Chapter 11

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AN: No one reads this story anymore but I don't really care because I like it and I actually have a very short time to write today so I figured I'd take it! So anyone who might happen upon this chapter, please enjoy the very gradual Jack/Davey friendship and the very gradual Jackrine because I love it so much.

"Extra, extra! The face of John Doe has been revealed by The World!"

Jack grimaced, and pulled his cap down lower over his face as he made his way to the newspaper office. He hadn't been recognized by anyone yet, but the day was still young, and he wasn't ready for that kind of attention just yet. He had opted to wear his regular old clothes when no one was taking pictures of him, and he imagined that threw people off a bit. But he was sure that by the end of the day he'd have people noticing him.

As he entered The World, someone called his name, and he tensed momentarily before realizing who it was.

"Hey, Jack!"

The young man grinned. David Jacobs was the only guy in the office who never referred to him as John Doe, and it was hugely appreciated. John Doe was a great guy, and it was still completely shocking to Jack that everyone thought he was equal to him, but he still needed to keep his own identity. He was Jack Kelly, and Davey played an integral part in keeping him that way.

"Hey, Davey."

The two shook hands somewhat awkwardly - they were more than just colleagues, so a handshake felt a little cold, but a hug seemed too familiar - and Davey smiled.

"So? How's it feel being one of the most recognized faces in the city?"

Jack chuckled softly. "Weird. Doesn't feel like I should be anyone so important."

"But you are. Everyone is, that's why what we're doing here is so special."

"'Cause we're all John Doe, huh?"

Davey nodded, and it was clear that he believed in the John Doe movement just as much as Katherine, or Mr. Connell, or even Jack himself. "That's right. Speaking of, Mr. Connell wants to talk to you in his office about the next step."

Jack's eyebrows furrowed. "The picture with the article just came out today, we're already talking about the next step?"

"We're always talking about the next step here. How to make something bigger."

"Already feels pretty big to me." Jack had a small smile on his face. "Yeah okay, I'll meet him in there. Thanks, Davey."

He continued to make his way down the hallway to the editor's office, and was greatly relieved to find Katherine in the room as well. Mr. Connell was fine, but being alone with the man scared him a little.

"Good morning, Mr. Kelly."

The editor gestured for Jack take a seat next to Katherine, who had an infectious grin on her face and a newspaper in her lap.

"Have you read it yet?" She picked up the newspaper and pushed it into Jack's hands.

Jack grinned back, and shook his head. "It's a little weird, what with it being my face and my words in the paper."

"Oh but Jack, it's brilliant, just brilliant."

"Says the woman who wrote the article." Jack said pointedly, but picked up the paper and skimmed the article, keeping his eyes purposefully averted from the picture of himself.

There were some sections from an informal interview Katherine had conducted with him, asking him about why he'd felt compelled to write the letter to her - which he had not written - and things such as that, but towards the end, to Jack's surprise, Katherine had included some of what he had talked to her about while the picture was being taken. She didn't include everything, of course (if she had, he'd have quit on the spot), but it made the last section of the article very striking.

Readers might be asking what this John Doe hopes to accomplish with this movement, what is at the very core of it. The answer to that can be summed up in one final sentence from this conversation with the man himself. "If folks would just help each other, give guys who are down on their luck a chance, then everyone would be better off." That sentiment describes not only the John Doe movement, but John Doe himself. Joining him in this ultimate goal could have the power to bring the entire country together, if we can join with one another and let it.

Jack looked back up at Katherine, his grin having grown wider as he read. "This is brilliant."

She nodded enthusiastically. "Isn't it? I'd say it's pretty good for my first big article."

"Yeah, it's pretty damn good."

The two smiled at each other in silence for a moment, enjoying each others gazes and the warmth in their eyes immensely. They got lost in the moment briefly, until Mr. Connell cleared his throat and brought their attention back to the present.

"Yes, we can all agree that the article is good. A fine way to jump-start this campaign. Congratulations, Pulitzer."

Still slightly flustered from Jack's compliment and the moment they'd just shared, Katherine blushed slightly. She didn't think Mr. Connell had ever given her such genuine praise before. "Thank you, sir."

The editor nodded in acknowledgment. "Now, since people are sure to be talking about this article by the end of the day at the latest, we need to start talking about what to do next."

"Shouldn't we wait, see what the people want from him?"

Mr. Connell shook his head. "The appeal of it is that they don't know. Your original column was the first time they'd been introduced to the idea of doing something about misfortune. They don't know what to expect from John Doe, so we have to make it good."

Jack looked between the two newspaper employees before raising his hand tentatively, unsure of how these meetings were supposed to work. "I don't mean to interrupt, but why am I here? Don't I just do and say whatever you two decide on?"

This question was answered by Katherine staring at him, wide eyed. "Are you kidding?"

"No, I just -"

"We chose you as our John Doe for a reason, Jack, and it's not because of your face. You care about these things just as much as he does - because you are him. You should be involved in these decisions."

Jack considered that. Katherine had told him originally that he had the same story and thoughts as their fictional man, and that's why they wanted him, but so far he hadn't felt so included. It was a nice feeling.

"Alright. Well, first off, I don't think we should do anything right away. We need to give folks a chance to get what the article was about, and digest it."

"I agree." Mr. Connell nodded. "We can't bombard people with all things John Doe and not expect them to get tired of it."

"Time also helps build people's admiration." Katherine nodded thoughtfully. "Alright, so how long? A week? Two?"

The older man thought for a minute. "Let's give it a week, and then come back to this meeting. Keep thinking though, Pulitzer. You're good at this, figuring out what the people want. You too, Mr. Kelly."

Katherine nodded. "I can do that. In fact, Jack, how about you and I get lunch together and work on some ideas?"

Jack felt something in his chest at the prospect of getting to have lunch with Katherine, but he didn't know what it was, so he simply nodded. "Sounds good. I know a place where no one'll bother us too much, if you don't mind more run down places?"

"I love run down places." She said genuinely, though a bit exaggerated, before standing up. "I need to collect my things from my desk, and I'll meet you outside. Thank  you for input, Mr. Connell."

She called the last statement to her editor over her shoulder as she exited the office. Jack and Mr. Connell exchanged a knowing grin with each other as they were left alone in the room, and the latter shook his head with slight exasperation. Katherine never stopped moving and thinking and building on things, and both of them were beginning to learn that.

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