It hurts

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  I wake up to my mouth hurting.

I still miss Grace so much. She has been gone for three days and the time for the parabatai ceremony and attack on the castle is getting closer.

I feel another sharp pain in my mouth. I wince at the pain. I start to feel tears come down. I hate crying but I can't help it when it hurts. Jace keeps saying I am fine but clearly, I am not.

Jace finally wakes up. We get dressed and go down to breakfast together.

I take a sip of my coffee and my mouth feels a little better. I take a bite of the banana and my mouth starts hurting again. "Ow" I whine. "Clary, you are fine. I am telling you. Its all in your head" Jace says. "No its all in my mouth. I'm going to go to the doctor after this" I tell him. "No there is no need for that" he says. "There is. It has been hurting for two days Jace. If you won't come with me I will have to go by myself" I tell him. I try and eat something and try to ignore the pain in my mouth. I can't help it. As much as I hate crying, especially in front of people, The pain is too much. I wipe the tears away. I take a sip of the hot coffee. It helps a little. I take my coffee mug and leave the room.

I go up to my room and sit on the small sofa. I take another sip of the coffee. I will go see the doctor later whether jace wants me to or not.

I drink the rest of my coffee my mouth feeling a little better. I dig through my sock drawer in the closet for my key to my art room. I always keep it locked. No one else knows what the room is except me and Jonathan.

I go downstairs and unlock my art room. I lock it behind me. I turn the lights on and start painting. I hope this helps me get distracted from the hurting.

I feel another sharp pain in my jaw. I put my hand to my cheek. I put the paint brush down.

I hear someone try to open the door and fail. Then they decide to knock. I go over and open the door.

Jonathan stands on the other side. Jace stands beside him. "Sorry Clary. He kept bugging me until I told him where you were and I figured you would be here" Jonathan apologizes. "What are you doing" jace asks. "Trying to get my mind off of my hurting mouth but it's not working" I tell him. "What is this room" jace asks. "You are not allowed in here. This is mine" I tell him. I shut the door and lock it again. If jace finds out about my art room he might try and make it his or take it from me. I need something that's just mine. I can't have something else taken from me.

I feel another sharp pain in my mouth. I slide down the door and sit on the floor. Tears silently run down my face.

There's another knock on the door. "Clary can you open the door? Jace is gone" I hear Jonathan say.

I stand up and open the door. "I'm going to the doctor like right now whether Jace wants me to or not. I am hurting so bad and I am tired of it" I tell him. "Okay clary, okay. You don't have to explain yourself to me. Do you want me to take you to the doctor" Jonathan asks. "I think I will be okay. I am going to go by myself. I will send someone for you or Jace if something is wrong" I tell him. He nods. "Okay clary. Just let me know if you need anything" he says. "Thanks Jonathan" I say. I give him a hug. "I am going to go hide my key from Jace and then I am leaving" I tell him. He nods. I lock my art room. I go upstairs and hide my key in my sock drawer.

I leave the castle and walk to the hospital in Alicante. Its the only place I know of to go in the city besides the silent brothers and I do not feel like going down there.

I walk in. "Queen clary, what can we do for you" one of the nurses asks. "My mouth has been killing me for a few days. Can you check on it" I ask. "Yes ma'am. Follow me to a room and I will go get the doctor" she says. She leads me back to an exam room. "I will be back with the doctor" she says. She leaves the room.

I sit down and wait on them. The same nurse comes back with a man who I am guessing is the doctor. "What is going on Queen clary" he asks. "My mouth has been killing me the past few days. I was hoping you could look at it and give me something for it" I tell him. "Okay I can do that" he says. He puts his gloves on. "Where is the king" he asks. "He is back at the castle. He didn't want me coming but I had to, I couldn't take the pain anymore" I tell him. "Ah I understand. How is your brother? I will admit I was surprised to hear he was still alive. What is he like now" he asks me looking at me. "Jonathan is good. He is the best big brother I could ask for. He takes care of me when Jace is busy. He offered to come with me but I told him I would send for him if something was wrong" I tell him. "I am glad to hear that" he says.

"I'm going to need you to lie back and I will have a look" he says. I lie back on my back. He grabs a small mirror and looks in my mouth. "I found the problem" he says. I sit back up and look at him. "What is it" I ask. "Its your wisdom teeth. They have come in crooked and they need to be removed. They are what is causing you problems" he states. "Oh, is there a way you can fix it today" I ask. "I can. There's no way you can go home alone after you get them removed though" he says. "Why" I ask. "You will be pretty out of it after it. It usually lasts about 5-6 hours. I will have to send for either the king or your brother to come gt you" he says. "Okay, I just really want this to stop hurting" I tell him. "Okay I am going to go get someone to go to the castle. I will be back" he says. I nod and he leaves the room.

Jace POV

I can't help but feel curious about that room clary was in that she shut me out of. I know she went to the doctor. Maybe she left it unlocked.

I go over to the throne room and try to open the door. It's locked. I don't have my stele so I can't unlock it and I don't feel like going all the way up to our bedroom to get it.

"Sir, there is someone here to see you. He says it is about the queen" I hear behind me. I turn around and see a servant standing there. "Thank you. Bring him in" I tell him. He nods and leaves.

He comes back with a man. "What is it" I ask. "Its about Queen clary sir" he states. "What about her" I ask. "The doctor found the problem. The only problem is she is going to need to have a procedure done. It won't take very long but it wont be safe for her to be alone after it. They sent me to get you to go to her so she can come back here with you" he tells me. I sigh. I didn't want her to go to the doctor but she went anyway. She just had to go. "Okay, I am coming" I tell him and follow him out of the castle and to the hospital.

"This is her room but she is busy back with the doctor. I will let him know you are here when he is done" the person tells me. He walks off. I wait outside her room. What is wrong with her?

Minutes later the nurse comes back and goes into the room. "Sir? You can come in now" the nurse says. I come in the room. Clary is asleep. "Sir, it was her wisdom teeth. They came in wrong and needed to be removed. She will be a little sore for a couple of days because of the surgery, but it will eventually stop hurting. I suggest she doesn't drink any coffee, solid foods, or hot drinks. It could hurt the stitches. But she can still eat. She just needs to eat foods that will dissolve or are cold so they could numb it if it starts hurting again" he tells me. "Why is she asleep" I ask. "I had to give her a sleep rune so it wouldn't hurt when I pulled them out. I gave her some medicine too for the pain when she wakes up. She should wake up soon. She will be pretty out of it too just a fair warning. I wouldn't leave her alone for a long period of time" he tells me. "How long will she be like that" I ask. "About 5-6 hours. I suggest taking her home with you when she wakes up" he tells me. I nod. "Here is some cotton for her mouth. she has some in there already but this is for when it starts bleeding again and I have no doubt it will" he says. I take the cotten and put it in my pocket.

"Thank you" I thank him. "My pleasure sir. I will leave you to take her home" he says and leaves the room.

Clary wakes up not long after the doctor leaves. "You're here" she says excitedly. "Yes I am alive. Why wouldn't I be" I ask. She shrugs.

"Lets get you back to the castle" I tell her. She gasps and her eyes light up. "We have a castle" she asks excited. "Yes, lets go" I tell her. She holds her arms in the air for me to pick her up. I pick her up.

I walk her out of the hospital and to the back of the building. We fly the rest of the way to the castle. When we do it she squeals "Wee!" I land on our balcony and open the door to our room and I set her on our bed.

"You want me to go get your brother" I ask her. She starts crying. "I have a brother" she cries. "Yes. Would you like me to go get him for you" I ask her. She nods. "Stay right here okay. I will be back" I tell her.

I look in Jonathan's room for him and find him sitting on the bed with Bear. "Hey, Clary is back and she wants you. I must tell you, shes a little crazy" I tell him. He looks at me suspiciously and nods. "Okay where is she" he asks. "In our room" I tell him. "Okay lets go see her then" he says.

I take him up the stairs and we enter my room. Clary is hiding under the sheets. "Clary get out from under the sheets" I tell her. She does. "How did you know it was me" she asks. "Who else could it be" I tell her. She giggles. "Yay! Jonathan's here" she says excited.

"Shes extremely perky" Jonathan says. "She has been going back and fourth between being like this an crying" I tell him.

Clary starts feeling around her face. "Wheres my tongue" she asks on the verge of tears. "In your mouth" Jonathan says. "No its not" she cries. "Clary I promise its in your mouth" we both tell her. "But its not. They took my tongue. Why would they take my tongue" she cries. "They didnt take your tongue" I tell her. "But they did, it's gone" she cries.

She holds her breath. She eventually starts turning purple the pale. "Whoa clary breathe" Jonathan and I both say. "I cant" she says. "Yes you can. Breathe through your nose" I tell her. She keeps holding her breath. I blow on her face. She lets the breath out through her mouth. "What did you do that for" she asks. "So you'd breathe" I say.

She feels around her face again. "They took my nose too" she says with tears in her eyes. "No it's still on your face Clary" Jonathan says. "No it's gone. Look" she says covering her nose.

"How long did the doctor say she would be like this" Jonathan asks. "He said around 5-6 hours" I tell him. "This is going to be a long day" Jonathan says. "Yep" I say agreeing with him.

Clary gets out of the bed and comes over to us. I get an idea. "Clary are you hungry" I ask her. She nods her head quickly. She starts giggling. "How about some ice cream" I ask her. She nods quickly again. "What flavor" I ask her. "Hmm" she hums thinking. "Cookie dough" she says excited. "Okay I will see if we have that kind" I tell her, "but you have to go back and get in the bed if you want Ice Cream." She jumps in the bed. "Watch her" I tell Jonathan. He nods. I leave the room.

I go down to the kitchen. "I need a bowl of cookie dough ice cream. Clary is not allowed to eat solid foods for the next few days" I tell them. They look through the fridge a pull out a big bucket of cookie dough ice cream. They scoop some into a bowl and hand it to me. I thank them and head up to our room

Clary is in the bed with Jonathan sitting beside her. "Ice cream" she says excited when she sees the bowl in my hands. I take it over to her and give it to her. "Be careful" I warn her. I don't want her stitches coming out and us having to go through this again. "Feed me" she says.

"You need to take the gauze out clary" I tell her. "Take it out" she says. "I am not putting my hand in your mouth you do it" I tell her. She crosses her arms over her chest and says "no." "Take it out clary or no ice cream" I tell her. She reaches in her mouth and grabs both pieces of cotton and puts it in Jonathans hand. "I'm sorry" I tell him. He looks at the bloody cotton balls disgusted. He takes it and throws it away.

When Jonathan comes back he says "Its like shes drunk or something." "They gave her some kind of medicine and put her to sleep so that could be doing it" I tell him. He doesn't say anything. "How did I get stuck doing this" I ask. "You married her, shes yours to take care of" Jonathan says.

"I feel like cheese" Clary suddenly says. "Cheese" I ask confused. "Yeah, Cheese mixed with... carrots" she says. "Carrots? When was the last time you had carrots" I ask. "I love carrots" she states.

I look over at Jonathan. "She hates carrots " I tell him.

I look down and notice the ice cream is melting. "Come on love, open up" I tell her. She opens her mouth. I put the spoon in her mouth. I feed her the rest of the ice cream.

She sits there on the bed and starts dancing. Jonathan starts laughing but she keeps dancing. "This is the best thing ever" Jonathan says watching her all high on medicine and whatever else. I start laughing at the dancing clary too.

She stops and falls forward on her front legs. "Its time for lunch but I think we should probably have it brought up to us" Jonathan says. "Thats probably best. I will stay up here and watch her" I tell him. He nods and leaves the bedroom.

"Open your mouth clary you need to put this new cotton in your mouth" I tell her. She opens her mouth. I try to put the cotton in her mouth and she bites on my finger. "Ow! clary let go" I say. She lets go of my finger and starts laughing. "Its not funny. Don't bite me" I tell her. "You can't tell me what to do" she says. "Yes I can" I tell her. She doesn't say anything. "Fine you put the last one in" I tell her. "No you do it" she says. "You won't bite me will you" I ask her. She shakes her head. I grab the other cotton ball. She opens her mouth. She starts laughing. I put it in where it goes and quickly pull my fingers back.

Jonathan comes back. He has a big plate in his hand. Alice follows him and she has a plate for me in her hands.

"So why are you eating in here" Alice asks. "Clary had her wisdom teeth removed and its not a good idea to leave her alone" I tell her. "I get it. Peter had his removed when he was 16" she tells us.

"I want a hug. Nobody will give me a hug" Clary suddenly informs us all. "I will give you a hug" I say. "No! I don't want one from you you're mean" Clary says. "Okay then" I say taken back by how snappy she said that. "I want a hug from you" she says to alice. Alice looks at me like 'what do I do?' I shrug. Clary holds her arms out wide. Alice hugs her. "Yay" clary says happily.

"It will take a little longer for her to wake up" Alice says. "I thought I was already awake" Clary asks a little confused. "I figured it would. The doctor said 5-6 hours" I tell Alice. "I don't remember it being that long but it was years ago" Alice says, "Clary's came in late. I remember his doctor saying something about them coming in between the age of 16-20." "Clary is 24" I say. "I don't know. I guess they just came in late" she says b

I start eating my food and so does Jonathan. "What happened to your finger? Its bleeding" Alice says looking at my finger. I look down and see it is bleeding. I look up at clary. "See what you did" I say accusingly. She nods and looks proud. "Wait she did this? When" Jonathan asks surprised. "Yeah she did it, She bit me. It was when you left to go get our lunch. I was trying to put the new cotton in her mouth and she bit me" I tell them. Clary smiles proudly.

Clary tries to grab my food with her fingers. "No clary. You can't have any solids" I tell her. I move her hand away from my plate. I keep eating my food.

"I want chicken" she announces. "Why" Jonathan asks. "Because I like chicken. Chicken tastes good" she says.

"You two are never going to let her live this down are you" Alice says already knowing the answer. "Nope" we both say.

"Who are you" clary asks looking at Jonathan. "I'm Jonathan, your brother" he says. "No you're not" clary says. "Yes I am" he says. "No you're not" she says.

She starts singing "I'm a little teapot" really badly.

How did I end up the one getting to take care of this mess?

"I'm not going to die alone am I" Clary asks. "No clary" I say. "Yes I am. Everyone left me" she says. "Nobody left you" I say.

She looks over at me. "Who are you" she asks. "Jace" I tell her. "No you are not! Jace is- " she looks confused for a minute and says "Right here. When did you get here" she asks. "I've been here the whole time" I tell her. "No you have not" she says. "I have" I say.

"You are an apple" clary says looking at me. "I'm not a apple" I say. "Then what are you? you look like a apple to me" she says. "I'm an orange" I say naming a random fruit. "Yeah, you kinda look like one. One question" she says. "What" I ask. "Whats a apple and an orange" she asks. I sigh. "Its a fruit" I tell her. "Oh, wheats a fruit" she asks. I'm not describing fruits to her.

"I want to be a tiger" clary says. "Okay you can be a tiger" I say agreeing with her. "Yay I'm a tiger now" she says.

"I feel dizzy" Clary says. "Why" I ask. "I just-" She says and she falls back on the pillows. She closes her eyes and falls asleep.

"I will stay with her if you guys want to go off and do something" I tell them. They nod. "Shes lucky to have you" alice says before leaving. Jonathan leaves too.

Clary wakes up after about an hour. "What happened" she asks. "Whats the last thing you remember" I ask her. "I was at the doctor and they gave me this medicine and a sleeping rune on my neck" she says. Praise the angel she is back to normal. "So you dont remember anything within the past four hours" I ask. "No why? What happened" she asks. "They sent someone to come get me. I came and you had to have your wisdom teeth removed. When you woke up you were pretty out of it for like three hours" I tell her.

"Oh. Why am I in the bed" she asks. "I brought you here. I figured you would be safe in the bed" I tell her. "Oh did someone come get you or did I bring myself here" she asks. "No someone came and got me. I came and brought you home when you woke up" I say. "Thanks" she says. "Oh, I know the doctor said he'd send someone to get me but I didn't think you'd come. You really didn't want me to go in the first place" she says. "I know, but I came for you. No matter how mad I am, I'm going to take care of you" I say. "Thanks" she says.

"I remember being told I would say some pretty weird things when I woke up. Did I do that" she asks looking a little nervous."Oh yeah" I say. "Like what" she asks nervously. I think back to all the crazy things she said in the past three hours. "Well one of the things you said was you feel like cheese and carrots" I tell her. "Oh gross" she says. "Yeah. recently before you fell asleep you told us you wanted to be a tiger" I tell her. "Us?! Oh please tell me my brother didn't see me all loopy" she asks worried and nervous. "Yeah. After I brought you back here you wanted your brother. He stayed in here with me the whole time" I tell her. She puts her head in her hands.

Clary POV

"You can't eat any solid foods for the next few days because of your stitches. So you will have to have liquids. You need to keep that cotton in your mouth for right now too" he tells me. I just notice it's there. "Why is my face all puffy" I ask. He shrugs. "I'm guessing you will be a little swollen for the next few days too" he says. "Of course I will" I say.

I go into the bathroom. "I look like a chipmunk" I tell jace. "Yes but a very cute chipmunk" he says. "You're not helping" I say.

"I already told the cooks you can't have solids so I'm not sure what they will make for you" he tells me. "I don't know" I tell him.

"Lets take a walk" he suggests. He stands up and holds out his hand. I take it.

We walk outside the castle. "What was that room you were in earlier that you said was yours" jace asks. "You have your way of getting peace through the piano and I have mine" is all I say. It takes a minute for him to get what I was saying. "Oh... so it's an art room" he asks. I nod and say "yes but it's mine. Nobody can come in" I tell him. "Has Jonathan" he asks. I shake my head. "That makes me feel a little better" he says looking relieved.

We both go to dinner. Jonathan comes a few minutes later. They bring normal food for them. "I will be right back with yours queen Clary" the server says.

He comes back holding a big bowl. He sets it in front of me. It's full of cookie dough ice cream, my favorite.

"I want ice cream for dinner" Jonathan complains. "You are not on a no solid food diet for today and tomorrow" I say back. I eat my delicious cookie dough ice cream.

After dinner we hang out till about 10:00 then we all decide to head on to bed.

When jace and I finally get ready for bed we both get in the bed.

He lays down on the pillow. I lay down too and put my head on his chest listening to his heart beat.

"I miss Grace" I say. I know it hasn't been really long since she left, only a few days, but I still miss her. "I know. I do too" jace says. I fall asleep soon after.

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