20. The Morning After

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I've seen fire and I've seen rain
I've seen sunny days that I thought would never end
I've seen lonely times when I could not find a friend
But I always thought that I'd see you again

James Taylor

**Warning for mild sexual content in this chapter**

Julian wakes to a spatter of rain against the windows, and the discreet tinkle of the telephone bell. Being closest to the bedside phone, he answers it with an incoherent mumble.

"Good morning, sir, this is Bobby at the front desk with your 7 am courtesy call," the voice on the phone says in hushed tones. "You have a 9 am appointment at the Assessment Centre. Our chef will deliver your breakfast in thirty-five minutes, and the shuttle bus leaves here at 8.30 am. Please be ready to board by 8.25 am."

Julian makes another incoherent mumble and hangs up. He then looks at the rain against the window, and calls Bobby back by dialling zero.

"Um, Bobby?" Julian asks hesitantly. "It's raining outside."

"Yes, sir?"

"It hasn't rained here before," Julian says. "The weather's been beautiful and sunny every day."

"Rain is beautiful too," Bobby says, as if coaxing a fussy child into trying a new food. "It makes the parks and gardens nice and green. I think you'll find the rain very refreshing, sir."

"Oh, sorry. I thought something had gone wrong."

"Very natural to think that," Bobby says soothingly. "It's just a lovely rainy day, nothing to be concerned about, sir."

"Oh. Er, thanks for clearing that up. Um, sorry for disturbing you."

"It's my pleasure to help you in any way, sir. Is there anything else I can assist you with?"

"Uh, no. Thank you very much."

Julian hangs up, and rolls over to look at Noel, still cocooned in pale blue cashmere blankets. He is smiling in his sleep, and Julian catches his breath at his ethereal beauty.

"Wake up, Noelie," Julian whispers, giving him little kisses. "Time to get up, mate."

There is a sleepy stretch and a yawn, and then Noel is awake and smiling instead.

"Morning, soulmate," Noel says, kissing Julian.

Julian blushes before asking, "Are you okay after last night? Um, you're not sore or anything? I wasn't too rough, was I?"

"Last night was amazing," says Noel dreamily. "And you don't get really in pain here. Just pleasantly aching ... and stretched." He gives Julian a naughty smile.

"Bobby rang," Julian says, after a cough. "Breakfast will be up in about half an hour, and we've got to catch the shuttle bus at half-past eight."

Noel thinks that means there's plenty of time for more sleep, or better still, more lovemaking, but Julian is worried about being late, and makes him get out of bed, steering him towards the bathroom.

Noel's bathroom is larger than Julian's entire hotel room; pale blue marble with white tiled walls and silver trim. Julian catches sight of his reflection in the mirror over the twin blue marble basins, and cannot help staring at himself for a moment. He's pleased with what he sees – his eyes look brighter, his skin clearer, his hair softer in the Afterlife.

But what he mostly notices is how happy he looks after a night with his soulmate, in a way he never quite managed on Earth. Even though he's been almost permanently tired and worried since arriving, and cried his eyes out the night before, being in love with Noel has given him an aura of peaceful contentment that makes him positively glow.

"Are you going to admire yourself all morning, pretty boy?" Noel teases, beginning to run the bath.

"You can talk," Julian says, leaning down to kiss the nape of Noel's neck, and running his hand over his arse. "Hey, shouldn't we have a shower? It's quicker."

Noel shakes his head. "I prefer baths, and this one is big enough for both of us."

It's the hugest bath Julian has ever seen, and despite its size, so much warm, foamy, vanilla-scented water pours out of the taps that the bath is filled in minutes. They climb in one at a time, and both could stretch out completely if they wanted, but Noel prefers to curl up into Julian.

"I've never been in a bath I could properly fit into before," Julian says, "let alone fit another person."

"Yeah, well try this," Noel says, turning round to hit a button on the side. Hidden jets begin softly whirring, the water in the bath bubbling around them. "I can turn up it higher if you want."

"No, that's perfect," Julian sighs, feeling as if he is being gently massaged by the bathwater.

Noel snuggles back against him, saying flirtatiously, "I didn't wear you out last night, did I?"

"It was worth it," Julian says, gently kissing Noel.

"Pity there's no mirror next to the bath so you can keep seeing how handsome you look," Noel says.

"Oh ... I think I do actually look a bit better since meeting you," Julian says, turning pink.

"That's being in the Afterlife, isn't it?" Noel says. "Jeannie said you get ... sort of smoothed out into the best version of yourself. But it's only after you go Forward that you're fully transformed."

"You look so beautiful now, I can hardly imagine how you'll look after going Forward," Julian says, kissing his shoulder. "You're translucent ... luminous ... magical."

"You make me sound like a unicorn," Noel giggles, splashing the water a little around him.

"You're a mermaid," Julian says, kissing Noel on his soft mouth. "I feel like I've been dragged under the sea by an enchanted mermaid ... or merman."

Noel smiles against his lips and he kisses deeper, taking Julian in hand. Julian groans in pleasure as he holds Noel, the water pulsing against them. Their hands and mouths work together, and it is only a few minutes before they are panting and coming down from their climax.

"I hope that was worth it and all," Noel mumbles breathily against Julian's shoulder, before pulling himself up to plant a succession of sweet kisses on his mouth.

Julian wraps his arm around Noel, bringing him in closer. 

"Tell me something about you I don't know," Julian says. "We've got so little time left."

"Mm ... I like doing housework," Noel grins.

"You're joking, really?" Julian laughs.

"Yeah, you know, being the oldest I had to help out a lot," Noel says. "It's quite relaxing pushing a Hoover around."

"I have trouble relaxing," Julian admits. "Trouble getting to sleep a lot of the time."

"You didn't have much trouble last night," Noel teases, running his thumb along Julian's chin.

"Oh well, that's obviously what I needed all along," Julian chuckles. "But I haven't had much trouble getting to sleep here. I suppose that's why there's the saying, Sleep like the dead."

"So how domestic are you?" Noel asks.

"Horrible, I lived in unrepentant squalor," Julian says. "I do like making things, though. Maybe in my next life I'll be a carpenter. I like fixing things, too. Bringing them back to life."

Noel and Julian are now basking in the warm water, hugging each tightly like twins in the womb. They both jerk into alertness when there is a knock at the door.

"Your breakfast has arrived, Mr Fielding," says a faintly-accented voice.

"Oh, sorry. I'm still in the bath," Noel calls back.

"I apologise for disturbing your ablutions, sir," says the polite voice. "I shall lay out breakfast for you and your guest on the table. There is no need to make haste."

Noel shouts out thanks, and despite having no need to hurry, they decide they should get out of the bath, hurriedly towelling each other dry, then dressing in the pale blue silk pyjamas they had shunned last night.

Breakfast is on the coffee table under a covered silver lid, and there is a note on top. Noel picks it up and reads it aloud.

Dear Mr Fielding,

I have taken the liberty of bringing you and your guest a light breakfast, as most people do not care for a heavy meal before their assessment. Should you wish for something more substantial, please do not hesitate to call the front desk.

Wishing you all the best for your assessment today,

Jacques Le Cube (Chef)

Julian agrees with Jacques – he's got a nervous flutter in his stomach that means it's hard to feel hungry. He eats some fresh fruit and drinks an ambrosial cup of tea, but can't resist nibbling on a warm, buttery croissant with strawberry jam.

"The food here tastes really good," Julian says. "It's all so delicious."

"Everything tastes good here," Noel says with an innocent wide-eyed smile, leaning over to lick jam from Julian's fingers.

Sophia arrives with their clothes for the assessment. Noel has a grey suit with grey silk shirt and matching tie. Julian's suit is black, with a dove grey linen shirt, and red tie. Neither of them has ever worn a good suit before, and they're both slightly stunned at the difference it makes.

"You look like the assistant manager at Rumbelows or something," Julian says, staring at Noel.

"You look like you run a company that buys and sells other companies," Noel says with interest.

"Hold still, please," Sophia says, trying to tame Julian's curls. "You must look presentable for your assessment."

Sophia isn't satisfied until they are both perfectly turned out, with slicked down hair, shiny black shoes, and a silk handkerchief in their top pocket. Julian goes to pick up his hessian backpack with his medicine in it, but she gives it a look of disgust, and fetches him an executive briefcase instead.

"That's much better," she says, looking pleased with her own handiwork.

"Does the briefcase have a key to unlock it?" Julian frowns, jiggling it about.

"It's got a combination lock," Sophia says. "The number for it is six-six-six." She gives him a wicked smile.

Julian finally sorts out his briefcase combination, packs his medicine, and, just to have something in his briefcase, some of the free stationery from the hotel. Then he and Noel are ready to go.

"You both look very nice, very suitable," Sophia says, as proud as a mother sending her little boys off to school for their first day. She picks a thread off Julian's jacket, and pats a strand of Noel's hair back into place. "There's just five minutes to reach the shuttle bus now. Good luck, and may both of you go Forward with the blessing of The Rose and Star."

Monty holds the lift for them, and they dash into it, apologising for keeping Margaret and Ronald waiting – they are the residents of the other two penthouse suites. There are the usual tight smiles and awkward greetings in the lift, before everyone descends in strained silence, carefully avoiding each other's eyes as if they have been the unwilling participants in some uniquely embarrassing crime.

When they reach the lobby, they all smile at each other in relief as they step out of the lift, and begin talking normally. Margaret gives Noel a hug, Ronald recalls meeting Julian at the football game, and asks how he's been. They gather with the other hotel guests to wait for the shuttle bus, Bobby marshalling them into a neat row.

A sapphire blue bus with the hotel's name in gold script on the sides arrives at the doors, and Bobby says a few words in farewell to them.

"Thank you for staying at The Rose and Star. You've all been wonderful guests, and it's been a pleasure taking care of you. Please board the bus one at a time, and I wish you good fortune with your assessments. Mr Piper and Mr Piper, kindly hold open the hotel doors until the last guest has vacated the building".

The twin doormen open the doors, one on each side, and the hotel guests begin filing onto the bus, taking their seats. The shuttle bus for The Rose and Star is luxurious, with pale blue leather seats that can be pushed into a reclining position, and enough leg room even for the tall Julian.

"This is like being in first class on a plane," Julian says to Noel, stretching out in his comfortable seat. "Or at least, how I imagine it."

"Are you worried about your assessments, boys?" asks Margaret, who is sitting across the aisle from them.

"No, we'll be fine," says Noel casually.

Julian says, "Yes, extremely worried."

"I don't think we need be too bothered," says Ronald, who is seated next to Margaret. "We were guests at The Rose and Star. Everyone knows that's the hotel for people who are going Forward."

"I was at The Wayfarer's Arms," Julian informs him. "I was just staying with Noel for the night."

"Oh. Well, good luck anyway," Ronald says after a pause. "You never know."

"I don't mind where they send me," says Margaret. "This has been the most marvellous little holiday, and now I feel ready for absolutely anything."

The mood in the bus as they prepare for the end of their journey is quiet, reflective. Noel holds Julian's hand, and the touch of his soulmate gives Julian strength for the ordeal ahead.

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