An Unwelcome Visitor (Rantaro)

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*thinks about the school work I currently have to do*

OC courtesy of xXSephyreXx , hope I did your character justice 😅


The reason I thought this OC would fit this particular story line, was due to her protective nature toward her family. That, and I just really liked her for this one. Feel free to disagree, but be nice, yeah?

Set in Australia
OC is older than stated in profile in order to suit story line.

"It moved."

"Don't be silly Y/n."

"I swear to God Honcho, that damn thing just fucking moved."

"It's a blanket Y/n, blankets don't just move on their own."

"They do if they have a spider underneath them."

"You're cousin said she got the place exterminated for you, literally a week ago."

"Exactly, and I'm grateful. A few flies and the occasional cricket, I can deal with. But nothing should have, or needs that many legs."

"What did spiders ever do to you?"

The look in your eye, accompanied by your involuntary shudder made him sense that there was quite possibly a story behind your greater than normal fear of the arachnid creatures, that always sent you running whenever you laid eyes upon them. It was always quite a sight for Rantaro to behold, upon seeing his normally fearless girlfriend so terrified, especially when he knew that it was because of something so tiny.

"Please?" You whined, eyes wide with fear, lower lip stuck out in the slightest pout, that absolutely melted your boyfriend's heart.

"Yeah okay." He sighed, not really meaning anything by it, more than happy to humor you if it meant putting your mind at ease.

While the two of you lived together back in Japan, you were originally from Australia, and had moved oversees at the age of nineteen, heart set on studying abroad for university. Your family however, still lived quite happily in your home country, and you made the trip every six months to visit them. This time, your long term boyfriend of three and a half years had accompanied you on your trip down under, and you were staying with your favoutite cousin, whom Rantaro had met a few times before, and got on well with. The only downside to visiting the sunny region?


They were everywhere, a highly unwelcomed package deal in your opinion, and a being created by Satan himself. Despite Rantaro's sympathy for your serious fear, it amused him to no end that his arachnophobic partner, and soon to be fiancé if everything worked out according to plan, hailed from a place that boasted some of the world's most venomous spiders.

He fisted the blanket, ready to prove you wrong, and threw it aside, only to let out a hideously girlish scream, and actually leap back into your arms.

"WHAT IS THAT THING?!" He screeched, shaking in your hold, and you staggered to support his additional weight, while remaining upright on your own suddenly shaking legs.

"Huntsman," you whimpered, before legging it out of the room, violently flinching when a strand of your hair brushed against the back of your neck.

"Y/n?!" A frantic voice called out to you, and your cousin Ameiri rounded the corner, her crimson eyes flickering over the two of you fearfully for any visible signs of harm. "I heard you screaming, what happened?"

You made no mention that the scream was actually courtesy of your boyfriend, in fact, you didn't say much of anything, finding that when you opened your mouth to speak, only little choking sounds emerged. Ameiri took one look at your pale face and your shaking body as you put Rantaro down, and a heartbeat later, she was hugging you tightly.

"I swear to God, I'm calling that damn exterminator in the morning and getting my money back." She promised, giving your shoulders a small squeeze.

After a moment, she left you there with Rantaro, a woman on a mission. She stopped by the front door and scooped up a shoe, then making her way into the guest bedroom and kicking the door shut behind her.

"So..." Your boyfriend began, throwing an arm around your shoulders and rubbing soothing circles on your shoulders. "That was a huntsman."

You shuddered again at the reminder of your extremely unwelcome, furry, many legged visitor.

Your response was interrupted by a thump, a litany of foul curse words and another series of thumps before silence.

Moments later, Ameiri stepped out of the room, and extremely self satisfied if not slightly disgusted expression on her face, which cleared upon catching sight of you. She discarded the shoe and approached them, making a deliberate show of dusting off her hands.

"The home invader won't be bothering you anymore," she announced happily, and Rantaro looked around behind her.

"Um, where...?"

Ameiri's nose momentarily wrinkled in disgust. "Yeah, maybe don't go in there until I've cleaned up a bit better."

Your eyes widened, and she gave you a sheepish look.

"Yeah, I missed the first couple of times."

"We heard." Rantaro said dryly, and you elbowed him in the side.

Ameiri huffed in amusement.

"You guys can take my room for the night, if you want." She offered, before narrowing her eyesat your partner. "But I swear to God, if there's any 'funny business' on my bed..."

She trailed off, letting the threat hand openly in the air between them.

It was Rantaro's turn to shudder.

"Yes ma'am."

"Good," her expression cleared into something much more friendly. "And welcome to Australia."

Totally random, I know. I kinda just sat down and started writing, and this fic just went where it wanted.


It's really serious though, I go pale, start shaking, can't talk properly, go into hysterics, ect. Living in Australia, where there is a shit ton of spiders, I'm constantly having my parents kill the fuckers or begging them to have an exterminator around.

Like legit, even with harmless spiders, I lose my shit.

Throwback to a few months ago when I saw a daddy long legs in my bedroom and full on sprinted to find my dad, and demanded he kill it (and yeah, I refused to kill it myself or leave the garage until he got up and killed it for me.)

Anyways yeah, hope you guys enjoyed this 😁.

--xx Avanni Cinders

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