5. Escape or Fade

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The morning breeze brought specks of the smell of rain with it. The sun took comfort in the blanket of the clouds while the birds chirped their melodic songs.

After a restless night, Autumn got up from her bed and walked over to the window. Her mind flashed back to the moment she saw the message she hoped was a figment of her imagination. She slowly traced her forefinger where the message had been present the previous night and shuddered. 

What happened? She couldn't help but think.

It was early in the day when she walked down the stairs. Everyone was sound asleep in their rooms. There was not a single sign of life in the house and a deafening silence was draped over it.

Autumn entered the kitchen and made herself some coffee. After all, she needed it to stay awake for the rest of the day. Taking her coffee in one hand after some time, she took her place on one of the chairs, her mind going to all the possibilities of the recent events.

When she was on her last sip of coffee, she heard shuffling around the house. After a while, the door of the kitchen opened and Raymond made his presence known.

"Good morning," he greeted.

"Morning," Autumn replied distractedly.

Her best friend did not miss her tone. "What's wrong?"

Autumn shook her head. She did not want to worry her friends with something that could just be a dream. "Couldn't sleep last night," she settled on.

Raymond nodded, not believing her, but he did not ask any further questions.

A moment later, the engaged couple entered the kitchen as well. Adam had his arm wrapped around his fiancée while Kaylee still looked half asleep. With their presence, the preparation of breakfast started and they all awaited the last member of their group to wake up.

Half an hour passed and Talia still didn't show up.

Worried glances were passed around the room along with an exchange of words and Autumn stood up from the chair. There was only one thought in her mind, and she hoped she was wrong.

"I'd go check on her," she said. She was out of the room and on her way up the stairs before anyone could even say a word of agreement or protest.

She knocked on the door and waited, but there was no answer. Autumn knocked again, thinking that her sister might still be asleep. Still, there was no answer. Having no other choice, she turned the door knob and opened the door. 

There was no one inside. The room was devoid of the presence of her sister, or anyone else for that matter. The backpack was gone. The duffel bag was gone. Her sister was gone.

Without any second thought, Autumn went back to the lower level and walked to the front of the mansion. She opened the door and stood on the porch, looking ahead.

"Autie? Where's Talia?"

Hearing the question, Autumn turned back around and faced her friends. "She left."

"Wait, what? She actually left?" Raymond asked incredulously.

Autumn nodded.

Silence engulfed them as they all pondered over their mind.

Finally, Kaylee broke it, "Are you sure she's- "

Autumn cut her off with a nod, "Yeah. Her car's gone."

Kaylee's mouth turned down in a frown.

The group then moved to the living room, taking their worries and thoughts with them. Minutes that seemed like hours passed by and no one spoke anything. Not being able to wait any longer, Autumn took out her mobile phone and dialed up her sister's number. She then scowled as she remembered that there were no signals.

Adam stood up with Kaylee and both moved to leave the room. 

"Where are you going?" Autumn asked.

"To get another book from the library to read," Adam replied.

Autumn chuckled and the couple left. She suddenly flinched as she felt chills all over her body. A coldness enveloped her and she rubbed her arms. She looked at Raymond who was sitting at the other end of the couch. A frown was marred on his features and he was looking ahead into the space. With his elbows resting on his knees, his hands were interwound together.


Neutralizing his expression, Raymond looked up at his friend.

"What are you thinking?"

Raymond shook his head and looked down between his feet.

"I just... something doesn't feel right."

"What do you mean?"

Raymond shrugged. "I don't know. Talia is... suddenly gone and now I'm having this weird feeling in my chest."

Autumn moved closer to him and looked straight in his eyes. "Like what?"


"Guys?" Adam's voice cut through and he entered the room. 

Autumn looked up and noticed a familiar brown diary in his hand. "Where did you find that?"

Adam put the diary in her outstretched hand and answered back, "It was in the library. Why?"

Autumn opened up the diary and noticed that it was different than the one she had found earlier. She suddenly got up and out of the room, leaving her startled friends behind. A minute later, she was back in the room with two diaries in hand.

"I found this in one of the book shelves on our first day."

"Did you read it?" Raymond asked.

Autumn nodded, "I did. A little bit. But the more I read, the more confusing it gets."

She then told them whatever she had read so far in the diary and how she found some pages missing. It was decided then that all of them would look through both of the diaries.

As everyone settled onto the couch together, Autumn opened the diary and started reading out loud. 


21 May, 1943

We did it! I can not believe we did it! Never have I ever been so happy in my entire life to finally call the woman I love, my wife. I know it was a risk to take but it was worth it. Grace is still recovering from her injuries but she is finally happy. I am glad everything worked out just fine and my whole family supported me. I could not have done it without them.

Father has had a doctor coming over to check Grace's injuries ever since we came home. While mother has taken up the duty of becoming her own personal caretaker. It humours me to watch my beloved wife being overwhelmed with the sudden attention from not just one or two members of my family, but the entire family along with the Acton's.

I'm finally happy and relieved.


7 June, 1943

Something unexpected happened today. I feel like I am looking very deep into it without any reason and am just worrying myself, but I cannot shake this feeling of uneasiness off of me.

I was informed by my love that she had noticed someone following her around the market a couple days back. At first, I thought she was just paranoid after the escape. I brushed her worry off and just assured her that it was nothing. But then, it started happening more frequently, daily, until yesterday.

We were notified that Grace had been in a small accident. Someone, whose identity was still unknown, had tried to manhandle her and had ended up hitting her so hard that she lost consciousness. The fact that she was already injured, did not help at all.

Now, she was at the hospital along with us and it had me perturbed. I just hope it's nothing serious.

I wish I had taken her uneasiness into notice. This might not have happened then.


19 August, 1943

It has been a while since Grace and I have stepped foot in our house. We just got back from our honeymoon in France and I had not realized how much I missed home. As much fun it was on our honeymoon, the feeling of being home was incredible. It was a feeling that was unbeatable.

As usual, we had a big meal which is understandable because of my huge family. We enjoyed our time but there was something off. When we came back, some things in our room were missing. And not just missing, but stolen. Our window was broken and there was a rope dangling from it that led to the back yard.

Yes, we did file a report to the police, but I think I know who it was. And so does everyone else. But we don't have proof.


There was a moment of silence after Autumn stopped reading. A weight fell upon everyone's shoulders as a question surfaced their mind. What happened next?

Autumn was about to turn the page over when Kaylee spoke up, "Who could've done that?"

Everyone looked at each other and shrugged.

"I don't know. Maybe we should read more to find out," Adam replied.

Kaylee nodded but paused. "Is it possible that someone related to Grace did it? Or maybe that Maria girl? It looks like a possibility that Grace's family was not approving of the marriage, so they both eloped and maybe the family wants revenge or something. Maybe Grace was abus- "

The sentence was cut short and a scream erupted at the back of Kaylee's throat. Before anyone even had a chance to comprehend what was happening, her body tore away from the circle they were sitting in, and flew back due to an unfathomable force. An agonizing cry escaped her lips as her body slammed against the wall. Pain shot through her body and her vision blurred as she unceremoniously dropped to the floor beneath.

The three wide-eyed friends shot up from their places and ran to their unconscious friend. Adam shook his fiancée, but to no avail. Her body laid there limp in his arms while his face got spotted with worry.

Raymond ran out of the room to get water and Autumn rose to her feet; her legs shaking immensely. When Raymond came back in the room, Autumn felt a heaviness in the room. She shuddered and unconsciously rubbed her bruised neck. 

She turned around and let out a relieved breath upon seeing Kaylee sitting up. She was about to turn back around when she felt a presence behind her. Autumn froze and felt a lump forming in her throat. Sweat coated her pale face.

"What do you want?" she whispered at the hidden presence and clenched her eyes shut. A low rumble came as a response and the ground shook with thunder. Losing her balance, Autumn fell to her knees. Her heart pounded in her chest faster than a galloping horse and her eyes widened with fear that she tried to hide. She did not want to be the scared one when her friends were in a worse condition. She was brave. She had to be brave.

She stood up from her spot on the ground with wobbly steps and made her way to her friends that were huddled together. Kaylee was rubbing her head with a grimace.

"We have to go. We're leaving this place right now. Pack your bags and meet me by my car outside. Let's go!"

Everyone barely nodded when they moved out of the living room and went to their respective rooms. Their expressions held shock as they moved.

Autumn gave her car keys to Raymond and then rushed to her room. By the time she had packed her bags, everyone was already outside. When she ran down the stairs, she saw Raymond coming up.

"Where are you going?"

"I was helping Adam. Have to get my bags now."

"Be quick."

Raymond merely nodded. When Autumn stepped out, she noticed her friends inside the car. She threw her bags in the boot and then settled in the driver's seat; turning on the ignition. She waited for her best friend when almost immediately, the same cold feeling from earlier engulfed Autumn. She looked back at the mansion, noting that Raymond still hadn't arrived after five minutes. 

"What's taking him so long?" Adam asked silently. 

"I don't know," Autumn mumbled and got out of the car. She ignored her friends' protests as she entered the house and skipped up the stairs. Upon reaching the room, she opened the door and froze.

A feeling of dread filled her as she saw the packed bags on the floor- the room empty.


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