Dance With Me (Rantaro)

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My exams got pushed back a week, but they're still three weeks away and I'm lowkey freaking out. 🙂

That's why requests and updates have been taking so much time, I've been studying.

Requested by: charlieXtheXwriter

Hope it isn't too bad, I had writer's block and started like three different stories before writing this out. 😂

This is the outfit I envisoned for this, do you like it?

--xx Avanni Cinders

"Come on already, it's not that hard." You pleaded in sweet voice, trying your best to cajoule the young man in front of you into doing what you asked.

Your boyfriend shook his head stubbornly, causing you to narrow your eyes in determination, before realising that if you wanted to get your way, you would need to step things up a little.

"Plea-" you began, intending to stretch out the word, before you were cut off rather abruptly as the man you were trying to negotiate with pulled you into his lap.

"Don't do it," he asked, his voice coming out slightly muffled as he buried his face in your neck.

"Don't do what?" You laughed, shifting so the stick of the lollipop that was ever present in his mouth wasn't digging into your skin.

"You know what," he countered, not meeting your gaze.

"Do I?" You asked, a teasing lilt in your voice.

"The eyes," he clarrified, not that you needed him to of course, knowing perfectly well what he had been talking about.

"But I want to dance," you said, pretending to pout. "Please Honcho?"

It was early evening on a Friday night, and the two of you were currently attending a disco in the gymnasium of Beigoma Accademy. But you weren't just here to have a good time with your friends and partner. No, you were a woman on a mission, you had a target you were locked onto, one of which you were determined to obtain.

Tonight. Tonight you would share at least one dance with the stubborn blond. For reasons unknown to you, Rantaro would simply refused to dance at any given point.

You had gone the extra mile that evening, and had decided to dress up a little. You wore a belted red tank top and a pair of tastefully torn jeans, accompanied by the confectionary themed necklace your boyfriend had gifted you with on your two year anniversary.

You never asked for much. Merely his love, affection and the jacket he vehemently insisted was not a cape. Hell, you had purposely foregone your own jacket in the hopes that he would give you his own. Sure enough, when he first saw you that evening, he had merely shook his head and handed it over, a small smile on his face.

If Rantaro had had a choice, he wouldn't be there at all, but after hearing you express your interest in going, he had decided to join you and make a date out of it. It wasn't that you weren't greatful, it meant alot to you that he had decided to come along, but you didn't even know why he was refusing in the first place.

"It's a disco, Honcho, it's pretty much a rule when you attend that you need to have fun," you persisted. "Haven't you been to one before?"

"Of course I have," he protested, still not making direct eye contact with you.

You gave him a skeptical look. "In the past six years, and picking your brother up from one or something doesn't count either."

"I knew that," he tried unconvincingly. "Besides, you said we had to have fun. We're having fun, aren't we?"

"Don't try and change the subject," you said, picking up on what he was doing. "And of course we are, but I'd be having even more fun if you'd get up and dance with me."

"I can't exactly do that with you in my lap, now can I?"

You raised an eyebrow at him, and realising what you had thought he was implying, he held up his hands in defense and quickly back tracked.

"That's what I thought," you sniffed imperiously before giving him a soft look. "Seriously though, why won't you dance with me? Do you not like to, or...?"

You trailed off, leaving the question hanging in the air. Honcho sighed and finally met your (E/C) eyes with his own.

"What was that?" You frowned as he mumbled something so quietly that you didn't quite catch whatever it was that he was saying.

"I can't dance," he repeated, barely just loud enough for you to hear.

"Everyone can dance," you admonished him lightly. "For some it's just easier than others."

"Yeah well, I'm not what you'd call 'good,' at it." Rantaro insisted.

"Don't be silly," you said, standing up and pulling him to his feet. "I'll teach you."

"I don't know..." he admitted, sounding incredibly unsure of himself.

Before you could say what you were going to say, the song ended and another one started to play.

"Come on," you urged, eyes brightening the song began. "I love this song."

He still didn't look convinced, and you had to sigh wistfully.

'So close and yet so far.'

You took ahold of his hand and led him to a shadowy of the dance floor where there were significantly less people.

"It's easy," you promised him. "You can even keep your hands in your pockets."

"Okay," he said, stretching out the word, his confusion more than a little obvious.

"Just go from side to side and rock," you instructed. "Like this."

Following your own advice, you leaned back a little and swayed, rocking from one side to another. Gradually, he began to mimic your movements, albiet with slightly less confidence.

"See? You're doing it," you smiled at him, and he gave you a small, nervous one in return. "Now speed it up a little and keep in time with the music, you can move your arms too, whatever feels natural."

Gradually, he began to grow in his self confidence, and really started getting into it.

"Fun right?"

"It actually kinda is," your boyfriend admitted, further emboldening in his movements, going as far as to place his hands on your waist, syncing his movements with your own.

"Wanna try something else?"

"Yeah okay," he agreed eagerly, something which you found adorable.

"It's a bit hard to do holding onto each other, but just bounce up and down as you step." You said, beginning to demonstrate.

"Are you sure?" He asked, and you sensed his nerves beginning to seep back in.

"Yes," you said emphatically. "Don't worry about how you look or what people might think, they're doing the same thing. Just focus on enjoying yourself and feeling the music, focus on me."

Rantaro took a deep a breath, and looked at you. You could practically feel the worry coming off of him, and you had to supress a groan aimed towards yourself.

'He was doing so well before, why'd I have to open my mouth?'

But to your suprise, he didn't stop or walk back to the safety of your seats. Instead, he began to bounce alongside you, hesitiantly at first before steadily starting to enjoy himself more and more.

"You're doing great," you assured him, a huge grin of delight on your face. The song flicked over and if it was possible, you would have smiled even wider, but you still had to laugh. "Now this is a good song."

"It is," Rantaro nodded, as the words began to play.

'So we back in the club, with our bodies rocking from side to side, side to side.'

"Thank God the week is done, I feel like a zombie goin' back to life, back to life!" You sung along loudly, unminding as your boyfriend laughed at your enthusiasm.

Much to your delight, the two of you continued to dance for the rest of the song, and when it came to an end, neither of you made a move to stop. You danced through the next three songs in quick succession, not taking a single pause, until finally you had to say something.

"Can we take a break?" You asked regretfully, shifting in discomfort at the throbbing ache in your feet. Admittedly it could have been worse, and right then you were extremely proud of your earlier decision to wear a worn in pair of converse as opposed to boots or heels.

"You okay?" He checked worridly, and you gave him a look of reassurance.

"I'll be fine Honcho," you said. "Just not used to having such a good dance partner."

He rolled his eyes at you, and suddenly scooped you up bridal style.

"Hey, what are you doing?" You exclaimed, drawing the attention of a few of the nearby dancers.

"Taking you back to the table," he said as a matter of factly.

"I can walk," you reminded him.

"I know." He smiled, pressing a kiss to your cheek. "I just like taking care of you."

"Baka," you muttered, making sure he could hear.

Rantaro merely laughed, not giving into your demands.

"Hey guys," you said in greeting as you returned to the table, only to find a few of your friends had also gotten the idea to take a seat.

"Hey Honcho, hey (Y/N)," Valt smiled, giving you a small wave, and a chorus of other nods and hello's followed suit.

"Were the two of you dancing?" Daigo wondered, as Rantaro sat you down, immeadiently taking the seat beside you and pulling your feet into his lap.

"We were," you confirmed, leaning back into the arm Rantaro had flung around your shoulders.

"How?" Wakyia demanded.

"Yeah," Valt said, agreeing with the other two males. "Honcho doesn't dance."

"He does now," you stated proudly, turning and stealing a kiss from said teen, who hummed happily before returning the gesture.

Everything seemed to melt away in that moment, everything but one thing that really was a buzzkill.

You reluctantly pulled away from your boyfriend, and fixed Valt with a death glare that immeadiently put a halt in his fake retching. "Do you mind?"

"Nope," he replied cheekily.

You went to roll your eyes at him, before getting side tracked as another song came on. You jumped to your feet and pulled Rantaro up alongside you.

"I thought your feet were hurting," he reminded you.

"I'll live," you assured him, waving away his concerns. "There are too many good songs and not enough time to dance to them all if I stop for breaks."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive," you said hastily. "Let's go, all of you, right now, up. Moves Like Jagger isn't something we can't not dance to, I'm pretty sure it's illegal."

Laughing and shaking their heads at your blatant enthusiasm, your group of friends rose from their chairs and joined you and Rantaro on the dance floor.

Yes, your feet were aching. You would probably end up having your boyfriend carrying you to your doorstep, and tomorrow you doubted you would have the ability to stand. But right now? With your friends surrounding you, the music blasting and your partner dancing at your side? You really didn't care.

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