The beach

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The picture is from the beach the last time I was there which was last week. I stay at the same place they are staying at in my story.

September 20th

"Come on beautiful. Time to wake up. We're going to the beach today" jace says. He brushes my hair from around my face. I sigh and open my eyes. "Okay" I say.

I go into the closet. I put on an ivory colored floral halter top with black pants. I slip on some grey converse and go into the bathroom. I brush my teeth and my hair. I put my hair in a ponytail. Jace and I go down to breakfast.

(Picture the outfit up top except with grey converse instead of heels)

"You guys ready to go to the beach" I ask. Jonathan and Alice are coming with us this time. "Yes! I can't wait to have a break from all this" Alice says.

"When are we leaving" Jonathan asks. "As soon as Mom, Luke, Tessa, Logan and Jem get here" I say. "After what happened in January the clave won't be staying here anymore or running things. We need someone we trust staying here while we are gone" jace adds. "I don't blame you. I'm glad you are doing it like this this time. It not only put work on you guys, but on me too" Alice says. "How so" I ask. "I had to sort every single servant, maid, cook, everyone. Basically I had to sort out and reorder people to their actual jobs since the clave mixed people up" Alice says. "Wow, I didn't know they messed all that up too" jace says. "Oh yeah" Alice says.

"I think we just need to take two cars this time, instead of three" I say. "We are driving all the way over there" Jonathan asks. "Angel no. We get two cars and I open a portal. We drive the cars through and end up at the beach. We did it last time. It would take days to drive from New York to Alabama" I say. "What two cars should we take then" jace asks. "Mine and Izzy's can take 4 people each. If Magnus, Alec, Izzy and Simon go in her car, the four of us can ride in mine" I say. "I guess that'll work. We will have to ask Izzy" jace says. "Yeah" I say.

"How's training been going Alice" jace asks. "It's been good. I finally mastered the intermediate level of hand to hand combat that's required. Now someone has to live up to his promise" Alice says looking at Jonathan at the last part. "I know and I will. When we get back" Jonathan says. "That was fast" jace says. "I'm a fast learner" Alice says.

"I think you already have the first level of ranged missile combat down, you just have to get the second and third. Honestly, if you can just get the first two down it's fine with me. I can only get the first two down anyway" I say. "What's ranged missile combat" Alice asks. "Weapons. You have to know how to use at least one" jace says. "Oh" Alice says. "Now you can finally stop bugging me about you not getting to the weapons" Jonathan says.

After we all eat breakfast Izzy, Alec, Magnus and Simon come. Simon has come home again for a little while before he goes back out.

Izzy, Alice and I go in the library while the other boys go somewhere else. "Have you thought any more about what I asked you" Izzy asks. "Yeah, I'll do it" I say. "Yay" Izzy squeals. "What did you ask" Alice asks. "If she would sing at the reception. I want her to sing for the first dance song" Izzy says. "You're gonna do it? Oh I can't wait. I've never heard you sing" Alice says. "Only few have. Only Jace, Jonathan and Grace have. Jonathan wasn't even supposed to, but he did" I tell them.

"So what would I sing" I ask Izzy. "How about 'A moment like this' by Kelly Clarkson" Isabelle suggests. "Oh I love that song. That's actually the song I've always wanted for my first dance song but I guess now I have to choose a different one" Alice says. "I'll do it Izzy. Lets just hope when it comes time to do it my fear doesn't get to me" I say. "I hope it doesn't" Izzy says. "You'll do great Clary. I can't wait" Alice says.

Charlotte comes in. "Your parents are here along with the Carstairs" she says. "Thank you Charlotte. Where are they" I ask. "In the entrance hall" Charlotte says. "Thank you. We will be right there" I say. She nods and leaves the room.

"I've just got to get my bag and I will head on down" I tell Alice and Izzy. "I've got to get my bag from Jonathan's room too" Alice says. "Ooh, Jonathan's room" Izzy asks. "Not like that. When you hear the whole story it will make more sense" Alice says. "So tell me" Isabelle says. "I will tell you later. We have to get our bags first" Alice says. "Fine. I'll go down to the entrance hall" Isabelle says.

Alice and I go up to get our bags and we meet the others down at the entrance hall. "So you guys have this place to yourself. Everyone here knows that, so you should be good" I say.

"Where's the dogs" Tessa asks. "When I went to grab my bag Bear was asleep on Jonathan's bag" Alice says. "Chrissie is around here somewhere" I say. Just as I say that I hear a bark and my black and white dog comes running down the stairs. She stops and looks at me. She whines and starts barking and talking in her doggy language. "I know Chrissie. I'll come back. You have Logan right now" I say to Chrissie. She barks back at me. "Don't be like that" I say. She barks back at me. She huffs and goes to sit next to Logan. "She has separation problems doesn't she" mom says. "Mhm, she doesn't like when I leave" I say.

"Well we better get going. Help yourself to the library Tessa" I say. "Oh I will" she says.

The eight of us go outside of the castle. "If I portal four of you guys can you take Izzy's car and come to moms house? And we go on to the beach from there. I think we can do only two cars this time instead of three" I say. "Yeah, I'll open the one to the institute if you open the one to the beach" Magnus says. "Okay" I say. He opens a portal and he, Alec, Isabelle and Simon go through. I close it and open one to moms house. The rest of us go through.

"We can go inside while we wait for them to come" I say. "How far is the institute from here" Alice asks. "About 30 minutes I went between here and there a lot when we lived in New York" jace says. "I'm sure" Alice says. I unlock the house and we walk inside. They watch tv and wait for the others. I go to the office. I sit down at the computer and look up the song Isabelle said. I print out the song and stick it in my suitcase. I go watch tv with the others until the others get here.

When they get here I grab my keys from the hook and we go outside. "Okay just like last time. Izzy, you go through and just call me when you get there and you guys will come on through and then I will go through and close it" I say. "Got it" she says. I open a portal and she drives through it. A few minutes later Izzy calls. "We made it. You want us to go ahead and check in" she asks. "Umm, no that's okay. I'll do it. They might need me to sign something when I check in. We will be right there" I say. I send the rest in. I wait a minute then go through and close it behind me.

I get in the car and we go to the beach. They drop me off at the front doors and I go to the lobby check in desk. "I'm here to check in" I say. "Okay, What's the name under" the woman asks. "Herondale" I say. She types it in the computer. "Yes room 1601 C. Can you sign this paper for me" she says and hands me a paper. I sign the paper. "Your room will be ready in about half an hour. They are still cleaning it" she says. "Okay, I will talk to the others and see what they want to do while we wait" I say. "Okay. Here is your first room key. The rest are already in the room. How many cars did you bring" she says. "Just two" I say. "Perfect. Here are your parking passes. Your spot for one car is on level P1" she says and hands me the passes. "Okay thanks" I say. (This is the same room I stay in with my family when we come here)

I leave and go outside to meet the others. "So, our room is not ready. It will be ready in 30 minutes. Do you guys want to go eat some lunch and come back? We can go over to the gulf" I ask. "That sounds fine" Alec says. "Okay. Here's your parking pass Izzy" I say and hand her her pass. We get back in the cars and head over to the gulf.

We get our food and sit down. "So why was your bag in Jonathan's room" Magnus asks. "Umm" they both say. "Oh my gosh. Did you two-" Magnus starts. "No" Jonathan says. "Then what" Isabelle asks. "You know clary's ex boyfriend Grant? He locked me in his closet. He was gonna come get me after he was done with work. He was probably gonna rape me or something. I had missed half a day of work. Luckily Jonathan noticed something was wrong since he hadn't seen me and went and found me. He brought me to his room and I ate dinner in there where I was safe. Once Grant noticed I was gone he came up to Jonathan's room to find me. He tried to get to me but Clary and Jace came in time" Alice tells her. They look shocked. "He wasn't like that in high school. I mean yeah, he cheated and had a bunch of girlfriends but he wasn't crazy like that" Simon says. "So what did you two do" Alec asks looking at us. "Scared the guy out of his skin until he promised he wouldn't go after girls like that again" jace says. "That'll work" Izzy says. "So ever since that day I've been sleeping in Jonathan's room, because even though Grant said he won't come after me we don't trust him" Alice says. "Well that makes sense" Izzy says.

"How are we getting in the room" Jonathan asks. "I've got a key" I say and show them the bracelet the front desk lady gave me. "How come we didn't get one" Izzy whines. "The others are already in the room" I say.

We eat the rest of our lunch then head back over to turquoise place. I open the door to our condo. "This is nice" Izzy says. "Your key bracelets are on the kitchen counter. Go get your rooms" I say. They separate at go grab a room. We got a four bedroom again so the eight of us get our own rooms.

Jace and I take our bags to our room which is the master bedroom. I drop my bag and sit in the bed not wanting to unpack. "What do you want for dinner" I ask. "We just ate" he says. "I mean later" I say. "I don't care. You want to go to wolf bay" he asks. "Sounds good to me. We just gotta ask the others first" I say.

I get off the bed and go unpack my bag and put everything in the drawers. We all meet outside in the kitchen. "So for dinner we were thinking about wolf bay" jace says. "Sounds good to me" Alec says.

"I need someone to go with me to go get groceries" I say. "I'll go with you" Izzy says. "Okay good. I don't really care what the rest of you do while we are gone. Lets go Izzy" I say. I grab my keys off the counter and Izzy and I go down to my car.

We get groceries from the Publix across the street. We make sure to get lots of food because all these boys will eat a lot.

When we get back there is only one missing. Simon. "Uhh, where did Simon go" I ask. "To get beach chairs. He is gonna call us when he gets it all settled" Alec says. "Okay" I say and unload the groceries and put them in the pantry and fridge.

Alec gets a call and let's us know we have 4 sets of chairs on the first row for the rest of the week. "Well if we've got beach chairs now, I'm going to go change and head down to the beach. Whoever wants to come with me can come" I say and head into my room.

I pick out a floral bikini and change into it. I put my cover up over top and leave the room.

When I do the others are still in the kitchen. Simon has come back up. Alice is on the phone. Suddenly I hear "Alice" being yelled on the other line. "Hi Lucy" Alice says. "Yep" she says. The phone is quiet for a minute then Alice says "I'm in orange beach Alabama" Alice says. "Who's Lucy" I ask. "Her sister" Jonathan says. "I guess you can but you'd have to ask Mom and dad" Alice says. "Okay just let me know. Love you too Lucy" Alice says and hangs up.

Alice looks at Jonathan. "She wants to come. She says even if it's just for a day she wants to see us" Alice tells him. "I don't care if she does. I don't think your mom will let her come by herself though" Jonathan says. "I don't either" she says.

"Am I the only one going down" I ask. "We will be down there later" Alec says. "Okay. See ya later" I say and grab my beach bag, a towel and the book fragments I brought with me. The partials series is so good. I'm on the second book. I can't wait to start it. I leave the condo and go down to the beach.

I find our chairs and sit down. There's almost no one down here. I take my cover up off and put my sunglasses on. I put sunscreen on and pull out my book and start reading the first chapter.

After I've finished two chapters the others come down. The chapters of these books are long but they are good chapters. "It took you guys long enough" I say. They shrug.

"Here" jace says and hands me a drink. "What is it" I ask. "A strawberry daiquiri, I know you like 'em from here" jace says. "Thanks" I say. I mark my page and set the book down. I take the drink and take s sip.

Everyone sits down. "What's that" jace asks pointing to my book. "A book. It's quite entertaining" I say. "Thanks, I had no idea what a book was" he says. He grabs the book off my lap and reads the description. "Is it any good" he asks. "The first one is. I haven't read much of this one yet" I say.

I drink my strawberry daiquiri and we all talk and just enjoy our afternoon at the beach. After a while we go get back in our clothes and go eat at wolf bay lodge. I get the fried crab claws. (I can't eat crab claws but my family says they have good ones from here)

"Have you guys decided on a date for the wedding" jace asks. "Yeah, March 10th is when we decided" Simon says. "That'll be good. Have a spring wedding" jace says.

When we finish eating we go back to the condo.

We are currently all sitting in the couch hanging out. "There is actually something about Grant and I's relationship that none of you know. Except for Alice, she knows" I say. "And what might that be" Izzy asks. "When we were dating he kept trying to get me to have sex with him. I wouldn't do it. I guess he got tired of waiting or trying and cheated for Christie" I tell them. "How do you still remember her name" Izzy asks. "I don't ever forget my first big heartbreak. And then the stupid fact that he tried to bring Jace into it frustrates me" I say. "It explains why he went after Alice, and the fact that he had about 5 different girlfriends every year" jace says. "Yeah because he would warm up to the girl and her family and make them like him. He'd make the girl feel special. When he'd get close enough to her he would try to have sex. The others would give in and then he'd leave them after that" I explain. "At least you didn't give in" Izzy says. "No, he's never been that cute anyway" I say.

I turn on the tv after a little while and we all watch tv on the couch.

We all eventually go to bed, and now I'm laying in bed with jace. "Why didn't you tell me about that before" jace asks. "I don't know" I say not looking at him. "Well I'm glad you didn't give him what he wanted. He didn't deserve you like that or anyway" he says. I look up at him. "And you did" I ask. "Absolutely" he says.

"So I was thinking of going and getting donuts tomorrow morning from that donut place across the street" I say. "Okay" he says. "But I think if you want donuts you have to be there at like 6:30 in the morning or they are all gone by like a little after 7:30ish" I say. "That's awfully early to go get donuts" he says. "I know but they are the good kind remember" I say. "I remember" he says. "How many will you eat" I ask. "A lot" he says. "I'm sure. Do you think two dozen will be enough for all of you to share" I ask. "I guess I will have to share but yes" he says. "Okay good" I say and yawn. (They are amazing donuts. If any of you are ever at orange beach Alabama in the summer go to city donuts. They are really good. My mom gets donuts from there almost every time we go to the beach down there. But like it says in this paragraph if you don't go before 7:30 most of the donuts are already gone. That's why my mom always goes early to get donuts)

"Let's go to bed beautiful. You're tired and you're going to get up early tomorrow" he says. "Okay" I say. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

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