Watch me Rise (Zac) Pt.2

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Because y'all should know by now that I hate a sad ending.


This was meant to be your vacation. No one was allowed to ruin it for you. The shades of black and gray that Zac had left you were bleeding away and a little colour had begun to seep back in. 'Rising Up,' had been a huge hit most audiences, not just your target. Your interview had done wonders for your ratings, and not only had you walked away with a little more closure, but you had also found a new friend in Mylee.

This little holiday was meant to be your own personal reward to yourself. It was just your apartment, no where fancy, but you had stocked your cupboards with your favourite snacks and sodas and planned on binge watching all of your favorite series for the next weekend. So if it ended up being someone trying to sell you something, you would scream.

You glanced through the peephole, you your anger reduced slightly at the sight of Akira. The boy was a fricking cinnamon roll who you had silently dedicated your life to ensuring that his smol been status remain permanently intact. So yeah, could spare him a few minutes of your time, hell, you wouldn't even scream at him. A very generous offer in your humble opinion.

"Hey Akira," you greeted him opening your door and smiling. "What's up with?"

Too late did you notice the utter rage glinting in his magenta eyes, a vast contrast to his normally oh so sweet manner.

"Fix him!" Akira demanded, grabbing something pressed beside your doorframe and shoving towards you.

"Oof," you huffed as whatever it was slammed into you. It took you a moment to realise that it is was a human being. A very familiar human being.

"What the hell Akira?" You hissed, knees buckling as you had to readjust to the sudden added weight.

"I'm sorry okay?" He apologized, quite literally falling to his knees before you and claspeing his hands together pleadingly. "Yes, what he did was awful. But he's a mess without you and he's broken, AND I CAN'T DEAL WITH HIM ANYMORE!"

"Okay okay, chill out there." You muttered, before you caught the diff of something unpleasant and wrinkled your nose. "Is he drunk?"

"Kind of," Akira sweat dropped. "He's been staying with me since you guys split, and I don't know how he got it, I don't even own any alcohol."

"So you saw that he was as drunk as a skunk, and you waited until he was passed out before bringing him to me." You surmised.

Akira nodded frantically. "I'm begging you Y/N, I need my house back."

"Not everything that's broken wants to be fixed Akira," you frowned sadly, casting a bitter look over the man who had broken your heart.

"Please just try?" He pleaded quietly after a pause. "I don't know what else to do."

Knowing full well that you would most likely come to regret your decision, you sighed and nodded.

"Help me get him onto the lounge."

"You're an angel," he breathed, hardly daring to believe that he had actually been able to pawn Zac off on you, and rushed into your house to drag Zac along.

It took a lot of effort, and admittedly you did almost drop him on one occasion or two, but eventually you and Akira managed to heave your ex boyfriend onto your lounge, where he now lay fast asleep. As soon as he was secure, Akira released his hold on Zac and sprinted out from your apartment.

"No take backs!" He yelled behind him.

"Coward!" You whisper shouted, careful not to awaken Zac.

You looked back at the blond with something akin to pity. Akira had been right, he was a mess. His clothes were rumpled, and even though he seemed freshly showered, the smell of whisky was still faint on his skin. By the looks of things, he was handling things in the way that you had been. Badly.

"Oh Zac," you breathed, brushing a few errant strands away from your face. Who were you kidding? That pain might have faded, but you were always going to love this man with the entirety that you were.

You bit back a small shriek of surprise as Zac grabbed your wrist and his bright blues flew open. He looked at you for a moment, blinking rapidly, a look of confusion etched onto his handsome features.

"You look familiar..." He said thoughtfully, and you groaned loudly, not caring if he heard you. Clearly he was still drunk.

"Yeah, I wonder why."

"You look like my girlfriend!" He gasped, before he gave you a soul wrenching look. "Ex girlfriend."

"And who's faults that?" You whispered, not intending for him to hear that.

"It's mine," he told you, looking anguished and frustrated with himself. "I hurt her. I had to."

"Why did you hurt her Zac?" You wondered, wanting to get a half decent answer from him and realising that this may in fact be the only way to do so. Drunken words were sober thoughts after all. "Did you love her?"

"Of course I love her," Zac stated, looking offended at the very notion that he didn't love 'her,' which was to say, he was offended that you thought he didn't love you. "Why would I hurt the woman I thought about marrying?"

You gasped, and stared at him, frozen in shock, hot tears welling in your eyed at the drunken revelation.

"But then I got to thinking," Zac continued, oblivious to your conflicting emotions. "Why would she want to marry me? I mean, we love each other, sure, we were together for the best six years of my life."

"Then why did you break up with her?" You bit out, the words hurting as you feared his answer.

"Because we're both famous. I'd never ask her to quit something she loves, and she'd kill me if I left being an idol for her. We never have any time for each other, how could we make a marriage work like that? Raise a family?"

"Well maybe you should have told her instead of breaking her heart like that!" You snapped, wanting to smack him for being so misguidedly sweet.

Zac shook his head vehemently. "She'd do something stupid like walk out on her singing career, she's headstrong like that. But that's one of the things I love about her, she's so passionate and beautiful and selfless and strong and-- hey, why are you crying?"

"Because I love you, you fucking idiot."

"We've been over this already," Zac said, looking mildly irritated with you. "I'm sorry, but I'm in love with Y/N. Even if she hates me now I'll always-"

"I am Y/N!"

Zac blinked and peered at you strangely, before his look of confusion cleared and he gave you a look filled with childish delight.


"Yes Zac, Jesus, I can't decide whether or not you're easier to communicate with when your sober or when you're drunk off your head like this."

"Do you hate me?"

"Of course not," you huffed defensively, beginning to feel bad, as if you were yelling at a puppy or something. "I love you, stupid."

"Yay~" he cooed, and then, stronger than he looked, your drunken ex pulled you down on top of him.

"Fuck," you groaned, slightly winded from landing so suddenly on his hard chest.

"Not now Y/N, I'm tired." Zac yawned, as if to prove a point. You tried to hit him, but his arms around you were like a vice, keeping you pinned there. "I'll take a kiss though."

You gave a startled 'eep- ing' sort of noise, as Zac pulled you up closed to his face and kissed you, and although it was quick and over in an instant, and aside from the fact that he tasted like whiskey, it didn't fail to leave you breathless.

"I missed doing that." Zac admitted, seemingly love struck.

"Me too," you quietly conceeded, a loud snore being your only response. "Zac?"

But it was no use, he was unconscious once more, dead to the world around him. Hesitantly, you tried to wriggle out of his grasp, but it was no use and he still held onto you tightly. Realising that there was nothing else really that you could do. You instead chose to peck him one the lips once more and snuggle down into his embrace, settling your head on his chest.

God had you missed this.

You woke up the next morning, to feel a familiar pair of arms wrapped around you, and someone's stare burning into the top of your head.

"I know you're awake," a groggy voice reached your ears, quickly dismissinf the notion you were quite seriously entertaining.

Summoning your courage in the preparation of facing quite possible rejection, you opened your eyes and lifted your head, so you were gazing at your ex boyfriend's still sleepy face.

"How much of last night do you remember?" You cautiously wondered, unsure of what you wanted the answer to be exactly.

"Everything," Zac admitted simply.

"Oh." Was your only response, before the two of you fell into an awkward silence. It was so long before either one of you spoke again, that you were quite certain that Zac had fallen back asleep again. As it turned out however, he hadn't.

"I'm sorry you know," he spoke softly, and you looked back up at him. "I should have spoken to you before doing any of that."

"I forgive you," you shrugged, much to his disbelief.

"But why? I hurt you so badly?"

"Isn't that what you do when you love someone more than life itself?" You asked him shyly. "You forgive them?

"I don't know why you'd still love me after that." Zac murmered, his eyes unsure.

"Let me prove it to you then."

"You don't have t-"

"I can kiss you."

Zac's brow furrowed in confusion. "On the lips?"

You shook your head.

"The neck?"

You shook your head again.


"At a church," you spoke gently. "In front of our friends and families, where you and I say I do."

"Are you proposing to me?"

"And if I am?" You tilted hour head, praying that you hadn't just utterly embarrassed yourself.

"You don't even have a ring for me." He teased you, and you manged to slap him on the chest.

"That was supposed to be your job, and look at how that went for you." You pointed out, and Zac flushed a bright shade of red that you were confident you had never seen before.

"Actually, about that." He coughed, and you gave him a wide eyed look.

"You didn't."

"I couldn't stand the thought of anyone else having it." Zac admitted, arching beneath you as he grabbed for something in his back pocket. "It was perfect for you, so I went and got it, if only to have something to remember you by."


"So," he spoke over you, a loving smile prominent on his face. "Y/N L/N, even though I am a 'fucking idiot' as you like to call me, would you take me back and do me the honour of becoming my wife?"

You blinked down at the silver ring, which had two small stones each with a line of diamonds beside them.

"Yes," you replied, choking up a little. "Oh my God Zac, yes yes yes!"

He laughed victoriously and slid the ring onto your finger, he dove in to kiss you, but he was stopped by laughter of your own.

"What is it," he worried. "Do you not like the ring?"

"Seriously, you didn't realise?" You giggled, holding your left hand out to him and displaying the beautiful piece of jewelry. "Come on, there is no was you could have done this on accident."

He stared at the ring curiously, even going as far as to lift yourself hand close to his face so that he could better inspect it. And when he noticed what had amused you so, he too had to chuckle.

Ruby and onyx.


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