Free De la ho ya and introvert reader(surge)

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One fine morning the sun was shining on Bisisol while Y/N was a girl in the forest sitting under a tree reading her favorite book
Y/N is a very withdrawn person and very shy and very very much likes to be stuck in her own world
They like to hang out with people...but only with people they know well, because they don't have that much trust in other people
No one forced her to do what she didn't want
She spoke very little, and she spoke even less about her feelings
Free knew that well, but he also knew that she was smarter than everyone he knew, and even him, that was kind of sweet for him.
The very thought of you...when he looked at you he would always feel anxious and his heart would pound
He tried to ignore it by training
Y/N pov:
Today is a wonderful day... I woke up early and couldn't sleep, so I decided to read my favorite book, i.e. the continuation of the book
That book is published in parts or sequels
It's that the girl in the book is just like her except that the girl in the book is in love with her friend and Y/N never knew what love was
She knew there was love for family, friends and many other things...but she didn't know what it meant to be in love because she never experienced it.
She has never had so much confidence in someone that she can fall in love...
Just when she was reading...
Free came along
Free: What are you doing?
You: Huh? Free? (you said quietly)
Free: I'm going to training, and I'll see you
You: Yes (confused, but you still spoke quietly)
Free: So what is the book about?
You were a little embarrassed to tell him and looked away
Free: It doesn't matter, I'm going to training, bye
You waved at him
You in yourself: What an unpleasant situation and you sighed
Free pov:
I wonder why she got up so early, but it was cute when she got confused and he laughed
And of course you read your book to the end
And you thought about the book and you wondered when it would be continued as the sun shone on the forest and a gentle breeze blew as the flowers moved back and forth and your hair went left and right
You got up and went to train with your friend
You were going back to the room
Free came by: Have you eaten?
You: Huh? You forgot to eat because of the book and training
Free noticed your expression and slowly and gently took your hand
What are you doing?
Free: Let's go eat
And he took you to the kitchen
Free: Why didn't you eat?
You: I forgot (you said quietly)
Free barely heard it
Free: Don't forget anymore because you can pass out
You: Good (you said quietly)
You in yourself: Why does he care?
Free, you smiled, and then you felt your heart pounding
You remembered the sentence said by the girl in the book that it's the first feeling when someone starts to like you.
You tried to dismiss it because Free was your teammate and you were on the same team, and you didn't believe that Free would be in love with someone because he was burdened with training
You just stared
Free: Y/N?
You just looked at him as the sun shone in your eyes
Free blushed a little and looked away
Free: Promise me something, he started to get up and came towards you
He put his hand on your head (hair)
You: What? (you said softly)
Free slowly moved closer to your face, a few millimeters separating you
(There was no one in the kitchen but the two of you)
Free: If you are going to be louder then he moved away, but he was still standing next to you
You: I don't know how...(you were quiet and stammered while saying it)
Free noticed your reaction and smiled slightly
Free: You will learn and he left
You were sitting and looking at the door
You put your hands on the table and your head on them (as if you were sleeping) and you sighed
You in yourself: No, that's not possible, am I the! Free is your friend...
You just went to the room where your friend told you that you were getting a new member
And he's coming in half an hour
You waited for her
O/N (it's a new article)
A week passed and O/N fell in love with Free and almost everyone knew that, she didn't tell anyone, but it was obvious.
She was an open person, and you, on the other hand, were closed and mysterious...
You told your friend about your feelings with Free and she said that you fell head over heels in love
You just collapsed on the bed
You: What should I do? (still speaking quietly)
H/N (friend)
H/N: Well...I don't know, confess to him?
You looked at her with wide eyes: No no no
H/N: Do you want Y/N to steal it from you?
You: As if it matters, you sat on the chair
H/N: What about you?
You: She is open, she is kind to everyone, she knows how to make friends quickly and I saw Free looking at her and I think he likes her, not me... (you said quietly, but your friend understood you)
H/N: Free told me he watched and was amazed at her because he had never seen such a loud girl and told me to say hi
You immediately blushed 1000 shades of red and just sighed
You: What should I do? (you said quietly) and you left quietly
You went out into the courtyard of Bisisol and sat by the wall
A/N: Free!
You turned around and felt a hand pulling you
In a second you were in someone's arms
You straightened your head
You: Free? (you said in a whisper)
Free pointed his finger at you to kiss
When Y/N left...
Free: Sorry
You: Why are you hiding? (you said a little louder, but still quietly) while you were still in his arms
Free: Y/N is chasing me, she wants to be with her, but I don't like her
You just looked at him: So did you tell her that? (you asked quietly)
As you went to a nearby bench to sit down
Free: Yes, but she is like glue that won't leave me alone
Then you remembered the book, that the same action took place as in your life
You: Well... it's not a solution to always avoid her because she's a member of Bisisol (again you said quietly)
Free let you talk because you never talked so openly with him, and he loved it when he listened to you, he loved your voice, it was like the voice of an angel
You: And I think you should tell her that again, but tell her not to interrupt you while you're talking (you said it quietly)
Free: You're right, thanks Y/N
You: Nothing (you said quietly) as you both got up from the bench
Free: But how do you know all that?
You:'s the same as in my book, you said quietly and with a nervous laugh
Free: You really are always in your own world, am I right?
You looked away because you couldn't stand his cute look as you said softly again: Yes
Free: And what did we agree on? That you will speak louder, huh? And he smiled, but it doesn't matter now, I have something for you
You: Me? you said that quietly and surprised
Free: Yes, come
You went to his room where he took out a book
Free: I guess this is similar to your book, I read a few parts of your book so I know what it is about, I recognized it by the cover
You: For me? Thanks Free (you said it quietly and still drunk)
Free: Do you like it?
You: Yes, you hugged him out of excitement, Free was in awe
When you realized what you had done, you quickly separated yourself
You: Sorry Free (you said quietly)
Free smiled: If I had known that you would hug me like that every day, I would have given you books
You immediately blushed and froze
Free came close to you and put his hand on your cheek and looked you tenderly in the eyes: I've always liked Y/N...I know that you're ashamed of everything and that you're quiet and that you're in your own world and that's why I like you so much I like you, I can't get you out of my head
You: Free...
Free looked at you as you clutched the book in your hand
Then you started to move your mouth to say something
You: you looked away, I like you (you said very quietly, but Free heard)
Then he hugged you and you hugged him
Free sat down to chat with G/N
G/N: Has anyone finally come to their senses?
Free: I won't be with you
G/N: Why? I'm your best chance, not that quiet girl
Free: Well, that quiet girl became my girlfriend
G/N: What!? she got angry and left
And she left Bisisol
You didn't know about it because you were in the forest reading the book that Free gave you
Free came and sat next to you silently, he put his head on your shoulder, you flinched because you didn't know who he was
Free: I am
You: Oh (you said quietly)
Free straightened his head :Y/N
You turned to him
He gave you a hand to stand up
And he hugged you
After the hug, he kissed you tenderly, and you blushed, but you returned the kiss shyly.
Free knew that and he also knew that you were blushing, but so was he, but it was barely visible
And he set himself the goal of helping you speak louder and not be so much in your own world, but he is glad that he is now part of your world, and not just books
Thanks for the request!😊
I hope you liked it
Maria6244714 I hope you are satisfied with the story😊
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