King Mafia Valt and shy tomboy assassin reader part 2

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After a hug...
You: So what are we going to do now?
Valt: Whatever you want and smiled
You: Okay then...let's go for a walk
A few days later...
You noticed that Walt was acting strange
You: Valte?
Valt: Yes? (lucky)
You: You've been acting strangely for the past few days
Valt: Huh? Really?
You: Valte, you can't deceive me, that's why you're talking
Walt sighed: Zayn has a sibling...
You and?
Valt: He wants to avenge his brother, he won't kill me, but...
You: Me, right?
Valt looked at you: Yes...but I won't let him!
You hugged Valt and he hugged back
You: Thanks Valte
Valt: Don't thank me
You: So...what now?
Valt: Shall we go for ice cream?
You: Can!
Valt laughed at your reaction
You went to the candy store
You noticed that a boy about your age was looking at you
Valt: What's wrong? He looked at you curiously, but so cute!
You: I don't know... that boy watches me all the time
Valt gave him a dead look and the boy looked away
You: What? How!?
Valt: Exercise
You: Will you teach me? You looked at him with pleading eyes
Valt laughed: Of course
Valt walked you home
(You were alone, because yours left... state where)
You: Thanks Valte
Valt: Hmm... nothing, but...
You: Than?
Valt: What if he comes to your place during the night
You just looked at him
Valt: I will stay with you and call my men to be behind the front and all around your house
You: Everywhere?, but...!
Valt: Don't worry, you won't see each other
You sighed: Okay
Valt and you went inside
*In the kitchen*
You: Valte, are you hungry?
Valt: A little? and smiled with closed eyes
You blushed: So what do you want me to prepare for dinner?
Valt: Whatever you want
You: Valte, why do you always tell me whatever you want?
He got up and approached you
He took your hands in his and intertwined his fingers and blushed: Because I love you and I want you to be happy
You blushed in an infinite shade of red: I love you too, Valte
You hugged each other
*After dinner*
Valt's helper brought him clothes and everything he needed
You sat down and watched horror (What else would the mafia watch?)
He fell asleep in your arms while you stroked his hair, and soon you fell asleep too
*In the morning*
You woke up before Valt and went to prepare breakfast
You didn't want to wake him up because he was tired
*half an hour later*
You wanted to sip water and you felt arms around your waist and your head on your shoulder
Valt: Good morning (jolly)
You blushed: Good morning (you stammered)
You: Let's have breakfast
Valt: You prepared breakfast!? he said that in surprise
You smiled: Yes?
Valt: You are the best Y/N
You: I know!
And you laughed
*A week later*
Your pov:
Valt's helpers are still hidden all around my house, Valt takes so much care of me, I love him so much and he is so cute
You left the house and a little later you noticed that someone was following you
You turned around slowly and saw that it was the boy from the sweet shop
You panicked a little: BUT you are a mafia and you are stronger than him
You arrived at the beach and you ran up to Valta and gave him a hug
As Valt hugged you back, you looked at that boy and gave him a deadpan look that even Valt was scared of.
Walt: I don't think I should teach you
You smiled, and the boy left
And so from day to day you noticed that he was following you
You didn't know what to do
So you and Valt came up with a plan
Valt: So it's him!
You: Who!?
Valt: That's Zayn's brother
You: What!?
Valt: Mhm...he put his hand over his mouth while thinking, I have a plan
You: Which one?
Valt: To let them catch me
You: No...better me
Valt: No!
You: You think I'm weak?
Valt: NO! and a nervous smile
You: And it would be better for you, well...I'll let him catch me and then catch him
Valt: What if he hurts you?
Valt's assistant: Sir, don't be angry, but I think that the lady would have been hurt before him
You: I agree!
Valt sighed: Good
End of flashback:
You let him get you
And they took you to some warehouse, but Walt followed you
They tied you to a chair
Zayn's brother (James - come up with another name if you want)
James: Where is your boyfriend now? He left you? I will take good care of you
You: You won't
James: Don't answer me! You're just a girl!
You: SO!? I'm stronger than you, that's the most important thing to me, and you smiled
And then Valt came in and his assistants took James away
Valt: Did he hurt you!? (untying you and scared at the same time)
You: It's not
Valt: Okay
You stood up and he hugged you and you hugged him

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