[Shalt] Cooking problems

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I don't know what the frick I am even doing rn-

Couple: Shu x Valt (Shalt) and a little of Lanyuga

Timeline: After Surge and before Quaddrive


"Alright Valt, I need to go now. Remember to go to auntie's house while I'm not here, okay?"

Shu holds the suitcase in one hand while lovingly place a kiss on his boyfriend's forehead. That's right, he and Valt have been dating for a while and they chose to live in a small but cozy apartment in Japan.

But eventually, in the whole summer which are April, May and June, Shu has to come back to America to deal with his works in Ranging Bulls. Although Fubuki and Trad can responsibly deal with those without him (They, a lot of times, kicked Shu out from his office because he overworked himself too much, that was Valt's 'secret' suggestion), he's still the boss after all. Leading the team is his responsibility.

Anddd you probably know the reason why the albino told his boyfriend to go back to Mrs.Chiharu while he's not here, right? He knows how bad his lover is at cooking. Everyone knows that Valt's cooking skills are always in the level of being inedible. And of course, the bluenette is aware of that.

Valt chuckle then also pay back a kiss on the other's cheek "Okay, but don't forget our contract. Don't overwork yourself too much, is that deal, you workaholic?" The bluenette pout a little, and Shu just laugh while slightly nod "Deal. See you again soon, my Valkyrie~"

Shu takes his backpack-... I mean drags his suitcase and leave the house. Valt pokes his head out to look at the albino until he's completely gone from his sight. In that moment, his heart suddenly feels so heavy.

"Why can't you even cook something for your boyfriend? So useless..." The bluenette talks to himself. If they were a family, he would be the wife but...why, just why? He just wants to make a proper meal for his (soon to be husband) lover. But his cooking skills didn't allow him to do that.

Valt takes a peak at the calendar. He's still on the vacation for bladers before having the champion tittle battle with Aiger* in July. Great, he has a lot of time! This could be enough for him to practise cooking.


In the Beigoma shopping mall, we see the sight of Valt hovering around with his hand carrying a bag and a recipe book in the left hand. But he's a bit tense while walking because of the eyes of the people who recognised the Legend of Legends, the #1 blader in the world are beaming straight at him! Being a celebrity can be scary sometimes. Valt is still hoping to himself that he could go out from this shopping mall in peace.

"Napolitan and Carbonara spaghetti....where is it?" Valt whispers, his hand turn the book page to page to at least find the thing he wants. Yes, he will make the dishes that Shu cooks for him the most. Not only because they're delicious but also full of love inside it, maybe that's only his thought.

"Here it is! Uhm....Some of the ingredients I've already had in the fridge at home so maybe I don't need to....or maybe just buy it, in the case I would accidentally burn down the kitchen- Gah!!!"

The bluenette ruffled his hair angrily. This is just too much for him! But Valt secretly changes his attitude. Damn, he almost forgot that he's still in public, keeping image in front of people is more important than anything. From afar, two people or rather, a couple is walking towards him.

"Oh Valt? Is that you?" The said person turns his head to see a middle-aged couple. He quickly recognized them. "Mr and Mrs.Hizashi?" "Gosh, I can't believe that we can meet you here" The wonan said. Valt nods happily. This is just a coincidence, right?

"What are you doing here anyways?" Noboru or Mr.Hizashi ask the bluenette. "I'm buying some stuff and spaghetti ingredients" He answers. "My, we're also buying things because the ingredients to make food for our restaurant are running out!" "Oh" They are then Valt suddenly sees two familiar persons.

"Huh? Is that Lane and Hyuga?" He asks the elders as they both look at where he points to see the two scurrying around while holding hands romantically. They're not too far from here so Valt can see Lane looking at the shorter with a genuine smile, his amber-golden eyes filled with love and affection, which make him shock.

Terumi or Mrs.Hizashi chuckle. "Aww, they're going on a date! That's so sweet" "T-They're dating?!" The bluenette almost shout. She nods "Yeah, I've already known about that, and of course support him is the duty of a mom like me. Just look at how Lane loves him so much make me relief. My son chose the right person, and I'm happy for him" She dramatically sweeps away the tear that is in the corner of her eye with a tissue.

Valt sweatdrops. But his mind light up a thought. This can be a thing he will bring up to tell Shu aka Lane's teacher when he comes back. It will be fun. Suddenly, he realize that he was here to go shopping.

"Oh gosh, I forgot that I was here to go shopping. I need to go now, I-I'm sorry for bothering you two" Valt apologize the couple. Noboru quickly notices the book on the younger's hand which is placing on the Napolitan spaghetti. "Oh, so you're making that?" He points to the book. Valt ruffles his head embarrassingly. "Y-yeah, I'm very bad at cooking..." He said with sad voice.

The older nods in understand then smile. "Then how about you go with us? We can give you some advices in cooking. Is it okay?" Valt flinch then shook his head "Huh-?! Y-you don't have to.... I'm afraid I will disturb you two.."

"Who said that tho? We don't mind about it, right Terumi?" Noboru turns his head to see his wife, she nods in agreement. "He's right Valt, we don't mind. Of course when it comes to cooking!" 2 seconds later, we see the couple dragging a certain bluenette to the supermarket, picking up the vegetables and some recipes while teaching the boy and give him advices/tips. Valt listens carefully as he even write it into a note in the case he forgets.

An hour later, Valt goes out of the shopping mall wih a bag full of things along with the Hizashis. "Thank you for helping me. I'm very appreciate it" He said, bowing down a little. Terumi pats his head "No problems, sweetie. If you want any help in cooking, just come to us!" "Yes ma'am" He greets them then leave. The couple waves back at him as a goodbye.

Returning to the apartment, Valt takes out the key and opens the door. He steps into the house. It's so deserted and....creepy. Being alone is scary, especially in the situation that if you're scared at ghosts or have monophobia* and agarophobia*. Guess what, Valt has both of them.

He starts to show some signs of panic like heart rate and blood pressure increase, chest and stomach pain, dizziness, shortness of breath or weakness, cold sweats. It hurts, really hurts...! But of course, no one can help him.

"It's alright, it's alright....Everything's going to be fine....It's only three months and he will come back..." He falls into the sofa, trying his best to calm down. After 5 minutes of panicking, the bluenette can finally relax. He takes a glance at the clock.

6:45 p.m

"Oh, it's that late already?... Aiz, maybe I should order something instead of cooking... I'm too tired right now..." He exclaims tiredly as his attention turn to the note. He can do this, right?


Putting all the stuffs that he needs on the table, Valt wears a blue apron and stick the note into the bottom of the cupboard above the gas stove. Then, he checks the ingredients once again.

"Napolitan's first, so.... 400g spaghetti noddles, a medium-sized onion, a clove of garlic, 1 green bell pepper, 4 bacon slices, 8 small instant sausages, some button mushrooms, 100ml mashed tomatoes, 2 tablespoons of tomato ketchup then salt, pepper, cooking oil, olive oil, butter, chopped parsley and grated Parmesan cheese.... This should be enough!"

Valt looks at the recipe book. The first step is boiling the spaghetti. He takes the soup pot then pours inside it 2 litters of water then puts it on the gas stove and turns it on. Next, he will put two spoons of salt and oil. Of course, the bluenette needs to be careful or else the dish will be ruined right in the first step. After praying the ancestors, he finally did it. Only two spoons of salt, he promise! Valt takes the bag of spaghetti.

"This took 5 minutes to cook, huh?" He whispers then grab the golden noodles and drop them into the boiled water. After that, he takes out the noodles on the plate. First step is done.

But if that's all, what's the fun, right? Yeah, but it's actually not fun at all.

Well, the thing is when Valt was about to pour out the water to cook the noodles earlier, his hand slipped and the hot water splashed on his right arm.

"Ahh-!!" He screams painfully, his left hand gripping the uninjured part. He looked at the wound. It's not too serious, but quite deep. "Oh no, I can't get the phone right now! What should I do-" "Give me your hand" Valt flinch. He didn't have a time to react then his hand was grabbed by someone, who immediately dipped his injured wrist, unbelievably gentle, into a basin of water from nowhere.

"Wait, L-" "Don't move, wait here. Let me take the first-aid kit." That person goes out of the kitchen. Valt didn't believe what he just saw. He hasn't seen him to be this kind before. Maybe, that battle really changed his mind.

His thought was quickly interrupted when that person really come back with the first-aid kit. He takes out the sterile gauze bandages and moisturizing cream. "Try to bear the pain, it could be painful" He said as he wipes away the water on the wound then apply the cream on it.

Valt winces at the pain but try to endure it. He secretly takes a look at the person's amber eyes. His word just now, although it's kinda harsh and unpleasant, it was actually filled with concern and...care. With that person, after applying the moisturizer, he takes the bandage and gently bandaged the bluenette's wound.

"Done. Are you feeling alright now?" He asks, Valt nods his head. "Hey, care to explain why you're here?" The bluenette looks at the person. He just nod.


"So, why can you go into my house, Lane?"

Valt asks the magenta boy. They're sitting in the living room, the atmosphere is kinda awkward so the bluenette decides to break the ice first. Lane sighs a little.

"Shu gave me the spare key last week because he said that you would come back to your house after he went to America. I didn't expect that you're still here" He answers, his hand patting Harry who is on his shoulder.

The bluenette nods. But he knows, this is not the main reason Lane's here. "Lane, you...like Hyuga but haven't confessed to him yet, right?" The said person immediately flinch. "H-how did you know?" "I met Mr. and Mrs.Hizashi yesterday. They and I also saw you two scurry around the shopping mall. So, am I right?"

Lane knows he's busted so he won't need to hide. "Y-yes. Now you know, will you laugh at me?" He speaks with an annoyed but kinda crack voice. "Huh? Why would I tho? I'm literally dating your teacher, Lane" Valt tease him at the last sentence.

The Lucius blader title his head a little "Valt, will he accept me?" He asks, still with that crack voice. Valt chuckle. Ah Lane, only if you know the truth.

"Aw, you don't need to worry about that. Hyuga loves you too, that's what Mrs.Hizashi said. She even said that she and Mr.Hizashi will always welcome you when you become their son-in-law" Valt gently said with a smile, Lane saw no lies in it. Even that smile.

He remembers their conversation before the final battle.(It's from the 'Moments of Realization' made by TheAzureGirl ) He doesn't know how and why, but when he needs to express the feeling that he doesn't want to tell anybody even Shu, Valt is always the first person he think of. Although they're not close at all.


The magenta boy's thoughts quickly vanish when he heard the bluenette's voice. "Hm?" "....Your parents kicked you out from your house?" Alright, Lane can't believe his own ears right now. Valt can read his mind or something?! He's questioning his own life.

"...How did you know?" The second time this question has been raised. Valt is so right with his nickname - the Miracle/Wonder boy, he's full of surprises that you couldn't expect of, even if it comes to secrets. Valt struggle his shoulder

"Well...Shu used to tell me about your conflict with your parents. And you literally lived in an old factory all the time. That's all" He then sip the cup of tea. "Oh. So now you're still here, guess I have to leave" Before Lane could stand up, a hand quickly touch his shoulder.

He flinch then turn around to see the bluenette smiling softly at him also with those warm hazelnut eyes. "No need. You can live with me though this time. I know we're not close and you're wary at me, but I would be so glad if I had someone to live with me...." Valt said, his eyes light up a ray of hope.

And....by some miracle, Lane accepted it, and that changed his life forever.


The first week staying with one of the persons the magenta boy have defeated is slightly uncomfortable, at least for Lane. But though times, things get better. They start to understand each other more.

With Lane is the one who change the most. As we all know, no matter how cold people are, once they are with Valt for too long, they change dramatically. Lane can't escape this either. He starts to smile and open his heart more, his aura is also brighter instead of the dark and scary one he's usually have.

They did a lot of things together. Shopping, practise cooking(Lane becomes the victim-) and beyblade, encountered Ranjiro and the bluenette advised Lane to apologize him, he really did. Sharing their secrets with the another,....

Lane, with the enthusiastic support of Valt, finally confessed to Hyuga. He surprisingly agreed, and they've had a sweet french kiss. Valt was from afar, one is feeling happy for Lane, one is still trying to stop Hikaru from creating a murder.

Or a time that the Lucius blader comforted Valt because he had a panic attack. Lane didn't know why, but his reasons have controlled him to do that.

3 months had passed, it's time to go. Lane holds the suitcase standing at the door. He looks back at the bluenette but didn't say anything.

"Huh? You don't want to say anything to me before you go?" Valt asks, his eyes are still soften. Lane takes a breathe. Then, a smile appears on his lips, which is not rare anymore when it comes to the bluenette.

"Of course... I've wanted to say this for a while. Thank you, Valt senpai. Or should I say...mom"

He quickly leaves. Valt was surprised at the last sentence but soon, he smile.


Shu opens the door. He's kinda surprise because it isn't locked, which means someone is inside the house. "Hm? Is Lane still here?" He whispers, quietly takes a step into the place. Suddenly, a scent hit his nose. Spaghetti.

He goes to the kitchen only to see his boyfriend putting two dishes of spaghetti on the dining table with a satisfying face. Shu quickly thinks about something then like a ghost, he appears behind the bluenette and warp his hands around the other's waist.

"Boo~" The albino whispers into his ears. As he had expected, Valt immediately flinch like a cat. "Ah-?! S-Shu?!? Since when did you come home??" "Hm~ Just now" Shu teasingly said while hugging the bluenette tighter.

Then the albino turns his attention to the dishes on the table. "You made it?" "Y-yeah... I've been practise cooking it for a while..." Valt scratches his back a little. Shu nods "Then let's try it, shall we?"

They sit down on the chair besides each other, instead of opposite direction like often. Shu holds the fork, twirl its handle to get the noodles. He starts to enjoy the dish.

"Hm.. It's tasty. Did you really make it?" The albino complimented his boyfriend but still didn't forget to tease him. That makes the bluenette angry. "Of course! Did you even see anyone here expect for me?" Shu laughs. But he realize something.

"Wait, since when did you come back? Then where's Lane?" Valt heard about it, he answers "....I didn't go home, I stayed here with Lane all this time" Shu immediately choke on the food. "W-what?! Did he do anything to you??" "N-no, he didn't. He even helped me when I was injured while cooking"

Hearing those words, the albino takes the bluenette's arms to see. It has a lot of cuts, it even had a large burn on the right wrist. He gasps. "....You injured your hand like this just to make it for me?" His answer is only the other's silence.

Valt purse his lips "Yeah... I'm not good at cooking, and it really stucked with me ever since..." Shu looks again at the injuries before decide to place on it a gentle kiss.

"Thank you, Valt. You've made a good job. But please, don't hurt yourself like this. It made me hurt you know"

"Don't worry about that, I promise."

They both laugh. "Then, can you tell me about what had happened in the last 3 months you live with Lane? I'm kinda curious" Shu asks, Valt quickly nod.

"Of course, I will tell. Now, where should we start first..."


It ended. Hurray.

This one is so cringe, but I kinda like the idea that the boys Valt and Lane living in the same house. So maybe, another chapter and some scenarios about them being together? Sounds interesting.

And- Oh gosh, it's been a fricking month since the day I released this book. Why time flies so fast dude?

See you in the next chapter!


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