Pregnancy (Rantaro)

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Requested by: charlieXtheXwriter

Okay, this is probably one of my favorite Pregnancy! So far.

Hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it!

--xx Avanni Cinders

🍬You guys are already married

🍬The baby was planned, but you conceived much quicker than you'd both expected

🍬Not that you were complaining though

🍬You decide to rope the dog into telling your husband

🍬It always runs up to greet Rantaro whenever he gets home so you assumed that it was the perfect idea

🍬Until, that is, you hear this rather loud thump

🍬You run to the door, only to find your dog standing over your husband who is out cold, wagging his tail excitedly

🍬Suffice to say that that was not the reaction you had been anticipating

🍬He is actually so attuned to you though, and he's always had this talent for knowing exactly when you need him

🍬So thankfully after calling his name a few times and lightly tapping his cheeks he woke up

🍬At first he kind of just blinks at you, all bleary eyed

🍬And then his eyes widen and he looks at your stomach, transfixed

'Tell me I wasn't dreaming?' He pleads with you quietly.

'You weren't,' you promised him, internally rejoicing at how his eyes shined at that particular piece of news. Right then, your dog chose to bark, stealing Honcho's attention as he reads the sign for the second time.

'I'm going to be a dad.'

🍬Holy hell he adapts so well

🍬It makes your head spin a little actually

🍬Much more protective but not overbearingly so

🍬His arms are always wrapped around your waist if he can help it, and he's so excited to tell everyone, but he waits because you ask him to

🍬Talking to your stomach even though you don't have a bump yet

🍬Does everything you ask without complaining

🍬Makes sure you're always comfortable

🍬Especially at night, again, there's no bump yet, but he spoons you with his hands laying over your stomach

🍬It's a little different from how he normally likes to sleep, but he says it will probably be comfier for when you start showing, and he wants to get used to it quickly so he can still hold you during the night and stuff

🍬He still remembers things from when his mum was pregnant with Ranjiro, so he's on the ball with this stuff

🍬Speaking of Ranjiro, he's actually the first to find out

🍬You're really close with your brother in law, and he comes over for dinner at least once a week

🍬Now, he's always been able to read his big brother pretty well, so he picked up pretty quickly on the fact that something was different with the two of you

'You're not fighting, otherwise my brother would be looking put out,' Ranjiro mused, putting down his fork and giving your husband and yourself a calculating look. 'It's an announcement that you want to keep quiet, you're already married and you're too in live to be getting a divorce, so my guess is that Y/N is pregnant. '

🍬You and Honcho sit there stunned

🍬Ranjiro rolls his eyes and congratulates you before resuming his dinner

🍬Why isn't he a detective again?

🍬After he leaves you and Honcho try and come up with a way to tell everyone

🍬You don't want to repeat yourself multiple times, but you also don't want everyone guessing like Ranjiro did when you got everyone together

🍬So you decide to do it casually the next time everyone gets together

🍬Every month, all of you get together and hang out

🍬Coincidently, it's your and Honcho's turn to organize something

🍬You get everyone to come over for movies and pizza

🍬And when the pizzas arrive, you brought them all in and set them on the table, Honcho having to help you carry them all

'Eat up guys,' you announced cheerfully, enjoying the shock at the piles of pizza you had ordered. 'This is all on us, I refuse to be the only one with a big belly in these next six months.'

🍬It takes a few minutes for it to click

🍬Ken's the first one to understand the meaning of your little declaration

🍬He got up and hugged you, murmuring a quite congratulations, before getting a pizza and sitting back down

🍬You mentally start a count down before everyone else realises

🍬3, 2, 1-

'Wait! You're pregnant?!'

🍬You nod happily, shrugging off the baggy jumper that belonged to your husband and plopping down into the couch beside said male and cuddling up into his side

🍬Everyone stares at the slight protrusion of your belly before snapping out of it and congratulating you

🍬Valt for godfather, obviously

🍬And based on how good yiur husband is with kids, you have no worries about Rantaro becoming a dad

🍬You don't have any cravings or mood swings really

🍬But you're very clingy to say the least

🍬And Honcho really likes it

🍬At the start of the pregnancy you're constantly snuggled up right beside him or sitting on his lap

🍬As you get bigger though you start to stop, not wanting to crush him or anything

🍬Not that he listens

🍬If you go to sit beside him instead he'll just pull you down onto him and cuddle you possessively

🍬You're still a little concerned, but your in love with how accepting he is

🍬You want to find out the gender, but the baby is always managing to cover it's genitals

🍬So you have to make the nursery gender neutral, and this is how it ends up looking:

🍬Honcho is literally so damn perfect and ugh

🍬He even hands over his lollipops to you, because they are the only thing you crave

🍬Foot rubs are a thing when you can no longer see your ankles

🍬Always telling you that you're beautiful

🍬You don't stress or want for anything

🍬Singing to the baby

🍬Who knew he had such a good voice?

🍬Kissing you and the bump

🍬Not even questioning it when you utilize said bump to balance your ice cream bowl one night

🍬Takes you out for maternity photos end you end up getting two:

🍬Takes you out to dinner afterwards, and orders all of your favourite foods off the top of his head

🍬Going on a long walk afterwards where he gives you his jacket

🍬It was romantic and sweet, but you had to cut things short because of how badly your feet were beginning to hurt

🍬When you get home he insists on carrying you through the front door and putting you down on the bed

🍬Helps you get changed because you're just so exhausted

🍬Then afterwards you just cuddle until you both dall asleep

🍬Your dog even curls up on the end of your bed

🍬You're so excited to become a mum

🍬It can't come quickly enough, but it feels like the time is just dragging along

🍬Counting down the days is a thing

🍬Until one day...

'Um, baby, I think my water just broke?'

🍬You live pretty close to the hospital, but Honcho, God love him, is freaking the hell out

'Car keys?'


'Baby bag?'

'Got it.'

'Pregnant wife?'

Rantaro turned around sheepishly too look back at you, arms folded with an amused expression on your face, his hand on the door handle, almost ready to leave without you.'


'Let's go.'

🍬Unbelievable that one

🍬You're at the hospital in a little under ten minutes, thankfully, because your contractions are coming hard and they're coming fast

🍬Despite how amazing he was throughout the entire pregnancy, Rantaro was nothing short of fucking useless throughout the actual labour

🍬Harsh? Maybe. True? Without a doubt.

🍬You were in alot of pain, and the doctor offered you a gas mask, now, you wanted this to be a natural kind of thing, so you declined

🍬Rantaro on the other hand was freaking out big time

🍬And when the doctor's back was turned, he decided that he would try some of the gas, because if it was strong enough to calm a woman in labour, it'd work wonders on him


🍬He stripped down to his boxes and decided that it made perfect sense to get up on a table and start singing Sunshine and Lollipops

🍬In that moment you didn't enjoy his singing quite so much

'Push Mrs. Kiyama!'

'Everything that's wonderful is sure to come-'

'Shut the fuck up Kiyama I am trying to have your child here!'

🍬But oh no, the birthing room wasn't enough for his talents, Honcho wanted to expand his horizons and take his show on the road

🍬And by the road, I mean the waiting room

🍬Let's just say that Valt and Ranjiro will forever remember the moment when their big brother and best friend respectively danced into the room followed by his wife's screams and the doctor's desperate cry of not to let him go anywhere

🍬Fast forward five hours later and you are holding a newborn baby boy to your chest while your husband is out cold and on the floor

🍬Thankfully you'd picked out a boy's name months in advance, so the nurse didn't have to wait to get the birth certificate printed

🍬And you could honestly say that the sight of your tightly swaddled Takashi Kiyama was the cutest thing you'd ever seen

🍬Suddenly there's this groan from the floor beside your bed where Ranjiro had tossed his brother

🍬Your husband sat up looking dazed at his surroundings

'Um... Why am I on the floor and in my boxers?' His eyes widen comically upon catching sight of the little bundle that you're cuddling. 'Tell me I didn't miss it?'

'Oh, you were here alright,' you smiled sweetly, much to his confusion. 'But you were fudging high on pain gas.'


'You swear around our son and I will hurt you.'

🍬That woke him up alright

🍬He's on his feet in an instant, albiet a bit wobbly, and then sitting on the bed beside you, arms wrapped around you as he gazed down mesmerized at the sight of his son

🍬The moment was utterly perfect

🍬And holy hell this would be a brilliant story for years to come

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