Leo Ambrose

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„I like going out to the water and just sitting on the dock. It's a lot more peaceful than sticking with everyone else."

Leo Gatsby Ambrose

Gatz, Rose, etc.




Sexual Orientation


„Oh to wear a warm woolen sweater and read books in the middle of the forest all day while sipping piping hot coffee"

Devon Bostick but like as Rodrick Heffley


135 lbs

Hair Style
Semi long messy thick

Hair Color

Eye Color

Skin Tone

Body Type

A few burn marks littered on their body

Small ufo, a smile face, lightning bolt, minimal cute Dino, be awesome in comic sand font, candy heart that says fuck off, shit happens in his best friends handwriting, and a group of three ghosts all on his left arm, barbed wire around his left wrist, spider web on their left shoulder blade, paper airplanes flying across their collar bones, skeleton tap dancing, waves, believe in what you can do in comic sans font, band aid, Diamond gem, a bouquet of daises, lavender springs, and dandelions, no girls no guys no nothin' in fancy lettering, and lit cigarette all on his right arm, and his kiss mark on his butt

Has industrial bars, and multiple ear lobe on both ears

It is either grungy trash boy or basic soft boy. Depends on how they is feeling but they can also go glamorous girl. They wear whatever the fuck they want cause they can.

Rings, chains, and chokers

"I'm not a boy and I'm not a girl alright? I'm just me, got it?"

Personality .
Leo prides themselves on their unique perspectives and vigorous intellect. They can't help but puzzle over the mysteries of the universe. With their creativity and inventiveness, Leo isn't afraid to stand out from the crowd. They often lose themselves in thought – which isn't necessarily a bad thing. They hardly ever stop thinking. From the moment they wake up, their minds buzz with ideas, questions, and insights. At times, they may even find themselves conducting full-fledged debates in their own heads. From the outside, Leo may seem to live in a never-ending daydream. They have a reputation for being pensive, detached, and a bit reserved. That is, until they try to train all of their mental energy on the moment or the person at hand, which can be a bit uncomfortable for everyone.

Music, meadows, flower picking, rats, water, staying at peace, candles, flower crowns, coffee, smoking, and reading

Sports, romance movies, family outings, overdramatic PDA, and doing nothing

Analytical, Open Minded, Original, Curious, and Objective

Insensitive, Disconnected, Impatient, Dissatisfied, and Perfectionistic

Instrument playing, making jewelry, meditation, lock picking, and knitting

Convincing people of things, drawing, thinking of stuff on the spot, singing, and playing instruments

Death, abandonment, betrayal, rope, hard drugs, and speeding vehicles

Swearing, humming, not trusting people easily, and stuttering

"Have you ever wondered what happens after we die? I like to think that we get to start over in a new life and experience more things."

Alec August (Younger half brother)
Fredrick August  (Father)
Adonis Beck (Older brother)
Jade Ambrose (Mother- deceased)
Angelica August (Stepmother)
Chris McLean (Uncle)

Scott, Mike, Zoey, Brick, Alejandro, Duncan, Gwen, Geoff, Leshawna, Bridgette, and Rock

Courtney, Heather, Lightning, Jo, and Anne Maria

Love interests
Duncan, Alejandro, Scott, Geoff, and Gwen

"I don't like to talk about it. It just isn't something I'm comfortable with."

Happy and overall really mellow. His mother did die in childbirth with him so the family was quite depressed, but it really only caused his father to care for him more. They just played around with the other kids and went about life's the way they thought they should. Nothing very eventful happened despite being the middle child.

Things picked up really fast and heavy. His father had found a girlfriend and to say the least Leo didn't like her at all. This caused some issues between his father and them a lot of arguing. It only got worse when their father decided to marry her since she had gotten pregnant with "his" kid. Leo soon enough had enough after one really bad fight moving out of the house and couch surfing with some friends for a few years. It was so bad he actually changed his last name to legally be his mothers. Some things went down that Leo doesn't like to talk about. Soon enough his uncle Chris had contacted them about living with him and being a contestant on his tv show. Leo didn't see the harm and soon enough agreed.

After season 2 of total drama, Leo had gotten signed to a record label now recording and doing whatever they please living the rockstar life.

"I do whatever the fuck I want because you truly only live once so why waste it?"

Total Drama Information
What seasons they were on
Island, World Tour, All Stars, Ridonculous Race

Places they ranked

World Tour- 3rd

Revenge Of The Island- 5th

All Stars- 8th

Ridonculous Race- 4th

Why they were kicked off
Island- They didn't really help the others find camp base and went off on their own. They also made it back before anybody else since they knew the campsite well. Everyone else voted them off since they didn't help the 'group'.

World Tour- Heather and Alejandro teamed up against them to get there before he could

Revenge Of The Island- They couldn't create a flying machine. Just couldn't figure it out.

All Stars- Everyone figured out that they were Chris's nephew and thought they were cheating of some kind

Ridonculous Race- Their partner (or them) just couldn't seem to tie the emu onto the boleadora

"You do you. I'll do me. We won't do each other...probably."

Extra Information

Languages can speak
English, German, and French

Sexual Position

Mental Disorders

Ramelteon for Insomnia

Neon green


Theme Song

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Gossip by Sleeping With Sirens

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