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I wake up to the sun coming through the curtains. I stretch and get out of the bed. I am now 4 months pregnant and I am showing barely. You can only tell I'm pregnant if you know that. I'm glad that I can still wear most of my normal clothes, in about a month or two I will have to start wearing my maternity clothes.

I look through my closet for something to wear today. I put on some black leggings, a cream and blue colored plaid shirt and some converse. I get ready for the day then go down to breakfast.

It's really quiet and lonely here at the castle without jace here. I know Alice feels the same way just without Jonathan. I can tell she has been more quiet lately. I can see it in her eyes that she misses him. Today is their anniversary, October the 15th. I miss Jonathan and Jace too.

"Good morning ma'am" one of the servants says as she places my breakfast meal infront of me. "Good morning Brooke" I say to the servant girl. "Hows the baby doing" she asks. "Good I guess. I just wish I can find out what gender it is, but I guess I will have to wait until its born" I say. "I can go send for miss loss" she offers.  "It's all right Brooke, no need to get her. I will just wait" I say. "Yes ma'am" she says.

I eat my breakfast and drink my coffee in peace. After breakfast I go to the office and do some work. I type in Lucys number in the office phone. It rings about three times then I hear, "Hello?" "Hi Lucy, its clary" I say. "Hey clary, how is Alice" she asks. "Not good, she been quiet and sad lately" I tell her. "That's not good, what can I do" she asks. "I was wondering if you could come to Idris? She asked a while ago if you could come and I told her no. We don't let mundanes into Idris unless they are coming to work for me at the castle then they never really go back to the mundane world. I guess what I'm trying to say is I would bring you here for about a week so you and Alice can spend some time together" I say. "I'd love to. I miss her. Can I ask my parents first" she asks. "Of course. Then call this number back and let me know what they say. If they say yes I will come get you. But you should know, no technology works here. So I wouldn't be counting on using your phone or anything here" I say. "Oh, okay. Let me ask my parents then I will call you back" she says. "Okay" I say. "When would you pick me up" she asks. "I was hoping as soon as possible" I tell her. "Okay. Let me ask my parents and I will call you back" she says. "Thanks Lucy" I say. "No problem I'll call you right back" she says. "Okay, if I don't answer it's because I'm either away from my desk or busy so just leave me a message and I will call you back" I tell her. "Okay that's fine" she says. "Bye lucy" I say. "Bye Clary" she says. I hang up the phone and work on the reports for the institutes.

The phone rings. "Hello this is Clary" I answer. "Hey Queen Clary it's Tara Whiteriver how are you" she asks. "I'm all right how are you" I ask. "I'm good. I got the letter you sent me. You're sending me someone to live here" she asks. "Yeah, his name is Corey Kingsmill. He is coming for his study year. After the year is over will he decide where he really wants to move to" I say. "I will take all the help we can get over here. Demons are starting to attack more. Most of the people here have left to go fight for the princess" she tells me. "I know. I'll see if I can get you anymore people to stay there but I can't promise anything. My mom and James carstairs are still living in New York too if you need them" I say. "Thanks, when is he going to arrive? You didn't put that in the letter" she asks. "Probably within the next few days. I know he wanted to start it as soon as he can. He said he hasn't been out of Idris before" I tell her. "Oh. I love this city. There's so much to do here. The institute is so big and beautiful. I hope you don't mind I got myself a cat to keep here with me" she says. "I don't mind. I have two dogs, so I know pets are good little companions. I will see what I can do to help you" I say.

"Thanks again. I will Let you get back to work now" she says. "Alright. You're doing a great job as head of the New York institute. Let me know if there's anything else I can do for you okay" I say. "Alright thanks" she says. "No problem, bye Tara" I say. "Bye Queen Clary" she says. I hang up the phone.

I work for a couple more hours until it's lunch time. On my way I pass Oliver. "Oliver, is Alice here yet" I ask. "Yes ma'am" he says. "Good, I thought so. If you would please send her to the dining room. I'd like to meet with her over lunch" I tell him. "Yes ma'am. I'll go find her" he says. "Thank you" I say and head over to the dining room.

The servants serve the lunch to me then leave. A couple stand against the wall incase I need anything. Alice walks in. "You wanted to see me" she asks. "Yes, sit please" I say. She sits across from me. I turn to the servants across the room. "Leave us. If I need anything I will let someone know" I say. They nod and leave the room.

"Is everything all right" she asks. "Yes, as far as I know" I say. "How are you alice" I ask. "I'm okay. I miss him" she says. "I do too. I miss both of them" I say. "Yeah" she says.

"Alice I came up with something. I don't know if it's going to work or not. But I was thinking of finding some dark secret of hers and and using it against her. But I don't know what" I say. "You mean you want to blackmail the seelie queen" she asks. "Yep, if I can" I say. "You just have to find something out to use against her" she says. "I wish Jonathan was here or I thought of this while he was here" I say. "Why him" she asks. "He was...close to the seelie queen in his past life. I didn't know if she had any secrets she told only him" I say. "I don't know. He hasn't said anything to me at least. I'd think he would have told you or Jace a long time ago" she says. "I don't know" I say, "I wish I could pull him home from the war, but I don't think he would like that." "Probably not. He wants to do something for his family. I remember him talking about how fighting in this war was a big deal to him before he left" she tells me. "Yeah" I say.

"Isn't there an unseelie king" she asks. "There is. They hate each other" I tell her. "Can you get him to help you in fighting this war" she asks. "I wish. He has enough followers and troops to end this faster" I say. "Then why can't you try and get him to help" she asks. "That would be like trying to get a rock to run a race. As much as he hates her he hates us as well. He's quite powerful but I don't think he will help. He tends to want to like to be in full control of things. I am not giving that man complete control over how I am handling this war. I know it would be easier on me, I won't do that though. I would trust josten more to handle things with the war than I would the unseelie King" I say. "Oh, well I guess we are on our own then" she says.

"Yeah, I think when I get further along in my pregnancy I will probably give Josten full control of the war. I will have some say so in any big decisions about it" I say. "That's a good idea. We don't want too much stress on you. It could hurt the baby" she says. "Yeah I know. I don't want to loose it" I say. "I don't want you to loose it either" she says.

"Do you think they are still alive? Jace and Jonathan I mean" she asks. "I'm sure. If they weren't someone would let us know. Also we'd know if they weren't. We'd probably feel like a piece of us was missing or something" I say. "I guess so, you've been married longer than I have. You would probably know how this works better than me" she says. "I'm sure if something happened to them we would be the first to know" I say. "You're probably right. I just miss him and worry about him with him being gone and all" she says. "Yeah, I know how you feel. It's even worse that its your wedding anniversary today" I say. I went through the same thing she is last month on our anniversary. "I know" she says and I can see the sadness in her eyes. "Everything is going to be all right Alice. I promise" I say. She nods and gives me a small weak smile.

"I guess I should get back to work so the servants can get their lunch" I say. "I guess I will go back to work too. I don't have a whole lot more to do. If you need me just let me know" she says. "I will. Thanks Alice. Same goes for you, if you need anything let me know and I will be happy to help" I say. "Thanks" she says. We leave the dining room and go our separate ways.

I go to my office and see the phone is lighting up. I go sit behind the desk and see someone left a message. I press the button. "Hey clary its Lucy. My parents said they would allow me to take this week off of school to come see Alice. They would come too but they are willing to let me come alone since they didn't get the invite to come and they don't want to push their welcome. I will go ahead and start packing my bag and I guess just call me when you are ready to come get me" Lucy says then the voicemail ends.

I finish some more paperwork. I call the number back. "Hello" I hear lucy ask" "Hey Lucy" I say. "Oh hey. Did you get my message" she asks. "I did, is it all right if I come get you now? I finished my work for the day and I believe your sister is still working so she won't know I'm gone. I want it to be a surprise that I'm bringing you here" I say. "Please do" she says. "Okay, see you soon Lucy" I say. "Bye clary" she says. I hang up the phone and grab a stele from the desk drawer. 

I walk out onto the front yard of the castle. "I will be gone for a little while"  tell the few guards that are out here. "Yes ma'am. Do you need one of us to go with you" one of them asks. "No thank you. I will be fine. I just need to portal somewhere for a little while then I will come back, don't worry. If anyone needs me or starts looking for me have them come to Alice" I tell them. "Yes ma'am" they all say. I nod and open a portal and step through.

I arrive at the big house that Alice and Lucy grew up in. I put my stele in my pocket and walk up to the door. I knock a couple of times and wait. I hear echo bark. Lucy opens the door. "Hey clary come in" she says. I walk in the giant mansion. "Do I need to bring any food or anything other than the normal stuff I'm packing" she asks. "If there's any food you want to eat at her house I'd bring it, or food that you would like to give her that you guys don't want. I'm sure she's appreciate to have whatever you bring to leave her She also has a tv at her house. It doesn't get cable but you can watch movies. If you have any movies you want bring you can" I say. "Come on. I'll grab some stuff" she says.

We go to the kitchen which is huge might I add. Her parents are in here along with someone else. "Jeffrey this is Clary. She is Alices sister in law" Lucy tells the man. "Hello mrs Clary" he says. "Hello" I say. "Clary what time is it where you guys live" she asks. "I just finished lunch before I came here. So it's about one o'clock" I tell her. "Mom can I take the leftovers Jeffrey just made over to Alices" Lucy asks. "Of course. I'm sure she'd like something from home" Katie says.

"How has echo been" I ask bending down to pet the wolf dog laying on the floor. "Depressed since Alice left after the wedding" Katie says. "I think we would be okay to let echo go live with her back wherever you live" mr. Williams says. "I'm sure she'll let echo live with her at their house. Is he okay being around other dogs though? They have my other dog named Bear that lives with them. Bear is kinda attached to Jonathan and lives with them" I say. "He's alright with other dogs" he tells me. "Then I guess we can bring echo. I'm sure Alice won't have any objections to him" I say. "Okay then" Katie says.

Lucy packs a bag of food. "Okay, you ready" she asks me. "Yeah" I tell her. "I'll take good care of Lucy and make sure she's safe and nothing happens to her" I tell her parents. "Thanks you Clary. Say hi to Alice for us Lucy" Katie says. "I will" Lucy says. We go out the front door. "Come on echo" Lucy calls. Echo walks out of the house and Lucy attaches his leash to his collar. I close the front door. "I'm going to open a portal okay. You will walk through holding echos leash. It will feel a little weird going through one your fist time but you will end up somewhere in idris. I will come through after you and end up the same spot okay" I tell her. "Um o-okay" she says looking a little unsure. "Hey, you will be okay. I will be there right after you. My portals are strong enough to transport you where you need to go without any problems" I tell her. "Okay" she says. I open the portal and she walks through holding a tight grip to Echos leash. I wait a minute then I go through the portal.

When I go through I land on the ground outside of the manor house. "Is this her house" Alice asks. "No this is my manor house" I tell her. "So she's inside" Lucy asks. "No she's at the castle. you will see that another day. Lets go find her house" I say. "You mean to tell me you don't know where my sister lives" she asks. "No I don't. But I know its this way" I say pointing to the right. "Okay, but how do you know which one is hers" she asks. "It will have the Morganstern family symbol on it somewhere. The front gates will have it too" I tell her. "Okay, what does that look like" she asks. "Its the morning star. You will see it better when we get there" I tell her and start heading to the right in search for the Morganstern manor house.

"Are all the houses in this country this big" she asks. "No, these are jut the family manor houses. Not every shadowhunter family has one just a select few that have the money to have one built. These have been here for years" I tell her. We keep walking. "What happened there" she asks. I look and see what shes looking at. "The Fairchild manor burned down. I never got to see what it really looked like. My mom says it was beautiful though" I tell her. "So it burned down before you were born" she asks. "Yeah, my mom grew up in it" I tell her. "So you're moms a shadowhunter too" she asks. "Was. She left to go live like a mundane now. She still knows her training and everything. She comes to Idris sometimes" I tell her. "Does she go on missions with you guys still" Lucy asks. "No. The only mission she has been on recently was three years ago a little after Grace was born. It was a rescue mission in New York. Other than that she hasn't been on a mission or hunting in years. Probably since before I was born" I say. "Wow" she says.

We continue walking down the gravel road. "Do you have to walk everywhere" she asks. "No, you can either walk or ride a horse. A lot of people who don't own a horse walk" I tell her. "Guess I'm walking then. I don't know how to ride a horse" she says. "That's okay" I say.

I see a black gate with two stars on it. "This must be it" I say. You can't see the house from the road. I start walking down the path and I eventually see a big stone house. Its so cute. "This is it" I hear lucy ask. "Must be" I say. "Do you have a key? Or how are we going to get to get in" she asks me. "I don't have a key. I will just use my stele" I tell her. I get my stele out of my pocket and draw the opening rune on it. I hear the lock click and I open the door. "Alice has a key though so she will be able to unlock the door" I tell her.

We walk in the house and she sets her bags down. Bear comes walking around the corner and he growls at Lucy and echo. "Bear its okay, they are going to stay here for a week with you and Alice" I tell him. I walk through the house in search for a guest room or a kitchen. I find the kitchen and put the snacks in the fridge and pantry. "I guess you can hang around here and look for a guest bedroom for you to put your stuff in or you can just wait around here for Alice and I to return. She doesn't know you are coming so I guess in about an hour we should be back. I'm going to make up an excuse for the both of us to come here" I tell Lucy the plan. "Okay, I guess I will just hang out here" she says. "Okay, we should be back within 30 minutes to an hour" I tell her. "Okay that's fine" she says. "Bear, hold the fort down please, I will be back soon" I say. His little nub tail wags fast. "I will be back" I tell Lucy before leaving.

I walk back to the castle. Its a long walk but Autumn is at the castle so I have to walk. "Do you know where I can find Alice" I ask a servant. "She was in the library the last time I saw her ma'am" he says. Servants aren't allowed to go into the library unless they are cleaning. I go over to the library and see her cleaning the library and I go sit on the couch across the fireplace while I watch her clean.

When she finishes I ask her, "Can you take me over to see your house?" "Why" she asks looking confused. "I've never seen it. I'm curious what it looks like" I say to her. "Okay then" she agrees. We go down to the barn to get autumn and scout ready and we ride over to her house. I follow her so she doesn't know that I already know where it is. When we get there she untacks scout and puts him in the area behind the house.

When we get to the front door there is a bark from inside. "That doesn't sound like bear" she says looking confused. She unlocks the front door from the key in her pocket and echo jumps. She hugs the big dog. "How did he get here" she asks. "I brought him over for you" I say. "Thank you" she says smiling. I smile at her. She pets on him for another minute then gets off the floor. "Let me put my bag down then I will show you around" she says.

I follow her to a room that looks like a living room. Alice squeals and drops her bag. She and lucy run to each other and hug. They stay hugging for a while then they let go and alice looks at me. "Did you do this? For me" she asks. "Yeah, I know you've been sad lately and missing Jonathan. I can't bring him back from the war just yet, I figured I can at least give you a piece of home for a week" I tell her. "Thank you" she says and hugs me. "You're welcome Alice" I say. "Mom and dad said you could keep Echo here with you from now on since he has been depressed since you left after the wedding" Lucy says. "That's fine with me. I'm so glad you are here Lucy, its been lonely in this house without anyone" Alice says. "Well I'm here for the week" Lucy says.

I sit on the couch, lucy and alice do too. "Alice you can take a few days off if you want to so you can be with lucy while she is here. I'm sure she would like to see Alicante and around the country" I tell Alice. "Okay, thanks" Alice says.

"So where is Jonathan" Lucy asks. "There's a war going on between the shadow world and the faeries. The vampires and werewolves are fighting with the us, the shadowhunters, against the faeries. Jonathan, Jace and some other of our family members left about four months ago to go fight" I tell Lucy. "So why didn't you go too" she asks me. "Someone has to make sure the shadow world doesn't go down the toilet while the war is going on" I say. "I forgot you are a queen here. That's so cool" she says. "Yeah. I can't fight either, I found out I'm pregnant again and there's no way I can fight in the war against the faeries with a baby on the way" I say. "Oh congratulations clary" Lucy says. "Thank you. I'm thankful for your sister around the castle. She helps out a lot around there" I say.

"So what does your employees at the castle have to wear" Lucy asks. "On any normal day they can wear whatever they want. I mean it has to look modest but I don't care. If there is something special going on there is something specific they are required to wear. Alice is in charge of all of the servants and people who work there and she helps with whatever I need from her" I say. "Wow that must be a big job" Lucy says. "It is. Some days its all right and there's no problems but other days it can be crazy and busy" Alice says to us.

"I better head back to the castle. I will see you guys later" I say. I walk out the front door and put the tack back on autumn. I ride over to the castle. I'm glad I could do this for Alice. She seemed happier when she saw Lucy and Echo. I haven't seen her smile ad be that happy since before Jonathan Left. I think having Lucy and Echo over will help.

What do you think of Lucy coming to Idris to see Alice?

This was pretty much a filler chapter.

Who's excited about the baby?

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