Bad boy Volt(Valt)and reader(surge)

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Volt(Volt): Am I getting bad?
Writer: Well...yes, but you won't be completely bad😅
Volt(Volt): Oh okay then
Writer: Sorry for this🥺
Volt: It's okay
I know it's hard to imagine Volt being bad when he's such an angel
Volt was cold to everyone, even his friends
He was still good
He helped everyone, but he was too cold towards you
You have been friends since childhood
You've always wondered since Volt started acting like even thought a few times that he hated you
Volt pov:
I'm fighting Honco today, I can't see Y/N
Honco: Hey Volt
Volt looked at him
Honco: Since when did you become so cold?
At that moment Roktavor flew out of the stadium
Volt: People change
He took the Valkyrie and went outside
Honco pov:
Why has he changed so much? Y/N told me she thought he might hate her, but I don't believe it Volt can't hate anyone
You went out into the yard and saw Walt wandering around aimlessly
You stopped
Volt was a little ahead of you
You: Hello Volt
Volt stopped and turned around
But as you expected, it's not the old Volt anymore, he started wearing black, he was all in black today
Volt just looked at you and walked away
(Volt had the same outfit, only all in black, and I can't believe I'm actually writing this, I hope Walt will forgive me🥺)(It's very hard for me to imagine Walt as a bad boy)
You wanted to say something to him, but you gave up because you realized that he wouldn't give you an answer, and you took a breath.
Volt pov:
I went to the forest to think and Y/N answered me, but I had no intention of answering anyone
Your pov:
Why is Walt like that? What changed between us? Did I do something to him?
That's all you said to yourself
Free came along
Free: What are you looking at Y/N?
You: Bye Free, I just imagined it
Free: And you worry about Walt?
You sighed: Yes...
Honco and Silas came and even Kit and Kuza
Honco: Me too
Keith: What about big brother?
Silas: Some passing phase?
Kuza: I'm not used to him being like that, where is his positive energy?
You were all silent
You: But since when did that even happen? No one noticed
Kuza: He still doesn't talk to you?
You: No, hey, did I say or do something wrong to him?
Honco: You're not
You: But then why won't he talk to me?
Honco: Even if you had told him, he would have forgiven you
Silas: I hate to admit it, but I also miss his positive energy
Honco: Hey, let's fight, huh?
You: Can
You fought for the rest of the day
You were coming back for dinner
At dinner Volt did not come and that worried you, he never skipped meals
Free: Where's Volt? Was he coming?
Endz: No, I don't know where he is, he's behaving strangely
You in yourself: Yes
You went outside after dinner, hoping to at least see him and make sure he's okay, but...nothing.
You entered the room and you thought about the time when he was normal and you replayed the movies in your head, did you say or do something wrong to him, but again the same answer...nothing...
You soon fell asleep
In the morning...
You got up and got ready and went to breakfast
You were relieved to see Volt
You sat down with your friends, but Volt walked out shortly after
You said to yourself: That's enough!
You ran after him
Kuza: Where are you Y/N?
Free: Let her go
Kuza looked at Free and nodded
In the meantime...
You: Volt, stop!
Volt didn't want to stop
You: Did I say or do something bad to you?! If so, tell me! Forgive me if I did something!
You shouted because he was walking away, but you still ran after him
You stood in front of him
You: Volte...
Volt just bypassed you
You: Why did you become like that?
Volt stopped and sighed: You don't understand anything
You: Huh!? You turned to him
Volt: You don't understand Y/N
You: What!? Tell me
Volt: You'll figure it out yourself and he left
You: What!?
But there was no answer
Tomorrow evening, a party was held in Bisisol...
You were forced to come, but you were surprised that Walt came too
You've been staring at him almost the whole evening, without even realizing it
You wanted to approach him, but a girl hugged him so you left, Volt noticed and pushed the girl away and ran after you
Volt: Y/N stop!
You: Why? Why do you want to talk to me now!? You shouted
Volt was silent
You: Why didn't you want to talk to me!?
Volt: Because I love you!
You: What?
Volt: I didn't talk to you because Zayn told me you were together when we were at Chris's reunion
You: What?! No we are not together! Why did he lie!?
You wanted to go back to kill Zayn a bit😅, but Volt held you back
Volt: Don't Y/N was holding your hands
You: Why didn't you tell me earlier? I thought you hated me
Volt: I could never hate you
He looked at you gently
And that's right, those angelic eyes that always look at you
And he smiled
You: Now let me kill Zayn
Volt: Calm down
He hugged you
Volt: Now let it go, it doesn't matter
You: Well, I won't, but promise me something
Volt: What?
You: You will return to your behavior and return to your old clothes, you know not to wear all black, you are stealing my style, you know? and you laughed
Volt: I give up!
Then you laughed
Volt: I love you Y/N
You: I love you too, Walt
You went for a walk holding hands
And you tried Zayn tomorrow
Volt (Volt): Writers, I'm back to being a good guy after all
Writer: Of course😁
Write how you liked the story
And write requests freely😊

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