King Aiger and mermaid reader

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In a faraway kingdom lived a king named Aiger, he was very good and helped everyone...
One evening he remembered the beach and he heard a beautiful song and an even more beautiful voice, he followed the voice, but he did not find the source of the voice
Because you were hidden behind a rock and you were half in the water
Aiger came every night to listen to you and finally saw you
Aiger: Hey you, sorry, you sing beautifully
Y/N pov:
I was singing my favorite song, but I heard someone and hid
Aiger: Hey don't be scared, sorry to interrupt you
Y/N pov: I felt bad so I left
You: Thank you
Aiger: Hey why are you in the water?
Then you showed him your tail
Aiger was surprised: Mermaid?!
You: Yes, but please don't tell anyone!
Aiger: Everything is fine, I won't
You: Thank you
Aiger: Can you sing for me?
You: Yes, of course
So you spent the night with Aiger singing him various songs, you started to fall in love with each other
But there was an evil mermaid, she knew that Aiger was the king, so she wanted to marry him
You didn't know Aiger was a king, and he didn't even mention it
One night you didn't show up, and Aiger got worried, it's been half a year since he didn't see you, he came to your place every night, but...again nothing...
He sat in his kingdom and saw a girl just like Y/N
But he knew that Y/N was a mermaid, so he didn't want to reveal the secret to anyone
So he followed that girl
She went to their place and Aiger was hiding and started singing her favorite song
Tears came from Aiger's eyes, he was overjoyed, but he wondered why you weren't a mermaid...
He ran up to you:Y/N!
You turned around
You: Aiger?! You can't be here, run away! Please! You are in danger!
Aiger: Why!? Why were you gone for half a year!?
You: The evil mermaid turned me into a human being and wants to hypnotize you with her song and marry you, and for these half years I have been there all the time watching over you, do you know how many times I wanted to reveal myself to you and I say, Aiger here I am! I'm here! In front of your eyes!
Tears came to your eyes too
Aiger: I love you, that will not change and I will never marry that evil mermaid
You: Aiger?...I love you too, but what if he casts a spell on you?
Aiger: Hey, I read about mermaids and it said that you can't be enchanted if you already love someone.
You: That's only true in 0.001% of cases
Aiger: So little!? Why!?
You: Usually love is not true
Aiger: But my love for you is real and sincere
Then you hugged each other
Aiger gently put his hand on your cheek: I won't let anyone tear us apart
You smiled slightly: But I have to warn you
Aiger: For what?
You: She's also in human form and that's...
Aiger: Who?
You: Your head maid
Aiger: How did you know I was...?
You: She told me, why didn't you tell me?
Aiger: I wanted someone to know the real me
You: I would do that too
Aiger: Is there anyone who can help us?
You: Not really
Aiger sighed: I have a plan
You went to the castle
Aiger: Hey Y/N (head maid/evil mermaid) I know all about you
Y/N: What?
Aiger: You want to bewitch me! Well, that won't work for you!
Y/N: So you found out? And she looked at you and laughed psychopathically
She handcuffed Aiger, and she wanted to kill you with her powers
Aiger: No! Do not! And he started to cry
Y/N: Oh your sweet girl I will kill with pleasure but don't be afraid duck only as much as needed
You: Goodbye Aiger...
Aiger: Nooooo!!!!!!!
Z/N threw cini, but some light shone on you, a crown appeared on your head
Aiger: Y/N?
You: What's going on?
The ghost of your previous life has appeared: You are the new mermaid queen, and Y/N will be punished by us
They set you free
You were on the floor because you turned into a mermaid again
Aiger ran to you in tears and hugged you
And you are him
You: Aiger, I can't go without water for a long time, you know?...
Aiger: Yes, sorry
You: But maybe I can try something...
Aiger: What?
You: Mermaid queens can transform into human beings
Aiger: Try it
You: There you are and you smiled
And your crown lit up (the color of the crown) and you turned into a human being
Then Aiger kissed you softly on the lips
Aiger: Thank you Y/N
You: On what?
Aiger: You saved me
You: You would do the same for me, no problem
Aiger: Well...Y/N I have a question then he knelt down and took out a ring, will you marry me?
You started to cry from happiness: YES!
A month later you got married
From then on, you and Aiger lived happily ever after

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