Seeing family again

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I hear my phone ring. I groan. It rings again. "Turn it off" Jonathan mumbles into the pillow. I pick my phone up. "It's already 3:00. We need to get up anyway. Lucy will be home soon. I should probably answer this call" I tell him.

I hit the answer button. "Hello" I ask. "Hello" I hear a little voice say. "Braxton is that you" I ask. "Hi aunt Alice" Braxton chirps. "Hi buddy. How did you get in your mommy and daddy's office" I ask. "I was walking down the castle and wanted to go in a room I've never been in before. I found this thing, pressed a bunch of buttons and now I'm talking to you" he says. "It's a good thing you found my number and not someone else's" I say. "Where are you" Braxton asks. "I'm in Los Angeles with my family" I tell him. "Where's that" he asks. "On the other side of the world" I tell the little 4 year old. "Oh" he says.

"Shouldn't you be asleep Braxton" I ask. "Yes aunt alice" he says. "What time is it" I ask him. "I don't know" he says. "Can you see the clock on the wall" I ask him. "What's that" he asks. "The big round thing on the wall making that ticking sound" I describe. "I see" Braxton says. "What number is the little hand pointing at" I ask. "The one with the two next to it" he says. It's midnight back home. He needs to go to bed. "Braxton you need to go to bed" I tell him. "I not tired" he says. "You may not be but you still need to go lie down in your bed or I'll tell your mommy and daddy" I tell him. "No! Don't tell mommy and daddy. I promise to be good and go to bed" he says. Braxton is that good kid hat hates getting in trouble. "Okay I won't tell them. Go to sleep. Call me when you get up after breakfast okay" I tell him. "Otay aunt Alice" he says. "Goodnight Braxton" I say. "Night night aunt Alice" he says. I hang up the phone.

"What did he want" Jonathan asks. "I guess he just wanted to talk to someone. He didn't want to go to bed. I got him to go though" I tell him. "That's good. Let's go see your mom and see Zillah" Jonathan says. "Okay" I say. He holds his hand out to me and I take it and we walk out to find mom and Zillah.

We find my mom and Zillah in the living room. Mom is sitting on the chair by the window. "Well there you are. You slept through lunch" mom says. "I know. We didn't mean to. We woke up about 15 minutes ago. I had to convince a four year old to go to bed" I tell my mom. "How do you know it was a four year old" she asks. "Because I recognized the voice as our four year old nephew" I say. "Oh" she says. "He somehow managed to get past guards, find Clary and Jaces office, and call my phone" I say. "Wow that's impressive" she says. "Braxton is a smart little 4 year old" Jonathan says.

"I saw the little crib hanging from the ceiling mom. It's so cute and creative" I say. "I'm glad you like it. I figured something like that wouldn't take up too much space and would be pretty easy to handle" she says. "It's perfect" I say.

Moms phone goes off. She repositions Grace in her arms and looks at her phone. "Peter just landed. Jeffrey" she tells us and calls for Jeffery. He comes in the room. "Yes madam" he asks. "Peter just landed. He's at the airport. I need you to go get him please" mom says. "Yes madam" he says. He leaves the room. "How come the people at the castle aren't that respectful" Jonathan asks. "They are. I make sure they are. They know that they don't have to be quite so uptight 24/7 but they need to be respectful. Especially when people come to the castle" I explain. "But they don't dress like servants and their position either" he says. "We don't make them. I talked to Clary a few years ago. If we made them dress up every day people would get tired of it and start complaining and it would put problems and more work on me and Clary. The only times they actually have to dress up is if people are coming over or for some special occasion" I explain. "Oh" he says.

"Mom where's-" Lucy says as she walks in the room. "You're back" Lucy says. She comes over and hugs Jonathan instead of me. "I missed you when I came over" she says. "When did you come over" Jonathan asks. "A couple of years ago. Alice said you were gone to some kind of war" she tells him. "Oh, yeah it's over so I am able to come back" he tells her. "If you like him so much I just won't come back. Maybe he can bring Zillah instead" I say. "Who's that" Lucy asks. "Our baby. Look at mom" I say. She looks over at mom. "Ooh baby" Lucy says excited. She goes over to mom to get a better look at Zillah. "How old" Lucy asks. "A month and a few days" Jonathan tells her. "She's so little" Lucy says. "Yeah" I say.

"Mom where's Jeffery" Lucy asks. "He went to go pick up your brother and Aubrey from the airport" mom tells Lucy. "Okay. I'm going to go study for my economics test tomorrow until dinner then" she says. She grabs her book bag and leaves the room.

Zillah starts whimpering and eventually starts crying. "She's probably hungry. I can go feed her" I tell my mom. Zillah hasn't been fed in a while. "Okay that's probably a good idea" mom says. I take Zillah from mom. I go upstairs with her. "Echo get out" I hear Lucy say. I walk over to Lucy's room. "Don't yell at him" I scold my little sister. "I'm trying to study and he comes in and sits next to me. I want to stay accepted into Georgia" she says. "You can do it. I'll get him out for you" I say. "Where are you going with baby z" she asks. "Baby z" I ask. "Yeah baby Zillah" she says. "I'm taking her to my room to feed her. She started crying and I just got her to calm down. I figured she is probably hungry" I tell my sister. "Oh okay" she says. "Come echo" I call. Echo gets off Lucy's bed and follows me to my old room. I close the door and sit on the small sofa in my room. I pull my shirt down a little and feed Zillah.

When she finishes I fix my shirt and set her down in the baby bed mom had set up. I walk out of my room and go down the hall. "Alice" Lucy says as I walk by her room. I back up and look at her. "Yes" I say. "Sit" she says and moves some of her books over. I sit on the bed across from her. "Can you quiz me" she asks. "Sure" I say. I grab the paper and quiz her on her economics. "I marked the ones you missed. Here's your paper back. I guess I will see you at dinner" i say. I get off her bed and leave the room.

As I walk down the hallway echo runs past me barking. I continue my walk to the top of the stairs. I see the front door open and Jeffrey walks in with Peter and Aubrey following behind. I go down the stairs and hug peter. "Mom said my little sister had a baby. It wasn't Lucy right" he asks. "Nope" I say. "Good. She's too young anyway" he says. "I'm only 26. Isn't that young" I say. "Well yes, but you are married. You are allowed to have a kid" he says. I laugh. "I missed you" I say. "I missed you too" he says. "If you will excuse me I am going to go get started on dinner" Jeffrey tells us. "Go ahead Jeffery" I tell him.

"Alice can I talk to you and Jonathan in private for a few minutes" he asks. "Sure, I'll go find him" I tell my big brother. "Okay, meet me in my old room" he tells me. "I'm going to go put our bags upstairs" Peter tells Aubrey. "Okay, I'm going to go see if I can find your mom" she tells him.

I go find Jonathan still in the living room. Mom is on the phone. "Kyle you need to come home. It looks like it is going to storm outside and I don't want you getting caught in it" she says. "Peter wanted to talk to the two of us upstairs" I tell Jonathan. "Okay" he says. I lead the way up to peters old bedroom. "I have to talk to you two" he say. "What's up" I ask. Peter closes the door. "I was bitten a few weeks ago and I shifted into a wolf" he tells me. "Oh my gosh" I mumble. "Does Aubrey know" Jonathan asks. "She knows. She has been keeping her distance though. I think she's scared of me now" he tells us. "I'm sorry" I say sympathetically. "Is there any way to reverse being a werewolf" he asks. "Not that I know of" Jonathan tells him.

"Before this all happened she has been talking about wanting kids. If we try and we are able to have kids will they be the same as me" Peter asks. "Its possible but its also possible not to pass on the gene. We won't know until it is born" Jonathan answers. "That's just great" Peter says and sits down on the edge of the bed. "Its possible the baby would be normal peter. You would just have to wait and see" I say trying to help Peter see the brighter side. "If Aubrey was a shadowhunter there is a better chance of the baby being normal and a shadowhunter but unfortunately you only have a 50/50 chance of the baby being a normal mundie" Jonathan says.

"Have you joined a pack yet" Jonathan asks. "No, do I need to" Peter asks. "Its a good idea to. They can help you figure out how to control the shift and everything you will need to know about our world" Jonathan tells him. "More than I already know" peter asks. "Much more" I say. "Oh" he says.

"We should probably bring you back home with us when we do go back. Just so you can talk to the King and Queen and they can know you are a part of our world now and can help you as well" I say. "That's probably a good idea" Peter says. "Don't worry Peter we will help you" I say. "Thanks guys" my brother says.

"No problem, we may be seeing you more often" Jonathan says. "Why is that" Peter says. "Because you are allowed in Idris now. You can officially come into Idris without being questioned since you are a downworlder now" Jonathan says. "Has Aubrey seen you in your wolf form" I ask. "Yeah but like I said, she is scared of me and wont come anywhere close when I have shifted" he says.

"What does your wolf look like" I ask my brother. "A blonde wolf. Are all werewolves the color of their hair" he asks. "No, you just got lucky. I've never seen a blonde wolf before" I say. "It's nothing special, I've only shifted twice" Peter tells me. "The only time you won't be able to control the shift is on the night of the full moon but other than that you should be okay" Jonathan tells Peter. "Oh that explains part of it" Peter says. "Was one of your shifts forced on a full moon" Jonathan asks. "Yeah" Peter says.

"Can I see your wolf" I ask. I really want to see a blonde wolf. "Yeah" he says. "You might want to strip to your boxers if you don't want to destroy your clothes" Jonathan says. "Thanks, I've already destroyed two shirts and pants already" Peter says. He takes his shirt and jeans off leaving him in his boxers. I hear a bunch of popping sounds and peter squeezes his eyes closed in pain. Then a blonde wolf stands in front of me. "You're pretty" I say and run my fingers through his fur. He purrs and leans against my touch.

"Want me to go get Aubrey and see if I can help her not be scared" I ask. He nods. "Okay I will be back. Don't shift back yet" I tell him.

I leave the room and go find Aubrey. She is sitting on the steps petting Echo. "Aubrey I need you to come with me" I say. "Okay where are we going" she asks. "Peters room" I say.

She follows me to peters room and I open the door. She gasps and freezes at the doorway. "Come on its okay" I say. She shakes her head. I pull her arm in the room and close the door. Peter looks up at Aubrey. "What's wrong Aubrey" I ask. "What did you do to Peter" she asks. "Nothing but that is Peter. He got bitten by a rogue werewolf and shifted. He tells us you are scared of his wolf form. We want to help" Jonathan says. Peter takes a small step forward and Aubrey takes a step back pushing her back against the door. Peter whines and lies down. "Look, Aubrey, its still him. You don't think he's scared too? He can now transform into a wolf. He has never been able to do this before. He needs you to help him get used to this and stay with him" I say. She still looks scared. I sit on the floor. "Come here Peter" I say. Peter stands up and comes over to me. I pet on his fur and he leans into my touch. "Come here Aubrey" I say. She slowly walks over to me and sits down. "Hold your hand out" I say. She holds her hand out. Her hand is shaking she is so scared. Poor Aubrey and Peter. She lightly touches the fur on Peters front leg. Peters ears perk up and his tail wags. "It's going to be all right Aubrey. See he wont hurt you" I say. She moves her hand up and pets his fur. Peter lies on the ground and puts his head on Aubreys legs. Her hand freezes. "He's gonna eat my leg off" she says. "No, he's just showing you he is not going to hurt you" Jonathan says. Peter whines again. I can tell he wants Aubrey to trust him and not be afraid of him again so badly.

I get up and walk over to Jonathan. "Don't leave me alone with him" Aubrey says. "We're not" I say. I turn to Jonathan. "Do you think your mom could help talk to Aubrey if she came down here" I ask. "I don't know, why" he asks. "I just remember being told she had to help Luke after he had shifted. I mean when your best friend shifts into a werewolf you have to have a whole lot of trust still to stay by them through it all. In a way she kind of went through the same thing. I'm just thinking maybe she can get through to Aubrey better than we can" I explain. "Maybe. We can try. Talk to your mom and see if we can fly her down here" Jonathan says. "Okay, I hope this works" I say.

"You okay Aubrey" I ask. "Yeah I'm okay" she says. She seems a little calmer now. "Peter do you want to shift back now" I ask. His head goes up and looks at Aubrey. She takes a deep breath. "Okay" she says. He licks the back of her hand and stands up. I take the clothes he took off and set them in the bathroom. "Go ahead Peter" I say. He walks in the bathroom and I close the door.

He comes back out. He kneels down in front of Aubrey. "Aubrey, I promise I would never hurt you. You don't need to be scared baby. I love you. I'm going to find a pack and join one" Peter tells Aubrey. Aubrey looks at me and Jonathan. "If we have a kid of our own, would it be a werewolf too" she asks. "That's what Peter was asking before Alice came and got you. It's a 50/50 chance of the baby either being normal or a werewolf. We wouldn't know for sure until it's born" Jonathan tells her. "Oh" Aubrey says. "Aubrey, would it help if you talked to my mom about this. She went through something similar" Jonathan asks. "Your dad was turned to a werewolf too" she asks. "Her best friend actually. Who later became my step dad. Would it help for you to talk to her" Jonathan asks. She nods. "We'll see what we can do" I say. She nods. "I'm going to go check on Zillah" I say. "Okay I'll come too" Jonathan says.

We leave peters room and go into mine. I grab Zillah who is wide awake in her crib. "Hi Zillah, did you take a little nap for mommy and daddy" I ask. I hold her close and she puts her chin on my shoulder. I hear a grunt. "Oh thank you Zillah" Jonathan says. It's his turn to change Zillahs diaper next. And from the grunts I think it will be quite full. I lean back and look at her. Her little face is red. "Your turn" I say when Zillahs face goes back to its normal color. I hand her over to Jonathan. "I'm going to go talk to my mom" I say.

I leave the room and go find my mom in her room. "Hey mom" I say. "Oh hey Alice. Your dad is on his way home" she tells me. "Okay. Hey mom, can we fly Jonathan's mom out here tomorrow" I ask. "I guess but why" she asks. "I was talking to Aubrey earlier. She's going through some difficult times. I know mrs. Jocelyn went through something similar. Jonathan and I are thinking maybe if Aubrey talks to her that it would help" I tell my mom. "Yeah I'll call Tyler and ask him to fly the plane to New York and back tomorrow morning" she says.

"Thanks mom. I know she will want to see Zillah too tomorrow" I say. "I bet. That baby is amazing. She never cried while you two were taking a nap. She started whimpering a little but never fully started crying" she tells me. "Zillah is a good baby. At least so far she has been" I say. "That's good" she says.

Dad walks in from work. "I'm so glad to see you Alice" he says. "Me to daddy" I say. "I can't believe you have a baby of your own now" he says. "Me neither honestly. You will love her when you meet her" I tell my dad. "I bet I will. You had a little girl" he asks. "Yeah. I'm going to go tell Jonathan what we just talked about mom so he can let his mom know and I will bring Zillah down in the living room so everyone can meet her" I tell them.

I leave my parents room and go over to my own. "My mom said your mom can come for tomorrow. She said she would call Tyler and get him to fly to the New York airport tomorrow to pick her up and fly her back tomorrow morning" I tell Jonathan. I take Zillah from him. "I will go ahead and call mom" he says. He unplugs his phone from the charger and calls his mom.

I take Zillah downstairs and sit in the living room. Peter and Aubrey come in first. "Baby" she squeals excited to see Zillah. Peter and Aubrey sit on the couch. "Peter, Aubrey, this is Zillah, my daughter" I introduce them. I look down and see Zillah yawn and close her eyes. "How are you already tired, you just took a nap" I ask Zillah. I'm thankful she sleeps most of the time instead of making me and Jonathan hold her. "She is so little, how old is she" Peter asks. "A month and a few days" I hear Jonathan say. "What did your mom say?" "She said she will come. She said to text her what time she will need to be at the airport to be able to get to your plane" he tells ne. "I'll find out from mom" I tell him.

Mom and dad come in next. "What time do you think Tyler will be in New York" I ask my mom. "He said he would be there by 9:00" she tells me. "I will let her know" Jonathan says. He gets out his phone and texts his mom. "Oh, dad this is Zillah" I tell my dad and shift Zillah in my arms so he can see her. "She is adorable Alice" he says as he looks at her.

Jeffrey comes in the room. "Dinner is ready" he announces. "Thank you Jeffrey we will be right there" mom says. "I will go get Lucy" I tell the others. I set Zillah down in the carrier we brought with us. I go upstairs and knock on Lucy's bedroom door. I don't hear an answer so I open the door. Lucy is asleep surrounded by what look like anatomy books. I guess she has an anatomy test coming up as well. "Lucy" I say. Quiet. "Lucy" I say louder. Her eyes open and she looks at me. "Dinner is ready" I say. "Oh, okay I'm coming" she says. She gets up and we walk down to the dining room. The others are in here already and are making their plates.

"You have anatomy too" I ask. "Yeah, I hate that class though but I'm required to take it to pass high school" she says. "I was always good at it. I can help you if you want" I say. "I'd love all the help I can get, I a terrible at it. It grosses me out" she says. (I'm really terrible and hate anatomy. I wish I didn't have to take it my senior year but my school made me) "What part are you guys doing" I ask. "Believe it or not, the brain" she says. "My favorite" I say. "Really" Jonathan asks. "Yep, there are some things even you don't know about me" I say.

"How was the trip down here" dad asks no one in particular. "It was fine. It was long though" Aubrey says. "How long" dad asks. "About 12 hours and 13 minutes. We got on the plane at three in the morning in order to be here by 3:00" Peter says. "Ours only took 30 seconds but we have technically been awake for two days with only a few hour nap after we got here" Jonathan says. "You two must be exhausted then" dad says. "Yep, we probably would have slept later but Braxton figured out how to call my phone" I say. "Whos that? Is he cute" Lucy asks. "He's cute but hes way too young for you" Jonathan says. "By how much" Lucy asks. "14 years" he says. "Its not that bad" she tries. "He's four Lu, therefore he's entirely too young for you" I say. "Oh" she says. "Braxton is our four year old nephew. Clary and Jace's little boy" I explain to my family.

After dinner we all eat we go sit in the living room and everyone gets a chance to hold Zillah. "I think I want to go out to the beach tomorrow mom, do you mind" I ask my mom. "Not at all, I'm sure you missed being able to go out there" she says. "I do, I want to go on my paddle board" I tell her. "I know you will like that" she says.

After a little while Jeffrey comes in the room. "If you don't mind madam I will be going to my room for the night" he says. "That's fine. Good night Jeffrey" mom says.

"What happens when you all want to go on a vacation" Jonathan asks. "Jeffrey either has the house to himself or he can go somewhere else he wants on his own vacation" dad tells him. "Oh" Jonathan says.

"I can go pick your mom up tomorrow. Where do you guys want to meet" I tell jonathan and ask Aubrey. "Starbucks" Aubrey asks. "Okay" I say.

My phone rings. I hit answer and say "hello?" "Aunt Alice" I hear a little voice ask. "Hi Braxton" I say. I put him on speaker so the others can hear him too. "Hi. I just finished breakfast" he says happily. "That's good Braxton. What did you have for breakfast" I ask. "Daddy said it was called a omette" he says. "An omelette. What did your mommy eat" Jonathan asks. "Hi Unca Jo jo" Braxton says. "Hi Braxton" Jonathan says. "She had fruit and bacon. Lots of bacon" Braxton says. "I figured" Jonathan says. "Are you helping take care of chance and scout for us" I ask. "Yes I am. Can you bring me some monster trucks when you come back" Braxton asks. "Yes Braxton, I think we can pick you up some" I say. "Yay. I'm going to go see Grace now. Bye bye" he says. "Bye Braxton" I say. I hang up.

"Monster trucks" Aubrey asks. "The little hot wheels ones you get from Walmart. Those are his favorite toys now" I explain. "He is so cute. I love his little voice" Lucy says. "Yeah, he's cute in person too" Jonathan says. "Who is chance" Lucy asks. "My horse" Jonathan tells her. "Oh, I met scout but I didn't meet Chance" she says. "That's because Chance was where Clary lives" he tells her.

"Does Echo get along with your other dog" dad asks. "Yeah, they tend to get a little jealous of each other when one is on our bed. The bed isn't big enough for the four of us so one has to stay on the dog bed some nights while the other one sleeps on our bed. Other than that they tend to get along good" Jonathan says petting Echo. "Echo lives with you" Peter asks. "Yeah, he has for a few years now" I say.

After half an hour later Jonathan and I take Zillah and go up to bed and every one ease decides to go to bed for the night too. I feed Zillah one last time before bed and then go lie down after I get ready for bed.

"Tell me something I don't know about you" Jonathan asks. "You already know so much about me" I say. "There's got to be something I don't know" he says. "Hmm... I got my college degree in psychology" I tell him. "What's that" he asks. "Psychologists assess, diagnose and treat individuals suffering from psychological distress and mental illness. They also perform psychotherapy and develop treatment plans" I explain. "In English please" he says. I giggle. "In other words I can diagnose a mental disease and help cure it. Psychology is the study of the brain and everything that goes on inside" I say. "Oh" he says stressing the "o". "Yeah, I had a job as one for a year before I cane to work for Clary" I tell him. "Did you get paid pretty good" he asks. "I made 78,000 a year. It wasn't bad pay. I had an apartment over here, apartments in LA or Beverly Hills are expensive, I went to work and was able to do things with Lucy and my friends afterwards. I was a clinical one so I got to be with patients and stuff" I tell him. "That's cool" he says.

"So tell me something I don't know about you" he asks. "In my past life as Sebastian, I was in a relationship with the seelie Queen" he tells me. "Oh yeah Clary told me about that while you and the others were gone at the war. She said she wished she could bring you back to see if you had some information about her that nobody knew" I say. "I know all kinds of things about her, I just haven't told anyone" he tells me. "Mmm" I hum and yawn. "Let's go to sleep darling" he says and kisses my forehead. "Okay" I say. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

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