Pregnant (Lui)

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Requested: Free_haruka_beyblade


🎇You yourself had been wanting a baby for a while now

🎇But you were never sure of how exactly to talk to Lui about it

🎇He hadn't broached the topic of kids before, and you had been married for two years

🎇In the entire time that you'd known him, he'd never once said anything about wanting kids

🎇You kind of assumed that he just didn't want them

🎇So when you went to your doctor for your annual check up and they said you were pregnant, you were shocked to say the least

🎇The first thing that came into your mind was:

'How am I going to tell Lui?'

🎇He loves you, sure, but this was life changing

🎇...What if he didn't want the baby?

🎇You wait a while to tell him

🎇About a week or so

🎇And when he came home one day, you just couldn't help yourself but to say something

'Lui?' You looked up as your husband entered the room, having heard you call out to him when he shut the front door behind him. 'Can we talk?'

He came and sat down on the lounge beside you, not saying anything, but you could tell be his expression that he was listening to you intently.

'I- I'm...' The words got caught in your throat, and suddenly it hurt you to breathe.

Lui said nothing, knowing that you would only take longer if he tried to force you to speak, instead, he took your smaller hand in his own and gave it a gentle squeeze.

That small gesture was all it took to break the floodgates wide open.

'I'm pregnant,' you bit out, feeling a weight lift off of your shoulders, before the clawing anxiety set in.

He sat there, silent and seemingly struck dumb as your unexpected news came to light.

'Say something?'

Your husband rose suddenly, causing you to jump at the abrupt gesture. You struggled to comprehend the situation, a cold horror and disbelief taking ahold of you as Lui walked out of the room.

'Lui, stop!' You called after him, chasing him through the house. 'No, don't walk out!'

He turned around and held you by the shoulders in a gentle grip.

'I'm not leaving,' he told you, his violet eyes meeting your own. 'But I need time, you've had your's for the past few days, give me a few hours.'

🎇You began to cry as soon as the door closed behind him

🎇Surprisingly, it wasn't Gabe's house he went to that night

🎇Let's just say Shu Kurenai had very rarely received such a big shock as the one that came in the form of Lui Shirosagi knocking on his front door at what was almost midnight

🎇He was even more surprised when he asked to come in

🎇They were sitting in the lounge room when Shu's wife came back from putting their eighteen month daughter to sleep

🎇Then he admits that he's just found out about your pregnancy

🎇Shu congratulates him, genuinely happy about it

🎇His wife realizes first that Lui just left like that

🎇She throws him out while yelling obscenities

'Your wife just told you she's having your baby and you walked out on her like that?!' Came the ever dulcet tones of Mrs. Shu Kurenai as she grew red faced and clenched her fists. 'She's probably at home crying you asshole, get back there and comfort her now!'

🎇That woman truly is a blessing

🎇Lui really moved when he heard little Shun Kurenai start to cry from her roaring mother

🎇No need to give the angry lady an even bigger reason to shout at him of course

🎇He makes a quick stop off on his way home though

🎇You throw something the moment you lay eyes on him

🎇It's just a cushion though

🎇Then he gets down on his knees

'I'm sorry for walking out like that,' he muttered, sounding slightly awkward. 'I might not be a good dad, but I promise to do the best that I can and keep the both of you safe.'


'Y/N, I'm trying to talk to our baby here.'

🎇That earned him a knee to the chest

🎇You forgave him when he took out a present

🎇Sometimes you regretted introducing him to Game of Thrones

🎇This made you happy though

🎇But you get the feeling that maybe this kid will end up with a slight dragon addiction


🎇I mean it is crazy

🎇Your morning sickness in itself was pretty insane

🎇Each morning you're up and headed for the ensuite like clockwork

🎇And Lui being a light sleeper wakes up




🎇Poor guy

🎇You feel really bad about that

🎇To start out he didn't really mind

🎇It was simply part of a process that meant he would soon get to hold a baby that was a part of he and you

🎇But that process really began to eat into his precious sleep

🎇He still got up and followed you to the bathroom to hold your hair back though

🎇You were greatful

🎇But then Lui started reading up about, and I quote his google search 'what the fuck do you do when your wife is pregnant?'

🎇Turns out he read alot of doctor's articles and stuff

🎇A few days later all your coffee is gone and the alcohol is strictly off limits

🎇Then you found a few bottles of folic acid supplements

🎇It was sweet when he went out and purchased a bunch of your favourite books and movies to help you relax


🎇He read somewhere that overheating could be bad for the baby

🎇You almost strangled him

'Women are clingy when pregnant Lui, so you're just going to have to deal with it.' You informed him, close to spitting nails. 'And I will have you know that if it is safe to sit near a fireplace when pregnant, then your hair is not a problem.'

🎇Misguided, but sweet

🎇You knew that he was worried about being a good father

🎇One night you reminded him that caring enough to worry meant that he'd be fine

🎇On the bright side, Lui thought he would be prepared for anything you could throw at him after reading up on everything

🎇How wrong he was

🎇Your food sensitivity was through the roof

🎇Hot dogs? No thanks. Hot chocolate? Keep far away. Beetroot? Good bye.

🎇And it wasn't just food that set you off either

🎇The smell of your old shampoo had practically had you diving for the toilet bowl one morning

🎇You used Lui's shampoo that day

🎇Jesus Christ, you loved the smell of it before, but now it seemed heavenly

🎇Lui was confused and oddly pleased with this

🎇Next time you went shopping you made sure to get extra just for yourself

🎇Apparently sometimes if the 'baby' likes the smell of a particular someone they'll be close or something

🎇This also pleased your husband

🎇But with month two came the first bouts of moodiness

🎇It definitely threw Lui off when his lovely wife suddenly sat there brooding and withdrawn

🎇 Weren't the sullen silences meant to be his thing or something?

🎇Maybe it's some sort of behavioural STD...?

🎇Let's just say he wasn't happy when he went to kiss you after he woke up only to have you bite his head off

🎇Not literally of course

🎇But still

🎇Things only escalated from there

🎇At first Lui just kept quiet and went with it

🎇.....then shit hit the fan

'This is all your fault Shirosagi,' you hissed at your husband as you sat with your legs crossed on the lounge, arms folded with a dark scowl om your face. 'Maybe if you could control little Lui down there, I'd be back to normal.'

'It takes two people to make a child Y/N,' Lui growled out. 'And just so you remember, you're a Shirosagi too now. Or would you rather be a L/N?'

🎇The depths of hell reflected in your eyes

🎇Lui was shaking at your rage (not that he'd ever admit it)

🎇Too late he realised his mistake

'WELL FUCK YOU THEN YOU RUDE ASS PRICK!' You bellowed, getting up and storming from the room, your steps so thunderous that your photos up on the walls rattled in their frames. 'I AM NOT STAYING HERE FOR THE NIGHT, AND MAYBE I'LL CHANGE MY NAME BACK TO L/N WHILE I'M AT IT!'



🎇Your poor neighbors having to listen to this...

🎇You decided to go to Shu's place that night because:

A) He was an old friend of your's

B) His wife was pretty cool

C) Their baby was adorable

🎇Anyways, Shu's wife and Shun ended up staying up late with you in the guest bedroom, eating ice cream and watching movies

🎇Seeing Shun and her mother made you tear up a little

🎇And just like that waves of remorse were crashing over you

'What's wrong?' Your fellow ice cream addict asked you in a hushed tone as she rocked her baby to sleep.

'I shouldn't have stormed out like that,' you muttered quietly, taking care not to rouse the infant who had only just dozed off.

🎇You wanted to go back home, but it was late and you were tired, plus you knew that your overprotective husband would have a fit if you went out driving when it was so late

🎇Shu came in to retrieve his child and partner just as you were settling down to go to bed

🎇You drifted off into a restless sleep, not used to sleeping without your husband or his scent ingrained into the bed sheets

🎇The next morning you woke up, surprised to find out that you had ended up sleeping pretty damn well

🎇And then you found out why

🎇You were confused when you registered an arm clamped tightly around you like a steel vice

🎇With a lot of clever maneuvering on your part, you managed to wriggle around and face your mysterious bed invader

🎇There was a small shriek on your behalf when you were greeted by the sight of your sleeping husband

🎇Or at least, he had been sleeping until your little high pitched emission had awoken him

'How the hell did you get here?' You demanded, althought you were not entirely disappointed.

'Kurenai called me last night, the agreeable one.' Lui said, giving your waist a soft squeeze. 'I drove over l and ended up sleeping here.'

'I'm sorry,' you finally murmured. 'I shouldn't have stormed out like that.'

Lui gave a half shrug. 'I said some bad things too.'

'But I-' you went to protest, but faltered as Lui fixed you with that intense violet stare of his.

'Let's both say we're sorry and leave it at that.'

🎇After thanking the Kurenai's for their hospitality, you and Lui drove home, stopping to get breakfast on the way

🎇Not too long afterwards, things start to change

🎇One morning you're getting change when you notice something

🎇After getting over the initial shock, you called out for Lui

🎇He comes running, thinking that something is wrong

'Look!' You demanded, your exciexcitement shining through you.

'At what?'

You huffed at his lack of desired response.

'Come here,' you ordered, pointing to the space in front of you.

Lui did as you instructed, stepping forwards, unsure of what was going on.

You grabbed his wrist, and guided his hand to your bared abdomen, having already hiked up your shirt.

Lui's brows furrowed in confusion, so you guided his hand slowly over your belly, back and forth as you waited patiently for him to feel it.

And when he did, his jaw sat agape and his eyes widened. You removed your hand from his own, letting Lui have this moment as he felt the faint beginnings of your baby bump for the very first time.

🎇You explained that your clothes had seemed to shrink all of a sudden, and that you had noticed the development in the mirror while changing

🎇His reaction was... Beautiful

🎇While Lui always let his guard down around you, this was something else entirely

🎇It was amazing

🎇He took the day off of work and the two of you spent it watching movies on the lounge together

🎇Gradually, your early hour bouts of nausea began to wane, much to Lui's delight

🎇But as your appetite returned, along with it came the food cravings

🎇Lui was just glad he got his sleep ins back

🎇Funnily enough, the only thing you really craved was marshmallows

🎇Lui didn't find it funny though when you tried to roast one over his hair

🎇He won't admit it, but he cried a little when he heard the heart beat

🎇You were crying too though

🎇So you shared the tissue box

🎇A few weeks later and you felt a fluttering in your stomach

🎇It was too feint for Lui to feel just yet, much to his disappointment

🎇Thank god for him your moodiness began to disappear

🎇You start to get really tired easily

🎇Lui starts putting you to bed early -_-

🎇At one appointment you met this really lovely woman who was about as far along as you were

🎇Turns out Lui and her green haired husband knew each other a little bit

🎇You and her quickly hit things off and agree to stay in touch

🎇(You end up becoming very close friends)

🎇Pretty soon you feel done with this entire process

🎇Your hands and feet cramp up all the time, you can barely see said feet, you're always tired and the is so damn restless and it only calms down when Lui is there

🎇So Lui comes up with something

🎇He lays out a beautiful dress for you and tells you to get changed

(Let's pretend he was wearing that scowl of his that I know most of us find so damn attractive)

🎇Of course you guys had to include your dog

🎇It's basically your first child

🎇Speaking of which, somehow it knew your labour was fast approaching

🎇One night he just sat at the end of your bed for the longest time keeping watch

🎇But then later that night you were woken right in the middle of a particularly nasty contraction while the dog was barking

🎇Lui was actually freaking out

🎇The dog grabbed him by the fabric of his pyjamas and quite literally dragged Lui over to the hospital bag you guys had packed a month ago

🎇It essentially followed you around while barking its orders

🎇Low (but friendly) growl and you turn around to see the dog standing by the dressing gown you'd forgotten to put on

🎇Paw on Lui's leg, and he knew to calm down (mainly because he was being comforted by a dog)

🎇Rapid fire barking and Lui was able to locate his car keys

🎇And finally you were off!

🎇There was a final bark that felt almost like some sort of good luck salute or something as you left the house

🎇The hospital trip was a short one, thankfully

🎇Lui was crazy with worry

🎇But it was only a handful of small things that tipped you off

🎇The slight twitch in his eyebrow

🎇The gritted teeth

🎇Easily snapping at anyone who wasn't you

🎇Not to mention the death grip your hand was in

'Lui sweetie? Shouldn't I be the one breaking your hand right now?'


🎇You had to threaten to kick him out of the room at one stage

🎇It's just child birth Lui, not brain surgery

🎇His eyebrow twitched violently

🎇There wasn't any screaming when it came to the actual birthing

🎇Mainly just laboured breathing and groans of pain

🎇Positions had reversed though, and you were squeezing the living hell out of Lui's hand

🎇It was a miracle you didn't break anything

'Come on Y/N, just a bit more.'

'Lui?' You grunted from exertion, trailing off in a sharp gasp at the pain wracking your abdomen. 'Please shut up.'

🎇He obeyed

🎇The only time you actually shouted was during the last push

🎇You collapsed back against your pillows as you felt the baby leave your body

🎇There was an odd sense of mourning when you realised the baby was no longer actually physically a part of you

🎇But then the doctor announced your baby a girl

🎇Cuddling your baby was just... Indescribable

🎇And Lui's expression when he held his daughter for the first time?

🎇You had never seen him so raw and vulnerable in front of anyone else before

🎇It was beautiful

🎇And oh my God straight off the bat you can tell how purple how eyes are going to be

🎇She's already got Lui wrapped around her little finger

🎇You name her Yuki

🎇Yeah, she's going to be a daddy's girl

🎇Guess who was in charge of the nursery?

🎇Baby is coming... Home from hospital that is

🎇Oh and that woman you met at the doctors?

🎇Turns out she went into labour and had her baby the around the same time as you

🎇You hope these kids will become good friends

🎇Gabe was godfather (obviously)

🎇But you insisted on making Shu a godfather as well

🎇Lui just went with it

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