Graces return party

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Your character comes in this chapter JordynMcdonald546

"Clary" I hear a soft voice say. "Clary" the voice repeats. "Wake up Clary" the voice says a little louder. "Come on Love it's time to wake up" the voice says again. I reach up and start feeling around. "What are you doing" jace asks. "Looking for the snooze button" I mumble. "I don't have a snooze button" he says. I start hitting and don't hear anything else from him. "Snoozed" I mumble. I roll back over and doze off.

I feel a big splash on my head. I gasp and sit up. I look at jace. He has a water bubble floating above his hand. "What was that for" I ask. "To wake you up. The nice way wouldn't work so I tried my own way" he says. He splashes the water bubble on my face again. "I'm up I'm up" I say. "Are you" jace asks. He makes another bubble appear and splashes it in my face. I jump on him. "Quit hitting me with water" I say. He laughs. I wrap my arms around his neck and I am now getting a piggy back ride. "To the closet horsey" I say. "What" he asks. "Closet now" I say. When he doesn't move I kick him. "Ow" he says and takes me to the closet. I jump off his back and go to my clothes. I look around for something to wear. I decide on a black and white t-shirt and some jeans. I put on black and white all stars.

Jace and I finish getting ready then we go down to Braxton and Graces rooms. I see charlotte walk down the hall with Christopher. I guess they are here to get the kids dressed and ready. I go into Braxtons room with Christopher. "Hey buddy, you've got to get up now" Christopher says next to Braxton. "Okay Chrispher" Braxton says. He gets out of the bed and goes to the bathroom. "What do you want to wear today Brax" Christopher asks. "I don't know" Braxton says. Christopher gets some clothes out of Bratons closet. He helps Braxton get dressed. Braxton is wearing a blue and white plaid shirt and jeans. Christopher helps him brush his teeth. When Christopher grabs the brush Braxton exclaims, "No chrispher, I do it!" "Okay little buddy" Christopher says handing Braxton the brush. Braxton brushes his hair. Its still a little messy but the two of us aren't going to say anything to the little determined three year old. "Good job Braxton. Go get your shoes on and we can go eat" I say. "Okay mommy" he says. He grabs his tennis shoes and puts his socks and shoes on. I take his hand and we go with Jace and Grace to breakfast.

(Braxton's outfit)

"Can I have some hot colate" Braxton asks me. "What" I ask. I have no idea what that is. "Hot colate. Can I have some hot colate pease" he asks. "What is that" I ask. "What daddy has" Braxton says. I look and see what jace has since the servant only brought the two of us our drinks so far. He's talking about hot chocolate. "Oh hot chocolate. Of course you can Braxton. When the servants come back just tell them you want some hot chocolate" I tell him. "Otay" he says.

The servants come back and ask Grace what she wants to drink with her breakfast. She tells them she wants purple grape juice and then they ask Braxton what he wants. "Hot colate pease" he asks. The poor servant girl looks confused. "I'm sorry" she asks. "Hot colate pease" Braxton repeats. She still looks confused. "Hot chocolate" I verify. "Oh okay. Of course, I will be right back prince Braxton and princess Grace" she says and leaves. She comes back with their drinks and leaves and brings us our breakfast.

Breakfast is chicken and waffles. "I love chicken and waffles" Grace says excited. "Since when have you had this" Jace asks. Its the first time they have ever made up chicken and waffles for breakfast. "Stephie used to make it for me back when I lived with her and Travis" she tells us. We all eat our breakfast. Its actually pretty good.

A servant comes to us. "Ma'am, its here. Where would you like me to put it" she asks. It takes me a few minutes to figure out what shes talking about. "Put it with my crown for right now. When someone moves my crown to the dress room move it there as well" I tell her. "Yes ma'am" she says and leaves the dining room. "What's here mommy" Grace asks curiously. "Your tiara. I ordered one to be made for you and its finally here" I tell her. "Oh yay, can I see it? Can I see it" she asks excited. "Not yet, you will see it tonight" I tell her. "Awh okay" she says looking disappointed.

"I've got to see your dress on you and make sure it fits and no alterations are needed" I tell her. "Isn't it too late for that" Jace asks. "Nah, it would be but I know Olivia can fix anything that needs fixing fast" I tell him.

"What color are you wearing Grace" Jace asks. "Red. Red is my favorite color" she says proudly. "What about you clare" Jace asks. "You will see later" I tell him. "I will just ask Alice then" he says. "She doesn't know. She only knows what color her, Tessa, mom, Emily and Grace are wearing" I tell him. "Then I will ask Olivia" Jace says. "She won't tell you. I told her not to tell anyone until its time for the six of us girls to get ready" I tell him. He groans, and I giggle. He will find out soon enough. Soon enough being later tonight.

"You've been awfully quiet Braxton" I comment. He shrugs. "Do you want to go fly after we finish eating Brax" Jace asks. "Yes pease" Braxton says.

After we all finish eating Braxton and Jace go outside and I take Grace to the dress room. I hand Grace the little red dress. "Go try this on behind that curtain. When it's on come back and stand up here" I tell her. She goes back behind the curtain with the dress. Olivia is at breakfast so I will have to make sure Graces dress fits. Grace comes out in her beautiful red dress. "Step up here in front of the mirror" I tell her and she steps up on the little stand. I pin up under her arms since its a little big there but other than that nothing needs to be taken up. "I think you will be okay. It fits pretty good for the most part. Do you like it" I ask her. "Yeah mommy. It's so pretty" she says. Lin glad you think so. You can go take it off. Olivia should be back soon" I say. She gets off of the stand and changes back in her clothes. I take the dress from her. "Do you want to go see if you can find your daddy and brother in the back of the castle" I ask. "Okay" she says.

She leaves the room and I wait on Olivia to come in. She gets here a few minutes after Grace leaves. "It just needs to be taken in under her arms. I marked where you can take it up with clothes pins" I tell her. "Okay, I will have it taken in before the party" she says. "Thank you olivia" I say. I leave the dress room.

I go down to the kitchen. "Can I show you guys how to make something I love to make when I am back at the manor house by myself" I ask "Of course, is it more of a meal or a snack" someone, who I'm guessing is a head chef, asks. "It can be both. Its really easy to make and really quick too" I tell him. He nods telling me to go on. "First I need a cookie sheet and some tinfoil" I tell them. Someone brings me a cookie sheet and some tinfoil. I lay it out and spray it down with non-stick spray. "Now I need bread, cheese, tomato and oregano" I tell them. They bring me what I ask for. I grab a piece of bread and lie it down on the tinfoil. I lay a slice of cheese on top of the bread. I cut the tomato into slices and lay a slice on top of the cheese. I sprinkle some oregano on top of it. I do this for two more slices of bread. "Now all you do is put it in the oven and wait about 10 minutes" I tell them. "Is it any good" someone asks. "To me it is. When I was growing up and it was just me and my mom we would make this sometimes for lunch or just a snack. You all can try one of the slices of it if you want and I will take the other" I tell them. We wait for the oven to go off and I pull it out. I cut both slices of cheese toast into fours. I hand some of them a square to try. Some of them like it and some of them don't. I like it though. "If I ever ask you guys for cheese toast this is what I mean" I tell them. "This tastes good. I may have to make this for myself sometime" one of them says. "I'm glad you like it" I say. I eat the rest of the squares from my piece.

I talk to the kitchen staff about what we will have for dinner at the party and for appetizers and desert. Alice usually doesn't that but since I am handling the party planning I am doing it. leave the kitchen to let them start cooking our lunch and the food for the party. I walk around the castle and see people putting decorations out around the castle.

Jace walks in the castle through one of the back doors carrying Grace. "What happened" I ask. "Follow me to Graces room and I will tell you" he says. I start walking down the hallway. "Come on Braxton" jace calls. I hear Braxton walk behind us. He lies Grace on her bed and now I notice that she is unconscious. "What happened" I ask looking at my daughter. "I'll tell you when we get to Braxton's room" he says. Braxton holds my hand looking up at me scared. He doesn't like getting in trouble.

Jace checks on Grace and we go to Braxtons room. "Will someone please tell me what happened" I ask. "We were flying and Braxton didn't like that she was faster so he grabbed Graces leg" jace says. "Well what happened to Grace" I ask. "Tell your mom what you did" Jace tells Braxton. "She fell mommy. Daddy caught her" he tells me. "Braxton James. Your sister has been home for the first time in 5 years. She has been home for 2 months and you are already making her fall from the sky" I scold. "I sowwy mommy" Braxton says looking like he wants to cry. "Since you hurt your sister you are going to help set up the ballroom for the party for tonight" I tell him. "No mommy" he whines. I know he would rather play than do chores. Even living in a castle I still make him do chores, even at three years old. "Yes Braxton. You cant hurt your sister. You have to learn that your sister is faster than you because she is older than you and her wings are bigger" I tell him. "I want to play with unca carson and Logan" Braxton says. "You can play with them after you help set up" I tell him. "I didn't mean to hurt Grace and make her fall" Braxton says starting to cry. "We know you didn't mean to Braxton. Everything is going to be alright" Jace tells him. "Okay" Braxton says crying.

"Daddy" the three of us hear a small voice call from the room next door. "Stay here. You are in time out until we let you out" I say. Braxton nods. Jace and I go into Graces room. Grace gets off of her bed and hugs Jace. He hugs her back. "Are you okay Grace" Jace asks her. She nods. "You aren't hurt are you" I ask. "No mommy" she says. "Okay good" I say. "Don't hurt Braxton" Grace says. "But he made you fall from the sky and almost get badly hurt" I say. "Don't hurt him though. I'm okay, promise. If daddy hadn't caught me before I fell all the way I would be hurt but I'm not" Grace says. It's sweet that she is trying to protect her little brother. "Come here Braxton" I call. I hear him come in the room. His little face is red from crying. He goes and hugs Grace. "I'm sorry Grace. I didn't mean to" Braxton says. They let go of each other. "I'm okay Braxton. I promise" Grace says. "Are your wings okay" Braxton asks. Grace opens them up. The right one is bent down. "Let me look at it. Go sit on the bed" Jace says and Grace does as he said. Jace sits beside her. He grabs the wing and tries to pull the bent part up. "Ow" Grace says. "I'd say the bone is fractured from the force of how fast they snapped back and how fast she fell. I will wrap it and you need to leave it in your extra layer of skin for a few days until it can heal" Jace tells her. "I'm so sorry Grace. I didn't mean to hurt you" Braxton says and hugs his sister again. "It's okay Braxton. It just hurts" Grace says. Jace returns to Graces room and wraps the broken part of the wing. "Alright. I know its uncomfortable but you need to put it back in your other layer of skin. I will check on it again in another week" Jace says. "Okay" Grace says and puts the wing back inside her skin.

A servant comes to us. He looks scared to be in our tower. "Your family just arrived" he tells us. "Thanks" I say. He nods quickly and scurries off. "Lets go see the others and go to lunch" I tell them. Braxton and Grace nod looking excited to see their family. Of course Magnus, Alec, Simon, Isabelle, Max, Raphael and Jonathan aren't coming until later. "Unca Carson" Braxton says excited and hugs Carson. "Logan" Grace squeals and hugs Logan. I know Grace always hangs out with Logan while Braxton plays with the rest of his cousins and his uncle Carson. We all go to lunch.

"Did you all settle into your rooms" I ask. "Yeah" Tessa says. "What have you been doing today Grace" mom asks her. "I went flying with daddy and Braxton" Grace says. "Did you have fun" she asks her. "Yeah, I hurt my wing though. Daddy said I won't be able to fly for another week or longer" she says. "I'm sorry Grace" mom says. "Its okay" Grace says.

A servant brings us our lunch. Cheese toast is one of the options. "Cheese toast" mom asks. "Yeah" I say. "I haven't had cheese toast in forever" she says. I giggle. "I love cheese toast. I taught the cooks to make it saying it could be a snack or a meal when I was telling them the food for tonight. Apparently they have two separate menus, one for parties and one for just regular meals" I tell her. "Am I the only one that doesn't know what cheese toast is" Jace asks. "Yeah, what is cheese toast" Luke asks. I pick up a piece of cheese toast. "This" I say, "Its bread, cheese, a slice of tomato and oregano. You bake it for 7-10 minutes and eat it. Mom and I used to make it when we still lived in that little apartment" I explain.

"Jocelyn, can I ask you something" Jace asks. "Sure Jace" she says. "Simon told me something a while ago that I am just now thinking to ask you about. He said that clary had braces years ago. How come nobody knew about that" Jace asks. "Probably because clary hated them" Luke says. "That and she was embarrassed to have even had to have braces" mom says. "I'm surprised that Simon even told you about bracey Clary" Luke says. "I hated that nickname and you know it" I say. "At school everyone called me bracey Clary while I still had my braces on. I was the only person who had braces while I was in 5th grade until 9th grade. So naturally, you get picked on" I explain to Jace. "I see" jace says.

"Where's red and nacho" I ask. "Nacho is here. He's probably just playing with river somewhere" Jem says. "Red is back home. He's actually at the vet" mom says. "Why" jace asks. "He ate something and they are having to remove it. We don't know what it was he ate yet. We won't know what is was until we get back home" Luke says. "Oh. Poor red" I say. "I know" he says.

When we all finish eating Alice comes in. "Can I use the phone in your office? I want to call my family and tell them the good news" she asks. "Sure go ahead" I say and she walks out. "What good news" Tessa asks. "We will let her and Jonathan tell you guys" jace says.

"I'm sleepy mommy" Carson says. "Me too momma" Logan says. "Okay Carson. You can take a nap when Grace and Braxton do in a few minutes" mom tells Carson. I take Braxton and Graceand put them in their rooms for their naps. Mom and Tessa do the same thing for Carson and Logan.

Alice POV

I close the office door behind me and dial my parents house number. "Hello" Lucy asks. "Hey Lucy" I say. "Hey Alice" she says excited. "Is mom and dad there" I ask. "Mom is. Dads getting ready for work" she says. "Okay. I want to talk to them too. I have news I want to tell you all" I say. "Are you okay" Lucy asks. "I'm fine, amazing actually" I say. "Well good. Things must be okay with you and Jonathan then" Lucy says. "They are" I say.

"Mom wants to talk to you" Lucy says. "Okay" I say. "Hi Alice" mom says. "Hi mom how are you" I ask. "I'm good. We all miss you" she says. "I miss you guys too" I say. "Your dad is in here now. Do you want to talk to him" she asks. "I actually have something to tell all of you" I say.

"I have you on speaker now" mom tells me. "Hi guys" I say. "Hi Alice" dad says. "I have something to tell you guys" I say. "What is it" Lucy asks. "I'm going to have a baby" I say. Mom and Lucy squeal. "That's exciting. I'm happy for you Alice" dad says. "Thanks dad" I say. "I'm so excited" mom and Lucy say. "Me too" I say. "Do you know what it's going to be yet" mom asks. "Not yet" I say. "So I'm guessing Jonathan is back" Lucy says. "Yeah he's back along with jace and the others who survived the war" I say. "War" dad asks. "It's a long story" I say. "I'm actually not sure if we will find out what our baby is going to be. There is ways we can find out but I'm not sure we will. Unless of course Magnus wants to come all the way to our house we will probably just wait until the baby is born" I tell them. "Oh mom says. "Clary also said that when the baby is born I can have time off and come home to see you guys do you can meet the baby" I say. "Oh I can't wait then" mom says. "Me neither" dad says. "Peter and Aubrey haven't given us grand babies yet so I'm glad you are" mom says. "Me too" I say. "It feels weird that I'm going to be an aunt. I'm only 17" Lucy says. "I know Lu" I say.

"How has echo been living with you guys" dad asks. "He loves it. He gets along with our other dog great. I do get weird looks though when I walk him around the city since it looks like I'm walking a wolf. I'm pretty sure living with him and bear nobody is going to want to break into our house. Although nobody breaks into people's houses here anyway" I say. "Who's bear" mom asks. "Our other dog. Lucy met him when she came" I say. "Well it's good to know nobody breaks into houses where you live. I'm glad to know you are safe there" dad says. "I am. I promise" I say. "Where's Jonathan now" Lucy asks. "Back home. He will be over here at Clary's in a little while. He will probably be wanting to see Carson before tonight" I say. "Oh his little brother is there" mom asks. "Yeah, his parents are here too. So are Tessa and James Carstairs. You should have met them at the wedding" I say. "We did. How do you know the Carstairs again" dad asks. "Tessa is a distant relative of Jaces. They are both close to clary and Jace" I tell them. "Oh okay" he says.

"Guess what Alice" Lucy asks excited. "What" I ask. "I got accepted into UGA" she says. "I'm so excited for you. You will have so much fun. Just don't party too much Lu" I say. "I will try not to" she says. The University of Georgia is kind of a party school but you have to have a really good GPA to be able to get into there or be able to get in through a scholarship. Lucky for me I had both. "What do you think you are going to study" I ask. "I don't know yet. I'm really good at math you know so maybe accounting. Or maybe I could be in buisness and management. I don't know" she says. "You can make pretty good money doing accounting. Maybe if you do buisness and management you can help Herondale designs and be a manager of one of their locations or get to do something big to help them" I say. "Thats a good idea. I know you never really did anything with your psycology degree" Lucy says. "I had a job in it for a little while before I came here. You can make pretty good money doing that too" I tell my little sister. "I guess" she says.

I talk with my family for a while longer. I really miss them.

"I better let you go to school Lucy. I willl hopefully see you guys after the baby is born. I don't think I will be able to call you before then since I will be stuck at home" I say. "Why" mom asks. "There is no phone at my house. Clary is letting me stay at home for a few months until the baby comes since it takes a lot to get to her house from mine" I say. "That makes sense" Lucy agrees.

I look at the clock and realise it is almost 5:00. "I need to go get ready for tonight" I say. "What's tonight" mom asks. "There's a party here tonight since princess Grace has returned" I tell her. "Who" mom asks. "Clary and Jaces daughter. She left 5 years ago and finally came home two months ago. No one has seen her since before she left" I say. "Oh I bet she will be so cute" mom gushes. "She is. She's so sweet. Same goes for her little brother" I say. "How do you know. I thought you said no one has seen them yet" mom asks. "They are my niece and nephew. Of course I've met them before all the others in the shadow world. Braxton loves coming to our house and spending the night at my house" I say. "That's sweet. Are you wearing a dress" mom asks. "Yeah all of us girls are" I tell them. "What color" mom asks. "It's black. Clary designed it and her seamstress here made it" I say. "What about Clary" she asks. "I'm not sure what color hers is. I have to wait until tonight to find out. I know her mom is wearing a blue dress and Isabelle is wearing a purple one" I tell her. "Is tessa going" mom asks. "Yeah. Her dress is going to be grey and white and her daughters dress is going to be green. I haven't seen anyone's dress yet but I know they are all going to be beautiful" I tell them. "I know they will be. I will let you go get ready and I will hopefully see you in a few months" mom says. "Love you guys" I say. "Love you too" they all say. "Bye" I say. "Bye" they all say and I hang up the phone.

Grace POV

Miss Charlotte pulls me out of the bath tub and wraps me in a blanket. "Go sit on your bed and I will brush through your hair" miss Charlotte says. I do as she says and go sit on my bed. She sits behind me and brushes through my tangly red hair. "Can you please make it stop snowing? It's so cold in here" miss Charlotte asks. "I guess so. I'm not cold though" I say. I make the snow stop falling. "Thank you" she says. "You're welcome" I say. She takes off her jacket and She keeps brushing my hair.

"Are you excited for tonight's party" she asks. "I guess so" I say. "What's wrong" she asks. "I don't know if they will like me" I say. "They will love you. You're their princess I know they will" she says. "You really think so" I ask. "I know so" she says. "Thanks" I say smiling. "What color is your dress Princess Grace" miss Charlotte asks. "Red" I say. "Why did you pick that color" she asks. "It's my favorite color" I tell her. I've always liked that color. "I bet it will be beautiful" she says.

She finishes brushing my hair then we go to the bathroom and she dries it with mommy's dryer. She takes my towel off and I look at her. "Let me wrap you in this robe and I was told to take you straight to the dress room" she tells me. I hold my arms out and she puts my arms the sleeves and ties it around my body.

I hold her hand and we go to the dress room. Mommy, nana, Mrs. Tessa, aunt Isabelle, aunt Alice and Emily are all in here already. Miss Charlotte leaves the room. "Are you ready Grace" mommy asks. I nod. Mommy looks through a rack for something and pulls out a dress for me. "Let's go put this on for you okay" she says. "Okay" I say. I follow mommy behind a curtain. She takes the robe off and helps me into my dress. "Come on, lets show the others" she says. I walk out. "Aww you look beautiful Grace" aunt Isabelle says. "Thank you" I say. My dress is red and black and it has a silver band that goes around my waist.

I look back to mommy. "Where's my tiara" I ask. "I feel like that may be the main thing she is excited about" nana says. "I'll go get it" mommy says. She comes back and places something on my head. "There look in the mirror" mommy says. I walk over to the tall mirror and look at it. It's silver and has a snowflake in the center. "I feel like a princess" I say. "You are one Grace" Mrs. Tessa says.

"You next tessa" mom says and hands something to tessa. Mrs. Tessa goes behind the curtain me and mommy were behind and comes back in a grey and white dress.

"Pretty mommy" Emily says. "Thanks Emily" Mrs. Tessa says. "Can I get mine next mrs. Clary" Emily asks. "Of course Emily" mommy says. She hands a dress to tessa and they both go behind the curtain and come back out. Emily has a pretty green and white dress.

"What about you aunt Isabelle and you aunt Alice" I ask. "You can go first" aunt Alice says. Aunt Isabelle takes a dress from mommy and changes into a pretty purple dress. Aunt Alice goes next and changes into a black dress.

"You two better get dressed. Especially you Clary. You have to go into the ballroom before us with Grace, Braxton and Jace" Mrs. Tessa says. "I'll go ahead and change" mommy says. She looks through a rack and pulls out a dress she changes into it and comes back out to show us. "Oh you look so pretty Clary. You and Grace kinda match" aunt Alice says. "I was kinda going for that. Thanks Alice" mommy says. Aunt Alice is right. Me and mommy do kind of match. We are both wearing a red and black dress. Mommy's looks pretty too.

"Go ahead mom" mommy says. She hands nana a dress and nana changes into hers and comes back out. It's blue and sparkly. "Pretty" Emily says. "Thank you Emily. Is this dress too much guys" nana asks. "No. It looks great" Ms. Tessa says.

Mommy does aunt Isabelle and aunt Alices hair. Aunt Isabelle's hair is braided and is curly and pretty.

Aunt Alices hair is in a loose braid and it has a silvery looking pretty thing in it.

There is a knock on the door. "I guess that is our cue to leave. We will see you guys later" mommy says. She grabs a pretty crown and puts it on. "Come on Grace. We have to go meet Jace and Braxton" she tells me. I get up from my seat and take mommy's hand. We leave the room filled with dresses and see daddy and Braxton in the hallway.

Clary POV

"You look very handsome Braxton" I say. He is wearing a little tuxedo with a bow tie. He looks so cute.  "Thank you mommy" Braxton says. Jace looks good too but I won't tell him that. It will just make his ego bigger.

"You look beautiful Grace. You too Clary" Jace says. "Thank you" we both say. "You don't look to bad yourself" I say. "I do my best to impress my two favorite girls" Jace says. "You're doing a great job at it" I say and give him a kiss.

He holds Graces hand and I hold Braxton's hand and the four of us go over to the ballroom. "This looks great Clary" jace says looking around. "Thank you" I say. "Where is everyone" Grace asks. "They will be here in a few minutes. We always have to come in first before the guests since we are royals Grace" jace says. Jace and I sit on our thrones. "Braxton do you want to sit next to me or your mommy" jace asks him. "I wanna sit next to mommy" Braxton answers. "Come sit next to me" I tell him pointing to the chair the servants pulled next to me and Jace for Braxton and Grace. Braxton sits in the seat next to me and Grace sits next to Jace. Cookie and river come in the ballroom and prance up to us and wag their tails. Jace calls cookie over to sit next to him and river sits to my left.

Within two minutes the doors open wide and people pour in the ballroom. Braxton looks excited as he sees all the people come in. People look happy to see the little girl beside Jace. I'm not sure what they all think of Braxton yet.

Once everyone is here Jace and I stand up. People quiet down and look at up. "After a long five years and a 3 year war your princess has finally returned" Jace says. People clap and cheer and I can see Grace grin. I know she probably never even thought of how people would react to the news of her returning to them and returning home. "There are some other news that you would all most likely want to know" I say. The room goes quiet. The people are all hanging on to my every word we say. "Three years ago a baby was born. Your prince. I would like you all to meet Prince Braxton Herondale" I tell the crowd. They all cheer and clap and I can tell they are excited to have a little prince as well as their princess back.

After a little while the four of us go down to see everyone. I look around me and see someone I haven't seen in a while. "Sam" I say as I walk over to him. "Hey shortie" he says and we hug. "It's good to see you again Sam" I say. "You too Queen Clary" he says.

"Do you know where my brother is" he asks. "No, sorry. I know he is somewhere around here though" I tell him. "Okay" he says.

"I bet you are happy to have your little girl back" Sam says. "Jace and I both are. She has always loved Jace ever since she was a newborn and she still does" I tell him. "That's good. Where is she now" he asks. I look around. "She's with Jonathan and Alice" I tell him. "Who" he asks. "My brother and his wife" I say.

Braxton comes over to us. "Mommy" he asks. "Yes Braxton" I ask. "Can I go play with the other kids over there" he asks. "Yes Braxton. Just be careful okay" I say. "Okay. Who's this" he asks. "This is Sam, Braxton. He was my king for a day a few years ago" I tell my three year old. "What does that mean" Braxton asks. "Your daddy and I do things with people where they can enter a contest and can spend a day with just us. Jace spends a day with a lady and I spend it with a guy. Sam just happened to get picked with me" I explain. "Oh okay. I'm going to play now" Braxton says and walks away.

"Are you guys still going to do the contest" Sam asks. "I have no idea. I will have to ask Jace if we are going to do it" I say. "I think you should. It was a lot of fun and people get a chance to spend time with the person who rules the shadow world" he says. "I had a lot of fun too. Maybe we will again. You can't enter in again since you already got picked and we would want to give other people other chances to" I tell him. "I understand" he says. "I'm going to go see if I can find Josten" he says. "Okay" I say. He walks off.

Someone taps me from behind. "Have you forgotten about me" someone asks. I look behind me. "Emma" I say excited. We hug. "I miss talking to you" she says. "I miss talking to you too. You can always call and talk" I tell her. "Okay" she says.

"I can't believe you already have two kids" she says. "Me neither to be honest" I say. She laughs. "Where are they" she asks. "Braxton is playing with the other kids, and Grace is around here somewhere, last I saw she was with Jonathan and Alice" I tell her. "They are so cute. At least they were from where I was standing" she says. "Thank you" I say.

"Is it just you that came" I ask. "No, Kit came too along with Helen and Aline" she says. "Who is watching over the institute then" I ask. "Jules. Mark is there too but Jules knows how to run everything" she tells me. "Oh okay" I say.

Servants walk out with trays of food. They set it all down on the long table at the side of the room. "Finally, I'm starving" she says. "Let me go get my food and then you can go" I tell her. She sighs and nods. I go over to the long table and meet jace and Grace. "Where's Braxton" Jace asks. "I'll go find him. Last I saw he was playing with some kids" I tell him. I walk off and find Braxton playing with four other kids. "Come on Braxton lets go eat and then you can come back and play" I tell my son. "Okay" Braxton says. He comes with me and we make our plates and sit at a table.

A little while later mom and the rest of our family comes to sit down with us. "Alice and I have something to tell you guys" Jonathan says. We all look at him. "I'm going to have a baby" Alice says. "Oh congratulations" mom says. "What does that mean" Braxton asks. "It means, Braxton, that you are going to have a cousin" I tell Braxton. "When" he asks. "About 7 months" Jonathan says. "That's so long" Braxton says. "I agree" Alice says. "I'm actually going to be able to stay home for a few months starting in two weeks since I shouldn't walk all the way here or ride a horse all the way here when I'm pregnant" Alice tells the others. "That's probably a good idea" mom says.

"Clary, when you bought the house, did you pay it in full" Luke asks. "Yeah" I tell him. "I told you she probably did" mom says. "Why" I ask. "We were just wondering why we don't have to pay for a monthly payment on the house" mom says. "That's why I moved out of our old house late. I was saving up so I wouldn't have to pay monthly payments on the house. I didn't want to be in debt when I bought the house so I just saved up until I could pay in full" I tell them. "That's smart" Tessa says.

"Did you see Stephanie and Travis, Grace" I ask my daughter. "Yeah" Grace says. "Okay good" I say. I want to make sure she sees them tonight.

We all eat and talk. "Daddy" Grace asks. "Hm" jace hums. "Who is that" she asks. "Who" jace asks. "Behind you" Grace says. Jace turns around. A big grin forms on his face. I turn around and see four people standing in front of the thrones. Two men and two women. One of them is Amatis. "They're here" jace mumbles. I look over at the table and noticed everyone is confused except Tessa, Jem and Magnus. The room goes quiet at seeing four people. People get up and go over to the four ghosts. "Who was that daddy" Braxton asks when it is just the four of us plus Jonathan and Alice at the table left. "My parents, Will Herondale and Amatis Graymark" Jace tells us. "Is that who you were telling me about Clary when Braxton was born? And her mom did the protection spell" Alice asks. "Yeah, that's her" I tell Alice.

"Come on guys. I want you to meet them" jace says. I stand up with Jace and Braxton and Grace. I hold Braxton's hand and we walk over to the crowd of people around the four ghosts. When we get to the front, two people smile at us. "Mom, dad, this is Clary and these our our two kids" Jace tells them. Jaces mom is so pretty. She has blonde hair and blue eyes. Jaces dad does too. "It's nice to finally meet you Clary. We have heard so much about you" Jaces dad says. "It's nice to meet you too. Jace has told me so much about you guys too" I say. His mom hugs Jace and he hugs her back. "I told you I'd come back, I just never said I would bring Will, Amatis and Stephen with me" she says. "What are their names" Stephen, Jaces dad, asks looking at Braxton and Grace. Braxton and Grace are looking up at them curiously. "This is Grace our oldest, she is five and this is Braxton, our youngest who is three years old" I tell them. "Hi" Grace says. "Hi" they both say.

We talk to them some more and Braxton goes off to play with the other kids again. I get to meet Will Herondale. The four of them disappear after an hour.

I get to dance with Jace some and then Jonathan. "I wonder if it will be a boy or a girl" I say. "I'm not sure" he says. "Well, what do you want" I ask. "I want a little boy" he says. "Most men do when they find out they are going to be a dad I think. I was surprised when I found out Jace wanted a little girl as our first kid" I tell him. "Is it hard" Jonathan asks. "Is what hard" I ask. He spins me around and we keep dancing. "Having to raise a kid" he asks. "Its not terrible yet. Braxton liked to wake up multiple times in the middle of the night as a newborn baby. Other than that it hasn't been bad yet" I tell him. "Okay" he says.

The song ends and Jonathan goes to go find Alice. I look over and see a little girl sitting alone at a table. I walk over to her and sit down next to her. "Hi" I say. She looks at me. "Hi" she says. She cant be more than 5 or 6 years old. She has brown hair and blue-green eyes. She is so cute.

"What is your name" I ask her. "Jordyn" she says. "That's a pretty name Jordyn" I say. "No its a boys name" she says. "No, it can be a girls name too" I tell her. "Oh" she says. "Why are you sitting all alone" I ask. "I don't have any friends here. My parents made me come with them. I have friends but they are all back at their houses" she says. "You know, Grace doesn't have any friends here either. You should go talk to her" I tell her. "Oh no I couldn't. She is a princess, I'm not" she says. "Nonsense, go ahead and talk to her" I tell Jordyn. "Okay" she says. She stands up and I see she is wearing a nice blue dress. I take her hand and lead her over to the table Grace is sitting at alone like Jordyn was.

I leave them alone at the table to talk and I go talk to some of the other guests. A few minutes later Grace comes over pulling Jordyn beside her. "Mommy look! I made a new friend" she says. I smile. "That's great Grace" I say. "Her name is Jordyn" she says. "I'm proud of you Grace" I tell her. I'm glad she has made a friend

A few hours later the party ends and people go to their homes. I take Braxton to his room and Grace to hers. Grace gets ready for bed first. I tuck her in the bed. "I finally have a friend mommy" she says. "I'm so happy for you Grace. You know I have been best friends with your uncle Simon since I was five too. He was six but we were in the same class" I tell her. "Really" she asks. "Yep, now its past your bed time little princess. I will go have someone take your tiara and set it with mine and your daddies crowns" I tell her. "Okay mommy I love you" she says. "I love you too" I say back. I kiss her forehead and leave the room closing the door behind me.

Braxton is sitting on his bed still in his little tuxedo. I set the tiara down and help Braxton change into some pajamas. "Did you have fun" I ask him as I help him change his clothes. "Yes mommy. I got to play with other kids and I made friends" he says. "That's great Braxton. I'm proud of you for making friends. It can be hard. Lets go brush your teeth" I tell him. I help Braxton brush his teeth and then I put him in the bed. "I love you mommy" Braxton says. "I love you more" I say. "I love you 3,000" he says. "That's a lot, now go to sleep or I'll sell all of your toys" I joke. He giggles. "Goodnight my little prince, I will see you in the morning" I tell him. I kiss his little forehead and leave his room closing the door and turning out the light behind me. I find a servant boy and hand him Graces tiara and my crown. "Put these away safely where they belong. Take them nowhere else. Go straight there" I tell the servant boy. "Yes ma'am" he says. I don't want anything to happen to the crowns so I give the servants specific instructions when it comes to dealing with them.

I turn down the hallway and walk up to mine and Jaces room. Jace is already in here. I guess he gave someone his crown already. I change out of my dress and into one of Jaces t-shirts and a pair of sweatpants. I finish getting ready for bed then I sit on the bed and look at Jace. "Jace" I ask. "Hm" he hums and sits on the bed across from me. "Are we going to do the king and queen for a day thing again" I ask. "I want to, I thought it was fun and a good thing to do to get to know our people. Do you want to" he asks. "I do. What would we do about Grace and Braxton" I ask him. "The other one of us who is getting the day off can just take them with us to the manor house" he says. "Okay then" I say.

"Good, lie down" he says. I lie down and rest my head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat while he plays with my hair. "I'm glad my parents came" Jace says. "Me too, they were nice. Your mom was really pretty" I say. "Yeah, but you are really pretty too" he says. I giggle.

"Not that it is a competition or anything but Braxton said he loved me 3,000. You are probably in the 5 to 600s " I tell Jace. He laughs. "Did he now" I say. "Yes he did. Our youngest likes me more than you. Ha" I say. He chuckles. "Go to sleep love" Jace says. I close my eyes and fall asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.

Did you like the chapter?

What did you all think of Jordyn?

What did you think of Stephen, Celine, Will and Amatis coming to Grace and Braxton's party?

Did you like the dresses I picked out?

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