I need you

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Clary POV
I wake up. Please let that have been a dream. I look down. My necklace is gone. Apparently so is my shirt. I'm chained to this awful wall in just a bra and shorts. I am sweating. My stomach starts growling. It doesn't help that I lost my breakfast yesterday. I feel a sharp pain in my left wrist. It must be broken. The door opens and Ashton walks back in. "Good morning clary. I brought you breakfast." In his hands is a cup of blueberry yogurt. He takes a spoon and shoves the yogurt in my mouth. She yogurt tastes so good especially when your stomachs as been empty for about a whole day.

He gives me the last of the food and says "now, are you going to cooperate or am I going to have to teach you some more?" "I'm not doing anything for you ever" I spat. "Fine suit yourself" he says. He lifts his leg and smashes both of my wrists. I scream out in pain. The pain is so sharp and hard. "I will be back" he says and leaves he room. I lover my head and look down at my feet. My stomach is bruised and my leg is still cut along with my foot. I don't want to die but I'm not afraid to.

I miss Jace so much. At least if I had my necklace on I would feel like I had a piece of him with me.

Jace POV

I am sitting in a big green field. I look beside me and see clary. She is looking at me smiling with that beautiful smile and her beautiful green eyes. "I miss you so much" she says. She leans up to me and kisses me. "I miss you too" I say. She has the necklace I gave her on. "You look beautiful" I say. She has a long sparkly green dress on. She smiles. "Please come find me" she says. "We've all been looking." She smiles a sad smile then vanishes into thin air.
I sit up awake. I can still hear her voice. Where are you clary? I feel so lost without her. I look at the picture on my dresser of the two of us. We are both so happy in the picture. I get out of the bed and get dressed. I walk down to the kitchen and find an apple. I eat it quickly. I look through the drawers for a piece of paper. I write 'I left to find clary. I am not coming back till I have her. I am not sure how long that will be. Protect Tessa and don't give her up. I will be back with clary -jace'. I leave the note on the kitchen counter.

I walk to the weapons room. I grab 2 seraph blades, and 5 daggers and put them in my weapons belt. It is still dark outside. I grab my phone and see it is 6:20. I put my phone in my pocket and go out the back foot of the institute. I take a deep breath and fly up over the institute.

Clary POV

I feel so broken and lost. Ashton walks in this time with a demon. "This is the girl I was telling you about. You know what to do" Ashton says. He leans up against the wall and looks at me. The demon walks over to me. He punches me twice in the face. I don't cry. "Not so strong now are you little shadowhunter" Ashton says. I don't say anything back. I just look away as the demon cuts a dagger in my ankle and slices the skin. The demon grabs my face and forces me to face him. He takes the dagger and drags it down my right cheek. He then takes the whip out of the closet and brings it down on my stomach. Oh well I didn't need it much anyway. The demon walks over to Ashton and they say something quietly to each other.

They turn and leave the room. I lie here for hours. I hear a very high pitched noise. It feels like my ear drums are about to burst. I can't move my hands so I just scream. The pain hurts so much. The noise stops after a long time. Ashton walks in and carries a syringe. He walks over to my arm and sticks it in my arm and walks out. I start getting sweaty and pass out.


I wake up tied to a table instead of the wall. I can see my chains on the wall. I look around me. "Hello clary. Don't worry you will feel a lot of pain. You have been a very bad guest" Ashton says. He is standing across the room. He walks over to me and duck tapes my mouth. I later feel some of the worst pains I have ever felt. I feel tears start streaming down my face. He keeps torturing me for hours before I finally pass out.
I wake up exhausted. I am back on the wall. I don't think I can take much more of all of this. I'm bleeding down my legs. It's coming from under my pajama shorts.

I have to stay strong for as long as I possibly can though. I lower my head and close my eyes not wanting to see what happened to me. I think about who all I am leaving if I give up. I am leaving mom, Luke, Simon, Alec, Isabelle, jem, Tessa, and Jace. I can't leave them. It crushed all of us when jace left me years ago. I can't bear to do that to everyone else. I can't leave them. Stay strong clary. I'm starting to loose hope that nobody is going to come and that I will be here forever. I don't want to die on this wall in this room.

Jace POV
I have been flying all day. No sign of clary. No sign of any clues as to where she is either. Where could you be clary? The sun starts to go down. I'm starting to get tired.

My phone starts to ring. "Hey" I say. "Where in the world are you? Why did you leave without us?" Alec asks panicked. "It took you all day to find out I was gone. I mean good lord man. It took you long enough. I left without you because I can find her faster alone. I've been flying all day. I haven't found anything yet." "Well jace you should have told us you were leaving. We could have helped look for clary. You can't fight an entire army all alone." "I know. It's just, I can't stand waiting any longer. Who knows what has happened to her." "Jace, I know your worried. We all are. Please come back. We will figure out how to get her back." "No Alec I can't. I am going to find her and bring her back. I'm not coming back till I find her." "Fine just be safe." "I will" I say and hang up.

I fly some more. I find some woods. I will stay there until the morning. I hate to have to wait longer and find clary but what if I find her. What use to her would I be if I was to tired to fight or save her. I find a high tree branch deep in the woods. I land and I sit up here for the night. I take out a small granola bar out of my pocket and eat it. Hang on clary I'm coming for you.

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