Whats it gonna be?

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5 months later (now 6 months pregnant)
September 3rd

"Let's go see Magnus. I think he might be able to tell us what gender the baby is going to be" I say excitedly. I look down at my big baby bump. I know it is going to get bigger. "Alright love let's go and head down there" he says. He links his fingers in mine and we head out of the drawing room. We pass charlotte talking to Alice and Oliver in the hallway. "We will be right back" jace says. They nod.
We walk out of the castle gates and head down in the city to Alec, Isabelle, and Magnus' house. "I've changed my mind in the name" jace says. "Oh good. I wasn't real sure about Luna willow. I mean the name is pretty but it doesn't flow well with herondale." " I know what you mean." "So what name did you pick? You are in charge of girl names after all and we will find out in about 15 minutes if it's either Ky William or whatever you choose." "I like the name Grace Anneliese" he says. I look up at him and smile. "Grace Anneliese Herondale. It sounds perfect. We will see who wins." "Yes we will. It will me me by the way. Our daughter will be named Grace Anneliese Herondale." I roll my eyes and say "whatever you want to tell yourself buddy keep telling yourself that. Our baby boy will be Ky William Herondale." He rolls his eyes too.

We reach the lightwoods house about 10 minutes later. We see izzy sitting in the porch. "Hey guys, what are you doing here" she asks. "We came to see Magnus" jace says. "Oh about the baby" she asks excitedly. "Yeah. We want to see if he can tell us what gender the baby is going to be." "Okay. He isn't here right now but he will be back later. You two can come inside and hang out." We follow her in the house. We go in the living room.

"Alec!! Get your lazy butt down here" she yells. "I don't want to" we hear Alec yell. "Well did I ask what you wanted? No, so get down here" she snaps standing at the bottom of the stairs. "Why" he yells. His voice sounds closer now but I can still tell he is upstairs. I can't help but laugh. Jace starts laughing too. "No way" we hear Alec say. "Yes way, now get down here Alec" jace says. We hear footsteps come down the stairs. Me and jace go to meet Alec in the middle. He comes skipping the last stair and sees Jace. "Dude I have missed you" alec says to Jace. "Missed you too Alec. We need to have y'all back at the castle for dinner. Maybe you guys can come tonight if you want" jace says. "It's about time we come over. We aren't doing anything tonight so I'm in" izzy says. We go sit in the living room. "Can Simon come" she asks us. "I don't see why not. I mean it had been a while since we saw him last. I will go in the kitchen and find a note to write the academy for them to send Simon to the castle" I say. "You guys catch up I will be right back."

I walk into the kitchen and dig through the drawers. I find a small piece of paper in one of the drawers. I find a pen that works and I start writing. I say 'dear shadowhunter academy, this is queen clary herondale. I am requesting that you send Simon Lewis to the castle tonight and to arrive a little before 7:00. He will stay overnight and be sent back to the academy before lunchtime tomorrow. Thank you. -Clary Herondale.' I fold it up and write "to: dean penhallow." I send it off.

I hear the front door open. Hopefully that is Magnus, the suspense of finding out this baby is killing me as much as those Harry Potter books suspense was killing jace. I hate to make him wait since we finished the second book and now he has to wait for the baby for us to start back. I walk out of the kitchen. "Did you find the paper to send to get Simon out of school" izzy asks. "Yeah I sent it to the academy. Hopefully they send him over to the castle. I also said he is free to spend he night over there and he will come back tomorrow." "Okay good. I hope they send him. As much of a jerk he has been lately I still miss him" she says. "Yeah, I get it" I say.

I look over and see Alec and Magnus making out. I clap my hands loudly and say "hey! Magnus! I've been waiting forever for you to get back. Get your glittery butt over here and do something for me." They break apart. Alec turns as red as a tomato. "What do you need now biscuit? Can't you see we are a little busy." "I can but that can wait. If you do something for me I have a surprise for you tonight if you do it." "Okay what do you need" Magnus asks. "I need you to check and see what gender the baby is. I think it's time we know. Once you let me know I will tell you what the surprise is." "Fine" he says. He walks over to me and he sets his hand on my stomach. His eyes get wide. "What's wrong" I say. "This baby is almost fully developed. It should be ready to come into this world in about 2 months maybe a little less. Its going to have some sort of power too. I can't tell what power it is but I'm guessing it's coming from Jace. It's a girl by the way."

He turns to me. "Ha! You lost! It's a girl. Beat that" he says beaming. "Yeah yeah. I lost. Are you done gloating now" I say. I stays smiling pleased that he won. "I really thought it was going to be a boy" I say. "What's wrong clary? Don't you want a girl" izzy says. "Of course I do. It's not that. We just  made a bet that if the baby was a boy I would name him and if the baby was a girl jace would name her. We both had the best names picked out. I was just hoping it would be a boy" I say. "Of course you both would do that" Alec says and rolls his eyes. "Wait Magnus, did you say the baby might come in almost 2 months" I say realizing what else he said. "Yeah. The baby is developing faster that usual." "By the angel" I mumble. "What was that surprise you promised me" Magnus asks. "You guys are going to come to the castle for dinner" I say. "It's about time we went back there" he says. I look at the clock on the wall it says it's 6:37. "We better get going if we are going to the castle for dinner" I say.

With that we leave their house and head back to the castle. When we get back, charlotte comes up to me and says "mrs. Clary. There is someone here to see you. I told him to wait for you in the throne room." "Okay. Thank you Charlotte. You guys go on to the dining room I will be in there in just a minute" I say and they start going down the hall. I turn around and go towards the throne room.

When I get there I see Simon. "Hey si" I say. "Hey clary. Thanks for letting me come back." "Of course. I missed you. Hey I have some good news." "What is it?" "We know what the baby is going to be." "And what is it?" "It's a girl. Jace will tell everyone the name when we get to dinner" I tell him. "Okay. I'm so happy for you clare. Let's go eat" he says and we start walking to dinner. "Hey clary, do you think that after dinner and everyone leaves I can talk to you and jace alone?" "Yeah sure Simon. You okay?" "Yeah. I'm fine just need to talk to you both that's all. I know if anyone can do something it's you two." "Okay. I say and open the doors to the dining hall.

He takes a deep smell in and says "this is so good. It's good to be back" Simon says and we both sit down. I start piling turkey and ham on my plate. "Did you tell him" Alec asks. "Yeah" I say. "So jace, what name did you pick out" izzy asks. "Grace anneliese" jace says. "Wait why does Jace get to choose the name" Simon asks. "Oh I forgot to tell you that part. Me and jace made a deal that if the baby was a boy I would name him and if the baby was a girl he would name her" I say."uh huh okay. And why would you do that" Simon asks. "Because we can and we wanted to see what kind of names the other one would choose" I say. He nods. I start eating. "Goodness clary. That's a lot of food for such a little person" Magnus says "I have to eat this much. I actually can eat this much normally I just don't" i say. It's true. I can take in a lot of food. I keep eating. When we all finish we stay at the table and just talk. After the sun goes down they say bye to me, Simon, and jace and they leave.

"Hey can I talk to both of you" Simon says. "Yeah sure what's up" jace says. The three of us go in the drawing room. "So the clave brought Helen blackthorn to the academy. They made her read out loud what happened with her father and uncle. It was awful. She said they made her do that only to humiliate her. They are showing her off and parading her around like a little show horse. I know I don't remember her or what happened but from what clary has told me they are basically punishing her for even being born. It's not right. Can you guys do anything?" "They did that" Jace says like he can't believe it. Honestly I can't either. Simon nods. "No, this is not right. She has done nothing wrong. It is one thing to do what they had done before we were given this position but it's another thing to bring her back and humiliate her. I will head back with you tomorrow Simon and I will fix this" jace says. "I want to come too" I say. "No clary. As much as I want you to you are in no shape to come with us. I can handle this. If I need you I will bring them all here." "Who jace, who are you going to talk to?" "The clave, Catarina, and dean penhallow and anyone else who has a say so in whatever is happening to Helen" he says to me. He looks to Simon. "After breakfast I will go with you back to he academy. I will see what I can do. I can't promise anything but I can try." "Thanks. I figured if anyone can do anything it would be one of you. I mean won't you be able to do something? You guys are the powers that be. You are the king and queen for angels sake." "Yes I know that, but it takes a while for us to get anything huge through. Especially if the clave did something before we got this position. If I can do anything I will change how they are treating her at the least. I will do what I can though Simon" jace says. "Well, we've never tried to do something huge yet" I say. "Thanks guys. I knew I could count on you. I wish I could remember everything" Simon says. "You will I know you will. When you make the ascension you will remember" I say. "Maybe" he says. I can tell he isn't sure about something. "I have to go look at something in the office. One of the papers the clave wants. See you later Simon" jace says. We both nod and he walks out.
"Simon what's up? I can tell something is wrong" I say. "How do you know" he asks. "Simon, you won't remember but we were best friends. I know everything there is to know about you. Well at least I kind of do." "Yeah. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to make it to ascension. I mean I have tried but I've never been good enough at it." "You will get it. It all just takes practice. Why don't you stay here and let someone train you? I could have josten the leader of the guards train you. Or maybe Jace if he finds time. Josten would be the best though. It wouldn't be easy but you would be a great shadowhunter" I say. "That's true. I will think about it." "Alright. Just let me know what you choose to do" I say. He hugs me then we leave the drawing room.
"Goodnight clary. I guess I will see you at breakfast and then that's it for a while. Are you going home to New York for the baby to be born or are you staying here?" "I think we have decided to go to New York. We want to be with the rest of the family when little Grace is born." "That's good. I can't wait to meet her. He will be precious I bet" he says. "I'm sure. I can't believe I only have 2 months to go" I say and set a hand on my baby bump. "2 months left. This baby is coming fast. When are you going to New York?" "I have no idea actually. I have to talk to jace. We both want to go back. At least when the baby is born. I will call you over here when we get back so you can meet her" I say. "I'd like that. I'd like that a lot. Good night clary. I will see you in the morning" he says and goes in his bedroom. I walk down the hallway and charlotte comes up to me again. "Mrs. Clary, you have 2 visitors. They are both waiting for you in the throne room again" she says. "Thank you charlotte. I will go see who it is" I say. She nods. I'm not expecting anyone

I cross the castle hallways and open the doors to the throne room. I see mom and Luke. I give them both a hug. It's so good to see them. "Hey guys. It's so good to see you. What are you doing here? Not that I'm complaining." "It's good to see you too clare. We were both called by the academy to say something about what it was like in the circle. Not a topic we are both proud of but still. They also asked if we could talk about the uprising" Luke says. "Oh wow. That's a hard subject. Well I guess you both could probably talk about it the best. You want to stay here while you are in Idris? Jace is going over there anyway in the morning. You guys can ride over there with him and Simon in the morning after breakfast" I say. "That would be great. Simon is here?" mom says. "Yeah, he just went to his bedroom. We invited him to dinner along with Alec, Magnus, and Isabelle. They left hours ago though. Only Simon is spending the night. We weren't going to make him go back to the academy in the dark. Are you hungry?" They shrug. "A little" mom says. "I will show you to the dining room and go get you something from the kitchen" I say. They nod and follow me to the dining room. "This is the biggest dining room I have ever seen" Luke says when we get there. "Yeah, I will be back with some food. What do you want?" "Oh it doesn't matter" mom says. I nod and leave them in the dining room.

I head down the stairs to the kitchen. I open the doors and see the cooks. "I have two visitors. Is there any food left over to give them from dinner" I ask. "Yes ma'am. Over here is some. We can have some of it put on two plates and brought out if you would like" one of them says. "Please. That would be great." They nod and start making two plates piled and stacked with food. They both follow me to the dining room and set it in front of mom and Luke. They leave us. "You don't have to eat it all. This is just what's left over from dinner" I say. They eat. "This is so good. I thought it was just good for the party on your coronation day. It's like this every day?" Luke says. "Yeah. Three meals a day. So I have some news" I say and sit with them. "And what's that" mom says. "The baby is a girl. Magnus said she should be here in 2 months. We are wanting to come to New York for her to be born." "Aww it's going to be a girl. It still seems a bit early for you to be having a baby though" she says. "Mom, I'm 23, normal shadowhunters have their first child around 19." "It's true jocey, you were 19 when Jonathan was born. It's about time for her to have her first child. I'm so happy for you clary. Have you picked out a name yet" Luke says. "Jace chose the name. We will name her Grace Anneliese Herondale." "Aw that's a great name. I love it. Speaking of Jace, where is he" mom asks. "Oh he's in the office. I will go get him. He will want to know you are here too" I say. They nod and I leave the dining room again.

I head over to the office. I find jace. "Hey guess who is here" I say. "Who?" "Mom and Luke. They are going to go with you to the academy in the morning. I brought them some of the leftovers from dinner from the kitchen. Come on. That can wait till later" I say. It doesn't look like he's done much anyway.

He stands up and we go to the dining room. "So I already told them about the baby and the name. It's perfect by the way" I say. "I'm glad you like the name. It's hard thinking of a baby name. It seemed really easy for you" he says. I open the dining room doors. "Well yeah. Girls tend to think about it long before boys do" I say. We both sit down across from mom and Luke. "Girls tend to do what before boys do" Luke asks. "Think about baby names" I say. Mom snorts. "Yes that's true" she says. "It's good to see you two" jace says. "It's good to see you both too. So what time do we need to be up for breakfast" mom asks. I laugh. "Breakfast is at 8:30 every morning. And dinner is always at 7:00" I say. They both nod. "We are going to head on up to bed. Where are the bedrooms" mom says. "We will show you we should probably head on to bed too" jace says. We both lead them from the dining room.

We cross the castle and show them the hall with bedrooms. "Simon is in the third one on the right. You can choose any other one. Do you need anything" I ask. "No, I don't think so. We will see you both in the morning" Luke says. "Goodnight guys" I say. Me and jace head down the hall and up our spiral staircase and in our room.

When we reach our room I change. "Can we go back to reading now" jace asks. "No. I'm sorry but I just cant at the moment. When Grace is born we can go back to reading." He sighs. "Okay fine. It's killing me though. Having to wait this long to find out what else happens." "I know. I'm sorry. It's just hard for me to at the moment." "I know love. It's okay. I can wait a couple more months. I think" he says. I giggle. I climb in the bed. He gets in and sits next to me. "I hope so. Believe me, I know what it's like to have to wait months" I say. "I love you clary and I can't wait to have this little baby with us soon" he says. I smile. "I love you too Jace. Believe me, I'm ready for little Grace to come and make us a little family." He smiles and looks down at me. He gives me a small kiss. I lay my head down on the pillow. "Goodnight jace" I say. "Goodnight love. Get some sleep" he says. I close my eyes and quickly fall asleep.

What do you guys think about the new Herondale baby being a girl?

Do you like the name I picked out?

Did you guys like the chapter?

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