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My alarm goes off at 6:00. I set it for an hour and a half earlier so we could train. I get up and change from my pajamas into some workout clothes. I put on a long sleeved white shirt with black leggings and tennis shoes.

(The picture above just without the hat)

I brush my teeth and put my hair up in a ponytail. "Jon" I say softly. He doesn't move or wake up. "Jonathan we have to go train remember" I say. He groans but gets up. He changes his clothes too and we both go downstairs to the basement training room.

He grabs a bo staff and halves it and hands them to me. He does the same to another one. "Come at me" he says. I stay still for a few minutes and I swing my arm and he blocks it. We train for a little while with the sticks and then we change to hand to hand. I go at him like I'm going to tackle him from the waist and end up sliding on my knees. I grab his legs and he goes down. "Where did that come from" he asks. "Jace" I say pinning him down.

"Whoever taps out first has to give chance and scout a bath" he says. "Deal" I say. He flips us over so I'm on the ground and he's holding my right leg behind me. "Give up yet" he asks. "Nope" I say. I manage to get around to where I am standing and we fight some more. I pin him on the ground again. "Come on you can do better than this" I say. He scowls at me and kicks me off of him. "You're a lot better than I remember" he says. "Thanks" I say.  I put my knee up to knee him and he blocks it and pushes it back down before I could touch him. He blocks all my punches. I do a backflip over him and pick up the bow staff halves I was using earlier. I pull him down and keep him down with the halves against his neck. I am putting me weight on his legs so he cant move them to get out of my hold. He taps his hand to tap out of the fight.

"Wow" I hear. I look up and see my brother standing at the door holding Zillah. "How long have you been standing there" I ask getting off Jonathan. "Long enough to see some of that fight" he says. "And" Jonathan asks. "I'll admit it was pretty cool to see" he says. "It took a lot of practice and time to learn" I tell him. "I bet" he says.

"Why do you have Zillah" I ask. "She was crying. I took care of her the best I could and then I looked to see if I could find either of you and you were no where in sight so I came down here" he says. I take zillah from him. "I'm sorry baby" I apologize to her. "I'm going to go feed her then I will shower and change for work. Can you take her after she gets fed and while I am showering" I ask jonathan. "Yeah" he says. "Okay, lets go Zillah" I say and take her up to the third floor and in to her room. I pull my shirt down and feed her. I look in her drawers for something for her to wear today. I pick out and dress her in a blue sleeveless shirt and shorts. Yes it's March and still cold here, but she's not going outside.

I take her downstairs to see Jonathan who is making breakfast. "Here you go" I say handing him Zillah. He takes her from me. I take a shower and look for something to wear for work. I pick out t white shirt, so I have to wear a tank top underneath it and some dress pants and a baby pink cardigan.

I put the cardigan in the bag I take to work. It's not a purse I take with me, it's a carry on tote bag I can put bigger stuff in. It's a colorful boho bag mom got me when I was down there before the wedding.

I pack some other stuff in my bag I will need for today and walk out to the kitchen. I pick Zillah up from her bouncer and hold her in one hand. "Ooh chicken biscuits" I say. I love when he makes chicken biscuits. I grab a few and sit at the table to eat them. Jonathan comes and sits with me.

"So what did Isabelle want last night" he asks me. "She just needed someone to talk to about something" I tell him. "Oh" he says.

"So do you want to bring peter over later? You can both go get some lunch somewhere in the city. I mean if you want me to I can come pick him up and bring him to the castle" I suggest. I don't want to tell him if I come pick peter up that would take up my lunch break. I only get so long to get to eat and I have to get all of my stuff done. "What about Zillah? I can't hold her and ride a horse with someone behind me" he says. He makes a good point. I sigh. "I'll come get peter at 1:30" I say. I'll just bring some of my work home if I need to.

"I went ahead and put the feed in the stalls with the horses when you were showering so they are eating now too" he says. "Okay, I'll let the barn workers know not to feed him" I say.

I look over at the clock and see it's already 8:30 it takes me a while to get to the castle because we are so far away. "I've got to go" I say. I put Zillah in her bouncer and I quickly put my plate in the sink. I put my boots on and grab my bag and head out to scout. I get him tacked up and quickly head to the castle.

When I get to my office there is another pile of things for me to do on my desk. Great.

I set my bag down and cover up in the cardigan. This is going to be a long boring day.

I kick my shoes off and start working on all my papers. Halfway through the morning jace and Clary come in. "You cut your hair" I say. "Yeah I figured it was time to go shorter" jace says. "It looks good" I compliment him. "Thanks" he says.

"Did you get that stuff done we put in here for you" Clary asks. "I've gotten some done I'm working on the rest. Here's the stuff you needed me to sign" I say and hand her some papers I had to sign.

"At 1:30 I have to go pick peter up for when the alphas get here then after they leave I need to take him back home is that okay" I ask. I don't want to leave and they need me for something. "Yeah that's fine. Don't you usually eat lunch at 1:30 though" jace asks. "Yeah but I've got to get peter since he doesn't know his way here from the house. Plus I've got all this work to do" I tell them. "So when are you going to eat" Clary asks. I shrug. "We need this stuff finished but you need to eat" Clary says. "I know. I'll get them done" I tell her.

"How's Zillah" jace asks. "She's good, she gets along with echo good" I say. "That's good" he says. "Why couldn't Jonathan bring Peter over later" Clary asks. "He said he has to watch Zillah. He said it's hard to ride a horse holding a baby and having someone holding on behind you" I explain. "That's true" jace agrees. "Everyone is good at my house. Peter likes the house and I've shown him around the city a little" I tell them. "That's good" Clary says.

"Hey um... when we have party's and stuff here could Aubrey, Peters wife, come here? I know she's a mundane and they aren't allowed into Idris but I wasn't sure about just for the party" I ask. They are both quiet for a while deciding on what to do. "I guess it's alright as long as she stays with your brother" jace says. "Okay, we just weren't sure if she would be allowed to come. Trust me, shadowhunters can be quite harsh if you're different than they are" I admit. that is why the staff here leaves the gates because shadowhunters can be mean if you aren't one of them. Even if you have he king and queens protection. "Some can be. That's why I say she should stay with peter because he could protect her even when he is now a werewolf" jace says. "Yeah, I'll let peter know later" I say. I'm happy Aubrey can come see our city every once in a while" I say.

"We will let you get back to work. Let us know if you need anything or have any questions" Clary says. She and jace leave my office and I get back to work.

After a while of working I hear my office door open. I look up to see Grace. "Hi grace" I say. "Hi aunt Alice" she says. She sits on one of the chairs. "Can I ask you for something" she asks. "Sure hon" I say. "Can I have a tiger" she asks. "Why do you want a tiger" I ask her. "Because princess jasmine has a tiger" she said. "So since princess jasmine has a tiger now you need one too" I ask. "Yep" she says. "Go ask your parents first, then we will see about getting you a tiger" I say. "Okay, I'll go ask them" she says and leaves my office.

I get some more things done then it becomes 1:25 I put a jacket on and put my boots on. I go get scout tacked back up and ride back home. "Peter" I call when I get in the house. "Hold on" he calls from upstairs. I go into the living room to find Zillah lying on her play mat. She likes the mat because if you pull on one of the animals above her it either makes the animals sounds or it plays music depending on which animal you pull on.

(Zillahs playmat 👆)

I crouch down beside her. "Hi Zillah" I say. She looks over at me. I pick her up. "You hungry? I can feed you for a few minutes before I have to go back" I ask. She opens her mouth wide. I smile at her and carry her upstairs. "Hey peter, I'm going to feed Zillah really quick before we leave" I say. "Okay" he says from in his room. I go on into Zillahs and close the door and feed her.

I may be hungry but as long as the rest of my family eats I will be okay. There's a knock on Zillahs door. "Come on we need to go" I hear peter say. "I'm coming" I say. I pull Zillah away. "I'm sorry baby, I've got to go though" I apologize to her. I take her downstairs and kiss her head. I lay her back down on her play mat. I grab a pack of Oreos and a granola bar and put them in my pocket for a snack for later. I pull a chicken out to defrost for tonight.

Peter and I go to the castle just in time. I change my shoes and change out my jacket for my cardigan. I grab my notebook and a pen just in case.

I lead peter to the meeting room where jace, Clary and the alphas are waiting. Clary is wearing a pretty green dress.

"You must be peter" one of the alphas say. "Yes sir" Peter says. Peter shakes his hand. We all sit at the table. I sit to the right of jace with Clary on his left. "Peter, this is alpha Daniel" jace introduces motioning to the man across from him on the right, "and this is alpha Mateo" he says motioning to the man who looks younger on alpha Daniels left.

"So where are you from originally" alpha Daniel asks. "I'm originally from Los Angeles California but once I got married my wife and I moved to Switzerland" peter tells them. "And exactly how old are you, if you don't mind me asking. I just want to see what we will be having in one of our packs" alpha Daniel asks. "I'm 30 years old" peter tells them. "I see. And where exactly in Switzerland do you live" alpha Mateo asks my brother. "Aubrey and I currently live in Thun" peter tells them. I write down what has been said because Clary and Jace will need it for their file just incase something happens. "That would be in my pack territory. You should know alpha Daniel and I came to an agreement and split our territory so he takes the north half and I have the southern half" alpha Mateo says.

"I need to ask some questions first before I decide" Peter says. "Of course" alpha Daniel says. "Would you be able to help me  learn to control my wolf" peter asks. "Of course. The rest of the pack will help as well" alpha Mateo says.

"I live with my wife down in Thun but work up in willsau. Would this bother either of you, me going between pack lands" peter asks. He brings up a good point. I'm interested to see what the alphas say to this. I know some alphas can be hard headed and do not like other wolves entering their pack lands without permission. The alphas look at each other. "Do you mind if we step outside to discuss what we will do" alpha Daniel asks. "Of course" jace says. The alphas stand and leave the meeting room.

"Don't worry peter, we will find you somewhere to stay. There's packs all over the world you could join, if you don't join either of theirs" jace says. "I know" peter says. "What if I move back to the United States?" "Where in the United States" jace asks. "I don't know. I eventually got tired of California. I liked New York when I came up there those few times" peter says. "There's a New York pack werewolf pack. You've already met the alpha" Clary says. "I have" peter asks. "Mhm" Clary hums and leaves it at that.

"You've been quiet Alice" peter says. "I don't talk much during meetings unless it's a whole clave meeting. I don't care much where you join as long as you are happy" I tell him. I don't talk in meetings because I am doing my job. Even if I do have an opinion on the matter being discussed it's not my place to say or give my opinion" I tell him.

A little while later the alphas both come in. "We don't like the idea of one pack member going in and out of each other's pack freely. I understand you have to go to work but we don't like that idea of a pack member going between packs freely" alpha Daniel says. "I'll talk to Aubrey when I get home and talk to her about it. I don't necessarily want to quit my job but we will talk it over together and see what we decide to do then we will let you four know of our decision" peter says. "Alright. Alice give me your notebook and pen" jace tells me. I turn to an empty page and hand him my notebook and pen. He writes something down and hands it to peter. "Once you've made your decision go to the Swiss institute in Berne and show them this note. Once they read it they will know what to do" jace tells Peter. Peter looks at the note that is folded up closed in his hand. "So do I tell them my decision or..." peter trails off. "No, they will set up there hologram to me and Clary and we will be able to talk without you having to be here" jace says. "Then after we know your decision we will let the alphas know" Clary finishes saying the rest of the plan. "Alright" Peter says.

The alphas eventually leave and go to the portal. I get an idea. "Wait I have an idea" I say. Jace, Clary and Peter turn around. I grab my stuff from the table. "What if they live here? Aubrey could work as a servant or something and peter could be a guard" I suggest. "That could work" jace agrees. "You could suggest that with Aubrey, Peter. We could make the Alicante wolf pack teach you to control your wolf and then you could come join the royal guard. You couldn't leave the country unless we are leaving and need a guard to go with us. Or you could still join a pack somewhere in the world it's up to you" Clary says."I'll let Aubrey know of that option too. Did Alice ask you for me if Aubrey could come to the parties Alice was telling me about" peter asks. "Yes, she can come but she should not walk around the city by herself" jace says. "Shadowhunters can be a little mean if you're a mundane. That's why we say you should stay with her if she's going to be going to the city if she does come for the parties so you can watch over her" Clary says. "Okay, thanks" Peter says.

"We will have someone open a portal for you tomorrow at 10 so have Jonathan bring you to the Gard" jace says. "Alright" Peter says. "Let me put my stuff in my office and I will take you home" I tell him. "Okay" Peter says. We both go to my office and I switch from my heels to my boots and take off my cardigan and put on my jacket. Peter and I go out to get scout ready and I take him back home. "I will be back tonight and make dinner" I tell him. "Alright" he says.

I go back to the castle and work on some more stuff. By the time it is 7:00 I have some stuff done but the granola bar and Oreos are still in their packages. Oh well, I'll eat at dinner when I go home. I put the snacks in one of my drawers for another day. I take the pile of papers for Clary and Jace and walk to their office. Their office is empty but unlocked. I set the file and pile of papers on the desk and leave quickly.

I find Clary in the castle with Braxton in the library. "I finished the papers for you guys. Do you mind if I come early tomorrow morning and work on some stuff. I'm still quite behind" I ask. "Sure I guess. Where did you put those papers" she asks. "I set them on your desk" I tell her. "Oh okay, thanks Alice. Why did Grace come ask me for a tiger" she asks. "She asked me for one earlier this morning. She said since princess jasmine has one she needs one too. I told her to ask you and jace first before I order a tiger for her" I explain. "Well jace and I told her no. She has cookie and that's a big enough animal" Clary says. "I agree, if you don't need anything else for tonight I'm going to head on home" I say. "That's fine, have a good night" she says. "You too" I say. "Bye aunt alice" Braxton says. "Bye Braxton" I say.

I grab my things from my office, tack scout up outside and go back home. I untack scout and set him free in the pasture with chance. I change into some comfy lounge around clothes. I go into the kitchen and see Jonathan sitting at the table. I go and sit with him at the table. "Oh, hey baby" he says. "Hey, what's wrong" I ask. "I told Peter about my past. I figured it would be better for him to hear the whole story from me than from someone else who might bend the truth" Jonathan tells me. "How did he take it" I ask. "I don't know. I told him and he walked away. He won't let me hold Zillah though" he tells me. "I'll talk to him and get Zillah" I reassure him. "Where is he" I ask. "Upstairs" he tells me.

I get up from the table and go upstairs. I find Peter in Zillahs room. "So you're going to take my daughter from my husband now" I ask. "I don't like you being with him. It could put you and Zillah both in danger" peter says. "Peter all of that was 11 years ago. He is clean of all that demon blood now. Jonathan is a good man, better than he was all those years ago" I say. "I still don't like you being with him after hearing his story. You and Zillah need to come home with me. You can find a better man for you in Switzerland" peter says. "No peter, Zillah and I are staying here where we belong. I'm 26 years old, I can make my own decisions and I am making them now and Zillah and I will stay with Jonathan. Jonathan has been nothing but good to me ever since I met him. I will not give that up no matter what you think of him or want me to do" I say standing my ground and defending Jonathan. Peter may be my older brother but he will not take me and zillah away from our home. My home is wherever he is no matter how cheesy that sounds.

"Then you stay and I will keep zillah safe from that monster" he says. "Give me Zillah, Peter" I say trying to keep myself calm. I know I cant do anything to him while he is holding Zillah. "No" he says. "Peter! give me my daughter" I command. He looks shocked at the way I have been speaking to him and defending Jonathan and standing my ground. I have never talked to him like this before. I usually submit when it comes Do doing what my big brother wants since he's older. I will not stand down this time. He hands me Zillah. "Me and Zillah are both quite safe here. Trust me, when it first came public that he was back to life people shared the same thinking as you are. They all thought he would turn back to his old life, he hasn't. It took people a long time to get used to him being back but different, a good different. People are happier around him now and they are used to seeing him around. They all like him now" I tell my brother. He doesn't say anything just looks at me with a blank expression on his face. "Think about how he has been around you and our family and me. Have you ever felt something while around him that made you have a bad feeling? Don't treat him too harshly Peter. He has made up for all the bad he had done in his past." "Alice I-" Peter starts. "Don't, go calm down in your room and think. I'm going to take Zillah down to Jonathan and start making dinner. I will call you down when it is ready" I tell Peter. "Are you putting me in time out" Peter asks. "If that's what you want to call it. I call it, having time to calm down and think before you do something you regret" I say and leave Zillahs nursery.

I find Jonathan still sitting at the table. "Here you go, I saved you and her" I say. Jonathan takes her from me and holds her close. "I love her so much" he says. "I know you do, I do too" I say. "What are you going to make for dinner" he asks. "I'm thinking lemon pepper chicken. Is that good with you" I ask. "I don't care" he says. I get the chicken out from defrosting. I start cooking it over the stove for a few minutes and then put it in the oven. When its done baking 30 minutes later I set it on the counter to cool off some. I go to the bottom of the stairs. "Peter, dinner is ready" I call and go back in the kitchen. I start making our plates. I hear a sigh and look over. Zillah leans further into Jonathan. He smiles at her. I know he loves his little girl. I would never take her from him and split up our little family. We all love each other too much to split up.

Once I finish making the plates I set them on the table. Peter gets here just as I sit down. "I'm sorry. I judged too quickly and I shouldn't have. I'm glad you and Alice have each other" Peter apologizes. Jonathan shrugs and says "Everyone is like that to me when they first hear the story. Some people still hate me for what I did then. I have testified from the mortal sword and all. For some people that isn't enough though" Jonathan says. "The what" peter asks. "The mortal sword. It was given to the shadowhunter by the angel Raziel when shadowhunters were first created along with the mortal cup and the mortal mirror. The mortal sword has the power to make shadowhunters tell the truth just by holding it" I explain as I start eating my chicken. "What happens if you resist" Peter asks. "It hurts, a lot. If you resist its like your body is on fire. Its bad enough just to hold it. Holding it is like holding a giant ice burg. Its heavy and freezing. It grips on to you and forces the truth out of you. It doesn't work on downworlders and mundanes though" Jonathan describes. "Sounds awful. What would they do if you have to question a downworlders" Peter asks. "They would use silver on werewolves since it burns their skin. Holy water and an electrum whip might work on a vampire, although I wouldn't put it past Clary's head guard Josten to find a way to torture a vampire. Iron burns a faerie" Jonathan tells him. "What about a warlock" I ask. "I'm not sure, there isn't any ways that I know of that would physically hurt one but I'm sure theres ways that you can. It doesn't have to be physical to hurt someone" Jonathan says.

"Wheres your ring Peter" I ask. "It was burning my finger off" Peter says. "It's silver isn't it? You need to get a different one" Jonathan says. "It must be, I will go get a different one when I get home with Aubrey" he says.

After dinner I take care of Zillah and put her to bed. Jonathan, Peter and I hang out in the living room for a little while before I decide to go to my room. Its been a long day, I need a bath, so I run the water and start to fill up the tub. When it is full enough I turn the water off and get in. I let out a deep breath and relax closing my eyes. "Scoot up a little" I hear. I open my eyes and move up a little bit and feel someone get behind me and pull me back against them. "Are you alright baby" Jonathan asks as he wraps his arms around me. I sigh and lean my head back against his chest. "Yeah, I'm just worn out. I have been running around basically all day. I have a bunch of things to get caught up on since I was out all that time. I spent my time meeting with people today, doing a bunch of paperwork, and I went into the city to talk to someone for Clary and Jace" I say describing my day. "Sound like a busy but boring day" he says. "It was" I confirm. "Where did lunch come into all of that" he asks. "It didn't, I just sat and worked at my office and took a few minutes away from my desk to come pick up Peter. That was my break" I tell him. I close my eyes again relaxing and listening to the steady beat of his heart. "You cant be doing that to yourself Alice. You need lunch." "I know, I just had so much to do and catch up on that I couldn't stop. When I came to get peter I grabbed a granola bar and a snack pack or oreos and brought them with me but I got too caught up in my work again and forgot to eat" I admit. He doesn't say anything just kisses the top of my head.

I close my eyes and relax for a little while longer. I wash myself before saying, "I told clary I would come to work early to do some more work since I am still behind on stuff" I tell him. "Don't overwork yourself darlin. I know how you can get" he says. "I'll try not to" I say giggling. He hums. "You have to take Peter to the Gard tomorrow at 10 so a portal can be opened and he can go home" I tell him. "Okay, but why me" he asks. "I have to work and someone has to take him so he knows where to go so he doesn't get lost in Alicante." "True."

I get out of the bathtub and get my pajamas on. As I start to wash my face Jonathan comes to me after he has changed and ready for bed. He jumps up and sits on the bathroom counter. "What if I come see you at lunch? We can go to the diner in Alicante and then after that when you have to go back to the castle to work I can go see clary? I haven't seen her in a while" he suggests. "Sounds good to me. I want to take Zillah to work tomorrow morning so you won't have to worry about taking her everywhere since she will be with me" I tell him. "Okay" he says. "You could use a haircut too. Might as well do that tomorrow after we get back from the diner and I go to work while you go see clary" I suggest. His hair is getting a little too long. "Yeah I know, I just haven't been able to make my way over to clary recently to get it cut" he says.

I finish washing my face and I go get in the bed. I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. I guess I am that tired.

I only checked over he chapter once and not twice like I usually do.

Was the chapter good?

Did I do okay describing the training scene?

What do you think peter will do about the packs?

Who will he choose?

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