Free Reader De la Hoya and Cold (QuadDrive)

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Thanks for the request😊
Let's begin!
It was summer time, of course there are summer activities
Beyblade, running, other sports
You went to (sport)
With one boy, Olena (if you don't like it, change the name, I just put it to make it easier for me)
Mostly, Olen didn't go to that sport because he loves it, but he went because of you
It was obvious to Free, because you were the sweetest and coldest girl that no one could have.
Free knew that, but he was also in love with you
He was not jealous because he knew that no one could get you and he was right
Your story: I went with my friend Luna to (sports), but Olen also joined us
I have to admit that he tried to kiss me a couple of times, but I ran away, and I know that no one wants to be with me because of me, but because I'm a legend
It's true, you were also a legend
Sometimes I envy other least they can move freely without anyone trying to kiss them
You sighed
After training, Luna went to another sport, and you were getting ready to go out
You went out and guess who greeted you
Yes Olen
You: Hi Olene
Olen: Hey Y/N
He started to approach you, you moved away
You: What do you want?
Olen: You
You do not!
And you ran away
Olen chased after you, you didn't look where you were going and suddenly you were in the forest
Where's Olen? You guessed it
And then you thought where you are
You were still running because you heard something and thought that Olen had found you and you collided with someone
You started to fall, but that someone caught you
Your eyes were tightly closed
?:Are you OK?
You opened your eyes: Free?, Yes!, Thank you!, I...
You moved away from him
Free: Why are you so confused?
You were also in love with Free, but whenever you try to get close to him you give up, you wonder why? Well, that's because you thought Free was the coolest person in the world
You: No! I'm not, I'm fine
Olen: There you are Y/N!
You: Oh no...
Free realized what it was about and stood in front of you
Free: What do you need Y/N for?
Olen: Free? Y/N what do I need it for? For nothing! Bye!
He escaped
You: Thank you very much Free
Free didn't want you to see his anger in his eyes, so he just left
You: Hey, I thanked you, but you didn't say anything!
Free turned and put his hand on the back of his head: Nothing (confused) he winked at you, and the sun was shining on his face and he smiled slightly at you
You were very red
Your pov: What's happening to me!?
Free pov: As soon as I saw that Y/N was confused, I immediately knew that it was Olen, I have to protect her from now on
Actually, she can defend herself, but Olen still annoys me
You went to your room and read a book (Specify what you were doing)
After dinner you showered and went to bed
You couldn't sleep so you went outside
Olen was outside, you didn't notice him, but so did someone else, it was Free, but no one saw Free
Olen: Oh Y/N, did you have a good time with Free?, you know I'm jealous of him
You: Ummm?, why?
Olen smiled ominously: Well, you are only mine
Free balled his hands into fists and clenched his jaw
He was very angry
You started to go back inside, but Olen grabbed your hand
You: Let me go!
Free took his hand and almost broke it
You: Free stop!
Free, if he hadn't heard you, he would have broken Olena's arm
Free: And don't ever approach her again, clearly (he said it calmly)
Olen: Yes! (Scared)
You: Thanks again Free, I don't know what I would do if you weren't...
Free hugged you
What are you doing!?
Free: Calm down, I know you don't like physical contact, but I'm sorry I didn't save you from him earlier
Free looked at you like a cat
You blushed
You: I can defend myself too! You know!?
Free: I know tyrants, I know
And he laughed
And you crossed your arms and "were angry" (like)
Free it was so cute that he couldn't resist and put his hand on your head (hair) and caressed you
You blushed even more: Hey! What are you doing? I thought you were serious
Free: Yes
You: No you didn't
Free: Yes, I am
You: Oh, and you rolled your eyes
Free kissed you on the lips🫢🫣
You blushed like a tomato, but you kissed back
When you broke up
Free: I thought you were serious and laughed
Free: Yes, serious people do not stutter
You: Don't fool me!
Free: Good good! He raised his hands in defense because he knew he couldn't fight you and your sweetness
Free: I love you Y/N
You: And
And you hugged each other
The end
Or not?
In the meantime...
Olen: So when are you coming?
2 Part?
I hope you like it

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