Pregnancy (Norman)

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Requested by: XSabxManiacX


--xx Avanni Cinders


💛 Hmm.... Idk, I feel like this was planned

💛I mean, he loves the Snake Pit, but he wouldn't want to raise a baby there unless you guys are 100% certain

💛So he'd be really careful until you guys agreed on trying for a baby

💛But then you struggle

💛A lot...

💛It must be distracting him or something when he's acting as Gold Eye, because eventually Ashtem intervenes

💛And if that wasn't awkward as fuck I don't know what is...

💛Anyways you and Norman ended up in this little clinic where the people there prescribed you these tablets to help you conceive

💛And sure as anything, about a month later....

'Norman!' You screeched as soon as he walked in the door of your shared bedrooms.

'What's wrong?' He demanded, panicked at the urgency of your tone.

He barely had time to discard his mask before you, for lack of a better word, assaulted him. Thankfully, he has reflexes which are amazing, and he was able to catch you easily.


💛And oh my God, you loved it when his eyes would light up in the way that they did

💛But this time it was even better

💛He even laughed

💛Then he put you down on the couch and arranged all of the cushions around you for optimum comfort and support and asked you immediately if there was anything that you needed

'I mean, I can't be that far along yet.' You laughed. 'But if you're offering I'd kill for a bowl of ice cream right about now.'

💛Now, he knows it's probably a little too early for cravings and all of that yet

💛But doesn't mind

💛He's deliriously happy

💛He's going to be a dad

💛Plus, this will be good practice for when the cravings do come

💛Ashtem just knows somehow

💛Did I mention he's your twin brother???

💛And he just gives you this smirk the next time he sees you and asks when he should expect to be an uncle

💛*head slap*

💛He has a little talk with Norman

'Now I know you treat her right. But if you mess up while she's pregnant, God help you.'

💛You're hoping that if you have a boy and then later on a girl or whatever, that the poor thing won't have to deal with the protective older brother spiel

💛Not that you don't love it of course

💛Which you would never admit

💛At first nothing happens, and you think you'll be blessed with an easy pregnancy

💛How wrong you were...

💛The morning sickness is hideous

💛On those days, Ashtem doesn't care is Norman is late, because he knows that your husband probably spent an hour holding your hair back for you

💛Ugh so sweet

💛He feels really bad for you

💛Just replace girlfriend with wife~

💛But the morning sickness was the early warning signs...

💛Slowly, you turned into a monster

💛And I don't say that lightly

💛Everyone grew to become afraid of you



💛Moodiness in general

💛Someone made a comment about how big you were getting

💛Somehow you ended up with a glass in your hand

💛But not for long

💛Because then it was airborne and heading straight for this guys head--

💛Sadly, he dove out of the way at the last second

💛It was a near thing though

💛The wall it smashed against though may still have glass chuncks embedded into it...  (゜-゜)

💛Good job *applause*

💛Norman was right to get in that craving practice

💛Because he was up at all hours retrieving stuff for you

💛Thankfully, for some unknown yet merciful reason, you were better behaved at night

💛Apologizing for your numerous temper tantrums and kissing him lovingly

💛Before sheepishly waking him up during the night because you felt like doritos and salsa

💛Then the sane pattern would repeat itself the next day like clockwork

💛There were even times when Ashtem would give Gold Eye the key to his private rooms and tell him to go get some rest

💛That's how bad it was

💛As you progressed, there came a month where the members of the Snake Pit bent over backwards to accommodate you

💛It was then that you were the one with the true power

💛If anyone was doing something they weren't supposed to and they were asked about it, they'd get this haunted look in their eyes and say your name

💛Whoever had spoken to them would get this look of terror and tell them to carry on

💛But it wasn't an excuse to do whatever they wanted, oh no

💛If someone was slacking off, they didn't use you as an excuse, unless they'd like to incur your wrath

💛And no ones that dumb

💛It got to the stage where Ashtem arranged things for you and Norman to do and begged him to take you out for the day

💛First up was maternity photos!

💛The dresses were do damm uncomfortable though for some reason, so you wore tights beneath

💛Then you went to see a movie

💛Having a rich brother who was terrified of you had its perks

💛Movie food was expensive, but all Norman did was wave the card he had been given and boom! Endless Ben 'n' Jerry's   \(◎o◎)/

💛And finally, Norman takes you out for dinner

💛Ugh, so sweet

💛You loved how you were the only one who got to see this side of him

💛But that didn't mean you weren't excited to have a kid who'd get the same privileges

💛Eventually, your spectacular night had to come to an end

💛But it took the edge off of you for a few days

💛But then it was business as usual

💛It got to the point where someone stole your mask

💛You were convinced that the little shits were playing keep away with you or some shit

💛And you were slightly less scary with your mask on tbh

💛You weren't known as a coloured eye or anything

💛You were in charge alongside your brother

💛So you were called Reeah

💛Long story short, Reeah was this super cool snake from an anime series you watched as a kid with Theodore, so when it came time to picking out an alter ego, that's what you went with

💛You were also convinced that Norman knew about your missing mask and did nothing

💛Eventually you theorised he must have ordered the theft and you ended up tearing apart your rooms in the search for your beloved mask

💛Poor Norman came home to a place that was utterly trashed

💛He low key felt like crying

💛You confronted him about your mask

💛He internally sweat dropped

💛Smooth guy tried to play it off though

'You do so much work sweet heart,' he murmered, peppering kisses along the column of your neck, causing a shiver to dance along your spine at his close proximity. 'But the baby will be here soon, don't you think it's time for a little break?'


💛You promptly burst into tears and ran/high speed waddled from the room

💛Poor Theodore, all he wanted was some sleep

💛Instead he got his heavily pregnant older twin sister crying at his door

💛He let you stay in his bed for the night

💛But you made him stay in there too

💛He slept on an air mattress though

💛The next day he asked Gold Eye why you were crying

💛When he explained, Ashtem just let out a long suffering sigh and nodded his understanding

💛Now yes, he had initially promised bodily harm and painful retribution on your behalf

💛But how hormonal you were wasn't exactly a secret

💛It seemed like all you did these days was cry rivers to rival the Nile, or plot to kill some poor soul who had done something, in your eyes, to wrong you

💛So the day you finally went into labour was a big relief for anyone

💛Until that is, everyone realised that the nearest hospital was a long way away

💛And you were about seven weeks early

💛So anyways yeah, an ambulance was called

💛And everyone breathed a collective sigh of relief when you finally leaved

💛Norman on the other hand, was equal parts excited and terrified

💛Fuck yeah he's gonna be a dad!

💛Fuck... Yeah, he's gonna be a dad

'What are we doing Y/N?' He asked you quietly as the midwife was waiting for you to fully dilate.

'I am getting ready to give birth,' you huffed, looking at him as if he had somehow lost a couple of braincells in the past few hours. 'You are going to sit there and help me.'

'What if we're in over our heads?' He wondered. 'What if I'm not cut out to be a dad?'

'It's a little too late now,' you joked, squeezing his hand gently. 'The fact that you care enough to worry about it just means you're going to be a great dad.'

'I love you,' he murmered, raising your joined hands and placing a delicate kiss to the back of your's.

'I love you too,' you smiled. 'But why didn't you say anything before?'

'You were a bit...'

'Scary? Bitchy? Hormonal?'

'I could say yes to all three of those,' he replied carefully, but much to his surprise, you laughed.

'I God, I've been a nightmare, haven't I?'

'That's a bit strong,' he protested in your defence, but you knew it was feeble.

'I'm so sorry,' you giggled.

'It's fine,' Norman assured you, just glad to momentarily have his happy wife back. 'No one blames you.'

'Tell that to the poor kid I nearly killed.'

'Kid, as in one?' Your husband teased.

💛Before you could fire back, the nurse announces it's time

💛...nothing could have prepared Norman for this

💛It was mainly your crying that freaked him out though

💛You never cried, or you only did so rarely at least, it was almost like some sort of unspoken rule you had

💛So this was a first

💛But oh God, the screams...

💛It was like something straight of a horror movie

💛Mainly it was just solid screaming

💛But there were some insults thrown in there too

💛Guys, get yourself a Norman

💛Because any guy who can withstand that many insults directed to his manhood and not say a word is nothing short of a keeper in my book


'Why is she still screaming?!' Norman demanded frantically.

The midwife's eyes widened, and she passed you baby boy off to another nurse that was in the room.

'Mr. Tarver, is there a history of twins in your wife's family?'

💛Turns out that females who are twins have an increased chance of birthing them

💛And so eight minutes later...


'SON OF A FUCK IT STILL HURTS!' You wailed, sounding like something straight out of hell.

💛Never again would you trust Theodore when he recommended you to a place

💛Thank Jesus Norman wasn't holding either of the babies, because he took that very opportune moment to faint


💛This time it was five minutes later


💛Holy shit this poor girl will have not one, but two big brothers

💛You cradled the boys while a doctor spilled a pitcher of water over your husband's head

'I had the weirdest dream...' He trailed off upon seeing the tiny baby swaddled in a soft pink blanket. 'Not a dream then.'

💛Norman sits beside you on the bed holding his daughter while you both try to think up names for the Tarver Trio

💛Nothing had seemed quite right, so you had decided that you would know when you held them

💛Now though, you had begun to think you should have maybe been just a little bit more prepared

💛But in the end you make a decision

💛Your oldest boy will be Flint

💛Your middle child is named Mercury

💛And you decide on Briar for your baby girl

💛You'd barely finished naming them when you heard a vague commotion from outside

'Congratulations Mr. Glass, your sister has just given birth to triplets.'

💛There was a dull thumping noise that sounded from just your room

💛Curious, a nurse goes to open the door

💛You burst out laughing when you see your normally oh so immaculate little twin, out cold on the floor

'Theo?' You call out, yelping when you see an approaching doctor with water. 'No no no, don't even think about pouring that on him, he'll sue someone.'

The doctors gave you looks of amusement mingled with confusion, especially when Norman nodded along with you seriously.

'That man is crazy about his hair.'

💛When you arrive back at the Snake Pit, because that place really is home, everyone has chipped in to decorate the nursery

💛And for a group that was mostly male gender dominated, you were impressed with the end result

💛Not too bad, not too bad at all

💛They even put up a sign that said 'Welcome Home Tarver Trio'

💛Holy McFuckery, that's going to be a thing now, ain't it?

💛Sheepishly you apologize for your more than slightly demonic behavior in those past nine or so months

💛All was forgiven though

💛And you even got your mask back!

💛But oh my God, these are quite possiblly going to be some of the best protected children in all of Mexico

Oh wow, this is probably one of my longer pregnancy imagines. And in my defense, I came up with the whole Tarver Trio thing literally as I was writing it. The triplets I planned on, the group name I did not.

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