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Merry Christmas, Everyone!~ Hope you guys enjoy the new stories I promise for my 300 followers. This is a present for me to all of you guys who are fans of my stories.

In the magically forest of Astoria where Fairies/Pixies, Griffins, Chimeras, Centaurs, Pegasus, Merman/Mermaids, Hippocampus, Phoenixs, and etc. that lives here.
But Astoria isn't the only Kingdom, there are others around the magically forest that isn't from Astoria.
Like the Pixie's Kingdom where all the pixies/fairies play and help the wooden creatures that are sick or injured.
But in the fairies/pixie's village got damaged and trap under a tree log that was strike by lightning from the storm from last night and now onto a small crush village. So the Queen ask her loyal subjects to ask the Jotuns to help their village and others to get some supplies to fix the damages from their tiny houses.
"W-wait up, Sunny!!...." Said a purple pixie trying to caught up with her pixie friend.
"Hurry up, Plum Sweet! You're sooooo slow!~" Said an orange pixie flying and getting the Jotuns help.
"It's not my fault! You know I don't like scary things!" Plum Sweet whines and doesn't like scary things like ghosts or monsters.
A branch break from a tall tree making a cracked sound and falling down to the ground making a big boom echoing sound.
"AHH!!!" Plum Sweet screams as she quickly hold on to Sunny's arm and hide behind her.
"Well, it's not my fault you're slow and scared of everything..." Sunny make a face and just sign of omg.
"I can't help it!!" Plum Sweet whines and hide behind Sunny's back.
*Sign* "What am I going to do with you...." Sunny sign and always have to be the babysitter for Plum Sweet.


"D-did you hear that!?" Plum Sweet strutted and shiver in fear.
"Hear what? I don't hear anything???" Sunny didn't hear anything that Plum Sweet heard.

Wa!................ Ah!................

"There it is again!" Plum Sweet heard it again and she getting shiver through her wings and spine.
"Yeah, but......... Where is it coming from?" Sunny hears it too but she was questioning where was that sound coming from.

Wa!................ Ah!................ Aahh!..............

"It's coming from over there!" Sunny hears where the sound was coming from and follows it and who and what is making that sound.
"S-Sunny!!! Come back!!!" Plum Sweet whine as she try to catch up with her and trying to save her life if a monster eats her.
"Oh, it's coming from the bushes next to the pixie river." Sunny found the sound and it coming from the bushes. It sound like crying?....
*Sign* "Great.... It's just another baby animal crying again. Which animals got lost or abounded by their-" Sunny open the bush but stop at her sentence of what she is seeing.
"Sunny! Don't go flying off like that! You don't know if a monster can eat you up like a gumdrop!" Plum Sweet whines and had tears in her eyes.
"...................." Sunny just stay silent and listening to the crying.
"Sunny?...." Plum Sweet asked and listening to the crying too.
"Plum Sweet....... You have to see this." Sunny said a bit shock of what she just found in the bushes.

Plum Sweet slowly fly next to her and gasp.
"Waaahhh!!!!!........ Waaahhh!!!...... Waaahhh!!!!....."
It was a baby girl in a basket warp around with a white blanket as she lift her fists up and down violently as she cries. She has blue short hair and wearing a white baby dress and a blue Sapphire/Lapis Lazuli necklace.
"It's a human child!" Plum Sweet gasp and was shock. Who will just leave a born baby in a magically forest with monsters.
"She most be hungry and scared." Plum Sweet was so worry about the baby.
"Yeah, but what are we going to do with her? We can't just... Leave her here!!" Sunny wave her arms violently to make a point.
"Waaahhh!!!!....... *hiccup* Waaaahhhh!!!!!....."
"I think I have an idea...." Plum Sweet has a plan.


"Oh, where are Sunny and Plum Sweet? They should got back with the Jotuns hours ago." The pixie/fairy Queen was getting worried.
The pixie/fairy Queen is a very lovely, friendly, and cheerfully of the pixie's kingdom. She has blond light golden hair, blue crystals eyes like snow, pink and white royal fairy dress and shoes with her special wand and crown. And as for her wings, her wings were special. Because her wings were rainbow colored, those are super rare wings and who ever have those has to treat that pixie/fairy like royalty. Plus she can be small or human size if she wants to do or not.
"Don't worry mom. I got this!~" Said her daughter full with confidence and determination.
She had brown hair in a straight but crazy ponytail,
a white flower petals dress, flats slippers, and her wings just like her mom.
"I can move this tree log by myself lickity split!~" She grins and she off her muscles.
"Pfft, please sister. You're just a Princess and Princesses don't get their hands dirty. They act like ladies and show good manners." Said the Queen's son who always stay by the rules of royalty.
He has blond light her like her mom, brown eyes, and wearing a white Prince shirt and black pants and shoes. As for his wings their just like her mom to but he can just make it look like a cape to make him look charming and he loves capes.
"Stop, being such a buzz kill!" The sister whines.
"I'm not being a buzz kill, I'm just telling the truth and giving good facts." He was denying that he's a buzz kill.
"Yeah, a buzz kill." She made a face to her brother.
"I am not!" The brother cross his arms and glare at his little sister.
"Are too!"
"Am not!"
"Are too!!!"
"Am not!!!"
"Are too!!!!"
"Am not!!!!"
"Are too!!!!!"
"Am not!!!!!"
"ARE TOO!!!!!!!"
"AM NOT!!!!!!!!"
The kids started arguing and growl at each other giving each other the spark.
"Pouf! Aurora! Stop arguing, you don't want me to get along pixie ropes again." The Queen said seriously and looking at them with a glare of a mother.
"Sorry, mom! We won't do it again!..." The sibling stop arguing as they flinch in fear. The Queen is friendly and all but for a mother she has to get serious if her children starts fighting everywhere in the pixie's kingdom.
"Queen Iris!" Sunny and Plum Sweet said unison as they fly to the Queen with some news.
"Sunny, Plum Sweet. I'm glad you two are okay." Queen Iris sign in relief.
"Did you get the Jotuns to help with are village?"
"Yeah, and........" Sunny pause.
"And what?" Queen Iris raise an eyebrow.
"We found something in the forest too...." Plum Sweet said shyly as she play with her finger shyly too.
"Please be a baby animal! Please, please, please!!~" Aurora begs in her thoughts because she really want to know what a baby animal looks like when they are born.
"Is it a another baby animal again? Which one did you brought!~ Tell me, wait!~ Surprise me!~" Queen Iris love baby animal because they are so cute and fluffy.
"Well..... It isn't animal......" Sunny scratch the back of her head.
"Oh? Then what is it than?" Queen Iris was confuse, if it's not an animal then what did they brought?
"Ok, you can come now and show her." Plum Sweet said kindly to the Jotuns to bring what they found in the forest.
"Waahh!!!.... *hiccup* Waahh!!!...... *hiccup* W-waahh!!!...."
The Jotuns came in and holding a baby child on their big furry arms. They were every careful not to crash the baby and trying to comfort her from her crying.
"Oh, my!" Queen Iris was shocked and never seen this coming. This was a surprises for her, well she did said surprise me.
"We found her next to the pixie river around the bushes." Sunny explains.
"This poor child must be scared." Queen Iris gave a worry face as she was holding the baby and trying to comfort her.
"Waahh!!!..... *hiccup* Wahh!!.... Wah... *hiccup* Hmmm......" The baby slowly stops crying.
"There, there.... It okay...." Queen Iris said gentle with a sweet soft voice.
"Hmmm....." The baby slowly open her brown hazelnut eyes and see the Queen's face.
"Hello, child.~" She smile softly to the baby girl.
"Uh.... Uh......" The baby put her hands out and touch the Queen's face.
"Hehehe.~" Queen Iris giggled.
"Mom, mom!! Can we keep her!!~ I always wanted a baby sister!~" Aurora has sparkles in her eyes and was fill of excitement.
"That a bad idea." Pouf did not agree with his little sister keeping a human child.
"Mom, kept you and she didn't complain." Aurora shot back at her older brother.
"Oooohhhhh......." Sunny 'ohh' at that sick burn.
"How dare you!" Pouf growls and glare at his sister.
"What.~ I'm just telling the truth and the facts.~" Aurora winks as she sick out her tongue playfully.
"Why you little-" Pouf growls like a cat and the siblings started arguing again.
"Hehehehehehe!!!~" The baby giggled as she waves her arms playfully at the siblings who are fighting.
The siblings stop and looked at the baby confuse.
"Huh.... Guess she like you two arguing.... Strange, but it's still cute.~" Queen Iris didn't judge to much about the baby.
"So mom... What are we going to do with her?" Aurora asked.
"I think..... We should keep her. I can't let her rote in the forest and we don't know where her parents are. So I'm adopting her to be are child.~" Queen Iris made her decision and keeping this child as her own.
"Yes!!~ I got a baby sister!!~" Aurora was so happy that she got a sister.
"Hmm..." Pouf cross his arms and didn't like this idea.
"Pouf.... You want to hold her?" Queen Iris asked as she dent down to her son.
"Pfft, no!............. Maybe a little." Pouf pouts shyly.
"It's okay, if you're not ready." Queen Iris gets up a little.
"No, no! I'm ready." Pouf change his mind and wants to hold the baby.
"Ok then." Queen Iris gave the baby to Pouf.
"Wow, heavy...." Pouf thought as he carefully holding the baby.
"Uh....... Hehehe!~" The baby giggled as her brown hazelnut eyes sparkle.
Pouf blush a little and looks away.
"Look like someone loving the baby?~" Aurora tease.
"Am not!...." Pouf growls.
"So what are we going to name her mom!~" Aurora asked her mom what to called their adopted child.
"Hmmm...... Let me think?" Queen Iris thinking for a good name for the baby.
"Val...." Pouf said.
Everyone look at Pouf.
"......What?...." Pouf looked at them confuse.
"You named the baby already, I wanted to choose a name too!" Aurora pouts and mess her chance.
"Actually, it said right here on her necklace from the back side.
"Nom..." The baby nom on her necklace on the back side with her first name written but the last part was scratch off.
"Val, huh... What a lovely name.~" Queen Iris smile softly.
"I actually kinda like it too. Val is a nice name for our new little sister." Aurora smile and gave a finger to the baby as she tickle her cheek.
"Hehehe..~" Val giggles and caught Auror's finger and nom on it.
"Val....." Queen Iris gets the baby back and hold her up.
"You're the newest little princess of the pixie's kingdom.~" She smile softly and look at her with caring eyes.
"Hehehe!~" Val giggles as she waves her arms and legs playfully.

Years Later...

A teenage girl with blue short hair covered in a dark blue and black hoodie on her head. Wearing a hunter outfits and a high collar covering her chest and wearing gray blue boots.

"Knight School here I come." Val smile as she sneaks into a oger's cart/carriage and being bragged all the way to the kingdom of Astoria.
It took four hours of the oger dragging his cart to the kingdom of Astoria.
Their was people walking around the castle inside and out selling or just walking around and buying stuff.
The oger drags his cart of stuff covered with a blanket. Than Val pop out from the oger's cart and look around from her surrounding of the castle/kingdom of Astoria.
"Astoria's Castle is so beautiful.~" Val's eyes sparkles and seeing the beautiful amazing castle of Astoria and their village.
This is the beginning of a new adventure for a girl name Val to becoming a knight.

To be continued...

What did you think?...
How will Val meet Shu, Lui, and Free?...
Will she join the knight school and the squad or fail and never become a knight?...
You want me to continue and see what happens next?....

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