Blue Porcupine

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Okay, Valt is so difficult for me to write for. He is like this innocent little smol son who I cherish, and it is so hard for me to not write a relationship that is platonic with a mum friend type reader. So sorry if I'm not too good at this.

Dating this little blue porcupine would include:

💙so many hugs

💙like literally 24/7 cuddling

💙so much PDA

💙he steals all the cookies, sweets ect.

💙you go to every one of his matches (he pouts if you don't, and it melts your heart)

💙all battles are for you of course
*grins into camera* "this is for the love of my life, Y/N!"

💙so hyperactive you have to monitor his sugar intake, lest you want to be awoken at 5AM with Valt jumping on the bed wanting to battle or train

💙a really bad influence on each other (like seriously, the twins are more mature sometimes)

💙clings to you at night

💙will hug your pillow if he goes to bed before you do

💙like, you could go to sleep on your respective sides only to wake up entangled in one another

💙plans a huge birthday party

💙has his mum bake the cake

💙probably more excited than you are

💙you'll wake up to find him staring at you, wide eyed with barely supressed excitement
*falls out of bed in shock even though it's the same every year*

💙jealous puppy type jealously

💙if he's not getting enough attention he'll just sit there pouting dramatically before casually sliding over for a hug or plopping himself on your lap

💙loves letting you play with his hair, but not when you run off with his headband

💙prank wars get started over that damn headband of his

💙you get his mum to teach you how to make BeyBread

💙taking turns at pushing each other in the trolley at the shops

💙Valt occasionally gets placed in the baby seat

💙trolley gets filled with like ×10 more stuff than you originally intended (this mainly happens in the toy and candy sections)

💙you sometimes feel like your more of a baby sitter than his girlfriend

💙he loves you so much though

💙but Rentaro pretty much has his own bedroom in Valt and yourself's house (they're a package deal)

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