Waking up

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I have fought and fought all night. I am exhausted. I finally managed to get rid of the virus in my system. My eyes flutter open. Jace is standing at the end of the bed talking to Jonathan quietly. They don't know I have woken up yet. I smile a weak smile. "Hey," I say. They both look at me. I sit up. "Clary," they say excited and run to the bed. "I did it. I got rid of the virus. It's gone." "I'm so glad to hear your voice out loud again" they both say. "Welcome back," Jonathan says. "It's good to be back, like myself this time. What time is it" I ask. "Almost 12:00. How do you feel" Jace says and asks? "Fine. But tired. I've been fighting it all night and apparently all morning" I say. "You want us to let you rest for a while then bring you up something to eat in an hour," Jace asks. "Please. That sounds great. Fighting a virus for your life is apparently exhausting. Having a baby should be easy compared to what I have been through in my past." They both chuckle. "It's good to have you back Clare" Jonathan says. "It's good to be back," I say. "I'm glad you are both getting along." "Yeah, we are. It's because of you mostly" Jace says. "Well good. I'm glad."
I smell something really bad. "Oh, sweet angel what is that smell," I say. They both laugh. I sniff my shoulder. It's me. "Oh my gosh, you guys. I smell so bad." "Probably because you were out for two days then gone for another two days. We couldn't just walk up to you and wake you up and remind you to take a shower" Jace says. "Whatever. When I finally get rested enough I am going straight to the shower. It's bothering me smelling like this" I say. They both laugh. "Whatever you want clary," My brother says. I smile. "Get some rest. We will both come back in an hour" Jace says. They both leave the room. I lay back down and close my eyes.


"Clary, wake up," Jonathan says softly. I open my eyes and see him standing next to me with a plate of food in his hands. I sit up and take food. "Where's Jace," I ask. "He said he had something to do for a minute but for me to come on up," he says. I nod and I take a bite. "I haven't eaten anything in 4 days," I say. "I thought she would at least feed you," he says. "You would think," I say. I quickly eat every bit of the food on my plate without realizing.

He sits on the edge of the bed close to me. "You feel any better," he asks. "A little. Still tired but I feel better." "Good. We came in here after breakfast and tried to talk to you but we never got an answer." "Yeah sorry. I was just trying to come back physically so I could be back for you both."
The door opens we both look and see who it is. Jace walks in. He smiles and walks to us and sits next to Jonathan. "What are y'all talking about," he asks. "Jonathan just said that you both tried to come and talk to me after breakfast," I say. "Yeah, we did. We never got an answer so we just left you alone" Jace says. "I know. I heard you. I would have answered but I was busy. I was trying to fight my way back to you both. I figured you would both rather have me back like this than talking in your heads." "I know. I don't mind. I'd rather you have not answered and came back as you have now than like that. Hearing an seeing you like this is better" Jonathan says. I smile.
                    "I need a shower," I say changing the subject. "Please do. I love you but you smell so bad" Jace says. "Thanks," I say sarcastically. I go to the closet and get a change of clothes and enter the bathroom closing the door behind me. I strip and get in the shower. I make sure to take a nice long one considering I really need it and it feels so good. It massages my shoulders too. They were starting to get stiff from the way the Seelie queen had me standing with my arms above my head. A while later I turn it off and change into some clean clothes that smell good thanks to whoever washes our clothes. I brush through my hair.
When I walk out Jonathan and Jace are still in the same spot. "Is this better?" I ask. "Much," they both say. "Whatever. Let's get out of this bedroom" I say and we all walk together down the stairs and out onto the castle grounds. It's cold but it feels good. Living in New York all of your life you get used to the cold.
                           "It's almost January," I tell them. "Don't remind me. There's still a bunch of things I still have to do before we leave and I am running out of time" Jace says. "You do all of your boring stuff and I will find something fun to do," Jonathan says. Jace rolls his eyes. "Do you need my help?" I ask. "No! You stay away from it all. I can handle everything. I just can't wait for January when I can take a break" he says. "I know. It's going to be nice" I say. We all go sit by one of the streams in the woods not far from a riding trail.
"So Alice wants me to stay at the institute with the rest of you," Jonathan says. "Did you tell her why you can't?" I ask. "Yeah but she still wants me to stay." "Wait why Alice? Why does she care" Jace asks? I look at him. "Jace sometimes you are so blind. It's so obvious even I can see it. I noticed it a long time ago. I just never said anything. Jonathan and Alice are in love with each other." He looks surprised. "Really," he asks. Me and Jonathan both nod. "Yeah, but we both know this whole thing between us can't happen since shadowhunters can't be in love with mundanes," Jonathan says looking down. I feel bad for him. He loves Alice and he can't be with her.

"I just noticed the scars on my arms are gone," I say. "Yeah. Magnus managed to get rid of them. Sorry, he couldn't do all of them. I know you hate them" Jace says. "It's fine. It is the obvious ones that everyone can see that I hate. It's great that he could even do this much." "Hey speaking of Magnus, didn't he want to see Clary when she woke up," Jonathan says. "Yeah we should probably have Magnus come over or take you over there," Jace says. "Just have him come here if he's able," I say. We start heading back down the trail we have been walking on.

"Hey, clary, why don't you go act like you just woke up when Magnus gets here. You know act all sick and dying" Jace suggests. "But I'm not all sick and dying," I say. "I can see that, but it would be fun to mess with him. And I'm sure Alec and Isabelle will come too" he says. "Clary, that's what will make this funny. They will be so worked up over you and trying to take care of you and you're not even sick and don't need it" Jonathan says. "I admit it would be funny. Only one problem with your plan, what if Magnus checks and can see that I'm perfectly fine?" "That's a possibility. If that happens you have to be a good actor then. Come on Clary please" Jace begs. "Yeah Clary please" Jonathan joins in. "Fine. I better go get back in the bed then" I say. "Yay, I will go call them over," Jace says and scurries off. "Well I'm going to go upstairs," I say. "I'll go with you. Make it look like I'm helping take care of you" he says.

We both go together up to my bedroom. I get in the bed as soon as I get in there and pull the covers up over my shoulders. Jonathan sits next to me on the edge of the bed. "I'm gonna sit here and wait with you," he says.

Soon enough Alec and Isabelle walk in the bedroom. Jace follows soon behind. Alec and Isabelle rush over. "How do you feel Clary," Isabelle asks. "Like I got hit by a train," I say trying to sound weak. "Oh, you poor thing," she says to me. She turns to Jace. "Do something?" she says. "What do you want me to do? I don't have healing powers and no rune can fix this" he says. I close my eyes and act like I'm struggling to stay awake. "Clary, no stay with us," Isabelle says sounding panicked. "Where's Magnus" Jace asks sounding bored. "He was busy so he sent us," Alec says. "Great, the one day we really need him he's not here," Jonathan says. "It's your fault, Jonathan Morganstern," Isabelle says. "Stop blaming my brother and help me sit up," I say. She helps me even though I don't need help. "What happened Clary," Alec asks. "The Seelie queen gave me some virus. I managed to" I give a fake cough and groan "get rid of it. I guess I made it somewhat worse" I say. "Clary you stay in bed. Jace, we have to tell Jocelyn. She looks and sounds in really bad shape" Alec says. "We can't. If Jocelyn finds out she will kill us all because of not telling her sooner" Jace says. "Well Fine then, we won't tell her. But if she doesn't know clary's like this then no one will until either until Clary gets better or worse" Alec says.
"I've got some work to do. If you three want to stay up here with her you can" Jace says. "You're not staying? Don't you care? I mean she is your wife" Alec says. "I do care but I also have a shadow world to lead. And I have things I have to do before January. Actually, Alec, I may need your help if you are willing to help me. And I do know she is my wife and your queen and I do care very much about her. She understands that I have things to do" Jace says. "Fine then. I will come to help you. I'm sure Isabelle will stay and help take care of Clary" Alec says. He and Jace leave my bedroom.

Isabelle makes Jonathan leave. Why I don't know. She said something about him making me worse and she needed to be the one who took care of me. How Jonathan could possibly make my fake sickness worse is beyond me.

"Hey iz, Why don't you go see Simon?" I ask. "He's here? I thought he was at the academy" she asks. "Yeah, he's here. He should have come a few days ago. Josten is training him" I say. "Oh," she says.

She starts walking around the room. "Do you mind if I open up these doors? It might help you feel better with some fresh air" she says. I tell her I don't mind and she opens up the door to the balcony.
She goes out and leans over. "Ooh Clary come here and look," she says. "I can't iz," I say and give another fake cough. I lie back down. "Oh, you poor thing. I wish you could see this. It would totally make you feel better" she says. "Well describe it for me. Maybe it will" I say. "It's all the soldiers and guards who are training right now. They are out here jogging. And shirtless too" she says not taking her eyes off of the men. "Isabelle, have you suddenly forgotten your boyfriend," I ask. "Isn't he the one with shaggy brown hair, a total nerd, and used to have glasses?" she asks. "Oh boy," I say. "Ooh, That ones the cutest," she says "and look at those abs." "How can you even see their abs from all the way up here," I ask. "Voyance rune," she says holding up the back of her right hand for me to see the black permanent rune. "Oh yeah," I say. "No, but seriously Clary, why do you have to have the hottest guards," she asks. "You're right talking about this is making me feel better. And I guess some of them are pretty cute" I say.

She walks back over to me. "How you feeling," she asks. "Same as before. Like I got hit by a train, a very, very large train" I say. I start groaning again and fake cough a couple of times. "Oh," I start groaning again and curl myself into a ball. Considering my size it's a small little ball. "What's wrong," she asks. "My stomach hurts," I say. I groan again. I love playing sick with Izzy. This is kinda fun. Why didn't I do this more often? When my face is covered the most it can be, I lick the palms of my hands. I straighten myself out some. "Oh, Clary," she says and takes my left hand in hers. "Oh Clary, you poor thing. Your hands are all wet and clammy. I'm going to go get Jace" she says. "I'll go with you," I say and start to sit up. She pushes me back down. "No," she says. "I'll be okay," I say and start to sit up again. She once again pushes me back down. "No clary. You are not leaving this bed. I will go get Jace. Where do you think he will be" she asks. "Probably our office," I say. "Okay I will be right back with him," she says and leaves.

Jace POV

I hear a knock on the office door. "Come in," I say. Jackson comes in. "I'm sorry to bother you your majesty but there is someone here to see you," he says. "Okay, where are they," I ask. "It's just one person sir. And she is in the throne room. She's not very happy either" he says. Me and Alec exchange a look. "Okay, I'm coming. Thank you for telling me Jackson" I say. "Yes sir," he says. He gives a small bow then leaves.

I stand up. "Let's just pray its not Jocelyn. But it's something you don't do, make a woman angry" I say. "Oh I know," Alec says. "Here, read this. I need your help with what to do about this. This is all the information I have on this situation" I say and give him a file that was given to me from the clave. "Why isn't the clave doing it," he asks. "They do smaller things. The bigger things are brought to me and Clary to handle" I say. "Okay. Is this what you needed my help with" he asks. "Yeah, and I was hoping you could help me with some of the other stuff on the desk but mainly that. In that folder is everything I have" I say. "Okay, I will look it over. Good luck with that angry woman" he says. "Thanks, I'm going to need it," I say. I leave mine and clary's office.

When I get to the throne room I see the woman I had seen in Alicante days ago. I sit on my throne. "Why didn't you wait for me?! Why didn't you come to the gate when I was there? I came to where you told me to and the guards there told me that you had already left" she demands very angrily, and fast if I might add. I sit here seeing if she will calm down but she doesn't seem to. "I couldn't wait any longer. I'm sorry I left without you. I didn't know what was going to happen and I wanted my wife and your queen back as soon as possible" I say. "Did you get her back?" she asks. "Yes," I answer. "How is she," the woman asks. "Not quite the same and a little shaken up. She will be alright though" I tell her. "Well good," she says. "Is there anything else I can do for you?" I ask her. "I don't think so sir," she says politely. "Alright. Well if you don't need anything else you can go" I say. "Thank you, sir. And I'm sorry for getting mad" she says. "I understand," I say. She gives me a small smile and curtsies before leaving.
When I get back in the office Alec is sitting on the couch reading the file and Isabelle is now in here too. "I thought you were upstairs with Clary," I ask. She looks over at me. "Oh, Jace it's so much worse. Go see her. Please? I will leave you two alone. Just go see her" she pleads. "Okay, I will go see her. Alec when I come back I need your help with what to do with that file. If you want to help with that too Isabelle you can" I say. Alec nods but doesn't lookup.

When I get in the bedroom Clary is lying down. "Oh, you poor sickly little thing," I say. She opens one of her eyes and looks at me. "Is it just you in here?" she asks. "It's just me," I say. She sits up and smiles. "This whole idea of yours is great. I love playing and pretending to be sick" she says. "Yeah well, now you have Isabelle all freaked out. Let me at least carry you downstairs my sick little thing" he says. "But aren't I contagious," she asks dramatically putting the back of her hand over her forehead in a dramatic manner. "Oh, I think you will be alright for a few minutes while we go downstairs," I say. I take her hands in mine. "Ew, did you lick your hands," I ask. I let go and wipe my hands on my pants. "Yes, and my plan worked," she says. "Which was," I ask. "To get rid of Izzy for a few minutes," she says. She throws her arms around my neck and I pick her up.

I carry her down to our office. Alec looks deep in thought. "Why did you bring her down here? She's terribly sick" Izzy says looking horrified that I brought Clary down here. "Izzy, shes Fine," I say. "No she's not," she says. "Jace, I'm telling you she is sick. She needs to be in the bed" she insists. "Izzy. I'm fine. I promise" Clary says. I let her down and she stands up. "I woke up a little before 12:00. I've felt fine since then. I managed to get the virus out of my body. A little tired but overall fine" she says. "Well if you are fine why were you acting sick" Izzy asks. "It was Jaces idea," Clary says. "Of course it was. Why did you call for Magnus then" she asks. "He wanted me to call for him when Clary woke up," Jace says. "Oh, well I can go check if he's not busy now back at the house," Izzy says. I nod and she leaves.

"Is this really happening?" Alec asks. I nod. He starts talking and telling me what he thinks I should about the whole vampire situation. It actually kinda helps to have him here. Having him help me with this kind of stuff. Especially since I don't want to worry or stress Clary out at the moment. "I'm going to use that. Thanks, Alec. It's nice having you here" I say. "Happy to help," he says. "What's going on," Clary asks. "Vampires in Australia are going out and killing innocent mundanes for fun," Alec says not sugarcoating it. "What," she asks. "I said," Alec starts but Clary cuts him off by saying "I know what you said. Jace, you have to let me help." "No clary. You are so close to having this baby. She's almost here if she's even okay at all. Man, I wish Magnus was here right now. You will have to wait till after Grace is born to help" I say. She huffs and crosses her arms over her chest. "Fine," she says stubbornly as ever.

Isabelle and Magnus come in a few minutes later. "Hey, clary. I'm glad to see you up and moving" Magnus says. "Me too," Clary says. "I'm just gonna check and make sure you and Grace are okay, okay," he says to her. She nods. He checks her out. "You seem to be fine," he says. "And what about Grace," she asks. "She seems alright too," he says. "Thank you, Magnus," she says. "Anytime biscuit. I'm glad you are okay" he says.
"We will get out of you guys' business and leave you alone. So the 7th" Izzy asks. "Yeah, I think so. Is that alright with you Clary" I ask? "Yeah I think so," she says. "Okay then. We will see you four the 7th then" Alec says. "Bye guys," I say. They say bye and leave.
"We will have to set back up the institute in Australia," Clary says. "Yeah we just have to find some people to assign to that institute and fix it back up," I say. No one has been to the Australia institute in years. "I will figure that out later. Don't worry about anything. I will take care of it all" I say. She rolls her eyes but nods anyway.
"So Jonathan and Alice are a thing huh," I ask and lean up against the desk. "Yeah," She says. "For how long," I ask. "Well, he said he has always liked her since he saw her. But it wasn't until not too long ago that they became a real thing" she says. "That's cute," I say. "Yeah, I'd much rather it be her than me or that Seelie queen," she says. "Me too," I say.

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