Home again

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Alice POV

I lie Zillah down for a nap and then I go back down to my bedroom and set my alarm for an hour and take a nap too

I wake up to my alarm clock going off. "Turn it off" I hear Jonathan groan. I turn it off and sit up in bed. "When did you get here," I ask as he sits up too. "About an hour and a half or so ago. I decided I would try and get some rest too before we leave" he says. I just nod my head. "What time is it," he asks. I look over at the alarm clock and see its 5:45. "It's 5:45," I tell him.

I get out of the bed and make up my side. "I am going to go get Zillah up," I tell him. He nods and I leave the bedroom and go upstairs. Zillah is standing up in her crib holding on to the sidebars. "Hi baby," I say and pick her up out of her crib. "Wet, mommy," she says. "Let's get you changed then, huh," I say and lie her down on her changing table. I change her diaper and go downstairs and into the kitchen. I get myself a banana, the last one, and start eating it. Zillah looks up at me and reaches for the banana. "Do you want some?" I ask. "Yes, pease," she says. I set her down in her high chair so she doesn't make a mess. I pinch off a few pieces off for her and set it down on the tray.

She eats the pieces of banana. When it comes to 6:15 Jonathan finds us in the kitchen. "We need to head on over now" he announces. "Is Ash back?" I ask. "Yeah, he got here a little while ago" he answers. "Okay, watch her and I will go get Scout ready," I tell him. I go outside and get scout all tacked up and tack up Chance while I am at it. I know it isn't possible for me to do Denali too so I just leave her alone and Ash can get her. I take Chance and Scout up to the front yard and tie them to the gate. I go inside and get my suitcase and a rope and tie the suitcase to the back of Scouts.  saddle. Jonathan comes out and I take Zillah from him. He does the same to Chance with his suitcase.

A few minutes late Ash comes with Denali. "How are you going to bring your bag ash," I ask. "Like this" ash says. He only has a duffle bag, unlike Jonathan and I. He takes a rope that is longer than the ones we used and ties it under her stomach and over her back and ties the duffle bag to her side. He gets on her back and Jonathan holds Zillah while I get up onto scout and I take her back. Jonathan goes inside to get the dogs and locks the house up and he gets onto Chance. We all head over to the castle.

We see Charlotte, Oliver, Christopher and one other servant named savannah come to the door with two suitcases and two small bags. The three of us drop our bags off at the door and take the horses around back. Ash puts Denali in her round pen. "Where should I put Chance," Jonathan asks. "Let's see if there are two open stables. If not, we can put them in one of the open pastures" I say. We go into the stables and look and thankfully there are two open stables. We both put them each in one and untack them. I write Scouts' name, owner, and feed instructions on the dry erase outside the stables and do the same to Chances stall.

We go outside and get Ash and go inside the castle. We find Clary, Jace, Braxton, and Grace saying goodbye to Jocelyn, Luke, and Carson in the dining room and say goodbye as well. "You guys have fun," Jocelyn says. "We will, thanks for taking care of the triplets for us," Jace says. "Anytime," Luke says. "Let me know if anyone around here gives you guys any trouble when we get back and I will take care of it. They all know what their assigned jobs and responsibilities are while we are gone" I tell Jocelyn and Luke. "I am sure it will be fine. Now you guys go, have fun in LA and Hawaii" Jocelyn says. We give one last hug and then go outside of the castle.

Jonathan takes mine and his suitcase since I am holding a sleeping zillah. She had fallen asleep sometime between the time we were putting the horses away and saying goodbye. I put the two leashes on Echo and Bear. Clary draws a portal and I go through first, then Jonathan, next Clary, then Grace, then Ash, then Braxton and Jace comes last. Echos tail wags recognizing he is back at his old home. I let him and bear go and Echo goes to the front door and barks. "You guys can just leave your bags here. I am going to go get a set of car keys and I will take you to the institute" I tell Clary and Jace. Clary nods and right as I start walking to the door Jeffrey opens the door. "Hey, Jeffrey," I say. "Hello, Mrs. Alice. It's good to see you again" I greet. "You too Mrs. Alice. Come in. Your mother is in the breakfast nook and unfortunately, your father has already left the house" he says. "That's alright. I'm not that surprised" I say to him. I turn around to Clary and Jace. "I will be right back and take you over to the institute," I tell them.

Jonathan and Ash follow me into the house. Ash looks around him. "Do you want to take Ash to the guest room across from ours? I will take Clary and Jace and the kids to the institute and I will be back" I ask Jonathan. "Sure," Jonathan says. "Do you want me to take Zillah?" Ash asks. "If you want to," I say and pass him Zillah and she holds onto him looking around her too.

I go over to the garage and my keys are missing. I go into the breakfast nook and see mom sitting at the small table drinking her coffee. "Alice. I missed you. I am so happy you are here for the weekend" she says giving me a hug. I hug her back. "I missed you too mom. Jonathan is showing Ash to the guest room over by mine" I tell her. "That's good," she says. "Where are my car keys? The convertible car keys are gone" I ask. "Oh, your father traded that car in and got a bigger one for you that can fit more people in it since it isn't just you now. It's that white 2018 Nissan rogue" mom informs me. I don't like that my dad traded in my convertible but I guess I can understand why he did it. At least I guess I do. "I am going to go take Clary and Jace to the place they are staying at and then I will be right back," I tell her. "Alright. Lucy isn't awake yet so no rush" she says.

I go back to the garage and get the car keys for my new Nissan rogue.

I pull it out of the garage and clary gets in the passenger side. Jace, Braxton, and Grace get in the back. I take them to the institute and I notice Emma Carstairs is waiting out front for them. She greets them and takes them inside.

I go back to my childhood home. Jonathan and Ash are getting settled in their rooms. "Momma," Zillah says. She puts her hands in the air for me to pick her up and I do. "I am going to take her down to go see my mom. You and Ash can come down when you are ready" I tell Jonathan.

I take Zillah downstairs and see my mom still at the breakfast nook table. "Hey mom," I say and sit down with her. "Hi, Alice. Hi Zillah. I missed you too little girl" mom says and waves at Zillah. She just looks at her. "Your father left to go play golf about an hour ago," mom says. "Oh okay then. I can't wait to see daddy again. I missed you all" I tell her. "We missed you too Alice. I am so happy I can see you again. Even if it is only for a few days" she says. "Me too momma," I say.

Lucy comes down in the room a little while later. She grins when she sees me and gives me a hug. "It's so good to see you," she says. "You to Lu," I say. "Did Ash come with you too?" she asks. "Yeah, and so did Echo and Bear," I say. "Yay! I missed them. Its been so long since I have seen Bear" she says. "I know, he is the same as he was when you met him but older," I say. "Where is Bear," Lucy asks. "Probably upstairs with Jonathan or Ash. I didn't see Echo when I got back home and went to get Zillah so he is around here somewhere" I answer.

"I wish your brother was able to come home. Then our whole family could be together again" mom says. "Yeah, that would be nice but I will take what I can get," I say. "Have you seen Peter lately?" Lucy asks. "Yeah, the last week of June he and Aubrey came and stayed with us," I tell her. "Good. I am glad at least one of us gets to see him sometimes" mom says. "I don't see Peter a lot but when I do he stays at our house if he ever comes to Idris. He usually only stays for a few days only at a time" I tell them.

Bear walks in. That must mean that Jonathan or Ash are close by. "Bear," Lucy says grinning at the dog. He sits beside me looking proud. Jonathan eventually comes in. "I just got off the phone with Clary. She says Grace and Braxton are taking a nap. She wants to do something while we are here that they would like. She was thinking of going to Disneyland tomorrow" he tells us. "They would love that. We could go with them. If you want to of course" I say. "Yeah, I guess so. It would be good to see Graces' first Disney trip. I will let Clary know to go ahead and buy everything" Jonathan says and leaves.

Bear stays with me though. "How is Clary by the way? Has she had her baby yet" mom asks. "She is good. She had triplets. They were born in February not long after Zillah's birthday" I tell her. "Oh, that's right. I forgot she was having triplets. Did the babies come too or just their other two" mom asks. "Just Grace and Braxton. Jocelyn and Luke are watching the triplets" I tell her. "Makes sense then," mom says.

"I want to go to Disneyland too. I've never been either" Lucy says. "I can text clary and tell her to get one extra for you to lucy," I say and get my phone out. I text clary letting her know to get one more ticket for Lucy since she wants to come to Disneyland too.

Jeffrey comes over to the table and refills Mom's coffee and brings Lucy over some Orange Juice. "Can I get you anything Mrs. Alice?" he asks. "I think I am alright for now, thank you Jefferey" I politely decline. He nods and leaves the room.

"Mom, can Clary, Jace, and their kids come over," Lucy asks. "I guess it is alright if they want to. Alice, do you want to let them know they can come over if they want to today? You guys can hang out and swim in the pool if you want to" mom says. "Yeah, I will text Jace now since clary hasn't returned my text about the Disneyland ticket," I say and text Jace letting him know if he and Clary want they are welcome to come by with Grace and Braxton and swim and hang out. He texts back a few minutes later and says he will talk to clary and let me know what they decide.

After mom and Lucy eat breakfast, we go into the living to talk and catch up since we haven't seen each other since Christmas. Jonathan eventually comes down and takes Zillah from me. "So how have things been over here," I ask. "They have been good. Your dad has been busy which is always good. But we are worried a bit. There have been robberies in our neighborhood the past week and we are worried we are next" mom says. "Its alright mom, we are here for the weekend and if they come this weekend we won't let them get anything. Bear can also protect this house too while we are gone if they don't come this weekend but this week while we are gone" I say. "I know you can. The Police have not been able to catch whoever is robbing all the houses. Whoever it is, gets what they came for and gets out before the cops are able to get to the house" she says. "Don't you have a security system for the house?" I ask. "We do. The problem is that when whoever is robbing houses comes to a house they are able to disable the houses alarm system before getting in the house" she says. "That's tough then. We've got you protected mom, for right now at least" I tell her. I wish there was some way else we could possibly help but I don't know what we can do. "I know Alice, and I am glad you three are here for the weekend, not only to protect us but so we can see you again. I miss you all, its been too long" mom says. I smile at her and say "I miss you too mom."

My phone dings letting me know someone has texted me. I look at it and see Jace texted me back. It says 'When Grace and Braxton wake up we will come over, text your address again just in case.' I text him back our address and look up at the others in the room. "Jace said he, Clary, and the kids are going to come over after they wake up," I say to no one in particular. "Yay! I haven't seen them in forever. I know I saw Clary a few weeks ago along with Ash but not Jace or those two cute kids we met at Christmas" Lucy exclaims. "When did you see Clary and Ash," I ask. "When I was at New York City with Harper and aunt Clary earlier this month," Ash says walking in.

"Who is harper" mom asks. "My girlfriend," Ash says sitting down. "Girlfriend? When did you get a girlfriend" mom asks? "Umm... late June" Ash says having to think how long he has been in a relationship with Harper. "She is so cute mom, you would love her if you ever get to meet her. She seems so innocent too" Lucy gushes. "She is," ash says. "Which? Cute or innocent" Jonathan asks. "Both" ash says. "That's cute," mom says.

I talk to my mom and sister and we all catch up. "Oh, I forgot to show you. I got a little float for Zillah if you want to take her into the pool later" mom says. "I don't have a swimsuit for her," I say. "I got her one. I had a feeling when you came over you would want to use the pool and since you would have her with you would want to bring her in the water too" mom says. "I think she would like that wouldn't you Zil," Jonathan says. She giggles.

The doorbell rings. We all just look at the door. "Oh please, let me get it this time," Jeffrey says stretching out the word me. He gets to the front door and lets Clary, Jace, Braxton, and Grace inside. "Wow," Braxton says as he looks around him. I laugh and get up. "Come on Braxton, I can show you around if you want," I say to him. "Yes please," he says.

I take his hand and lead him around the house. "Is this where you grew up when you were little like me?" he asks. "It sure is," I say. "It is so cool here. So big" he says. "Thanks, I guess it is pretty big. You haven't even seen the pool yet" I say. "There is a pool," he asks amazed with big eyes. "Yeah, wanna swim," I ask. He nods quickly. "Let us go get your swimsuit and I will show you where you can change and then we can swim," I tell him. "Okay," he says. We get his swimsuit from Clary and I take him up to a guest bedroom he can change in. I get changed into one of my swimsuits. I find Braxton and show him down to the indoor pool. "Can I jump in or what?" he asks. "Go for it little man," I say. He does a cannonball in the pool and I jump in after him. We play in the pool and eventually, Jonathan, Jace, Ash, Zillah, Clary, lucy, and Grace come in too and join us.

We all play in the pool and Jeffrey eventually brings lunch to the room and sets it on a small table. "For whenever you're ready," he says and leaves the room. We play and swim for a little longer then get out and eat the sandwiches Jeffrey made all of us. "This is good," Jace says. "Yeah, If only you are here for dinner. That's when his food is even better" I say. "I still can't believe you grew up here," Clary says. "Yeah," me and Lucy say at the same time. "It was fun. Getting to go to the beach all the time" I say. "Yeah, we would play there almost every day after school" Lucy agrees. "What is a beach," Ash asks. "What? You've never been to a beach" Lucy pretty much yells shocked. "No, should I have," ash asks. "Probably. We've got to get you to the beach like now. It's across the street" Lucy says. "Um, okay, but can I finish eating first," Ash asks. "If you must," Lucy says. "Grace and Braxton haven't seen a beach either. This is going to be their first time too" I say. "You two will love it, I promise," Jace tells them. "What is a beach," Braxton asks. "Its where the ocean meets sand and it makes this noise too because these waves hit the shore. You both will like it I think" I tell him. "Sand," he asks. "You will see. It will feel weird when you walk on it at first but I think you will like sand too" I tell him. "Okay," he says. After we all have lunch I put a cover-up over my clothes and I grab a paddleboard and we walk to the beach which is across the street. Since my hands are full Jonathan is holding Zillah.

I take the paddleboard over towards the water and set it in the sand. I go back over and Braxton and Grace see the sand and ocean and are skeptical at first and Grace is the first one to take her flip flops off and step into the sand. I turn to watch them. "It tickles" she giggles. "I told you it will feel weird at first," I say. She walks further and runs up to catch up to Jace and the others minus Ash and Braxton. I grab her flip flops and the three of us walk into the sand and over to the water.

Ash stops and looks around. "So this is a beach," he asks. "Yeah" I confirm. "What is that thing you brought here," he asks. "Oh, it's my paddleboard. You wanna try it out" I ask. "I guess, I don't know how though," he says. "I can teach you. Or if you want I can take you on it and show you first, if you want" I say giving him either choice. "I'll take the second option first," he says. "Alright," I say and we go over to where I planted the paddleboard in the sand.

I pull the paddleboard out and set it in the lukewarm ocean water and I sit on it. "Come here ash," I say. He walks forward but doesn't get in the water. "You have to get in the water to get on the board," I say. He looks skeptical at the water and looks back at me. "But what about the sharks ant things in the water? What if they eat me" he asks. "Ash, sharks and big animals that could possibly eat you can't get to water this shallow, now step out and get in the ocean like the rest of us. Even Grace and Braxton are in" I say. He sighs and gets in the water after seeing Grace and Braxton swimming in the ocean. "See its not that bad. Now just sit on the board right in front of me" I tell him. He gets on the board.

I use the paddle and paddle us forward and we start moving. I make sure to stay in the shallow area of the ocean near the sand but not too close. I stand up and paddle us out. "What do you think," I ask. "It's alright, not a lot of work it seems," he says. "Not really. You have to have good balance. I learned how to paddleboard in 9th Grade. I was 15. My boyfriend taught me" I tell him. "Boyfriend," Ash asks. "Yeah, believe it or not, I did have a boyfriend before Johnathan. Didn't last long though" I say. "Oh, I see," he says. I roll my eyes and paddle little ways over and sit down and turn us around to head back to the others. "You wanna try" I offer. "Sure," he says. I get off the board and let him scoot back to where I was and then I get on and sit in front where he was previously. "What do I do," he asks. "Well, you stand up, put one end of the paddle in the water and row, and swap sides hitting in the water each time you paddle to move us forward. Just be thankful the tide isn't strong. If it was it would be hard to do" I tell him. He stands up and starts paddling as I told him. "You know I used to do this all the time after school or in the morning before school. It was relaxing. It really gave me time to think when I needed it" I say. "I can see how. We ought to get one of these boards for back home. I'm sure the lake would work just fine with a paddleboard" he says. "It would," I say. I leave it at that. He paddles us back to the others.

When we get back He decides he is done too with it so I put the board and paddle and put them on the sand where the ocean can't wash it away if it gets to them. We both swim and play in the ocean and Lucy tans a little and we sit on towels to dry off and hang out. "This has been nice," clary says. "Yeah" Jonathan agrees.

Zillah looks curiously at the sand below us. Jonathan sets her down in the sand. Her eyes suddenly get big. She picks up some sand. "Whoa," she says looking at us. "You like sand Zillah," I ask smiling. She squeals. She plays in the sand getting it all over her.

Grace and Braxton play in the sand and when it gets around 5:00 here we get the towels and I get my paddleboard and we start heading back to the house. "Can you drive us back to the institute? Emma dropped us off" Clary asks. "Sure, go get your stuff and I will put my paddleboard away. You guys can meet me out front" I tell them. I put my paddleboard away and change into my clothes and go get my car and pull into the driveway.

Clary, Jace, and the kids get into the car. I start driving towards the institute. Clary's phone goes off and she looks at it. "We are in. We are going tomorrow. I got 8 tickets" Clary says. "Where momma," Grace asks. "We are going to Disneyland tomorrow," Clary says. Grace screams. "No way! I can't wait" Grace squeals. "Wow" I hear Jace say. "I didn't know this was the reaction we would get out of her" Clary says. "Me neither, I guess she's excited," I say. "I think so," Clary says. "I will go get the passes later tonight," Clary says.

We pull up at the institute. Jace, Braxton, and Grace go inside. Clary is left getting towels and things out of the car. "Text me what time you want us to meet you tomorrow at Disneyland," I say. "Will do, thanks for showing us your beach," Clary says. "No problem. It was fun" I say. "It was," she says and goes inside.

I back out and head back to my childhood home. I go inside the house to see the dogs playing in the foyer. Bear still plays even though he is 9 years old. I think its good for him. "There you are. I was starting to think you were never coming home" I hear a familiar voice say. "Daddy," I say and run up and hug him. "I missed you, Alice," he says. "I missed you too daddy," I say back.

I look around and the dogs have disappeared. "Where did Bear and Echo go," I ask no one "I don't know," dad says. "Go get ready for dinner. Jeffrey is making Lemon chicken with green beans and mashed potatoes" he says. "That sounds good. I will be back down soon daddy" I say. I give him one last hug and go upstairs.

I see Jonathan and Zillah back in our room. Jonathan has changed from his swim trunks and into some normal clothes. "Hey," I say. "Hey darlin," he says. "Mama," Zillah says and puts her arms up and I pick her up. "Hi baby," I say to her smiling. I sit down on the sofa in my bedroom.

"So Grace is very excited about Disneyland," I tell him. "So clary told her huh," he asks. "Yeah, she was so excited. I've never seen her so excited" I say. "Good, I'm glad she's so happy," he says. "Me too," I say. "Hungee, momma," Zillah says. "Alright, let's get some food shall we," I ask. "Yes, pease," she says. I stand up. "You coming, " I ask Jonathan. "Yeah, I will be down in just a minute, I am going to get Ash and we will meet you down," he says. "Okay," I say, and leave the bedroom.

I go downstairs and to the dining room. I set Zillah in the high chair that I guess mom had bought for her when she comes. Lucy comes down next along and Jeffrey sets the table. The rest of my family soon comes after.

"How was golf daddy," I ask. "It was good. The best I have played in a while" he says. "What did you shoot," he asks. "I shot 72. I would have gotten a 71 but I missed the last hole for par to get a 71" he says. "That's good," I say. I have no idea what he is saying but I just go along with it.

"So how have you four been? We haven't seen you since Christmas though it feels longer" mom asks directing it at Jonathan, Ash, Zillah, and I. "Good, I have been busy trying to teach clary my work since while I am at school she will be doing what I do" I say. "How is that going," mom asks. "She seems to be catching on good. It will take her a while to get used to everything but she can do it" I say. "What about you two," Dad asks Jonathan and Ash. "Good. Not a whole lot going on with us" Jonathan says. "I don't believe it. I am sure Ash has at least been busy" Lucy says teasingly. "I guess so. I go to Harpers all the time and hang out" Ash says. "And who is Harper" Dad asks. "Ashes girlyfriend" Lucy teases. I make my plate, "Oh leave him along, Lucy" I say.

I put some green beans and mashed potatoes on Zillahs tray. She starts feeding herself. We all eat and talk and after we move to the living room. Dad pours me, mom, Jonathan, and himself some wine. We made sure to tell Ash of mundanes and their laws that until you are 21  you can't drink alcohol. At least that's how it is here in America. Ash looks at the wine and looks disappointed. He is used to being able to have some sometimes back home. "Oh fine," I say and pour him a glass. "What are you doing? He is only 16" dad asks. "Shadowhunter are allowed to start drinking at age 15. It's legal in Idris at least" I say. "What age did you start Ash" dad asks. "Well, I didn't get alcohol until 15 but I started drinking Faerie drinks that tend to be quite strong if mixed right at age 12," Ash says. "Ooh, what are Faerie drinks," Lucy asks. "Nothing you can get Lu. They can be dangerous to humans" I say. "Well, then how come Ash can have them," she asks. "I'm part faerie. They don't affect me as they do for humans. Well, not exactly. If they are mixed strong enough it is possible I can start to get a bit drunk if I have about 3 silver dusts and I start feeling something like people normally would if they drank more than one glass of alcohol" Ash says. "I want one," Lucy says. "No, you don't. Trust me. It can make mundanes do weird things. Don't do it Lucy" Ash says. "Fine," she says and pouts.

"So, mom, do you want to take Zillah for the day again tomorrow while all of us are at Disneyland," I ask. "Disneyland," she asks. "Yeah, Clary had the idea to take Grace and Braxton to Disney for the first time and since it is not far from here she figured she and Jace could take them tomorrow and we are going with them but Zillah can't really ride the rides at Disneyland. Do you want to keep her tomorrow while we are gone" I ask my parents? "We would love too. I don't think we have had time with just her before. Or at least not in a while" Dad says. "Well, now you will," I say. I look down and see Zillah playing on the floor with her monster toy that mom got for her.

"Grace is so excited when she found out we are going tomorrow. Lucy, You have a ticket too. Clary is picking up the tickets tonight for the 8 of us" I say. "I'm excited to get to go too. I have never been either" Lucy says.

We all talk and catch up some more and then we decide to go to bed, well at least Jonathan, Ash and I do since we have been up for two days pretty much. As I am getting ready to wash my face after getting in my pajamas I get a text from Clary. It says. 'I think we are going to go to Disney around 9:45. Emma agreed to drop us off at Disneyland. We will need to be brought back afterward though. So if you and Lucy can drive separate that would be great. Of course, we could take a cab or an uber back if we need to. Grace has been talking nonstop about this Disney trip. I picked up the tickets and can give them to you four tomorrow when we meet up at the park. See you tomorrow.' I text back, 'Alright, sounds good to me. I will tell the others. See you tomorrow.'

I wash my face then go knock on Lucys' door. She opens it looking like she was getting ready for bed too. Her hair is pulled back like she was going to wash her face too. "Can we drive separate tomorrow?" I ask. "Why? You don't want to ride with me" she teases. "I do, but Clary says they are getting dropped off tomorrow so they will need to be brought back to the institute. I don't think my car has enough room for 8 people" I explain. "Oh, that's okay then I guess. I don't mind driving separate" she says. "Thanks, Lu. Clary says they are going to arrive there around 9:45" I tell her. "Okay, I will set my alarm," she says. "Alright, goodnight," I say. "Goodnight Alice," she says and closes her door.

I go and tell Ash we will be leaving for Disneyland around 9:15ish. Disneyland is 30 minutes away from here. He is fine with getting up earlier than usual and I see bear go into his room. I guess bear will be sleeping with Ash tonight. I go back into my room and get into the bed and Jonathan joins me a little later after taking care of Zillah and putting her to bed. "So, we need to get up a little earlier since Clary wants us all to meet at Disneyland at 9:45ish tomorrow. Lucy and Ash both know" I tell him. "That's fine," he says. "They probably want to spend as much time as they can at the parks," I say. "Yeah, probably. They probably want to keep Grace and Braxton as busy but happy as possible" he says. "Yeah, probably" I agree.

I cover myself with the sheets and blankets. "Goodnight," I say and yawn. "Goodnight," he says and kisses my forehead and I fall asleep.

Clary POV

I sit on the barstool in the kitchen with Emma while eating some Strawberries. "So, how have things been out here," I ask. "They have been good. Not a whole lot going on" she says. "That's good. Has ty and dru been staying out of trouble" I ask? "Of course not. You know that. But thank the angel they have Julian here to keep things under control" she says. I laugh. "Believe me, I understand what you mean," I say.

Grace runs down and runs around the room and Braxton and tavvy come running shortly after her. "Grace Anneliese and Braxton James Herondale come back in here right now" I command. "Ow," I hear Grace say and a few minutes later the two of them come walking in. "What did I tell you about running," I ask. "Don't do it inside" Braxton says. "That's right. Now it's getting late. You need to get ready for bed. Grace, Braxton, go and take a bath or shower. I will be up in an hour to tuck you two in" I tell them. "Yes momma," Braxton says and leaves the room. "I don't want to" Grace whines.  "Grace, go to the room now and take a bath," I say more sternly. "No," she says. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Emma watching looking amused. I didn't want to use this to get her to do something but she leaves me no choice. "Do you want me to tell your aunt Alice?" I ask. Her eyes get big. "No, no, anything but that. I will go up to the room right now and shower. Bye" she says and speed walks out of the room.

"What was that all about," Emma asks. "Grace and Braxton are more scared of Alice tan they are of me or Jace. I didn't want to bring tattling on them to her but she gave me no choice" I say. "Wow. Who would have guessed that Grace and Braxton would be more scared of their aunt than their ow parents" she says. "I don't know how it all happened but they are," I say. She laughs.

We talk some more and hang out for another hour and then I decide to head up to tuck Grace and Braxton in the bed. Braxton is brushing his teeth and already in his rocket ship pajamas. When he gets done brushing his teeth I tell him, "Get in the bed, my little prince." He gets in the full-sized bed. I pull the comforter over him. "Goodnight little boy. I will wake you up bright and early so you have time to get ready and eat before we go to Disneyland" I tell him. "Okay. Goodnight momma. I love you" he says. I hiss his forehead. "I love you too Braxton," I say. I turn the light out and leave the room.

I go to the room Grace is staying in. She is getting her pajamas on. "Did you already brush your teeth?" I ask her. "Yes, momma," she says. "Good. Now get in the bed" I tell her. She does as I tell her. "We have a busy day ahead of us tomorrow, you know that," I say. "I know and I can't wait," she says. "I know you can't," I say. "Do you think I will get to see mickey mouse?" she asks. "I am sure you will. Now get some sleep" I say. I kiss her head and go to the door. "Momma," she asks. "Yes, Grace," I ask. "I love you," she says. "I love you too Grace," I say back. I turn the lights out and close the door.

I go on to the bedroom Jace and I are staying at. The lights are off so I turn them on. Jace is asleep. His wings are out "Turn the lights off" he groans. "You know if any of the blackthorns were to come in not knowing you had gone on to bed they would be able to know of your secret. The secret being you have wings" I say, "I don't care. I want to sleep" he says. I turn the lights off and go and grab a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt and go into the bathroom. I change and get ready for bed. I finally get in the bed and I feel one of his wings automatically covers me. The comfort and softness of his feathers make me fall asleep.

This chapter is 6,545 words long.

How did you all like the chapter?

What do you think of them going to Disneyland?

I've never been to Disneyland but I've been to Disney world. So sorry if things don't add exactly up in that chapter.

What was your favorite part? Mine was when Grace and Braxton experiences the beach for the first time.

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