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Jace POV

I wake up and quickly get dressed. I have to go check on clary. My clary that I brought back home. She is safe.

I walk down to the infirmary and open the doors she is still asleep. Luke is looking at her with loving eyes. He sees me and walks over to me. "Hey I need to talk to you" he says. We go into the hallway and I say "has she woken up yet?" "She did last night." "Why didn't you tell me" I say. "Because she woke up at one in the morning. I was not going to wake everyone up. You both have needed to rest." "Oh ok. I get it."

"She is still really sore." "I bet. Whoever that guy was that was with her beat her pretty bad. She had scars, whip marks, and cuts all along her body when I found her." He winces as I say it. "She should never have had to have that happen to her. I just can't help but feel so bad for her" I say. "I know. I feel the same way. You can go see her" he says. I nod and walk in. I sit next to her. She sleeps soundlessly.
I sit here for 5 minutes before she wakes up. She smiles and winces but still smiles at me. "Hey" she says. "Hey clare, how you feeling?" "Everything hurts" she says. "I know it does. I'm sorry. I broke my promise. I left you and you got kidnapped." "Hey, it's not your fault. The clave called you. It's their fault you left and I was taken." I smile sadly at her. "My left wrist and my right knee is broken too" she says. "Magnus did not tell me that. I'm sorry love. He won't ever come after you again. I killed him and everyone on the boat. You were my number one priority on that boat. I'm not ever going to leave you again I promise." She looks at me and smiles. "I love you. I trust you" she says. "I love you too" I say and kiss her forehead. I get a couple of pillows from the other beds and prop up her leg since it is broken. "Thanks" she says. She lies here.
The door opens and her mom walks in. "Hey clary. Your finally awake. How do you feel?" She asks clary. "I'm really sore. I'm sorry mom." "Sorry for what? It's not your fault someone took you" Jocelyn says. "I know it's just I should have fought back. I should have been stronger." What is she talking about. "What do you mean clary. You couldn't move. You were chained to a wall when I found you" I say. Jocelyn sits down on the other side of clary. "Is that true clary?" She asks. Clary nods. "Oh baby. I'm sorry. I can't imagine what they did to you." She looks down at clary with sad sweet eyes and smiles. She looks at the scar across clarys cheek and says "you have been so brave and strong sweetheart. There wasn't much more you could have done." Clary nods. "Did Luke tell you what I am going to do today?" Clary nods and says "can you get in?" "No, do one of you have a key" she asks. "I have one. I will go get it. It's in my room" I say and walk out. I run up to my bedroom and grab the house key attached to my car keys. I unhook it and bring it back down to the infirmary. "Here" I say and hand her the key. "Thanks" she says to me, "you going to be alright clary?" She asks. "Yeah, I think so" clary says. Jocelyn turns to me and says "stay with her." "I will" I say and she walks out.
We talk for a long time. "I am sorry but I am hungry. I haven't eaten in two days" she says. I laugh and say "okay. I will go get you something. I will be right back" I say and leave the room.

Clary POV
I lie in the infirmary bed. I try to sit up but my stomach won't let me sit up all the way. I am still sitting up though. I don't have my necklace or anything with me.

Jace walks in with a plate of hash browns and a piece of bacon. He hands it to me. "You know me so well" I say smiling. I take a bite of it. It tastes so good. I eat everything.

"Hey can you text me mom for me and ask her to bring my sketchbook and phone. Tell her it's in my bedroom" I  ask. "Yeah" He says and text my mom. I feel a sharp pain in my stomach. I wince. "Hey you okay"he asks. "Yeah it's just my stomach hurts. With all that happened to me and it" I say. "Yeah. I get it" he says.

"You know, I was starting to loose hope that nobody would find me that y'all weren't looking" I say. "Of course I came. I couldn't stop thinking and worrying about you" he says. We talk and laugh some more about different things. I am glad to be back even though I am stuck in an infirmary bed. I probably will be for a long time.

"Did he say anything about tessa when he had you?" jace asks me. "yes, not long before you found me. He asked where he could find tessa. I wouldn't tell him anything. That was when he broke my wrist and knee. I knew what the risk was. I wasn't going to let him get her and hurt her and her baby" I say. "I'm glad you did not let him have her. I know it probably would have been easier for you to just tell him she was here." "It would have. It also would have saved me a lot of pain." "I know clary. You have been so brave and strong. Stronger than any of us could have ever been."

"Thank you jace, but I am not your pretty little clary anymore. I have seen things and had terrible things done to me. I don't want to hold you back. you should leave me and find someone else. Find someone to make you happy someone who is not broken and bruised." He looks hurt. "I don't want anyone else. You are still my pretty little clary that I know and love. I'm not going to leave you. You are the best thing in my life" he says.

--------------- time lapse 3 months ---------------

I am better but still stuck in the infirmary bed. I am sitting in the bed sketching dress designs in my sketchbook. I can now sit up all the way. My arm and wrist is healed but not below my chest. I still have a big scar on my right cheek.

Jem walks in carrying Tessa. I realize it's been 4 months. The baby must be coming. He sets her on the bed. Tessa lies there and groans. "Hold on Tessa. You are going to be fine. Just hold on" he tells her. She groans again. I wish I could do something but I can't. She lets out a scream. She holds his hand. After 2 long hours of screaming and groaning from tessa, she finally quiets and a little baby is in her arms.
Jem turns to me and smiles. "Thank you clary" he says. "For what?" "If you hadn't given in and told whoever had taken you where tessa was, we would not have this little baby. Tessa might not even be here now. I know It caused you a lot. Thank you for what you did." "Your welcome. I knew where would be a price to what I was doing. I knew she was going to have a baby. I was not going to let him have the baby or Tessa. Every time he asked where Tessa was I told him I did not know where she was. I knew perfectly well where she was. I knew I had to protect her one way that I could" I say. He smiles and says "well thank you for everything clary."
I smile and go back to my drawing. I couldn't concentrate with Tessa giving birth in the other side of the room so I just messed with my phone while everything was happening.

Izzy texts me and says 'what's going on in the infirmary?'I text back and say 'Tessa had her baby. Everything is fine though.' 'Aww that's amazing. We were wondering what was going on but we didn't come in.' 'Yeah. She is in here with the baby.' 'What did they name it?' "Hey jem" I say and he looks at me, "what did y'all decide to name the baby?" "We decided on Logan Alexander" he says. "Oh that's perfect" I say. I text izzy back and say 'they decided on the name Logan Alexander.' She text back and says 'aww. Have you seen him yet?' 'No. Not yet. He is still with Tessa and jem. I'm still stuck in he bed you know.' She just sends me 'I know, I'm sorry.'

I go back to my sketchbook. Jem leaves with the baby and Tessa goes to sleep. I'm sure childbirth is exhausting. I stay here in the bed and draw some more.
I suddenly get really hungry. It makes sense since I haven't eaten since breakfast. It is now 2 pm. I need some food. I can't ask izzy to bring me something because she will make it and it will give me the stomach bug. I have had enough of throwing up for a life time. I text Jace and say 'hey, I'm hungry. I didn't get lunch.' He texts back and says 'ok sweet girl. I will bring you something.' How did I get so lucky to have him. I sit here looking at Tessa sleep.

Jace walks in and hands me a cup of easy Mac and cheese. "Thanks" I say and eat the Mac and cheese. "So did you see the baby" he asks me. "Briefly, as Jem walked by with little Logan." "He's cute." "You saw him?" "Yeah when he brought him out of here. He has brown hair and blue eyes. He looks like a mixture between Tessa and jem." "Aw" I say and eat the Mac and cheese.

He sits on the bed next to me. "You think it's time to take off the wrap on my stomach" I ask him. "I don't know. I can ask Magnus if he thinks we should. At least your able to sit up. 3 months ago you couldn't. Your getting better. Can you please tell me something that happened to you? I know it's hard to talk about, you haven't said anything about it since we brought you back." I sigh and say "ok fine. I will tell you how I got these marks on my chest and shoulders and my leg gash. The first day I was captured, I woke up chained to the wall like you found me. He told me his name was Ashton. He said he was going to carry out Sebastian's plan and have me rule by his side like my 'brother' wanted. I told him I wouldn't do anything for him. He told me he would teach me a lesson and that he had studied valentines ways of teaching his children to obey." Jace winces and looks at me sad. I continue and say "he took a whip and a dagger. He drove the dagger through the top of my thigh and drove it all the way down. Then he took the whip and whipped my shoulders and chest. Now I know what you went through growing up" I say telling him of my first hours minutes there. I set the empty mac and cheese bowl on the table beside me.

He gets up and comes to me he hugs me the holds me in his arms. I feel safe with him. "I'm so sorry you went through that clary. I know it was awful for you. And that was only the first day. I can understand now why you won't say much about it. I won't force you to" he says holding me. I lean in to him. "You know what I didn't like. Honestly I hated all of it, but the thing hat made me feel the most alone was I didn't have my necklace. When I had it on I would feel like I had a piece of you with me. Without it I felt alone. I told you I started to think I wouldn't make it and that no one would come for me." I feel his arms tighten around me. "I'm so sorry clary. When you were taken they took it off of you. When I found you were gone there was a note saying they found and took you. Your necklace was attached to it. I knew it was true because you never take it off. I have it with me now" he says and lets go of me. He reaches in his pocket and pulls out my silver necklace with the angelic rune. He puts it around my neck. "There" he says and smiles down on me. I  hug him. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! That's much better" I say still hugging him.

I feel a sharp pain in my stomach. Man I thought it would finally be healed. He looks down at me and smiles. He stays with me and we talk for a while. It sure is good to be back. He kisses me and says "I love you. I'm glad your back. It's nice to see your smile again. Even with your scars your still beautiful." He grabs the empty mac and cheese bowl and walks out of the infirmary. I close my hand around my necklace and smile. It's good to have it back.
I pull out my phone and text Reagan and say 'hey Reagan. Sorry I haven't been able to come in to work recently. I broke my knee and foot. I haven't been able to do much. I feel fine except when I try to walk. Im staying at my friends house and they have been taking care of me and helping me.' I had to make it sound like a mundane thing.

The door opens and I see Alec walk in. "Hey clary" he says. "Uh hey Alec." Alec rarely comes in here to see me. I know he's not here for Tessa. She's still asleep. He comes over to me and sits down at the bed beside me. "How you doing?" He asks me. "Fine. My stomach hurts. I was starting to think it was finally healed." "I'm sorry. I really am clary. I hate to admit it but you might be stronger than I am or ever will be." "Wow. I never expected you to say that. What made you think and say that." "I've just been thinking about you. When you were gone, when you came back. I saw the bruises, cuts, scars and all. I'm sorry for what happened to you. You stayed strong and never gave in you knew the costs of not giving in. I don't know how long I could have stayed as strong as you did." Wow. I know Alec and he doesn't ever say anything like that to me. "Wow. Thanks Alec. I know how hard it was for you to say that." "Yeah it was. Please don't ever leave us again. We all care about you." I smile and say "thanks Alec. It means a lot." "No problem. I will go get Magnus and see if he can check to see if something is wrong with your stomach." "Thanks. That would be great." He smiles and walks out. My stomach should have been healed by now.
Magnus walks in and says "what's wrong biscuit?" "My stomach is still not better. It's been three months Magnus, it should have healed by now. Every once and s while I feel a really sharp pain. Can you check it?" "Of course" he says and raises his hand and hovers it above my stomach. "Lie down" he says and I do what I am told. He keeps his hand hovering above my stomach. He does that for a while without saying anything. "How did I not see this before." "What's wrong?" "Clary you have 2 pieces of class stuck inside you. That's what the pain is. It is lodged inside you. I'm sorry I didn't notice it before." "It's fine. Just let me tell everyone before you get it out." "Okay. I will do it in a few hours. We need to do it soon before it causes any more damage and pain." That's the last thing I want. "Okay. Give me a few hours." "Okay. You will be fine clary." He says and smiles. I sit up and he walks out.
I don't know what is going to happen to me but I have been through a lot recently. I can handle a lot now. Jace and Izzy walk in. "What's wrong clary? Magnus said you have something to tell us"izzy says. "Yeah. I have 2 pieces of glass stuck inside me. I have been feeling a sharp pain in me recently. Magnus is going to get it out in a few hours. I told him I needed to tell you all first." "Why didn't you tell us you were hurting?" Jace says. "Because I thought it was just because I was hurt and needed to heal. It kept happening and I needed to see what it was." "Alright clary. You will be fine. I know you will. You have been through a lot. You are so strong. We all love you" izzy says. I smile and say "thanks guys. I'm glad to be back." "We are glad to have you back. We will be right here with you" jace says. I smile. We stay here for a while. Magnus walks back in and says "you ready clary?" I take a deep breath and nod my head. Jace is looking at me with loving eyes. I suddenly get really tired and sleep comes over me.

I wake up hours later. My stomach is still wrapped. This time the wrap is clean and new. I see Jace next to me and looking down on me. "Hey baby" he says. "Mm... how long have I been out?" "Six hours. Magnus had to put you under since it would hurt like crazy. You probably shouldn't move. You may hurt yourself and your stitches. He made us both leave the room while he helped you. I made sure to tell your mom when she came to see you. She's with izzy. I figured you would want me when you wake up." "I do. I'm glad your here. Did he get it all out?" "Yes. Clary if your not ok and hurting you need to tell me. I could have helped you a long time ago." "I know. I'm sorry. I should have. I just... I didn't know it was bad. I thought it was because I was hurt and needed to heal." He nods understanding and says "you want me to go get your mom? Her and izzy are dying to see you." "Yeah" I tell him. He nods and kisses my forehead and walks out. I am just lying here stuck back in the lying position again. This sucks.
Mom walks in a few minutes after jace leaves. "Hey clary. I heard about what happened. Magnus said he got it all out. How are you feeling?" "I'm fine. Just sore. What time is it?" "It's 11:30 Clary. Most everyone is asleep except me, you, and jace. He wouldn't leave your side except when Magnus forced him out. I see you have your necklace back" she at the last line smiling. "Oh yeah. I got it back not long before my surgery. Mom I'm so tired." "Shh... I know honey. You can get some sleep. I will leave you alone and send jace back in. I'm sure he will want to stay with you overnight." I smile and close my eyes. I fall asleep.

I wake up the next morning feeling more rested. I look to my right to see Jace asleep on the bed next to me. His big grey wings are out. Why are they out?! Nobody knows about them except me, Simon, Alec, and izzy. He sits up and yawns and looks down at me. "Jace, your wings. Nobody can know about them." "They already do. I told everybody about them and my powers before I came to find and save you. You feel any better?" "Yeah much." "Well good. I will go get you something to eat" He says and walks out.

I look across the room still lying on my back and see tessa sitting up looking over at me. "Hey clary" she says smiling. "Hey tessa. Hows the baby?" "He is good. I'm glad your all right. Ive been watching you. I woke up an hour ago." Oh. well, I'm glad your okay too. I like the name you picked out for him." "Thank you. I do too. It took us a while to come up with the name but we finally did it." "Well I think it's perfect." I get a text from Reagan. It says 'oh my gosh clary. That's terrible. I hope you get better soon. Let me know if you need me to get you anything.'

----------------time lapse 2 1/2 weeks-------------
I am now able to walk. I have to have crutches but I am able to walk at least. I go up to the hall with all the bedrooms and find jace in his room. "Hey, can you drive me home? You can move in too if you want." "Yeah. Sure. You ready to go now?" He asks me and I nod. He grabs his car keys off the dresser and we head down to where his car is.

I get in the passenger seat and put the crutches in the back. We start moving down the road towards my house. "I'll move in with you. I just need a little while to move everything" he says as he is driving. "You don't have to. It's just a suggestion. If you do decide to, I will come to the institute and make a portal and you can drop everything through the portal into the house." "That's easy enough. Let's just get your leg healed up all the way before we do that" he says. "Okay" I say and look out the window. His little camaro doesn't have much room, but I still like it. It has been a boring and long recovery but I am finally somewhat back to normal.
We pull up to my house and I get out and get get my crutches and walk in. It feels good to be home. I haven't been back in almost 4 months. "It feels good to be home" I say when I get inside. Jace smiles and says "yeah. You going to be okay while I am gone?" "Yes jace. I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself now that I'm not sick or trapped in the bed." I kiss him and he leaves.

I collapse on the couch. It's good to be home. I prop my leg up and turn on the tv and watch it for a while. I see it turn 5:30 and I go into the kitchen to make dinner. I make colored pasta and color it blue. I put it in a bowl and take it and sit in the couch and watch more tv. The new season 4 of arrow comes on in 30 minutes. I eat my pasta. It tastes really good. Thank you Jace for introducing me to colored pasta.

I watch my show and clean the bowl up. I turn the tv off and go finish the last of my designs for work. Ya know since I was gone and unable to work and I was trapped in the in the infirmary bed for months. I work on my drawings. I have run out of ideas.

I text Tessa and say 'hey. Sorry to bother you. I really need you to bring me those two dresses you brought a long time ago. I have run out of ideas and kind of forgot what they look like.' I get a response saying 'sure, I can do that. Jem is gone for the week. I will have to bring Logan with you if you don't mind.' 'I don't mind. I haven't actually seen him up close yet. Only briefly when one of you was walking by. I'd love to see him.' 'Really? I will be over soon.' 'Okay, see you soon.' It is getting late. I go to the kitchen and pour myself some lemonade. A few minutes later I hear a nock on the front door. I open it to see Tessa and she is holding a baby in one hand and a box in the other. "Hey Tessa I can hold him for you if it's easier." "Could you? That would be great. I have to go get his diaper bag really quick in the car" she says and I take little Logan. He is so cute and precious. He looks up at me and smiles.

He has lots of brown hair and brown eyes like Tessa. "I'm surprised he's smiling. He hasn't smiled for anyone yet just stares at all of us" she says and takes him. "He's precious Tessa" I say and we go into the living room. We both sit down. Logan looks at me and reaches. "Wow. He must really like you" she says and hands him to me. "Hi little Logan" I say to him looking down at his sweet brown eyes.

She takes a dress out of the box. "So where did jem go" I ask Tessa. "He got called to idris. He will be back next Thursday" she says. "That's good" I say and shift Logan in my arms so I can look at the dresses better. "Tessa, if I were to make a dress like they wore back then, what would you want it to look like?" "Hm well..." she waits for a while and thinks. "I love the color pink for the dresses back then. I had a few pink dresses but not much. I like long and Lacey at the bottom. I don't have any but I like the style like that." As she says all of this I am writing it down in my sketchbook. I start drawing and I can feel Logan watching down at what I am doing. A few minutes later I turn to Tessa and say "would you like something like this?" "Yeah. I like that. It's like the old times but mixed in with the new times. It's cute." I smile and look down at Logan. He is still looking up at me. He is just so cute. I look at the dress she pulled out of the box and draw another sketch. "Thanks for coming over Tessa. I love Logan, he's so cute and precious. It really helped a lot you coming and giving me an idea for my designs" I say as she packs up and takes Logan. "Of course. I'm happy to help. If you ever want to come stay with us you can" she says and hugs me goodbye before leaving.

I sigh. It has been a long day. My leg is killing me. Maybe I will go to bed early. Well not early since it is 10:45, but you know what I mean. I go into my bedroom. It takes forever to walk with crutches. I go into my room and get some comfy clothes out of my dresser drawer. I put a dry fit t shirt on and sweat pants. It is really hard to put in pants with a broken leg. I can't bend it or put pressure on it. I go into the bathroom and wash my face. I quickly go to sleep afterwards.

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