Shu and Lui and reader

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Surge season

Requested by: @Lexiehunter14💝mention a userention a ustion a user
Thanks a lot for the request!😁
I hope you will like the story😊
Write me your impressions🤗 and of course more requests
Requests are always open💝

Y/N was walking around Japan in the early hours of the morning
She had to think about everything...
?: I won't see you again!
You: What's going on?
?:Tell Elena to stop doing that!
You: What happened Andrea?
Andrea: Elena betrayed us...
You: What?
Andrea: Yes...she found two other best friends and said she won't hang out with us anymore!
Then you bumped into someone
(End of flashback)
You: Sorry...What Lui?!
Lui: Watch where you're going
You: Where are you from?
Lui: I'm going to train
You: Good...and you continued on your way
Skipping time
Today you find out with whom you will be in the team at the festival
(There must be three of you for the story)
Dante came to you
You: Dante?
Dante: Hey Y/N!! You want to be with me in the team!?
You in yourself: Maybe this won't be so bad...
You: But who is the third member of the team?
Dante: That's a surprise,BYE!
You: Good? answered confused
A little later they announced
You watched the news
You: Oh no! Dante!, you will be in a team with Dante and Lui...
You: Very nice now! AAAA!!!!, as if I don't have enough problems already!
You couldn't be angry anymore, it made you tired and you went to training
And then Dante walked into your training room
Dante: Y/N, did I surprise you!?
You: Yes! you looked at him with an angry look
Dante: Why are you angry?
You: Why didn't you tell me that I would have to be on a team with Lui!? He is not a team player at all
Dante: Well...I thought of him first
You: Your brain really can't think for long......
They announced your fight
Fight against Shu...Lein and Lara (Lara is Lein's aunt's sister)
You in yourself: I will fight against Shu!? I didn't know that in the first round of fights, they would make me fight against my crush...Ah! and you blushed
And then Lui came
Lui: What?
You: What is our strategy?
Dante: Good question Y/N
You just sighed
Lui: You figure it out, I'll do it my way and he smiled
You didn't have the strength to waste words on him...
Skipping time
You pulled it all off and you won
You were walking down the hall and bumped into Shu
You: Shu? you said quietly, but he still heard you
Shu: Oh...hey Y/N, how are you?
You: Me?...I'm fine, you?
Shu: I'm fine...excuse me now...I have to go
You: Good, I have to too, see you soon! and you ran away
You were both red...
You came home and laid down in bed and fell asleep
After a few days Louie was really annoying you... you sat on the beach and sighed
Shu came in: What happened Y/N?
You just started talking and didn't pay attention if it was Shu or not
You: Annoy Lui...these fights are supposed to be fun! and to be a team effort, and he does not listen as if he is deaf
Shu smiled and sat down next to you: We all know Lui is like that
Then you realized it was actually Shu!
You turned and looked at him
You: I don't know what to do...
Shu: Just don't get upset... okay?
You: How?
Shu: One of the most wonderful girls in the world shouldn't be upset
You in yourself: What!?
You both blushed, Shu saw it and just smiled at you....
Shu: Y/N the time has come for me to tell you....
You: What?
Shu: I love you Y/N....
Your brain has short circuited
You: Me too Shu
And then you hugged and kissed
And didn't want to be upset about Lui anymore and you actually realized that he is a good person
If it wasn't for Dante, you would still hate Luiya, and this is how he became your friend

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