I hate the flu

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I wake up at four in the morning and go to the bathroom and puke. Jace was gone when I woke up. I walk back to my bed and see the mug gone as well. I am dizzy. I absolutely hate the flu. I get out of my bedroom. The lights are all off. I walk into the kitchen. I grab a Gatorade out of the fridge and some crackers out of the pantry. I start walking to my bedroom.

I hear footsteps coming down the steps. Oh by the angel. I am so dead if he sees me awake. He walks down the stairs shirtless and says "Why are you awake? It is 4 am. I heard you awake." "I'm awake because I got sick again and I need some crackers and Gatorade. I was trying not to wake you up. Apparently you have ears like a bat though." "Yes I do. Especially when it comes to you," I start to lean because I am dizzier. "I will help you get in the bed. You need to change into something else." He grabs my arm and walks me to my room. He tosses me a soft pajama tank top and some soft shorts. He helps me in the bed. "You good?" He asks me and I say "I think so" I say and eat the crackers. "I will stay with you until you fall back asleep" he says. I drink some Gatorade and eat all of my crackers. He turns into the German shepherd. He lies next to me on the bed. I look at him and see a quick glint of gold in his eyes and it disappears. I lie down and fall asleep.

I wake up at 9:00. I see the dog curled up asleep next to me. I smile. I thought he was going to wait till I fell asleep then go back to his room. Oh well. This is better, even if he is a dog. I lie here feeling to sick to do anything. He opens his eyes and yawns. "Hey" I say. He comes closer to me. I put my arm around him. I hold him close. He yawns again and I say "you can go back to sleep. It's okay, I don't care." He does.

I grab my phone and look at it. My mom texted me last night. 'Hey clary. Jace told us about the note. Is he there with you?' I text back and say 'yeah. He is.' 'How are you liking living by yourself?' 'I like it. It's quiet though.' 'Yeah, I bet. Y'all aren't sleeping in the same room are you?' Of course she would ask this. I look at dog jace curled up in a ball asleep on the bed. 'No. He is staying in the guest bedroom up stairs.' 'Okay good. How are you doing?' I mean technically Jace is not sleeping with me that way. I guess she doesn't know I have the flu. 'I have the flu.' 'What?! Do I need to come take care of you?' 'No mom. I'm alright. Jace is helping me.' 'I'm going to come over. You need me over there more. I will be over in an hour and a half.' 'No mom really it's okay. I don't want to get you sick.' 'I will be fine I will be there soon.'

I whisper yell "jace!" He lifts his doggy head up and yawns. "My mom just texted me. She knows I have the flu. She is coming. She will be here in an hour and a half" I say and his dog eyes get big. "I'm sorry to wake you up. She does not know you can change into an animal. You need to change back and act like you have been helping take care of me. I know you have and I thank you so much for that. Your the best person in the world. I love you" I say and kiss his fuzzy little dog head. He stand up and walks out of the room. He walks back in, this time as himself, and asks "you told her you were sick?" I nod. He sighs and continues "fine. What do you want for breakfast? How are you feeling this morning, any better?" "Not really. I don't care, just make me something." "I'm sorry. I will be right back with your breakfast." I nod and turn on the tv.

He comes in with yogurt and oatmeal. He leaves and comes back with water. "You need something other than Gatorade to drink." I nod my head and start eating. He tells me he is going to go change and for me not to leave the bed because he will just drag me back. I do as I am told. I eat all the yogurt. I hear a knock on the front door. I know it is my mom. I stay in the bed. Only because I don't want jace to drag me back in here. I know good and well he will do it too. I sit here and watch arrow. I hear mom and jace talking to each other.

My mom walk in and says "hey baby. How are you feeling?" "Hey mom. Not much better than last night. I only got sick once which is better." "I'm sorry baby. What have you eaten today?" "I just ate some yogurt." "Have you had any fluids?" "Yeah water with breakfast and Gatorade after I got sick." "Good I'm glad." She feels my forehead and says "you have a fever." "Yeah I know. I've been drinking as much as I can to try and keep it down." "Well good. I'm glad. I'm going to be in the kitchen. Call for me if you need anything." I nod my head. She walks out. I grab the oatmeal off the nightstand and I eat some of it. It's pretty good. I watch the rest of the episode.
I fall asleep with the tv on. I don't know how long I've been asleep when I wake up. The breakfast bowl is gone and the empty water cup   The tv is off as well.

Jace walks in and smiles. "Hey beautiful." "In really not right now." "Yes you are. You always are." This time I'm the one smiling. He walks over and feels my touches my cheek. "Clary. Your burning up." "I know" I say. "You know?!" I can tell he's mad that I didn't tell him I have a fever. "I'm going to get you something to drink and eat out of the kitchen." He walks over towards the door and turns on the fan. He leaves the room.

How in the Angels name am I supposed to tell him I have a fever? He's done so much for me already. I don't want to put more work and worry on him. In he hallway I hear Jace and mom talking.

"It's been three days. Shouldn't i call for a silent brother or someone?" I hear Jace say. "No," my mom says "She had the flu once as a kid. This was long before she found out she had shadowhunter blood. It takes time but she will get better. If she doesn't get any better in at least 2-3 days you can call for Magnus." He sighs and says "fine, 2 days. ...... here give her this. I'm done for right now." "What do you mean your done?Your not leaving her are you?" "No I'm not leaving her. I promised her I would stay with here, and I will. I keep my promises. She didn't tell me she had a fever." "Well what do you expect her to say 'hey jace I have a fever?' She's sick jace. She needs someone who actually cares about her right now to take care of her. I know she she is doing her best to feel better but with a sickness like this, it's like the virus takes over. You feel like crap and you just need someone or something to take care of you. I know you haven't ever had this before because you are a shadowhunter, she is one too but she still gets sick since she hasn't been one all of her life like you have. I will take this to her. But please stay, for her."

I wait lying on my back in bed. My mom walks in and hands me the Gatorade and yogurt. "Here honey. You need to eat and drink something for dinner. I have to leave and go home. Call me if you need me. Do you need anything else?" "Okay. Thanks mom. I think I'm okay for right now. You can turn the fan off I don't need it." "Okay. Love you clary." "Love you too mom." She smiles at me and turns the switch and walks out.

I lie here and just think. I don't want jace to leave. He is the best thing I have right now with me. I need someone. I can't do this all by myself, healing I mean. I feel bad. He probably doesn't want to stay here right now, but he feels like he has to. I don't want to put more work or stress on him. I know he is worried because not only am I sick but I am also being hunted down by one of Sebastian's psycho followers.

I sit up and take the remote and turn the tv back on. I eat the yogurt. I see it is 5:00. I must have slept a long time. I missed lunch. I walk over to the tv and put the first transformers movie in. I go back to my bed and press play before laying back down.

I see Jace leaning against the door. "Why didn't you tell me you had a fever and probably felt worse?" I pause the movie so I can say something back. "Well, a fever sometimes comes with the flu. I didn't want to put more on you. You don't have to stay with me you know. I know you made a promise to protect me because of the note. You don't have to stay all the time. I don't want you to feel trapped in this house and like you have to take care of me every minute." He walks over to me and sits on the bed. I sit up some more. "Clary, I'm staying. I'm not going anywhere. I need you to get better. I care about you too much. I promised myself five years ago when I died that if I got to come back to you I would never ever leave you again. I missed you and needed you. I still remember everything. I missed seeing your beautiful smile. I know I don't have to stay. I will though. I love you too much clary to ever leave you again. I'm staying. Don't worry about me." I'm speechless. Every word of that is just so perfect I can't top it. I lean up and hug him. "I love you. Thank you for staying" I say with me arms still wrapped around him. I can't explain everything else that is going on in me right now, in words, inside my head. That's all I can say. We let go and he smiles. "You can come sit with me and we can watch the movie. Please just be careful. I don't want to get you sick." He smiles again and changes into a dog since they can't get the flu as far as I know. This time he is a Doberman. I wonder why he keeps changing breeds? He curls up next to me.

I wrap my arm around him and hit play on the movie. I get a text 20 minutes later. I pick it up and see it's from Tessa. It says 'hey clary. I just wanted to let you know the baby is due in 4 months. It goes by a little faster for me than most since I am immortal. At least this time it is going by faster. We still have not chosen a name yet. A silent brother has told me I now only have four months.' I text back and say 'aww I'm so happy. I can't wait to see the baby. You better hurry up with the name because you only have four months.' I set my phone down and keep watching the movie.

The movie ends and jace leans his head up against my arm and looks up at me. I can see the love in his big brown dog eyes. "I love having you take care of me. I really do. I know I can be a little demanding and in a bad mood some times when I am sick. I love you. Your the best person in the world."

He keeps looking at me with love. I drink the Gatorade on my nightstand. I feel my fever change. Up or down I'm not sure yet. I set the Gatorade bottle down and grab my phone to check the time and see if anyone has called or texted me or something. I see it is now 9:00. No body as texted me. I turn my head and look at jace. He is still looking at me. "You can sleep in here if you want. I don't care. You can go back upstairs too. I will be fine. I'm tired." I yawn and say "goodnight jace." I lie my head down. I look at him and smile. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

I stay asleep all through the night and wake up at 8:30. He is not here.

I hear his phone ring in the hallway and he says "hello?" "What! What did it say?!" "This is bad. Well what does everyone else think we should all do?" "I'm not leaving her! I'm staying here and watching over her." "I don't care that Maryse told the clave and they think we should do what the person asks to not start a war again. The clave has the intelligence of a pineapple!" "No Isabelle we are not going anywhere." "Well at least here they wouldn't think she would be way out here away from the institute." "Pass the phone to Alec, NOW ISABELLE!" "Alec, what do you think we should do?" "No! I told Isabelle and I will tell you too, we are not leaving here. They won't think to look here." "Because Alec the clave is stupid and doesn't think things through." "I don't care."

He walks down the hall past my room. He sees I am awake. He walks past my room and says "I will call you back later." He comes in my room and says "did I wake you up?" "No. I woke up before the call. What happened?" He rolls his eyes and says "the institute got another note from whoever sent the first one. It wants us to turn you in and he will have some mercy on us but not much. It also said he is going to finish what the magister started and improve his plan. Whatever that means. I won't let them turn you in. The clave wants us to but it's not happening." I sit up and say "what if they find me here?" "Listen, I'm not letting that happen. Ever, you hear me? Nobody is going to get you." He walks over next to me.

He sits on the bed next to me and feels for my temperature. "You still feel really hot." Oh well I guess it didn't go down after all. He blows on my face. It feels like wind. It feels so good. I close my eyes and smile. I take it all in. "That feels so good" I tell him. He does it again. This is a nice feeling. I look at him. We both smile at each other. "You hungry?" He asks me and I nod my head. "I will go make you something. You think you should try something solid or no?" "Maybe something small but I still need my usual type breakfast." He nods and smiles. He comes back with a plate of yogurt, strawberries, and oatmeal."Thank you. You're the best." "I know. Im going to leave for a few minutes. Are you going to be okay till I get back?" "Yeah. I will be fine. I'm not going anywhere. I love you." "Good. I love you too."

He turns and walks out of my room. I turn the tv on and start eating and watching tv. I eat for a little bit then I hear the door open and close. I guess he is leaving. I set the plate aside and go to the living room. I am still dizzy. I look through the bookshelf in here for a certain book. Found it, a shadowhunter history. I take the book and walk back to my room. I sit on the bed and open the book. I know I have heard of the magister from somewhere before.

I flip through the table of contents for the ms. I find magister. I flip to that page. It says the magister is a human being that was raised by two warlocks. The magister was building an army of mechanical creatures to conquer and destroy the nephilim. He was killed my none other than Tessa gray. That is all it says about the magister. Then it moves to something else. Hm... Tessa? This could be bad. I should call Alec first. He might know more about he magister and then I will call Tessa.

I look for Alec's number. "Hello" I hear his tired voice say. "Alec. I know you were not asleep. You were talking to jace earlier." "I was not asleep but I am very tired. We have all been worried about you. We want to keep you safe. You don't sound so good. Are you feeling ok?" "No I have the flu. I know you haven't had it before since you have always been a shadowhunter. It's awful. I called to ask you about the magister." "Well what about him?" "Your smart. I need to know about him. If this new note means something bad." "The magister was a human man. His name was axel mortmain. He was raised by two warlocks. Once they were killed he wanted revenge. He started raising an army of mechanical creatures to destroy the shadowhunters and wipe them all out. He hunted Tessa down and kidnapped her. He used her and almost completed his army. She killed him before he could though." "This is really bad. If this guy is improving his plan this could be so much worse than it was years ago. And if he is adding Sebastian's plan to it this could be worse. Worse than anything we have ever faced." "Now that you put it that way you are right. I need to talk to jace. Where is he?" "He left the house to go get something." "He left you? I'm going to kill him." "Alec I'm fine. I promise. Wait... did you just say I was right?" "Yeah but don't get used to it. Don't go anywhere. I am going to call jace and we are going to figure this whole thing out." "Okay bye Alec." "Bye clary."

He hangs up. This is going to be really bad. I grab my plate and finish the food and watch tv. Being stuck and sick in bed is no fun. I hate the flu. I finish the food. I set it on the floor. I watch some more tv till I get really bored. I look through random pins on Pinterest for about an hour. Where did jace go? It's a good thing I have him under find my iPhone. I look to see where he is and I see he is at the institute. Oh well nothing I can do now. He is probably talking to Alec and Isabelle.
I close my eyes and fall asleep. I wake up 2 hours later. I look at my phone to see if he is back and he is still at the institute. Ugh. What do I do now?

I get out of the bed and stumble into the living room to put the history book back and grab another book. I'm not much of a reader but I don't have much of a choice right now. Being sick and stuck in bed doesn't give you many options. I grab partials by Dan wells. I have never read it but I was given this book years ago, by who I can't remember. I bring it back to my bedroom. I sit on the bed and start reading. I get a call once I get to chapter 2. It is Isabelle. "Hey Isabelle" I say trying to sound better but it doesn't work. "Clary you sound awful." "Thanks I haven't noticed." "Alec said you were sick with the flu. I'm sorry. Jace is here. The clave came to talk about the second note. I snuck out of the room to call you." "Thanks Isabelle." "Yeah. Jace is not really happy with the clave and what they want us to do. Did he tell you what they want us to do " "yeah. They want you to do what that the person asks and turn me in on order to avoid another war." I feel nauseous again. I thought this was over. "Yeah but we —" "izzy stay on he phone please. I will be right back" I say and run to the bathroom. I throw up all of my breakfast. Great, just great. I walk over to by bed and lay down and say "what were you saying?" "Just that we are not going to let that happen. Jace is so mad. He has been arguing with them. What happened when you left?" "In sure he is. I lost my breakfast if you know what I'm talking about." "Oh man. That sucks. You want me to get Jace and tell him?" "No I'm fine. I will tell him when he gets back. Guess that means no more solid foods for me." "Aww poor little clary. I'm sorry your so miserable. Oh hold on jace is walking out. He looks aggravated."

"Clary?" I hear jaces voice say. "Hey. What happened with the clave and everything?" "They still won't budge. They want us to give you up. They don't want to start a war. Tessa was even brought into this. They both came. This is going to be a huge war clare. Your mom and Luke are here too." "I know it is. I found out who the magister was and what he was doing. If he is possibly improving the magisters plan this could drag Tessa into this. Alec said the magister kidnapped her years ago and used her. If this means what I think it does, Tessa could be in danger as well as me. We are both weapons and dangerous in the wrong hands." "I know. You make a good point. We will figure this out. You alright clary?" "Yeah I'm fine" I lie. "I will see you when you get back." "Okay" I say. "Okay bye clary" he says and hangs up.

Wait does he have a key? I'm sure he can use his stele to get in if he doesn't. Oh god! What if Tessa gets taken again and this time something bad happens to her since the magisters plan is now involved, and the worst thing is she is having a baby. I know jem won't let anything get to her. I suddenly start seeing a pink elephant, butterflies, and two demons come in my room. I start having hot flashes. The two daemons walk over to me and sting me with their long tentacles and I feel the venom start coursing through my veins. I know the elephant and butterflies aren't real but I feel the venom. I feel my fever go way up. I feel my body stiffen like I am paralyzed or something. I can't move. I fall asleep.

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