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I'm going to New York City this afternoon!! I'm so excited!! I don't know what all I should do? It's going to be freezing there though. I hate the cold. I just figured I'd give you a chapter before I leave. I will have my phone and wattpad with me while I'm there though.

"Clary" Jaces soft voice says. I take a deep breath in and smell his sweet honey smell. "Come on Clary get up" he says. I open my eyes and look at him and shut them again pulling a pillow closer to me. "Please" he asks. "Fine" I groan.

We both get out of the bed and go get changed in the closet. I get my white tank top and green jacket an jeans. I slide on some brown boots. I brush my teeth and hair. When jace gets ready we go downstairs.

Alice comes in for breakfast with bear following. "How was bear last night without Jonathan" I ask. "He cried last night. At first when we went in the room I shut the door and he stared at the door and cried. Then after about an hour he laid down on the bed and cried too. Have you ever heard a Doberman cry? It's pitiful" she says. "Bear doesn't like being separated" I say. Bear finishes his food. He walks over to where Jonathan usually sits for breakfast. He lies down behind the chair. He whines. "Awh poor bear" jace says. "I told you, it's just sad. Imagine hearing that all night but louder" Alice says. "Well he will be happy when Jonathan comes back" I say. Bears head snaps up and looks at me. "He's coming back buddy. He's not gone forever" I tell the black and brown dog. He whines again.

"You have to admit it does feel weird now without having Jonathan at breakfast with us" jace says. "Yeah it does. Hey, since he's not here at breakfast anymore does that mean I can't sit here the rest of the week with you guys" Alice asks. "Sure you can. Next week you're moving in with him right" I ask. "Yeah" she says. "I don't see a problem with you eating with us" jace says.

"Does anyone know what time he's coming back" I ask. "No idea. Probably this afternoon. Clary can you teach me to canter this morning" Alice asks. "Have you gotten the walk trot down" jace asks. "Yeah, some times I just forget to check my diagonal with the posting trot" she says. "The canter isn't something that comes automatically. It takes time. Yeah you might be able to get it the first time but it still takes time" jace says. "But yeah I can teach you. You want to go to the arena this morning" I ask. "Sure" she says.

After breakfast Alice and I go to the barn. I saddle up autumn I watch her tack scout up. "Ugh he does this every time" she says. "What's he doing" I ask. "He blows out ever time I try to put the girth on" she says. "Here hold autumn" I tell her. She leaves scout and holds autumn for me. Scout is still in the cross ties so he's not going anywhere. "I love his little elf like ears" I say.

Scout is cute. He's not as small as a pony but he's not as tall as a normal horse. He's grey with spots. He has one blue eye and one that's half blue half brown.

(This is the horse I ride when I take horseback lessons. His name is shadow. There is a horse at the barn I ride at named scout who looks a little similar. Shadows eyes really are that way, one blue one half blue and half brown. His ears really are like elf ears. And he really is that small)

I take the girth. "Suck it in scout" I tell the horse. I take the girth and pull. He keeps blowing out. "Is this the girth size you use every time" I ask. "Yeah, Jonathan just tightens it" she says. "Well today we will use a size bigger" I tell her. I go to the other side and take off the girth. I go in the tack room. I grab a size 50 and put it on scout. I tighten it all the way to the third hole. "Here you go, you just need the bridle" I say. She puts the spurs on. She gets the bridle out and puts it on him. We walk the horses out of the barn. We get on and trot over there.

I get off autumn and open the gate. I let her in and then tie Autumn to the gate.

I lock the gate then go sit in the middle on one of the jumps. "Go ahead and start walking on the rail" I say. She does what I tell her to. "Heels down" I say. It's really important for you to keep your heels down when riding. "I'm trying" she says. After a while I tell her to go to a posting trot. "Your diagonal, is it right or wrong" I ask. She looks down. "Right" she says. "Nope switch it" I say. She sits twice and changes it the way I taught her. I keep watching as she trots around the ring. "Heels down Alice. You're on your tippy toes" I say. When riding your heels are what keep you in your saddle. They are also your brakes. "What do you mean? I thought they were down" she says. "Come here" I say. She walks over to me. I stand up. I push her left heel down. "This is how far it needs to be down. If it doesn't stay down it will be hard to canter and to keep control of scout. Does it hurt" I ask her. "Yeah" she says. "Good, that means it's working. now make sure the other one is down and hurting with this" I say. She nods. "Go back on the rail" I tell her. She goes back and goes to a posting trot.

"Stop" I tell her. She stops and looks at me. "You went tippy toed again. I want you do stand up in your saddle and just walk. It will help" I tell her. She stands up. Scout takes a couple of steps and she has to sit again. She stands and struggles to stay sitting. "This hurts" she says. "Good. Keep doing that for a couple of laps then go back to trotting" I tell her. She tries but she can't stay up. "I can't stay up" she says. "Yes you can. You can hold on to some of his mane if you need too. Don't hold with your knees" I tell her. She stands up holding scouts mane some. She does a few laps standing then she starts trotting and posts. This time her heels are down. (I've been having trouble with my heels so my horseback teacher made me start doing this. It hurts but it helps get your heels down when riding)

I watch her for a while. "You ready to try the canter" I ask. "He has a comfortable little canter" I hear someone say. I look behind me and see Jonathan leaning over the rail on the other side of the arena.  Alice stops and looks at him. "Where did you come from" she asks. "My house. I knew you've been eager to learn the canter. I figured this is where you'd be. I just came straight here" he says. "You need to go see that dog of yours. He's been so whiny" Alice tells him. "I will in a little bit. I want to see this first" he says.

I turn back to Alice. "Then you're ready" I ask. "Mhm" she hums. "You're going to squeeze with your outside leg, and some on your inside leg. Mostly your outside though. Make sure you keep your heels down and sit down. If you post up or lean he will stop or go into the trot. It will confuse him, so stay seated. Keep your leg pressure on him" I say. "Do I go from the walk or trot" she asks. "Either one. The walk might be easier since you are just starting out the canter on him" I say. She starts walking. "Whenever you're ready" I say. She does it. She gets a few strides in then he brakes. "What happened, you had it" I ask. "I don't know" she says. "You took your foot off. He didn't have any pressure on him telling him to go" Jonathan says. "The canter seems so fast" she says. "I know, but believe me you can go much faster than that, let's just stick to this speed for now" I say. "You can try again whenever you're ready" I say. She does and goes for longer this time. She comes to a stop. "You did good" I tell her. She walks and trots around again.

When it gets to be lunch time we head back to the castle. Bear gets really excited to see Jonathan again. "Are you taking him with you back to your house" Jace asks. "Yeah, I am. I just needed to wait 'til it was daytime where he can see to follow me" Jonathan answers. "That's probably a good idea but I think he kept Alice up last night" I say.

"How was the horseback lesson" jace asks. "It was fine. She did it. She just won't put her heels down" I tell him. "Oh" he says.

"How was your first night at your house" jace asks my brother. "It was hard to fall asleep. And even then I would have nightmares" he tells us. "I'm sorry, you knew it was going to be hard" I say. "Yeah" he says. I feel bad for Jonathan. He had such a hard childhood. Now it's coming back on him. "Maybe tonight since you will have bear that will help" I suggest. "Maybe" he says.

We talk some more over lunch about other things. Jonathan goes somewhere else and the servants and everyone else comes and eats their lunch. "I'll help you in the office. You deserve some help" I tell him. "You sure, you can do whatever else you want instead if you want to" he says. "Yeah I'm sure" I say.

Jace and I go into our office and we work on some papers and other things that need to be done. I draw in my sketchbook some for work.

The phone starts ringing. "Hello" jace says when he answers it. "Yeah just a minute" he says after a few minutes. "It's for you" he says. I come around the desk and take it on my hand. "Hello" I ask. "Hi Clary" I hear Luke's voice say. "Oh hey Luke" I say. "Come to the hospital. Come meet the baby" he says. "Okay, let me just go get Jonathan and we will be there as soon as we can" I say. "Okay" he says and hangs up.

I put the phone back in it's holder. "You coming with me" I ask. "Where" he asks. "To meet my new little brother or sister. I have to go get Jonathan first though" I say. "Yeah I'll come" he says. I grab my phone deom the cabinet and hand him his phone.

"Great. Lets go get Jonathan and Alice" I say. We leave the office and go down to the training grounds. "Hey" I say. Jonathan and Alice stop and look at me. "Let's go we're leaving" I say. "Okay but where are we going" Alice asks. "To meet the new baby" I say. "Okay then let's go" Jonathan says. I open a portal and we all go through it.

We end up across from a hospital. We walk across the street and go into the hospital. We all sign in and find out what room they are in. We go straight there.

When we go into the room we see mom sitting up in a hospital bed holding a bundle of blankets. "Come meet your new little brother" mom says smiling at us. "What's his name" Jonathan asks. "His name is Carson. Carson Thomas Garroway" she says. "Can I hold him" I ask. "Of course" she says. She gently passes me my new little brother. "Aww, hi Carson" I coo quietly. He's such a cute little baby.

"He's already got some hair" Alice says looking at the baby in my arms. "Yeah, he'll lose it though. Clary did" mom says.

I turn to Jonathan. "You want to hold him" I ask. "Yeah" he says. I pass Carson off to him. Jonathan looks at the baby in his arms in awe.

"Carson, you're a little life savor. Thank you" jace says. "How's he a little life saver" mom asks. "He saved me from having to work" jace says. "Well he saved me from having to train" Alice says. "you do you you will have it do it when you get back. He can only save you for some time" Luke says. "Yeah but is rather not think about it" jace says.

"What time was he born" I ask. "He was born at 2:00 in the morning this morning. So it would have been 9:00 in the morning where you guys live" Luke says. "I know the feeling of them being born early in the morning. Grace was a 3:30 baby" I tell them.

"How was the wedding yesterday" mom asks. "It was good" I say. "Clary sang" Jonathan says finally looking up from Carson who is still sleeping soundly in his arms. "You did" mom asks. "Yeah" I say. "Will you sing some" mom asks. "Nope. I'm not singing anything for anyone for a while. It felt like my heart was going a hundred miles an hour when I sang in front of all of those people" I tell them.

We stay for a few more hours and visit with mom, Luke and baby Carson. Alice and Jace get to hold my baby brother before we leave.

"I want to go see the shop if you guys don't mind. If you really want to get back I can send you on through a portal" I tell them as we leave the hospital. "Yeah we can go there, I kinda want to see what kind of designs you've been doing. Isn't it normal clothes too" Alice asks. "Yeah, I've been doing a little bit of everything. You will see when we get there" I say.

I remember where it was when Tessa and I picked the place out. She designed the inside though. We walk around Brooklyn until we get to the building. We go inside. "Wow. You've designed all this" Jonathan asks. "Yeah all the clothes" I say. I've designed both clothes for guys and girls.

(Imagine the store like half of it girls clothes and half boys. This is like the girls side)

I go to the check out desk to the person behind it. "Is tessa here" I ask. "Yes ma'am" she says. "Can you go get her for me" I ask. "Yes ma'am. Just give me one minute" she says and goes to the back. "Does she know who you are" jace asks. "Probably not, and I have idea who she is" I say.

The girl comes back with Tessa following her. "Hey guys" Tessa says. "Hey Tessa" I say. "What are you guys doing in New York" she asks. "We came to meet the new baby" I tell her. "Oh he was born? I didn't know that" she says. "Yeah" I say. "Is logan at school" I ask. "Yeah. I'm actually just about to take my lunch break to go get him since he only goes half a day" Tessa says. "Oh okay" I say.

"So how have things been here" I ask. "They've been good, we've been busy we are about to close for lunch and then we open at one o'clock again" she says. "Okay cool. When do you want the next few designs" I ask. "As soon as you can we are usually busy with people" she says. "Okay I'll see what I can do" I say. "We need more shirts for the men's line and skirts for women's and pants for both" she says. "There's a men's line" jace asks. "Yeah it's over there" Tessa says and points to the right where all the men's clothes is.

(Kinda imagine this but more like something boys and men would wear. Like casual and dressy clothes)

"Okay I'll see what I can do. Any particular color" I ask. "No. I'm telling you Clary you should have seen this place at Christmas time. It was packed out" she says. "Really? That's good to know. I must be doing something right" I say.

"Yeah, we've had some requests for dresses too. Do you think we should have a dress wall, since you know, that's what your known for" she asks. "Yeah I think so. It may just take me a little while to get them designed since I'm going to work on those shirts, skirts and pants. Where would we put the dresses though" I ask. "What about that wall" she asks pointing to where the girls clothes are hung up on display on the wall. "What about over there" I ask pointing to a back wall space that's empty. "That could work. I'll reserve that little space for your dresses" she says.

"Okay. I really love what you've done with the place. It looks great" I say. "Thanks" She says.

"I'm going to lunch okay Tessa" the girl from the front desk says. "Okay Sarah, I'll see you at 1:00" tessa says and Sarah leaves the store.

"Quick question Tessa, do you want a puppy" jace asks from the other side of the store. "Do I need a puppy no. I think Logan would like a puppy though" she says. "I'm sure he would" I say.

"Okay, do you want to go get Logan? I can stay here with the others" she asks. "Yeah sure. Where is his school" I ask. "You leave here and walk to the left about three blocks then take a right on 3rd street and it's the big building on the left. I usually bring him back here after I pick him up. I have his lunch here" she tells me. "Okay I'll go get him" I tell her. "I'm going to go get Logan. Text me if you need me" I say and leave the store. Jace is the only one who has his phone besides me.

I follow Tessa's direction to Logan's elementary school. I go in and find out what class he's in by texting Tessa. I go to his classroom and sign him out. "Clary" Logan says with a big smile when he sees me. I give him a hug. "What are you doing here" he asks. "I came to pick you up" I tell him. "Okay" he says. "Am I going home with you" he asks. "No, I wish you could but I need to get you back to your momma" I tell him. "Oh" he says. We leave his school.

"How was school" I ask him. "Good" is all he says.

We walk almost all the way to he store. "Logan can I ask you something" I ask. "Okay" he says. "Do you want a puppy? I found out yesterday my dog is going to have puppies" I ask him. "Yes please" he says.

We get to the store and he goes up to Tessa. "Momma can we have a puppy" he asks. "But we already have church" she says. "But church doesn't like me. He always tries to get away when I try and pet him" Logan says. "It's not just you little man. He's like that with everyone but your dad" jace tells Logan. "I guess we can have a puppy Logan" Tessa says caving in to little Logan's wants. "When they are ready to leave Chrissie I will let you pick out one" I tell them.

"We should probably head back. It's dinner time and I have to take bear back to my house before the sun goes down" Jonathan says. "It's not dinner time. It's lunch time" Logan says looking up at him. "It's dinner time back where we live" Jonathan says. "Oh" Logan says.

The four of us go outside and go through a portal to go home. Jonathan eats dinner with us then gets bear and goes back to his house.

Jace and I go up to our room to get ready for bed. "What did you think of my new baby brother" I ask. "He's cute. Seeing him made me miss our own baby" jace says. "I miss her too" I tell him. I put my blue t shirt that I sleep in and finish getting ready for bed.

I get in the bed and wait for jace. There's something that happened in my past that's been eating me up inside. I couldn't keep it from happening but I'm afraid if anyone finds out about it they would think differently of me.

"Clary? You okay" jace asks from beside me. I didn't even know he had finished getting ready for bed. "I'm fine" I lie. "You look very worried" he says. "What is it" he asks. "Don't worry about it. It's nothing" I tell him. "Clary" he says looking at me like he doesn't believe me. I guess I need to tell him. He won't leave me alone if I don't. I know how he is. He can be very persistent. "If I tell you can you promise you won't be mad at me" I ask. He nods. "When I was kidnapped the first time, the guy who took me, Ashton, there was a day when he" I start. I can't say it. That man hurt me in so many ways. It was so long ago but I still remember all of it.

"What happened? What did he do Clary? You can tell me" jace asks. I look down and stare at the bed sheets. Three words Clary, just three words.

"He raped me" I tell him very quietly not looking up from the bed sheets. I don't think he heard me until he says "why didn't you tell me?" I finally look up at him. I shake my head. "I just couldn't. I was afraid of what would happen if anyone finds out. I'm still afraid. Until now nobody else knows except you. That's why ever since I got back to the institute from being kidnapped I was afraid for anyone to really touch me. I'm still scared jace. Then when I was pregnant with Grace, the seelie Queen sent somebody to do that to me. My whole body froze. That's why I didn't fight back, because my body froze and I was just scared. If you hate me because of any of this I understand, I hate myself for it" I tell him. "Oh Clary. I could never hate you for that. You couldn't control it or keep it from happening. I know you were scared. I'm so sorry that happened to you" jace says. I wrap my arms around him and start crying. "It's alright, I've got you. No one is ever going to hurt you like that again" he says.

He holds me for a while then we lay down and he holds me some more. "Go to bed love. I've got you. No one will ever hurt you like that again" he says. I close my eyes wrapped up in Jaces arms and feeling his wings come around me too. I eventually fall asleep feeling safe.

What did you guys think of Carson?

What about Clary's store? Do you like the idea of her doing men's and women's clothes?

What do you think about the little glimpse of something big that happened when she was kidnapped?

What was your favorite part of the chapter? Why?

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