Chapter 3: Akuma no yūjin

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Here's chapter 3, hope you enjoy...

Valt blah and mumbles everything what happening to him for the passed months or weeks to Colis. And kept talking and going back and forth not making any sense what so ever.
Colis got bored and play with Daigo's hair when Valt kept on talking.
"Colis! Stop playing with Daigo's hair!" Valt notice that Colis wasn't paying attention.
"What, that was you!?" Daigo turn around and had a mad face.
"Sorry... I got a little bored no offense."
"Yeah, Valt can you just get to the point please?" Daigo ask.
*Inhale* "Ok, I'm sleep walking in my sleep... Every night I dream the same dream and hear this sound and it's like, AhhhAhhhAhhhAhh.....oh on, that's not it?... *inhale* AAHHhhAAHHahhaAA!!!!"
Everyone plug their ears from the horrible sound that Valt was making.
"AhhAhH-Hm!?" Daigo cover Valt's mouth.
"Ok, Valt! We get it. Can we just get to the point please?..."
"And every time I hear that sound it some time changes to a something new over and over... And I've been following this sound to the same locations it want me to go every night. But I never make it there because I wake up! And that's were you come in Colis. You got to hypnotized me so I can stay asleep."
"What hypnotize you?! Valt couldn't you leave that to a trained professional?" Said Rantaro.
"You doubt my skills?" Colis replied with a vampire smile.
"Yeah, actually I do!"
"Lollipop..." *snap* Colis snap his finger.
Rantaro fell and pass out.
*snap* Colis snap his finger again.
"Ah!? What the heck!?! What happen!?!" Rantaro awoke up violently.
"You guys stop messing around and get over here." Valt put something on his head.
"Hey check this out!" Open a laptop and press the head camera on his...head.
"I put this tiny little camera on my head so you can see what I see." Valt move his head slightly to give an example.
"Ok, Colis! I'm ready!"
"Wait, Valt? Are you sure about this??..." Daigo question and ask.
"I'm positive!"
"But what happen you get lost somewhere and can't found you?" Rantaro had a good point.
"Don't worry I'll be alright." Valt lay on the sofa.
"And I'll promise you that. Now, Colis! Hypnotize me!"
"Okay, Valt... Take a nice deep breath." Colis holding a dark magic spell book and Cooza was holding one of the stick that smoke for summoning.
Valt took a nice deep breath and relax his body.
"Now...focus on my watch." Colis swing the watch that is ticking.
"Hey, that's my watch..." Cooza pout.
"I'll give it back later..." Colis smile and show his fang.
"Alright..." Cooza shiver and let Colis finish.
"Keep your eye on the watch... You are feeling light as a feather...."
Valt looked at the watch back and forth and slowly feel asleep.
"And now we wait..." Said Cooza.
Colis and Cooza putting the stuff away.
"So what exactly does he do in his sleep?" Question Sisco.


Everyone turn around and see a broken window.
"Like that...." Kit replied to Sisco's question.
"We have liftoff..." Colis smile vampire like.
Everyone gathered up to the laptop and see what's Valt seeing.
His at the forest that's a start. Then somewhere over a log bridge and kept on going and going and going to different place that not even in Spain or BC Sol?...
Colis bring some stuff.
"What are you doing?...." Question Sisco.
"Some snacks in cause things get slow..." Colis eating cherries.
Colis had a good point. Everyone get some snacks of their own. Till some of them worries like a mother and was going after Valt.
"Guys, relax... He's got a long way to go..." Colis point at the laptop's screen.
Valt was somewhere where there tree that are moving fast and mountain. Wait?... Is he on a train right now?....
"Ok! That it we're getting him!" Everyone got up and stop Valt doing stupid things in his sleep walking state.
"Lollipop... *Snap* Skulls... *Snap* Kit-kat... *snap* Glasses... And Bird... *snap* Colis snaps his finger five times and everyone fell on the floor asleep.
He smile and back on the laptop holding a blow of cherries and tomato juice to snack on. And a puzzle game in case his out of snacks. Hour has pass and Valt didn't reach his location yet. He move to country to country to country.... When will he ever stop and reach that location that sound what's him to be?...
Till.... He reach to this country and goes to a different direction into the forest.
Colis was playing with his jigsaw puzzle and then notice Valt was in a forest again. And he saw him zip lining or tie roping?....
"That's a new one?...." That got Colis attention.
Valt walk further into the forest till it got shadowy all the way. It wasn't to dark to see the camera that Valt put on his head.
"Hmmm....???" Colis kept an good eye about this.
Then Valt heard the sound again but louder and clearer. Valt turn his head around and see a back way wall building in the forest cover in green most and the building look old.
"What the?.... *Snap* Hey, sleeping beauty's.." Colis snap his finger to wake them up.
"Ughh... My head...." Kit, Cooza, and Sisco rub their aching head.
Rantaro and Daigo got up and glare at Colis.
"Colis! What did you-"
"Sh! Shut up, and look..." Colis shush Rantaro and pointing at the laptop.
They never believe their eyes.
"Is that?...." Daigo was speechless.
"You know where he is?..." Question Colis looking at his Captain.
"The Snake Pit....." Rantaro replied to Colis's question.
"Dun!... Dun!.... Duuunnn!~" Cooza made dramatic music for the scene.
"The Snake Pit?" Question Sisco, Kit, and Colis.
"That's where we first meet Red Eye.... And Red Eye was secretly Shu all this time...." Said Daigo.
Valt somehow went in and was roaming around the underground halls of the Snake Pit hideout.
Colis press rec just in case something happens.

"Hey! Who let you in!"
"Oh, no! His busted!" Rantaro panicked.
"Wait for it...." Said Cooza and Sisco at the same time.
"Wait for what?..." Question Kit raising an eyebrow.
"You'll see..." They both said.
"Oh, your in trouble when w-WOW!!!" Got flip on the hard metal ground.
"Ooooohhhh!!!......" Everyone watch and that looks painful. Valt was fighting the mask guards hand to hand combat and the weird part is..... Valt winning this.... In his sleep... Literally...
"How the heck is he doing that???" Question Rantaro and Kit.
This is Valt we're talking about...
"I don't know... But I'm kinda scared to ask..." Said Daigo.
"Ooooooooohhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!" Everyone looked away from that painful image of attack Valt that he pulled off.
Valt walk deeper from the underground hideout.
Then found a metal door that open itself automatically.
"Where is he know?" Question Daigo.
This one was new...
Valt smash the door automatic buttons and making it shut so no one can't get in.
"And what's is he doing?..." Question Rantaro.
Valt turn around and the guys see this...

"What is that?!?" Question Sisco.
"It's looks familiar but can't put my finger on it?..." Colis put his hand on his chin and thinks what that tablet remained him of something.
It started glowing brightly.
Someone was running in the hall.
"Someone broke in, in the lab with the demon summoning symbols. Who was spying on us!? Or better yet...who what that tablet?....." Red Eye was running through the hallways getting to the lab.
The demon summoning symbols glow brighter like a bright flashlight.
Valt walk slowly to it.
"What the heck is he doing?!" Question Sisco.
"Don't go into the light!! Literally!..." Shout Kit.
Valt just kept on walking up to it. It grow brighter and brighter every second Valt took every little steps he made.
"Grrr!! Dam it! Someone from the inside lock the door... Hmm!!..." Red Eye spotted a vent.
"Two can play that game..." Red Eye open the vent and went in inside and starts crawling his way through the lab.
Valt was almost close to the tablet.
"Valt, no, no, no, no!!" Cooza can't watch this.
Valt look at it and he was close and slowly putting his hand up. And he slowly reach to touch the center.
"Don't do it!!!" Everyone shout except for Colis, he doesn't care. Red Eye kick open the vent and was inside the lab.
Valt finally touch the tablet's center and then...
A big white explosion came and lost signal from Valt's camera on his head.
"VALT!!!!?????" Everyone panicked. Expect Colis.
Red Eye notice a white flash was coming and took cover before he felt contact with it.
Then the white light of explosion fades away.
*step stomp*
Someone was out of the demon summoning symbols tablet.

He has white, black, and grey hair. His clothes look like ninja suits and the boots were leather with belts on them. Has white eye and everything black.
"Ah?...... Ah....... Ah?....... Ahh........" Valt slowly gets up from the ground and see the demon person. His vision was blurry and fuzzy but got an goods image.
"Ah....." Valt had a tiny image in his head.
Valt slowly putting his arm up to reach to him.
But his vision got black and Valt started to wobble.
"Ahh............" Valt started to fall down.
Luckily that demon catch Valt on time.
Valt was laying his head on that demon's chest.
"............................ Hm.~" He smile softly just by looking at Valt.
Red Eye get out from cover and see the demon.
"Huh! His out?!... But how?!?.." Red Eye look at that demon.
That demon turn his head on Red Eye/Shu.
Red Eye flinch. Then the demon glare at him with angry. Some how he teleport to where Red Eye/Shu  is. And he was standing right in front of him.
"Huh!?" Red Eye back away a little.
The demon glare at him with angry and then...


He slap Red Eye/Shu hard on the face.
That made Red Eye/Shu lost balance and fell on the ground. The demon look into his face close and give him the stare.
".....Don't you ever hard my yūjin ever again!...." He growled and teleport away. Leaving a confuse and questioning Red Eye/Shu.
The demon teleport out of the Snake Pit holding Valt bridal style.
"Hmm......." Val lay his unconscious head on the demon's chest.
"Come on, I'll take you back to your friends......."

"Hmm....." Valt slowly wakes up.
"You're ok!!!!!" Cooza hugged him tightly.
"Cooza..... Can't....breath......" Valt is loosing oxygen.
"Sorry, sorry!" Cooza let go and apology.
"What happen?...." Question Valt.
"We lost connected with you after you look at that thing you find?..." Said Rantaro.
"What thing?..." Valt raise an eyebrow.
"Colis show him the video..." Said Daigo.
"K,k..." Colis show the video to Valt.
"Ooooooohhhhhhh!!!!!!!! That look like it hurts!..."
Colis look at the recording.
"Oops, wrong video. *Click* There we go..." Colis finds the right video.
Then they saw the part of the big white flash loosing contact in the video.
"So what happen!? After you touch that thing?!" Question Sisco.
Valt touch his head and thinks.
"I........... Don't know?......." Valt has no clue.
"Will what ever it was. Did it stop that weird sound you told us?..." Question Daigo.
Valt touch his head to hear that sound.
"I........ I guess I'm not...."
"And that mean you'll stop sleep walking?" Question Kit.
"I guess it does..." Valt smile.
"Will that fine. Good thing you didn't see Shuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaaa......." Rantaro made the worst mistake of his life.
Valt tilts his head from confusion.
"Rantaro!!" Daigo growled.
"Sorry, it slip!"
Rantaro and Daigo look at Valt with worrying faces.
"I have a question??......"
"What is?" Question Rantaro and Daigo
"Who's Shu?......................................."

To be continued...

You have to wait for the next one.
What will the guys reaction will be?
Is that demon really Valt's Akuma no yūjin?
Why did that demon slap Red Eye/Shu on the face?
Comment what you think what will happen?
Because I really need idea people....
Hope you like it...

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