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"Sienna And Josh Meets Moving In Together"

Josh and Sienna had been together for a year now and they've been thinking about moving in together. They had been talking about it a lot and even looking at apartments together. It had been a big decision, but they've talked about it a lot and were now both sure about it. They decided on a three bedroom apartment. It had been a nice place and Sienna was looking forward to moving in.

Sienna didn't really like living in the dorms. The whole college experience hasn't been the way she thought it would be and she thinks part of it is her bad dorm experience. Her roommate wasn't really a nice person and they had never gotten along. They tried but it never worked. She was really happy she's finally getting away from that and moving in with her boyfriend. It was a pretty exciting change for her. Though it was also nerve wracking. She never lived with a boyfriend before, Josh never lived with a girlfriend before either. They were both new to this and a bit nervous, but they were excited as well.

Sienna had spent the past week packing everything she had and getting it all ready to go. Her parents helped her the best they could and she was really grateful for their help. She was going to miss them, but she was really excited for this new chapter of her life. It was all a big change for her.

Now Sienna and her parents are finishing up packing the last of the boxes in the room. There weren't many since Sienna already packed most of her stuff. There were just a few things left. Sienna had been looking forward to the moving process and the new apartment, but she had to admit that she was going to miss this room. She was a little emotional about moving. This was different than moving into a dorm, this was actually moving into an apartment. With a boy. Sienna wasn't used to living with a guy. It was a whole new thing for her.

Sienna is brought out of her thoughts when her mother speaks up. "You all packed, sweetie?" Paisley walked into the bedroom with a small box in her hand and Sienna's dad, Maverick, following her.

The bedroom was the last place to pack things, Sienna already packed everything from her dorm so they only had a few boxes to take with them. It was pretty much empty now. All her pictures and decorations were taken down. All that was left was the bed, desk, and a chair. Sienna and Josh had already gotten new furniture (with their families help) and set it all up at the new apartment, so they were pretty much finished with that. All they had to do was bring their personal belongings and anything else they wanted to put in the apartment.

"Almost." Sienna answers her mom, looking around the room. "I'm just double checking to see if I forgot anything."

"We could always bring anything over later if you forgot something." Maverick chimed in, standing beside his daughter.

Sienna nods her head, sighing a bit. "I know. I just don't want to leave anything here I might need. I already triple checked but I think that's because of the nerves." She admitted, fidgeting with her fingers.

Maverick wraps an arm around her shoulders, giving her a side hug. "Hey, everything's going to be okay." He kisses the top of her head, smiling when she leans against his side. "Don't worry about it, pumpkin."

Sienna smiles at her father's nickname for her. She has heard him call her that ever since she was a little girl and it always made her smile. "Thanks, dad. I'm just a little nervous. And anxious. I'm excited also."

Paisley smiles at her, nodding her head in understanding. "We know. That's normal. It's a big change for you." She then walks over to her daughter, offering the small box she held to her. "Here, open this."

Sienna raises her eyebrows, curiously accepting the box. "What is it?"

"Just open it." Maverick encouraged his daughter, watching her with a small smile on his face.

Sienna looked at her parents for a few seconds, wondering why they were smiling. She shrugged her shoulders and began to open the box. A small gasp left her mouth when she saw what was inside the box. It was a charm bracelet. There were already four charms attached to the bracelet, making a small smile appear on her face.

The first charm was a house. Sienna assumed that was meant to represent the apartment she's moving into. The second one was a chef hat. Sienna's major is culinary arts so her parents probably had that in mind when they got the charm. The third charm was a music note. It made her think of the time her mom taught her how to play the piano. And the fourth charm was a heart. It made her smile, thinking it was for the love that was between her, her parents, and her boyfriend.

"Thank you. This is really nice." Sienna smiled at her parents. She hugged her mom and dad and they returned the hug.

Paisley and Maverick smiles, pulling away from the hug. "We're glad you like it." Paisley replies. "It has a few more spaces for charms."

"You can add any other charm to it, maybe ones for special moments in your life." Maverick added.

Sienna nods her head, smiling at her parents. "I definitely will." She then put the silver charm bracelet on her wrist, smiling down at it.

"Are you all ready to go?"

Sienna looks over her shoulder, smiling at her boyfriend who was leaning against the door frame, watching her with a small smile. She hadn't realized he had came over but then remembered they planned to drive to the new apartment together. Her face flushed and her heart fluttered at seeing the look of adoration on his face.

"Just about." Sienna responds, glancing back at her parents. "We will see you guys later, right? For dinner?"

Maverick and Paisley nods their heads. "We'll be there, pumpkin. We'll help you guys bring the last of these boxes first." Maverick reassures her. "Do you want us to take the last of your boxes to the car?"

Sienna nods her head, watching as her parents began to pick up the last of her boxes. She turned her attention back to Josh when she felt him wrap his arms around her waist. A small smile appeared on her face when he kissed the back of her head. "You excited?" Josh asked her, smiling when he felt her lean against his chest.

Sienna hums, turning her head so she could look at him. "Yeah. A bit nervous though. I've never moved in with anyone before."

Josh kisses her temple, holding her close. "I know. I've never lived with anyone either. But we'll figure it out. We're together and that's what matters."

Sienna smiles at him, turning around so she could face him. She stands on her tip toes and pecks him on the lips. "I love you."

Josh returns the smile, kissing her on the forehead. "I love you too."

The two of them help her parents bring the rest of the boxes to the car and then got in their own cars. Josh and Sienna follow Paisley and Maverick and make their way to the new apartment. When they got there, they helped Sienna get her stuff inside. Then her parents left after they gave them both a hug. They said they would be back later for dinner and then left.

"It's a really nice place." Josh commented, looking around the apartment.

Sienna nods her head, taking a look around the apartment herself. She smiled a bit when she sees that her boyfriend and her were standing in the middle of the living room. They were right in front of the kitchen. A hallway was right behind them and Sienna could see the bathroom, Josh's room, and her room from where she was and the laundry room was by the bathroom.

"Yeah, I think it's nice." Sienna replied with a soft smile, setting a box down on the counter in the kitchen.

Josh smiles fondly at her, looking around the apartment once again. He takes a step towards his girlfriend and wraps his arms around her waist. "And now, you live here with me."

Sienna blushes and giggles, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I'm so happy we're roommates now."

Josh nods his head, kissing her forehead. "Me too. Now, how about we start unpacking our things and get settled in?"

"That sounds like a plan." Sienna agreed, kissing his cheek.

She and Josh both started unpacking their stuff and getting settled in the apartment. It didn't take them that long. It didn't take that long because they didn't have a lot of things and also because they worked together.

They had fun unpacking and they enjoyed having their first day as roommates. They also couldn't wait for what else was to come. They knew they could do this and they couldn't wait to see what the future had in store for them.


The dinner with Sienna's parents had went great. Everything had went great so far and Sienna was glad she moved in with her boyfriend. She was a little nervous at first but so far everything was okay. She and Josh had been roommates for a week now and things were good.

They got a routine down for chores and stuff. They both did the cooking and cleaning. Sienna and Josh both took turns doing laundry and the dishes. They didn't mind doing those things together. It was fun and they were happy. They were also getting used to living with each other and were liking it.

Despite the fact they both have their own rooms, they end up sleeping in one room often. They were still getting used to living with each other so it was nice to have their own room. But, they still usually ended up sleeping in the same bed. Plus they loved waking up to each other in the morning. Sienna was really happy and couldn't be happier. She and Josh had a really good relationship and it's only getting better. They've had their ups and downs but that's normal for any relationship. She couldn't be happier and she had her boyfriend and family to thank for that.

Things were good. They were more than good, they were perfect.


The next morning, Sienna and Josh wake up to the sound of the alarm clock. They both groan, not wanting to get up. Sienna snuggled closer to her boyfriend and sighed in content. She didn't want to get up. She was comfortable and didn't want to move. She had her face buried in the crook of his neck, her arms around his bare torso.

"Good morning." Josh greets, voice a little groggy. He reaches his arm over to turn off the alarm and then turns back to Sienna, wrapping his arms around her waist and burying his face in her hair. "How did you sleep?" He questioned, his voice muffled. He had his eyes closed, trying to block out the sun that was peeking through the curtains. He hated getting up early in the morning. He liked sleeping in. Sienna did too, which is why he was wondering why she set the alarm for six. Normally they didn't wake up until seven or eight. So, it was odd that the alarm clock went off. "Why'd you set the alarm clock for six?" He asked, rubbing her back gently.

"Morning. I slept okay." Sienna yawns, snuggling closer to him. She smiles a bit at the feeling of him rubbing her back. "I have to get up. I have an early class at eight, but I'm tempted to skip it." She mumbles. "I hate mornings." She added with a pout.

"Hmm, yeah." Josh hums, nodding his head. "I don't blame you. You can always skip it. It's not like you haven't skipped classes before." He points out, making her giggle. He lifts his head a bit, placing a kiss on her forehead with a soft smile on his face. He loved hearing her giggle. It was adorable and made him smile. "So, are you going to skip it?"

Sienna hums, nodding her head. "Obviously." She replies, snuggling closer to him. "You're too warm and I'm too comfy. I'd rather stay here with you." She added, placing a kiss on his collarbone.

"I feel the same way. I'd rather spend the morning with you in bed." Josh replies, kissing the top of her head. He smiles, tightening his hold on her waist and burying his face in her hair. "I love waking up next to you." He admitted.

Sienna blushes, a smile appearing on her face. "Me too." She responds, smiling a bit. "Waking up with you makes my mornings better. You make everything better." She confessed, her face feeling warmer. She hoped her blush wasn't too noticeable.

Josh feels his face grow warm at her confession and a grin appears on his face. "Aww, I feel the same way." He responds, kissing the top of her head. His smile only grew when he heard her giggle. It was a really cute and adorable giggle and it was a sound he never got tired of. "You're the best."

Sienna giggles again, feeling her heart flutter at his words. "You're the best too." She replies, lifting her head to look at him. She smiles softly, tracing circles on his chest with her finger. "I'm really glad we decided to move in together. I love being with you all the time."

Josh smiles back at her, running his fingers through her hair gently. "Me too. It's been amazing having you here with me." He admits, his voice filled with sincerity. "I love you, Sienna."

Sienna's smile widens at his words, her heart swelling with affection. "I love you too, Josh." She leaned in to kiss him softly, feeling grateful for this moment of warmth and intimacy they shared together. Her heart fluttered when she felt his hand come up to grip her chin gently, tilting her head slightly so he could deepen the kiss. It was a sweet and passionate kiss that left them both breathless. They broke the kiss after a few moments, but stayed close enough that their noses brushed against each other.

As they lay there in each other's arms, basking in the warmth of their love, Sienna couldn't help but feel a profound sense of gratitude for having Josh by her side. Moving in together had been a big step, but it felt completely right, like they were meant to share this journey. She knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, and that made her feel safer and happier than ever.

"You're my home." She whispers, cupping his cheek and gazing deeply into his eyes. "I love you so much."

Josh places his hand over hers and smiles softly, leaning into her touch. "And you're mine." He murmurs, bringing her hand up to his lips and kissing it gently. "I love you too, more than anything." He was sure he was blushing, his face felt warm and butterflies were fluttering in his stomach. He had never felt so loved and cared for before. The feeling was indescribable, but he knew one thing for certain - he never wanted it to end.

Sienna's heart wouldn't stop racing and she couldn't stop smiling either. She knew she was blushing, her face felt hot and butterflies were fluttering in her stomach. This was definitely the best morning she has had in awhile. She was so lucky to have someone like Josh in her life and she was determined to cherish every moment they spent together, no matter how big or small.

"Let's just stay in bed all day. I want to cuddle with you and not leave this room." Sienna decides, nuzzling her face against his chest and sighing contently. "Can we just do that?" She asked him, her voice filled with hope.

"We can do whatever you want, baby." Josh reassures her, one hand rubbing her back while the other rested on her hip, his thumb rubbing soothing circles on her skin. "I'm up for spending the whole day in bed."

Sienna hums in approval, snuggling closer to him. She had to admit, her heart melted when he called her baby. She always seemed to melt when he called her those pet names. She didn't care what they were, she always seemed to melt. And she knew he knew this too, judging by the way he smirked when she blushed and giggled. "I'm really glad we decided to live together." She whispered, resting her chin on his chest and gazing at him with a soft smile.

Josh returns the smile, using one of his hands to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear. "So am I. I'm really glad I get to have you all to myself." He replies, his voice filled with sincerity. "I don't think I've ever been happier than when I'm with you."

Sienna's smile widens and her cheeks flush a shade darker. She can't believe how lucky she is to have him. "I feel the same way. Every day feels like a dream come true when I'm with you."

Their morning continued on, both of them enjoying the peace and quiet of the morning. It was perfect. Everything was perfect. They couldn't have asked for a better way to spend the morning. Spending it together, cuddled up in bed and exchanging soft kisses and gentle touches was exactly what they needed. They ended up ordering door dash for breakfast, neither one not wanting to cook. After they ate, they went back to cuddling and enjoying the company of one another. They talked and laughed and simply enjoyed each other's presence. It was the perfect morning and both of them wished they could stay in this moment forever.

Outside, the world may be bustling with activity, but inside their apartment, the only thing that matters is the two of them and their love for each other. In the warmth and safety of each other's arms, the rest of the world seems to fade away. All that matters is this moment, this connection, and the knowledge that they're right where they're meant to be. 

A/N i love sienna & josh so much & yes i made the gif im so proud of it 

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