Caelum Kaneguro

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Name: Caelum Kaneguro

Nickname: Little Star, Super Nova

Age: Sixteen

DOB: Novemver 12th

Hair colour: (He has your hair colour)

Hair type: Shoulder length with twin red stripes

Eye colour: Light blue

Parents: Zachary and Y/N Kaneguro




👍🏼Playing the guitar


👎🏼Hair cuts

👎🏼Time limits


About Caelum:

He is just... an amazing singer

Oh my god, and his dancing?!

Everyone calls him Super Nova

The notes he can hit are just, well, amazing would be an understatement

And when he does duets with Zac?

There are no words

He projects this bad boy image to the media, but that couldn't be further from the truth

This boy is an angel and absolutley adores his family

Like, if a waiter asked him how he liked his coffee and he said 'black like my soul,' many people would assume the waiter would come back with thr bitterest black coffee ever

Nah mate

The waiter would return with a tall glass of milk

Because despite the black leathers and dark tinted sunglasses he favours to make himself look badass? He fools no one. Everyone knows how sweet he is.

On your birthday his social media accounts all have a ton of posts about you and how much he loves you

Oh, and his rapping is out of this world

Ever heard Grave Yard Rap?

Did you think I was lying?
I said I'm evil without even trying
Already dead so I'm not scared of dying
Drinking the red from your heart in one sitting
You think you've got me pegged, you must be kidding
I raise the dead up and they do my bidding
Baby, I'm a thousand years old, I'm a riddle
Bad little boy, yes, I'm bad, but not little

Yeah, that's what made him famous

Stepping away from the music now...


His favourite treat is a Rocky Road Sundaé (like the one Zac got you when you were pregnant)

Incredibly disorganized

It is a miracle he gets anything done one time

Oh and btw.... he's gay

And yes! He has a boyfriend 😊

One of his best friends however is Kasumi Midori (who coincidentally hooked him up with the love of his life)

His other best friends are Akira and Orochi's children

He hates coffee and tea, but he'll drink ice tea

He came out not too long before his twelfth birthday

You made him a black frosted cake with rainbow layers when it was cut open

Minor OCD

His laugh is beautiful

He never wears a full suit unless you ask him to, otherwise he subs the pants for skinny jeans

He can Beyblade but he doesn't do it regularly

He prefers to focus on his music

Constantly wears this rainbow choker, it's like his signature look

Hates unequal rights for anyone, not just members of the LGBT+ community

Doesn't hide his sexuality

Always goes to Pride (you, Zac and all his friends accompany him)

He and Zac perform for fundraising while they're there

And they don't just sing their own songs either!

His performance of Firework while he had multicoloured streaks chalked into his hair was probably his best perfomance ever, hands down

Amazing son

Get's so much love and support

Idolised by thousands because of the differences he makes

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