Understanding Pt.2 (Clio)

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Part 2 is out, with a part 3 to come. Sorry for the wait, like I said in the last chapter, life is a little crazy thanks to school work and all that. The Cuza request (which I have officially dubbed Phoenix), will be out later today or tomorrow. It is completed, but is waiting to be edited.

Hope this wasn't too bad, and please enjoy. :^)

"Let it, rip! Rip! Rip!"

The same cry rang out over and over, echoing loudly in the training room, that was abandoned at this late hour.

Abandoned except for one.

"Let it, rip! " You roared again, ignoring the raw feeling that scratched at your throat after shouting for so long.

A silver light flashed from your launcher, and for all of your effort, the little piece of metal only spun feebly for a few moments before toppling. Gritting your teeth, you scooped up Shade Serphix and stared at it absentmindedly, lost in thought.

"Why can't we make this work?" You mumbled to your Bey.

"Make what work?" You jumped in fright and let out a shriek, as a voice spoke up from behind.

"Oh my God, you don't sneak up on people like that," You admonished, clutching your chest, trying to calm the erratic thumping of your heart that seemed insistent on beating a tattoo against your chest. "You should wear a bell around your neck!"

Clio chuckled but offered no apology, instead looking closely at Serphix. "What's wrong with it?"

"I'm trying to pull off a move that I used once." You explained, tangling your fingers in your (h/c) locks.

"Let me see," The demand sounding like more of a suggestion than anything.

You looked at him closely, searching for anything that would give reason not to trust him. Finding none, you reattatched Serphix to your launcher, for what felt like the nth time that evening, and held it out above the stadium. You stood up straight, before lunging forwards and yanking on the ripcord.

"Let it, rip!"

Like earlier, your Bey appeared to start strongly, but it tipped and wavered before coming to a halt. You gave a sigh of exasperation, and scooped up your Bey once more.

"Do that again," Clio orderered. "But don't actually launch."

You were slightly skeptical, but, figuring you had nothing to lose, you did as the vampire bade and returned to your initial starting position, right before the lunge.

Clio took in your pose, assessing it carefully from different sides. He hummed in thought, before approaching you and holding out his hands in question. "May I?"

He gestured to your body, and you flushed hotly, realising what he meant, and gave him a short nod.

When his gloved hands came into contact with the thin material of your training shirt, a shiver danced along the length of your spine. His touch was delicate, yet firm, and you were certain he could hear the racing of your heart. After a few moments, his hands glided to your hips, it took you a moment to realise that he was directing you into your lunge. He then stepped back and studied you intently, and you had to work on supressing a whine of protest as he did so.

"Is this the position from where you launch your Bey?" He wondered.

"Huh?" Came your equolent reply, having completely missed the question.

"Is this where you launch from?" Clio repeated, a patient smile tugging at his lips, and you wondered if he knew.

"Yes?" You answered him, still missing his touch.

His brow furrowed, deep in thought, before his eyes widened and realisation dawned.

"You need to tilt your launcher," he instructed, moving forwards and directing your grip. "The direct impact-"

"Was what was causing it to stop so quickly," you finished for him, and did not hesitate to reposition yourself and quickly launch your Bey.

Shade Serphix flew toward the stadium in a bright burst of light. It hit the floor and immeadiently started to spin at a speed that was a dramatic change from earlier, leaving a glowing trail in its wake. The Bey rushed through the middle, carving the pattern of a rose in its wake before finally taking the centre.

"Yes!" You shouted triumphantly, summoning your Bey into your grasp. "Yes!" Before you even knew what you were doing, you had flown into the unsuspecting vampire's arms, and were hugging him greatfully.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," you grinned widely, pecking him briefly on the cheek.

"You're welcome?"

Abruptly you sobered, and stepped away from him, fiddling with the hem of your shirt sheepishly.

"Listen," you said roughly, geniunely meaning it. "I'm, sorry, about before. You beat me fair and square, and you're a great opponent."

Clio gave you that small smile again, and went to say something, but you cut him off once more.

"Don't say it's fine, it's not." You told him firmly. "I shouldn't have reacted that way to losing, and I shouldn't have taken that anger out on you. You're not the one who I'm angry at."

"Who are you angry at?" Clio wondered.

"Everyone," You admitted with a sigh. Clio fell silent, listening intently, not pressing for answers that you both knew you would offer. "I guess it's probably better that you find out now, if you're going to be apart of the team."

You took a deep breath and refused to meet his unwavering gaze. Briefly, you wondered if you were about to make a mistake. As quickly as those thoughts appeared, you beat them down. No, he had been kind enough to help you, for no other reason then to be nice for the sake of it, despite your less than warm reception earlier.

Despite your best efforts, a small part of you still worried. He thought you were... like everyone else. Telling him would shatter that illusion, and what would happen then? Would he still be as kind to you, once he learned what made you so different to him?

Against your will, your eyes fluttered to meet his own and in that split second, after seeing the concerned look he wore, your heart made the decision for you.

"I have..." you fell short, and shook your head at yourself. "I have ADHD."

"How bad is it?" He wondered.

You gave him a small shrug. "Not as bad as it could be, but enough that I'm medicated for it."

"What does this have to do with the others? Do they bully you for it?"

"No," you shook your head sadly. "But they don't really understand it. Marie is the only one who has tried to. They don't get how hurtful they can be sometimes."

"And earlier?"

"I blanked out," you explained. "Sometimes I miss what's going on around me, and I have this gap in my memory. They knew it, and didn't care. They were too scared to face you themselves, and saw that I didn't know what was going on, so they offered me up instead."

"They find me scary?" Clio asked, tilting his head ever so, and you couldn't help but feel guilty.

"No, no, no!" You corrected hastily, upon seeing hurt flicker in his dark eyes. It was but the second time that day, that he wore that expression because of you, and rapidly you were discovery that you hated seeing it there. "It's more intimidation than anything."


"Exactly," you nodded. "You're different, but you own it. So far you don't seem like the type of person to act like how people think you should. People like that are intimidating because they don't let others tell them how they should act."

Clio gave you that signature smile of his, and this time, you didnt baulk at the flutters it elicted in your stomach. "You're not too bad, (Y/N)."

"Neither are you, Clio." You smiled before adding, "Seriously though, welcome to AS Gallus."

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