Telling everyone

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                          I wake up and hurry to get ready for school. I get a red dress that comes up mid thigh and put some small heels with it. I make my bed and walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair. I smell bacon in the kitchen.
                              I walk into the kitchen and see mom in there making breakfast. "Hey honey. It is just me up." "Oh good. I need to tell you what I found out last night. I talked to Michael prickett the head of Sherri hill, the one who is sending me to Italy, last night. He is going to email me a schedule of what he is setting up for me to do in Italy. He said he wants to send me next Friday. He is sending a limo to an address I send him." "Wow, that is a lot sooner than I expected it to be. I guess we will have you ready to leave by next week." " I talked to Tessa last night. She said she would come with me bu she has to try and talk Jem into coming with her. I also talked to Isabelle and she is going to come." "Are you going to bring Grant with you?" I forgot I didn't tell her. I guess now is the time to tell her that we broke up. "No. I was not planning on it nor do I want to. We broke up. He cheated on me. I am happy though. I want to bring jace with me." "oh i am sorry honey. I am glad you are happy though. Grab some bacon. I made breakfast casserole too. Simon will be here soon to walk with you to school soon." I grab some bacon and scoop some breakfast casserole on my plate and sit down at the table and start eating.
                       Simon gets here at 7:15 like always. He grabs some bacon from the counter and says "hey clary ready to go?" "Yeah i'll go grab my book bag. I will be right back and we can go." I grab a  bag of cheese its out of the pantry and go grab my bag. The cheese its are for break. I grab my bag and walk back to Simon and say "lets go." We walk to the front door and see my mom in the hallway. we tell her goodbye and walk out the front door.
                               "Hey Simon I need to tell you something." "What is it?" He asks. "Sherri hill is sending me and four people to Italy next friday. I already asked my four people. Isabelle is one of them. Sorry to take her for a little while. Italy is pretty." "What? Your leaving? When?" "Yes I am leaving to go to Italy. Izzy is coming too. We leave next Friday." "Okay I guess I will have to figure out something to do while y'all are gone and leaving me. Who else is going with you?" "Tessa, izzy, hopefully jem and jace when I ask him." "You are taking jace. Really? You won't take your best friend?" "You know I would. Jace knows his way around Italy though Surprisingly. He sighs and says "okay well I guess I will see you when you get back." "I'm sorry Simon I am." "It's fine. I will miss you and izzy both. Have fun." "Thanks" I say and we keep walking to school.
                         We walk in the building and we grab our French books out of our lockers and head over to the classroom. We get there and jace walks in after us. "Your going back to Italy?" I turn to face him and say "yeah. How did you know?" "Izzy told me." "Of course she did. You want to come?" "Of course I do. Who else is coming?" "Tessa and possibly jem." "Sounds good when are we going?" "The plane is leaving Next Friday night." "Ok good" he says and we all three sit down. I need to check my email to see if mrs. Barbers has finished the dress or Michael has sent me the schedule. I pull out my laptop and type in my password and pull up my email. I did receive an email from both. Izzys dress is done and ready for pickup. Oh good I hope she likes it. I think she will look like a model in it. I send a reply saying I will come get it after school. I look at the email from Michael. Wow he has a lot planned. It says

Saturday: arrive in Italy and check in at in pezzo do casa palace hotel at 9:15. Meet personal assistant in lobby of the hotel at 2:00pm. Photo shoot at 5:15

Monday: interview with glamour magazine at 11:30 at enoteca pinchiorri.

Wednesday: meet with designer Donna Karan at 3:30 pm at lake como

Friday: photo shoot for glamour magazine at 11:00 am

Sunday: check out of hotel at 11:00 am and leave to go back to New York.

Wow this is a busy week he has planned. Something for every other day. "Wow. I have a busy week when I am in Italy. Either a photo shoot or a interview or a meeting every other day." "Wow. I have to spend every other day without you. That will be hard" jace says. "I know but hopefully the place we stay at is nice" I say.
                  The school day goes by fast. I tell izzy I will be at the institute later today. I don't tell her why. I walk out the front doors of the school and head over to pick up izzys dress. I haven't been able to stop thinking about going to Italy all day. This will be an amazing trip. This time I get to spend more than a day there. I also get to spend it with 4 of my favorite people in the whole world. I hope Tessa gets jem to come with us. I've gotten closer to them both recently. Tomorrow me and Tessa are going to have a girls night.
                               I hear my phone ring. I pull it out of my bag and see it is Tessa calling me. I stop walking and say "Hey Tessa!" "Hey clary. How was school?" "it was good. I am so excited about Italy." "I bet. I am too. Jem is going to come with us. I had to do a lot of talking to get him to come. When do we leave?" "We leave next Friday night. And we are supposed to arrive the next morning. I am not sure yet where I will get us to meet so the limo can pick us up." "How about either your house or everyone can meet at our house." "That would be fine either one. Which would be easier for you both. Jace and izzy will come either way" I say. "My house might be the best since we all know where it is. I can't wait for both Italy and our girls night tomorrow" I add. "Oh I forgot about that. I can't wait either. That will be fun. I will see you tomorrow" she says. "Okay bye Tessa" I say and hang up.
                       I walk around the corner and in to mrs. Barbers building. I see her sitting at a desk. "Hi mrs. Barbers" I say. "Hi clary. I will be right back with the dress" she says and disappears from my sight. I set by book bag down and pull out the money to pay her. She walks back towards me and hands me a yellow dress bag. She hangs it on a hook and unzips the zipper so I can see it. It looks beautiful. And just the way I designed it. "Oh it's beautiful! Thank you so much for making this. She will love it. Here's the money I owe you for the dress too" I say and hand her the money. "Thank you clary I hope she likes it and has a good time at her dance." I say "thanks again" and I walk outside. I need to go to the institute and give it to izzy. I hope she likes it. I know she will look amazing in it. I call for a cab and head over to the institute.
                  We get to the institute in about 15 minutes. I just go in and up the elevator. I don't see anyone the hall is empty. I walk over to her room and knock. "Come in" I hear izzys voice say. I walk in and she says "hey clary. What's up?" "I got your dress. You want to see it?" "Oh my gosh yes of course!" I close the door behind me and hang it on the hook next to her closet. I unzip the zipper and take the dress out of the bag. She squeals and says "oh my angel! It's beautiful! I can't believe you did this for me." She hugs me so tight and almost knocks me over. "Izzy I can't breath." She releases me and I say "go in the bathroom and try it on I want to see it on you." She nods with a big smile on her face and takes the dress and walks into he bathroom. I sit on the bed and wait 5 minutes for her to come back out. She walks out smiling from ear to ear. "Oh my goodness Isabelle you look amazing. I am coming straight here after school to help you get ready for the dance. You look like a model." "Oh thank you clary but I should be the one thanking you. You made this beautiful dress and I wouldn't be going in such an amazing dress without you. You are the best friend in the world. I can't believe I am going to the dance in a beautiful dress with the best boyfriend in the world and you are taking me to Italy. This day just keeps getting better and better." "Well I'm glad you love the dress. I love it in you. I talked to Tessa we are all meeting at my house Friday for the limo. Then we are getting on a private plane to head over." "Why don't we just portal there?" "Well you can if you want but it will be no fun. I have always wanted to ride on a private plane and I am going. You and jace need to meet me next Friday at my house after school at 7:00." "Okay, okay. We will meet at your house for the limo. I can't wait for both tomorrow and Italy. It will be so much fun. I will see you tomorrow." She gives me a hug and walks back into the bathroom. I say bye through the door and head home.

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