Before we begin

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So, I saw a few similar stories and I thought, why not do my own? I'm not too bad of a writer, but fanfiction wise I struggle with personalities slightly, so please forgive me if characters are OCC.

I already have quite a few chapters written, but I am of course open to requests at anytime, however, please be aware that I will not write OCs. Yes, I may write full length stories with an OC, but when I have specified it is an xReader, I hate writing them. My reasons for this are because:

1. This is intended to be read by a generalised audience.
2. I feel like the it takes away from the experience of other readers.
3. I personally hate it when other authors do this, and will not be a hypocrite.

So, seeing as though I have specified that this will be an xReader, please do not request your OC as a character, I hope you understand.

Moving on, here is a list of characters I am more than happy to write for:

Red Eye

Of course, I am definitely open to writing one shots for any of the other boys that I haven't listed here. Fair warning, I will likely not do Super Z characters as love interests, as I haven't yet been able to view the series. Although, when I have I probably will write them, but as of now one or two will probably only fill very minor roles.

Requests may take a few days to do, feel free to DM me if you'd like to remain anonymous. I need to know the name of who you want, as well as either a writing prompt or a short description. I won't be writing tragedies, I'm sorry, I understand it isn't too realistic, but I just hate writing them, even though I'm told that I'm not too bad at it.

Please not that I am Australian, and therefore watch the English dub, so I apologise for any confusion with the name changes. As weird as it sounds, I was so confused when authors would write Kensuke instead of Ken, and had no clue about the Japanese dubs. All I remember is thinking, "what the hell...? They didn't have this in the Metal Saga from what I remember..."

Once again, I'm sorry if some characters act a little, or a lot OCC. Requests are always open, and I apologise for any future hiatus I may go on. Regardless, I will not be abandoning this, unless I put as such up in the title or description.

One last thing, characters are 16 years of age unless otherwise stated.


~Avanni_Cinders xx

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