King of Thieves Fubuky and cute reader

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In a kingdom there was a beautiful girl Y/N who lived with her family
She was supposed to get married...she had an arranged marriage...she had no choice, her parents had nothing
Late at night, a loud noise was heard, they were banging on the door
And they stole Y/N
Y/N's family tried to reach them, but they returned home crying
Y/N: Let me go! You cried
A man was holding you, he was riding a horse and he took you far into the forest
You were silent all the time...and that man left you in the forest
You managed to see his face, it was the servant of the man you were supposed to marry...
Y/N: Alan? Why did you bring me here?
Alan: Sef ordered me to kill you so he wouldn't marry you
Y/N: Well, I won't marry him either
He raised his sword, you cried and closed your eyes
You were waiting for the moment when you would leave this world, but...
???:Don't touch her!
Alan knew who it was and ran away
Y/N: Thank you so much! And you bowed
???: There's no need, such people don't even deserve to live, but what's your name?
You: Y/N and you?
???:My name is Fubuky and don't give me a hard time
Y/N: Okay
Fubuky: So where do you live?
Y/N: (place)
Fubuky: It's far from here, come with me, and I'll take you home tomorrow
Y/N: Thank you again!
Somehow you trusted him, you don't know why
You have arrived at Fubuki's hideout
Alan: Fubuky, who is that?
Fubuky: It's Y/N
Y/N: Hello
Alan: Hello, and Fubuky, what is she doing here?
Fubuky: That disgusting Emanuel wanted to take her as his wife
Alan: And yet he wants to kill his fiancee
Y/N: What?, he already had a fiancee?
Alan: Yes, and we saved them all
Y/N: Thank God
Fubuky: But why did you want to marry him?
Y/N: I didn't want to, and I don't want to, but my family arranged a marriage for me (sad sigh)
Alan: Hey go get some rest, this was stressful
Fubuky: Come, I'll show you the room
Y/N: Thank you
You fell asleep
In the meantime...
Alan: So when are you leaving?
Fubuky: I won't go tonight just in case
Alan: And what will the poor do?
Fubuky: I left them enough for two days, I'm afraid that Emanuel won't come
Alan: You like Y/N?, huh?
(Oh yes King of Thieves is an inspiration about Robin Hood)
Fubuky: What? No, I don't even know her (he looked away and blushed) I'm going to bed, good night
Alan: Good night
You got up in the morning and Fubuky took you home
You told your parents everything and they broke off the engagement
Fubuky started running, you ran after him
You: Hey Fubuky!
Fubuky: Yes?
You: Thank you very much, I don't know how to thank you, I...
He came up to you and put his hand on your cheek
Fubuky: How many times do I have to tell you not to thank me?
You just blushed and Fubuky left
You both felt sad because you knew you wouldn't see each other again
While Emanuel saw everything and planned how to kill Fubyki and you
A few weeks passed and the peasants had more and more of everything, and you too, you were happy thanks to some secret savior
You remembered and you saw a lot of people in the center and you came to see
Emanuel: Here he is! You thief or, as you say, your savior!
Emmanuel took off his hood and you were shocked
Y/N: Fubuky? (you said quietly) and you smiled slightly, you were glad to see him again
Emanuel: Now we will kill him!
People: Don't!
Fubuky couldn't do anything because he was tied up, and so was his gang
(Emanuel caught Fubuky because he was waiting for him and prepared a trap for him)
Y/N to herself: I have to do something!
You ran there
Y/N: Let him go! He's helping the people!, kill me instead
Fubuky: Y/N no!
Emanuel: I will kill you both!
Good luck, you had a small nose and quickly untied Fubyki
Fubuky took the sword and almost killed Emanuel, and then took pity on him... the guard took him to the cell
You: Fubuky, are you okay?
Fubuky: Thank you Y/N! thank you! you saved me
You just kept quiet
The people congratulated you and Fubykijy because no one else dared to oppose Emanuel
Later...Fubuky stayed at your place for dinner and left
You went to see him off
You: So that's it, huh?
Fubuky: Yes, thanks again
You: There is no need to thank me and you smiled
Fubuky blushed: Why are you copying me?
You: I'm not copying you
Fubuky: To copy me
You started getting closer to each other
You: No, I'm not copying you
While your faces were only a millimeter apart
Fubuky: I love you Y/N
You blushed: Me too, Fubuky
Then you kissed
After the kiss
You: See you?
Fubuky knelt down
Nothing was clear to you
Fubuky: Y/N, I can't imagine life without you, and then he took out the ring, will you marry me?
You started crying from happiness: YES OF COURSE YES YES!
Then you jumped into Fubuky's arms, he put a ring on you and he held you as he spun you around
You were very happy
And it turned out that before Fubuky became the king of thieves, that is, when you were little, you were friends
I hope you liked the story😊
Write me requests, because I have no more ideas of what to write
And I don't know how to continue the second book... so write me the requirements for the second book and what you want me to write
Thank you for reading my stories💝

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