacation got taken away. Because while we were gone that was supposed to be their time off. I go find Alice. "Hey Alice, I will be up in my room if you or anybody needs me" I tell her. "Alright" she says.

                                        I go up and over to our bedroom. I haven't seen Clary in a while. I hear Grace start crying. I go into her nursery "hi my little princess. How was your nap" I ask her. She squeals and kicks her tiny feet. I pick her up. "That's my good little girl" I say. I carry her up to my bedroom. I open the doors so I can step out to the balcony. I step out and see if I can see Clary. I don't for a while then I see two specks come over the distance.

                                           I hear a knock on my bedroom door. "Come in" I say. Alice walks in. "Have you seen Jonathan anywhere" she asks. I look back over the balcony and notice the two specks are autumn and domino. Clary is riding autumn. Alice walks over next to me. "There he is" she says. Jonathan is the one next to Clary riding domino. "I'm glad she has the brother she always wanted" I say. Alice doesn't say anything after that. "Hey Alice" I ask. "Yes sir" she asks. "What happened to Clary's original crown" I ask. "It's still where I left it. The other one was just new and I figured she would like that one" Alice says. I smile and look down at my Clary and Jonathan.

"I'm going to go downstairs" I say. "Okay I'm going to follow you down then we can separate" she says. I leave the balcony and Alice closes the doors to the outside behind us. I leave the bedroom. I go outside and to the barn. I see Jonathan putting domino up. I go over to autumn's stall. "How was it" I ask. She jumps. "God jace don't scare me. It was nice. I think autumn liked it too. Why is Grace up" she asks. She starts untacking autumn and putting everything away. "She started crying" I say. "Oh. I'm glad it's getting close to dinner time I'm starting to get hungry and I missed the castle cooks food" she says. "Me too" I say. She finishes brushing autumn. "Okay lets go back up" she says. She looks over her shoulder and yells "Jonathan you ready to go back up?" "I'm comin stop yelling" Jonathan says. He comes up to us and we go back up to the castle.

Clary POV
                                             We go to dinner. They ask us what we want to drink like always and I just tell them water since water is the easiest. They bring out the food and I dig in since I can now eat and drink whatever. Alice brings me a bottle for Grace. I feed her and she happily takes it. Once she's done I burp her and I start eating myself. "King jace, Queen clary, there is something here for you. I can have it delivered to your bedroom for you if you'd like" a servant girl says. "Please? And have Charlotte come up as well" I say. "Yes ma'am" the girl says and leaves.

                                           After dinner we just sit here and talk. "Well let's go see what it is in your room" Jonathan says. I look across the table at jace and he shrugs. We all get up from the table and head over to our bedroom. Grace falls asleep and I set her in her crib. Then I head up the stairs to my bedroom.

The moment there doors open I see a huge stack of presents. "Well this is new" I say. "Yeah and look there's a note" Jonathan says. He hands it to me. I read it aloud. "It says: here are some presents for our king, queen, and new princess.
-  shadowhunters and downworlders" I read.

                                           We start opening the presents. Jonathan helps too. We get a bunch of clothes and baby stuff for Grace. Most of it she will have to grow into. Me and jace also get some stuff. We let Jonathan have some of the stuff we don't need. Of course he happily takes the stuff considering he doesn't have much of his own stuff. I'm just glad I have my real brother here with me. I'm glad my daughter loves him.

I even get some new dresses. How people know my size is beyond me. I don't try them on now because I don't feel like it.

"Well I'm going to bed. It will feel weird in the morning having to get up early" Jonathan says. "Yeah it will. Goodnight Jonathan, I will see you at breakfast" I say. "Goodnight guys" he says and leaves the bedroom.

                                           "Lets read the journal some more" Jace says. "Okay do you want me to read it or you" I ask. "Can you" he asks. I nod and go get the journal out of the closet. It's sitting on top of my dresser. I walk back out and join him on the sofa.

I open it up to the next entry date. This is Hodges handwriting. "March 18th 1991" I start. "I've been helping valentine take care of Jonathan while he goes to the Morganstern manor and takes care of his real son. I have been trying to make valentine happy and proud.
I've been doing my best to take care of Jonathan. It might have been easier if we kept Celine alive just capture and let her take care of Jonathan and kill her later. But my opinion never matters anyway. Jonathan has been stubborn lately and not cooperating. But he has been sleeping a lot so that's good too I guess. I've started to like this little boy. He's small and innocent" I read. "That's all it says for that day" I say and close the journal.

                                                      "So apparently I was small and innocent and slept a lot" jace says. "I guess so. At two months old I'm not surprised though" I say. A piece of paper falls out. It says To Jonathan Herondale on the top. Inside it though it's in a different language. I hand it to him. "Can you read it" I ask. "It's in Greek. Nobody reads Greek" he says. "Yeah except Greeks" I say. "You know what Clary I don't need your sass" he says. I roll my eyes.

"Lets just go to bed. We are going to be tired in the morning" I suggest. "I guess you're right" he says. We both get ready for bed. He gets in first and I get in on the other side. "Goodnight Clary" he says. I smile. "Goodnight Jace I love you" I say. He doesn't say anything. I fall asleep after that.

A/N: hope you like the chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment. What was your favorite part/parts of this chapter? Remember requests are always open.

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